SCD 5: Gugu Saved, Hlubi Abandoned (Pics!)

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Strictly Come Dancing 5 on 07 Nov 2008
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In one of the most dramatic episodes ever of Strictly Come Dancing last night (6 November 2008), Isidingo star Hlubi Mboya became a sacrificial lamb to the bloodthirsty hordes who have adopted Blogzilla - also known as Gugu Zulu - as one of their own on TVSA.

Hosts Sandy Ngema and Ian von Memerty, the entire panel of judges and Hlubi herself were dumbfounded after she was ejected from the show after being placed in the bottom two after viewer voting and losing the dance-off to Tessa van Duuren.

None were more surprised than Gugu himself, however, whose shocked expression of disbelief at being told he was safe told the whole story.

It was a bitter pill for Hlubi to swallow, having consistently been safe in previous weeks. She is clearly a better dancer than Gugu, but the episode serves as a timely reminder to contestants that the show is based on two factors: talent and popularity.

It's weighted in favour of popularity, however, as Hlubi's demise proves.

What made the episode even more peculiar, however, was the obvious, pointed outpouring of anger by first the judges and later Ian and particularly Sandy.

Clearly they all felt Hlubi should have stayed, but why the massive prejudice againt Gugu? None of them complained about Die Nutsman winning Season 2, despite the fact that Tamara Dey was clearly the best dancer and Riaan couldn't dance his way out of a paper bag.

On to the show - when the judges’ scores and viewer votes were tallied, Hlubi and partner Khutso Khunou came head-to-head with Tessa and dance partner Grant Esterhuizen in the dreaded dance-off.

Tessa has been a top scorer through the series and managed to achieve the third highest score from the judges. But viewers and their votes were obviously not there for Hlubi or Tessa.

Gugu's racing fans and colleagues and the TVSA AmaBloggaz mobilised to keep their fave speed freak out of the hot water, after a massive surge in the past week to keep Gugu in the competition.

Numerous AmaBloggaz put their hands up after the surprise eviction, claiming to have voted this week. Those are the ones who were heard - TVSA members who actually post comments on the blogs make up less than 1% of all blog readers.

The silent majority, propping up the vocal minority, who in turn influence the slient majority. It's a circular thing. Can make your head spin.

Viewers’ votes account for 50% of the final scores. As per usual, when judges’ scores and viewer votes were tallied, the two couples with the lowest combined scores had to perform their routines again during a dance-off.

The judges’ scores (before viewer votes were added) were as follows:

Rob van Vuuren and Mary Martin: 32
Garth Collins and Hayley Bennett: 28
Anele Mdoda and Brandon Eilers Le Riche: 28
Tessa van Duuren and Grant Esterhuizen: 27
Cindy Nell and Jonathan Broadway: 27
Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou: 26
Gugu Zulu and Sarah Cooper: 23

This means they had the following points after the judges' votes:

Rob and Mary: 7
Garth and Hayley: 6
Anele and Brandon: 6
Tessa and Grant: 4
Cindy and Jonathan: 4
Hlubi and Khutso: 2
Gugu and Sarah: 1

There are numerous ways in which the viewer voting could have panned out, but from those scores we can deduce that if Tessa had the least viewer votes she would have had 5 points in total after both rounds.

Gugu would have had to have scored at least 5 points from the viewer round of voting to beat her, which means at the very least he had the third most viewer votes. In all likelihood it was higher than that.

After the dance-off, the judges were forced to elect either Hlubi or Tessa to leave, which they clearly found a highly distasteful exercise (in much the same way as So You Think You Can Dance SA head judge - and ex-SCD dancer - Harold van Buuren berated South Africa for forcing him to send popular dancer Megan home).

Here's who the judges voted to save:

Tyrone Watkins
: Tessa
Salome Sechele: Hlubi
Dave Campbell: Tessa

Head Judge Lilian Phororo also vouched for Tessa, immediately extinguishing Hlubi's spotlight.

All couples performed the Samba – that festive dance, inspired by the sexy moves in the streets during the Rio Carnival. Think lots of sensual hip action, energy, fire and passion.

The couple that managed to stay in the competition after surviving the dance-off in both the previous episodes, Gugu and Sarah Cooper, opened the floor dressed in party outfits of striking yellow and shocking pink.

These two get on like a house on fire, and it was clear that – despite the challenges the style involves – they enjoyed themselves like anyone would at a real street carnival.

Salome thought their performance rocked and that Gugu's two left feet were slowly but surely coming to terms with the ballroom floor. Lillian was disappointed that he seemed to run out of fuel and also that they appeared a bit under-rehearsed.

Timing remains an issue for Blogzilla.

Tessa and Grant gave the Samba a Wild West-theme, something that would prove a dodgy decision in the long run. Dave commented that she seemed to have one foot in Rio and one in Texas, and that they clearly disrespected the character of the dance.

All judges agreed that, once again, she was the belle of the ball. It certainly wasn't a Bottom 2 performance.

Dazzling in a yellow mini dress, Hlubi - all smiles and with fabulous glittery make-up - presented a competent routine alongside dance partner Khutso Khunou.

Tyrone complimented their choice of music, but found all the shaking a bit much. He thought their performance lacked quality and that her spine didn’t work at all.

For all Dave cared, Hlubi could have “shaken herself into a coma”. He noticed small technical faults and was delighted with the freshness she brings to the stage.

Lilian enjoyed her good arms and suggested work “on taking her lines right through her body”.

After last week’s disappointing Foxtrot, Rob van Vuuren and Mary Martin were obviously more determined than ever to not play safe and gave the judges a brave, daring routine.

With a performance full of lifts and delightful gymnastics, they managed to even get Tyrone to feel their contagious energy.

Lilian was once again impressed with his 100% commitment. Dave reminded the couples that the lifts are not essential and in actual fact something that get them penalised.

Aah, Dave. Dave, Dave, Dave. You may penalise lifts, but the public votes for them - and based on tonight's show we know whose vote we'd opt for.

Cindy Nell and Jonathan Broadway have obviously won their war against the judges, but she was once again out of time and criticised for not including enough hip action, typical of the Samba.

Salome pleaded for her to stretch herself even further during this competition, but also said that their simplistic routine and her feathery pink outfit was a crafty choice that succeeded in masking their mistakes.

Gotta admit it - the girl looks good.

Wearing the night’s most unusual costumes, Garth Collins and Hayley Bennett delivered the night’s most entertaining performance, although judges found it hard to spot any Samba in their routine.

HHP (who conquered Season 3 at Hayley’s side) made a surprise appearance, providing the soundtrack to their colourful performance.

Garth lacked the required knee action (possibly as a result of a problematic injury, possibly because of burning his right leg and foot with a kettle of boiling water), but did succeed in bringing the glamour of the Rio Carnival to the Carlton Ballroom, according to Dave.

Although Garth clearly works like a demon, we reckon it will be the tight booty-shaking that might ensure that we see him in the competition for a while yet...

The shows bounciest couple, 5FM’s Anele Mdoda and Brandon Eilers Le Riche, once again lit up the dance floor with their wow-factor and energy.

Lilian thought the “party princess” once again delighted, while Tyrone suspected that too little time was spent rehearsing. She was reminded to pay attention to her arm line, but also complimented on the way her work on toe movements has paid off.

The week's guest artist was Aya (formerly known as Ayanda, from Idols) who combined jazz, classical influences and local sounds on her soon-to-be-released single, “Ntombi”.

Next week the couples will be performing a group Gumboot Dance (not scored) and a Viennese Waltz (for scores from judges). The Parlotones will be the show’s special guest artists.

If you haven't yet, check out what the celebs have to say each week in their TVSA blogs (or use the banner at the top of the page to access all the celeb blogs at once):


Other SCD 5 links:

Strictly Come Dancing 5 Mini-Site
Official Site


Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou

Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou

Anele Mdoda and Brandon Eilers Le Riche

Garth Collins and Hayley Bennett

Cindy Nell and Jonathan Broadway

Rob van Vuuren and Mary Martin

Tessa van Duuren and Grant Esterhuizen

Gugu Zulu and Sarah Cooper


07 Nov 2008 05:23

The South African Television Authority has spoken... do not call them fans or plebs! they deal with you.. Ha! 

tjo! what a show!!?? Ian and Sandy could not hide their disappointment that Gugs was saved!!! they looked devastated, it was like someone died!

shame! she left after she redeemed herself and listened... she took our advise and moved her cute tush without too much crapola and the fans abandon her!!

Bye hlubz, see you on isidee where you shine as a PROFESSIONAL ACTRESS!!!

07 Nov 2008 05:25

and then Sandy kept calling herself Aunty... ha hahaha! we will not call you that, dear... we reserve auntyship to Aunty J.. 

next ime say TVSA with  a smile not the morose look you had last nite like it hurt to say it, ok?

07 Nov 2008 05:37

<<Numerous AmaBloggaz put their hands up after the surprise eviction, claiming to have voted this week. Those are the ones who were heard - TVSA members who actually post comments on the blogs make up less than 1% of all blog readers. >> hey wena Tashi we don't like being called fans or plebs... and we warned her to stop calling us fans... in the please call me recaps... put words to paper or blog, be nice to khutso... she cant blame us nogal for her departure... her sister's callous words last week was what irked us... THAT nailed her demise

07 Nov 2008 05:41

Gugs Taury Speedo gives us his views and experiences  and on time so we like him!!

Anele owes us a week 5 blog! gall, write up fast... domnt mess with the authority!!!

07 Nov 2008 05:43

Salome, dear... please shave your  underarms if you wear a strapless on national TV... please, love...

07 Nov 2008 05:46

<<After the dance-off, the judges were forced to elect either Hlubi or Tessa to leave, which they clearly found a highly distasteful exercise >> I bet they all thought "Damn! I should have gotten rid of him last week, i had 2 chance to get rid of that gossip and i didn't use it!! nx!"   hahahahaha!

07 Nov 2008 05:49

<<Aah, Dave. Dave, Dave, Dave. You may penalise lifts, but the public votes for them - and based on tonight's show we know whose vote we'd opt for. >> yes Dave, Rob is going nowhere!!

07 Nov 2008 05:55

pic # 2: Khutso was startig to join the open-wide routine...

07 Nov 2008 05:59

pic # 2: Khutso was starting to join the open-wide routine...

i hope the silent bloggers start typing to save their faves coz if they keep quite, the other bloggers will have a field-day last last week...

shame our poor mghobi must have felt so alone last nite, those peeps looked PO that he was saved. they may have given him the cold shoulder after the show...

07 Nov 2008 06:03

<<What made the episode even more peculiar, however, was the obvious, pointed outpouring of anger by first the judges and later Ian and particularly Sandy.

Clearly they all felt Hlubi should have stayed, but why the massive prejudice againt Gugu? None of them complained about Die Nutsman winning Season 2, despite the fact that Tamara Dey was clearly the best dancer and Riaan couldn't dance his way out of a paper bag. >>
they must never blame tvsa and Gugs.. they must channel that anger at Kuli for this, her comments caused this!!

07 Nov 2008 06:29

just before i leave for the day --- to all those who say tvsa is toothless, watch this space... bring it on...

the Obama results from the show says it all...


07 Nov 2008 06:57

Shame maan Hlubi :-( that moment after elimination, those tears~~so sad! But its for the best, your time was up. As for uSandy Ngema,,,

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:11

Oh farewell Ms Hlub'boya, you will now get time to bond with your beloved BF before ushaywa ngestina Amakati!!!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:21

Now this i must say, Tessa and Rob danced before! and now it's confimred i know that for sure. hhayi phela azange banyorele abanye abantwana kangaka!!!!

07 Nov 2008 07:44

Whats up with hlubi and opening her mouth so wide?

07 Nov 2008 07:45

LOL @ Sego .... Hlubi ... I knew It!!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:50

Eish Orie i think she is making a facial expression. like them Proffesional dancers do!!!!! lol

07 Nov 2008 07:51

It saves her right for not listening and being nasty to her partner...
She didnt even mention his name when she was having her last talk with Sandy & unappreciating!!!and Khutso still remained sweet and he was giving that woman badges..

The judges, Ian & Sandy looked like they has just heard bad news after it was announced that Gugu & Sarah was safe?? wtf?? its a flippin competition and its not predictable since the public votes count 50% of the overall score...
Yes WE CAN, and we did it SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!

Salome voting Hlubi to stay i was like wtf??? when Shgasmax had to go she voted him to stay, when Judith had to go she voted her to stay and last week when Adil had to go she voted him to stay...I mean wth??

07 Nov 2008 07:55

Damn, I missed the show yesterday, thanks to Secunda's weather for messing up with the satellite dish... I even called my friend to ask her who was voted out. 

I feel soooory for Hlubi as they say in isiZulu uZenzile akakhalelwa kukhalelwa uZumekile........ 

Gugzzzzzz watched your dance and I loved it angazi ichicken eyani kuSCD ukuthi bazebafune uhambe kangaka now we gonna vote more for you. You are there to stay manje.

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:56

Eish uSalome yena, inconstistence!

07 Nov 2008 07:59


We know for some reason you do not like Gugu but you dont have to show the whole SA that you cant wait for the moment to chop him out of teh competition, i think its pretty unfair that you have to show disappointment that Hlubi left instead of him...You making it seem like Hlubi was the best dancer in the show GEEZ!!!

Its a competition and someone has to go and ur scores & the public's votes has spoken, Tjerr guys be fair on the guy...

07 Nov 2008 08:01

♫ ♫ Ayoba Ayoba Ayobaness!!♫ *dancing like a white guy* with a massive grin on my face!!! huu wii!!

i cant stay up for the second session and hearing this made me............♫♫ Ayowba!!!

I am starting to think that no matter how good Gugu gets the judges will never give him points!! Anywhuuuu, i hope our votes will keep on saving you Gugs!!

The AuPhority (authority) has spoken!!  Ayoba Ayoba, Geez you guys can be such an influential bunch!!! i told you guys to stop with punishing Hlubi because what happened to Hlubi is exactly what happened to Kgotso (iwtsg).eish Hade Hlubss, and i thought you were good last night! Pity hey.....but look on the bright side Beyonce Knowles Bee said it all...Tl tl tl @  BKB

Guys what did Dave say when speaking to Hlubi? i was on an important call...i just heard something about being white......

Rob well done i enjoyed your dance to the core, for a moment there i thought you were a professional..... pha pha pha you cleary know how to please your audience!!!

And to the rest of the warned!!

07 Nov 2008 08:02

Hlubzzz's pic is now greyed out Segololo, so its officiall that she is gone!!
She can go back to fight for her Parsons now...

07 Nov 2008 08:04

Clearly they all felt Hlubi should have stayed, but why the massive prejudice againt Gugu? None of them complained about Die Nutsman winning Season 2, despite the fact that Tamara Dey was clearly the best dancer and Riaan couldn't dance his way out of a paper bag. 

Exactly!!!!! And just last week, Anele was in the bottom and viewer votes saved her. And she was terrible last week. Did anyone lift an eyebrow? Hell no!!!

If the SCD judges and host don't STOP playing politics and making it so obvious that they want Gugu out, WE will ensure he WINS this-undeserved or not.

My mother doesn't watch Isidingo and she knows Hlubi nje from TV but she also didn't want her on the show. She's never heard of TVSA, i don't discuss SCD with her mara she was gatvol of seeing her on it can't be just US that don't like Hlubi.

As for Sandy's obvious anger that Gugu was saved, PLEASE SAVE THAT FOR WHEN THE CAMERA'S STOP ROLLING! We don't wanna see that! You're not a judge goddamnit!!!!

Salome, for once PLEASE match your comments with your last vote! Don't compliment somone and consistently VOTE against him! Gugu has not written a single thing about you so i don't get this thing you have against him.

And how can she VOTE against Tessa when Tessa has been consistently on form the past weeks???????

For sure, Obama won, Hlubi left, Gugu was saved.....oh what a glorious Month!!!!

Hlubi's tears???? Shame i would also cry for the 9000.00 i won't be getting anymore. Good riddance!!!


The judges will give Gugu 5 points or less from now on OR they'll introduce something along the LIFELINE only it will work against him.

07 Nov 2008 08:07

lets get voting bloggers

sms 6 to 34766

And how can she VOTE against Tessa when Tessa has been consistently on form the past weeks???????

my point exactly Toxic, i mean even a blind man without eyes could see that Tessa is way better than Hlubi!!!!and she has been consistent throughout the show

07 Nov 2008 08:08

Gugu yena had better GRACE our EVENT with his presence and BUY us a CASE of CHAMPAGNE to THANK US for the votes!!!!

When TVSA speaks, it's best people listen....whhhhoooooooo huuuuuuuuuu!!!!1

Oh Segololo, you kept me entertained last night..LMAO!!!!!!!Btw you and voting for Gugu, i ran out of airtime!!!!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:12

sms 6 to 34766 sms 6 to 34766 
sms 6 to 34766 sms 6 to 34766 
sms 6 to 34766
 sms 6 to 34766 


next ime say TVSA with a smile not the morose look you had last nite like it hurt to say it, ok?

@ Sego: LOL!!!! Yeah she did look like it was dragged out of her!!

I am starting to think that no matter how good Gugu gets the judges will never give him points!! Anywhuuuu, i hope our votes will keep on saving you Gugs!! 

Cody, so true!!

Yes WE CAN, and we did it SO DEAL WITH IT!!!! 


07 Nov 2008 08:13

Salome, for once PLEASE match your comments with your last vote! Don't compliment somone and consistently VOTE against him! Gugu has not written a single thing about you so i don't get this thing you have against him. 

Tox i think Salome wants to be "in". O reka sefahleho!! she knows that if her comments go with her vote for Gugu, she will be very unpopular with the judges!! I HATE SOMEONE WITHOUT A BACK BONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if GUGU gave you a kissssssssssssssss????? Hai bo sisters........gets yourself some back bone, it's very cheap....mmmh.. very cheap!!

07 Nov 2008 08:15

Eish ya ne, Ian and Sandy, come on, you really can't be biased like that. I must say though, I'm only upset with them because this was in my favour. Like, lets say I didn't like Gugu, I'd be going on about how even the judges and presenters saw that this was not right, bladi da! 
Point is, mina shem, I was also a mouth voter, and last night, the reality that there might be no more blog from taurus made me whip out my phone and sms like ya. 

Mara guys, in all truth, Garth? Nah, I thought last night Garth and Gugu were the worst dancers. 

Anele Anele Anele, you make girls our size so proud. I mean, I'm probably your size, and i cannot move like that...big up girl. (Eish and Sandy with that comment about you losing weight, for some reason it sounded tasteless to my ears).

One more thing: You know after the couple dances, the judges comment, Ian makes a joke, and the couple goes to Sandy right? THe moment the camera goes on Sandy, she's laughing, all the time! That laugh is starting to irritate me. 

Anyway, can't wait for next week

07 Nov 2008 08:16

Yes WE CAN, and we did it SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!  Hellll Yesssss!!!!!! Gug$ for the Moola,,lol

07 Nov 2008 08:20

If the SCD judges and host don't STOP playing politics and making it so obvious that they want Gugu out, WE will ensure he WINS this-undeserved or not.

07 Nov 2008 08:20

OMG!!!!!!!! I couldn't watch yesterday due to unforeseen circumstances. Oh Bawo uyaphila nyhani, lefielo is gone, YPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN.

07 Nov 2008 08:21

One more thing: You know after the couple dances, the judges comment, Ian makes a joke, and the couple goes to Sandy right? THe moment the camera goes on Sandy, she's laughing, all the time! That laugh is starting to irritate me. 

I know what you mean Renegade

07 Nov 2008 08:22

she's laughing, all the time! That laugh is starting to irritate me. i know what u mean hey..

and as for "Log on to TVSA for more blogs bla bla bla bla" say it with life gal u sounded like u were constipating,,,if u dont wana say it, let Ian say it, please.. 

07 Nov 2008 08:25

That laugh is starting to irritate me. 

Hi hi hi Rene!!!!The laugh annoys me as well, i get so pissed, even though i laugh as well because I think Ian has the most hilirious comments! This can only mean Sandy is getting on our nerves!!!

(Eish and Sandy with that comment about you losing weight, for some reason it sounded tasteless to my ears). 

Yaaa maan!! tl tl tl!! THE WOMAN IS IRRITATING!!!! Geez!! she didn't forget to put on her secret slimmers this time around and she thinks she can make comments about people loosing weight? ewww! gaa!

Hai Rene!! you cracked me up fosho!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:25

so Hlubi is gone, ama bloggerz are on to gotta love this place.
Watch out Salome!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:27

you guys, tl tl tl


Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 08:27

Salome yena ke something else, why on earth would she want Tessa to go, huh!!!

Hlubi was so friendly to Khutso last night, all thanks to us.
 even when Ian ask her what she thinks of the comments that have been made about her hair. she didn't want to comment on that. Well done there ntombazane

you were Fabulous last night, I don't care what the Judges said. U can shake that sishwaphana hihihi!!  yooo u were amazing , U were there. *on David's voice* the way i VOTED VOTED VOTED 4 Gugu last night, I don't wanna see my cellphone bill month end.

07 Nov 2008 08:28

Hawu wenzeni uSendi. tjo , tjo, tjo Ayobuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur, im so excited, these people dont unders\tand that this hate they have for Gugu is forcing us to buy airtime and vote vote vote for couple 6, sikisi people!!!!!!

LOL!!! Tox!!! deserving or not!!!!!  If Lungisani can do it, why cant Gugu!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:30

tjo! what a show!!?? Ian and Sandy could not hide their disappointment that Gugs was saved!!! they looked devastated, it was like someone died!
heheheheh Sandy can jump a clifff, we viewers are very powerful people with our votes.

As for Sandy, we know that u don't have too many TV job offers like b4 when u were still "Miss SA maerial", so u can't afford to not smile when u say TVSA, coz u'll be back in the unknown land. 

As for Gugu being saved like that, Ayobaness my boy, keep bringing the goss & u ain't going nowhere.....LOL

Rob & Mary, u guys are the official winners. Last night ur'll were dancing like it was already the finals. And Rob, gosh I wish I could have u as my motivator every morning. I loved ur rehearsal clip man when they showed us how u ended up motivating Mary to worry less, have more confidence in u and take more risks, etc. U are a star Rob and I am voting for u. Mary gal, all I can say to u is that it's abt time.

Hlubi gal, u have a sacandal to create at Isidingo. So go along and start a steamy affair with Vusi, to spice the soapie abit. And please please please save urself the tears and humiliation next time and never accept any dancing challenge u are given coz clearly dating ungamula has made him rub off his mlungu moves on u, u really deserved the boot izolo.

07 Nov 2008 08:30

Mara guys, in all truth, Garth? Nah, I thought last night Garth and Gugu were the worst dancers.

Very Very True Rene ... there were the bottom two by their dance BUT they say

07 Nov 2008 08:30

>>so Hlubi is gone, ama bloggerz are on to gotta love this place.
Watch out Salome!!!>>>


07 Nov 2008 08:30

LMAO!!!!!@ Shugababe!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:31

LOL!!! Tox!!! deserving or not!!!!! If Lungisani can do it, why cant Gugu!!!

Exactly people, we must at least put him in the top 5 couples!!!

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 08:32

<<and as for "Log on to TVSA for more blogs bla bla bla bla" say it with life gal u sounded like u were constipating,,,if u dont wana say it, let Ian say it, please.. >>

@Awelani, she said it like somebody was holding a gun on her head. nx that woman!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:33

LOL!!! Tox!!! deserving or not!!!!! If Lungisani can do it, why cant Gugu!!!
hahahahhaha guys on a serious note, we love Gugu *actually his gossip filled blogs, more than his dancing truth be told*, but Rob is the true winner here. We cannot pull a zero to hero stunt that Zakeyi pulled on us for IWTSG.

07 Nov 2008 08:34

Exactly people, we must at least put him in the top 5 couples!!!
ehehhehehe u guys are bad!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:34

why not Nonnz?Rob knows life ain't fair.

07 Nov 2008 08:36

@Awelani, she said it like somebody was holding a gun on her head. nx that woman!!!!!
@ SB - Figuratively a gun was held to her head. Phela iSCD is isinkwa sakhe uSandy, do if the script says TVSA, then she has to say it irregardless of the fact that she likes us or not.

07 Nov 2008 08:36

Exactly people, we must at least put him in the top 5 couples!!!

yebo yessss, my bill can knock me off end of the month I DON'T CARE!!!...................or do I ?? hi hi hi!!

07 Nov 2008 08:37

he he he but there is no way that Gugu is beating Rob THELADY...
abodarkie bayamba phayana and they supposed to have i mean 4 down already 2 to go..

07 Nov 2008 08:37

"As for Sandy, we know that u don't have too many TV job offers like b4 when u were still "Miss SA maerial", so u can't afford to not smile when u say TVSA, coz u'll be back in the unknown land. "


07 Nov 2008 08:37

why not Nonnz?Rob knows life ain't fair.
heheheh TheLady, u guys better not pull a IWTSG on us like that.

07 Nov 2008 08:38

we love Gugu *actually his gossip filled blogs, more than his dancing truth be told*, but Rob is the true winner here> Nonny,  BEE!! LOL!!!!! couple 6 guys please, don't worry about airtime, your reward is in heaven.

07 Nov 2008 08:38

abodarkie bayamba phayana and they supposed to have i mean 4 down already 2 to go..
LOL and it's obvious ungamula is gonna win this season.

07 Nov 2008 08:39

Cande...We can pull an IWTSG on SCD too?

07 Nov 2008 08:40

Nonny, BEE!! LOL!!!!! couple 6 guys please, don't worry about airtime, your reward is in heaven.
LOL Belz, u guys are bad. Neway Gugu/Taurus please get cracking on this week's blog coz u know that we are literally ur life line manje.....LOL

07 Nov 2008 08:40

don't worry about airtime, your reward is in heaven.

tl tl tl

07 Nov 2008 08:40

, don't worry about airtime, your reward is in heaven.

Ha ha ha Belz indaba yakho i-straight neh?? kwa kwa kwa, shammah can learn a thing or two about marketing from you!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:42

Cande...We can pull an IWTSG on SCD too?
But the TheLady, Rob has to win, coz technically SCD is even steven with IWTSG. Lungsta won IWTSG unfairly and Ryan won on SCD unfairly.

07 Nov 2008 08:44


07 Nov 2008 08:44

We'll start being fair next year, vele usuyaphela 2008...this year is all about popularity!!

07 Nov 2008 08:45


07 Nov 2008 08:45


I was voting like a woman possessed, one would have sworn I was a reclusive millionare with money to burn. 

I could not afford to have Gugu in the bottom two last night. It worked out well in my view.

I hope a lesson has been learnt, no doubt we will read about it on Sunday and it will probably will be the old chestnut of : 

" Those bloggers are jealous because my sister is sexy, beautiful and has a hot man blah, blah blah"

She is after all predictable.

On a lighter note , those make up artists sure know how to take a piss, did you that train wreck.

Tis a season to be jolly

07 Nov 2008 08:49

The South African Television Authority has spoken... they deal with you.

07 Nov 2008 08:49

Oh give her a break!uhambile finish and klaar bophani amaphondo enu nirilekse,people hav been booted out b4 and zange ninyukelwe ziBP kangaka!who r u gona hate nxt?Gugs aint that much of a great dancer but siyamthanda qha.

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 08:49

Ya ngamula Rob is gonna win this with the help ka Mary Martins. Phela Mary is more hungry than Rob is neh, but if she does not get it i suggest she goes and see isangoma!!!! Cause phela it will be third time unlucky for her!!!!

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 08:53

<<and then Sandy kept calling herself Aunty... >>
I thought I was the only one who noticed that. Why calling herself Anty while she’s Gogo Sandy. 

Nonny, you right gal Rob and Marry deserve to win, as they are my Fav couple. But I hate it when Judges and presenters can’t hide their Favourism. That’s why I want to keep Gugu in the competition at least top 3. 

LOL @mpish799

07 Nov 2008 08:54

ooh Cnglemama, i HIHG high zethu went up because this woman was abusing her partner qha and she called us her fans without us authorising it

07 Nov 2008 08:55

abodarkie bayamba phayana and they supposed to have i mean 4 down already 2 to go..
Lol Cande, abodarkie phela bona they don't have classical training, give them "ingwazi" to do, and they will shine. 

Did you guys hear that next week they'll be dancing "gumboots". Loo, I mean really!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 08:55

Cnglema phela Gugz is Shwashwi Madala Side.

07 Nov 2008 08:56

I'm dancing like a possessed idiot...Dancing like Julius Malema.

Now, lemme read....

honestly, i voted vor Blogzilla till the last minute... I just didnt want to see him dancing for his life again.... 

And i was screaming yeah! yeah! when finally justice was done....

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 08:57

Renegade uyabona manje uqalile ukusiqhatha!!!! Gumboot's!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:59

they will be dancing gumboots dance but its not judged

07 Nov 2008 09:01

We'll start being fair next year, vele usuyaphela 2008...this year is all about popularity!!

Cnglema phela Gugz is Shwashwi Madala Side.
hahahhah and it seems like that alone will take him a long way on SCD.

Oh give her a break!uhambile finish and klaar bophani amaphondo enu nirilekse,people hav been booted out b4 and zange ninyukelwe ziBP kangaka!who r u gona hate nxt?Gugs aint that much of a great dancer but siyamthanda qha
Angithi ubezenza u "Miss Know It All", when she is actually "Miss Knows fokkol"

Lol Cande, abodarkie phela bona they don't have classical training, give them "ingwazi" to do, and they will shine
hahahah Rene, sad but true hey!!!!

But ke Candy, really must stop calling herself Aunty when she is facing retirement already....LOL

07 Nov 2008 09:03

they will be dancing gumboots dance but its not judged
WTF, that's means no eliminations???

07 Nov 2008 05:23

The South African Television Authority has spoken... do not call them fans or plebs! they deal with you.. Ha! 

tjo! what a show!!?? Ian and Sandy could not hide their disappointment that Gugs was saved!!! they looked devastated, it was like someone died!

shame! she left after she redeemed herself and listened... she took our advise and moved her cute tush without too much crapola and the fans abandon her!!

Bye hlubz, see you on isidee where you shine as a PROFESSIONAL ACTRESS!!!

07 Nov 2008 09:03

ROFLMAO @ Segololo.

Sandy looked like someone was dragging the tvsa comment out of her with a pitch fork. She really was hurting shem and Mgobhi that’s called loyalty by the bloggers.

I felt sorry for Hlubi yesterday and eish mabloggers are cruel. I am wondering how many schlebs will post blogs this week. And if Hlubi will do an exit blog.

07 Nov 2008 05:25

and then Sandy kept calling herself Aunty... ha hahaha! we will not call you that, dear... we reserve auntyship to Aunty J.. 

next ime say TVSA with  a smile not the morose look you had last nite like it hurt to say it, ok?

07 Nov 2008 09:04

LOL @ all of you guys, you're hilarious.

I didn't see the second part, maybe I should catch the repeat to see Sandy & Ian's Gugu hating.

You gotta love Gugs I LMAO when he was shown on the phone saying "...amavote awekho..."

07 Nov 2008 05:37

<<Numerous AmaBloggaz put their hands up after the surprise eviction, claiming to have voted this week. Those are the ones who were heard - TVSA members who actually post comments on the blogs make up less than 1% of all blog readers. >> hey wena Tashi we don't like being called fans or plebs... and we warned her to stop calling us fans... in the please call me recaps... put words to paper or blog, be nice to khutso... she cant blame us nogal for her departure... her sister's callous words last week was what irked us... THAT nailed her demise

07 Nov 2008 05:41

Gugs Taury Speedo gives us his views and experiences  and on time so we like him!!

Anele owes us a week 5 blog! gall, write up fast... domnt mess with the authority!!!

07 Nov 2008 05:43

Salome, dear... please shave your  underarms if you wear a strapless on national TV... please, love...

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 09:04

But ke Candy, really must stop calling herself Aunty when she is facing retirement already-------------------- Triple lol at that.

07 Nov 2008 05:46

<<After the dance-off, the judges were forced to elect either Hlubi or Tessa to leave, which they clearly found a highly distasteful exercise >> I bet they all thought "Damn! I should have gotten rid of him last week, i had 2 chance to get rid of that gossip and i didn't use it!! nx!"   hahahahaha!

07 Nov 2008 05:49

<<Aah, Dave. Dave, Dave, Dave. You may penalise lifts, but the public votes for them - and based on tonight's show we know whose vote we'd opt for. >> yes Dave, Rob is going nowhere!!

07 Nov 2008 09:05

Renegade uyabona manje uqalile ukusiqhatha!!!! Gumboot's!!!!!
Lol. Serrriiiiiaaaaaassssssss

they will be dancing gumboots dance but its not judged

Oh ok, I was worried about the judging vele. Thanks Cande

07 Nov 2008 05:55

pic # 2: Khutso was startig to join the open-wide routine...

07 Nov 2008 05:59

pic # 2: Khutso was starting to join the open-wide routine...

i hope the silent bloggers start typing to save their faves coz if they keep quite, the other bloggers will have a field-day last last week...

shame our poor mghobi must have felt so alone last nite, those peeps looked PO that he was saved. they may have given him the cold shoulder after the show...

07 Nov 2008 09:05

WTF, that's means no eliminations???

No Nonny

Next week the couples will be performing a group Gumboot Dance (not scored) and a Viennese Waltz (for scores from judges). The Parlotones will be the show’s special guest artists.

07 Nov 2008 06:03

<<What made the episode even more peculiar, however, was the obvious, pointed outpouring of anger by first the judges and later Ian and particularly Sandy.

Clearly they all felt Hlubi should have stayed, but why the massive prejudice againt Gugu? None of them complained about Die Nutsman winning Season 2, despite the fact that Tamara Dey was clearly the best dancer and Riaan couldn't dance his way out of a paper bag. >>
they must never blame tvsa and Gugs.. they must channel that anger at Kuli for this, her comments caused this!!

07 Nov 2008 09:07

TVSA has spoken: Gugu for da Gs, Taurus for da Trophy!!!

Let's do it again mabloggaz BUT by the look of things he may be pushed(It will be a good idea to appoint Auditors). 
I don't know WTF Ian & Sandy were bitter about, Hlubi was in the bottom 2 for crying out loud!
Sandy even left out the goodies part in "Login to TVSA..."

Truth be told, kodwa uGugu naye uqinile maan (he is stiff), but I'll vote for him again,and again and again. I was so proud when he said "Plz vote eMdantsane, ePE...", now mention TVSA next week boy( just to piss THEM off).

So Gugu, meet us halfway by putting more effort so the judges give you a decent score. If Garth can shake it, so can(should) you!

07 Nov 2008 06:29

just before i leave for the day --- to all those who say tvsa is toothless, watch this space... bring it on...

the Obama results from the show says it all...


07 Nov 2008 06:57

Shame maan Hlubi :-( that moment after elimination, those tears~~so sad! But its for the best, your time was up. As for uSandy Ngema,,,

07 Nov 2008 09:08


Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:11

Oh farewell Ms Hlub'boya, you will now get time to bond with your beloved BF before ushaywa ngestina Amakati!!!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:21

Now this i must say, Tessa and Rob danced before! and now it's confimred i know that for sure. hhayi phela azange banyorele abanye abantwana kangaka!!!!

07 Nov 2008 09:10

Truth be told, kodwa uGugu naye uqinile maan (he is stiff), but I'll vote for him again,and again and again. I was so proud when he said "Plz vote eMdantsane, ePE...", now mention TVSA next week boy( just to piss THEM off).
heheheheh Luksta u rock!!!!

07 Nov 2008 07:44

Whats up with hlubi and opening her mouth so wide?

07 Nov 2008 07:45

LOL @ Sego .... Hlubi ... I knew It!!!

07 Nov 2008 09:11

 she said it like somebody was holding a gun on her head. nx that woman!!!!! 
Figuratively a gun was held to her head. Phela iSCD is isinkwa sakhe uSandy, do if the script says TVSA, then she has to say it irregardless of the fact that she likes us or not.


Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:50

Eish Orie i think she is making a facial expression. like them Proffesional dancers do!!!!! lol

07 Nov 2008 07:51

It saves her right for not listening and being nasty to her partner...
She didnt even mention his name when she was having her last talk with Sandy & unappreciating!!!and Khutso still remained sweet and he was giving that woman badges..

The judges, Ian & Sandy looked like they has just heard bad news after it was announced that Gugu & Sarah was safe?? wtf?? its a flippin competition and its not predictable since the public votes count 50% of the overall score...
Yes WE CAN, and we did it SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!

Salome voting Hlubi to stay i was like wtf??? when Shgasmax had to go she voted him to stay, when Judith had to go she voted her to stay and last week when Adil had to go she voted him to stay...I mean wth??

07 Nov 2008 09:14

Truth be told, kodwa uGugu naye uqinile maan (he is stiff), 

LOL Luksta, so true, he even said so himself on his blog, tl tl tl!!! even Hlubi, Khutso's waist and hips were moving more than Hlubi's.

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 09:15

Hi mjj, we missed you BOY *on Bhakstina's voice*

07 Nov 2008 07:55

Damn, I missed the show yesterday, thanks to Secunda's weather for messing up with the satellite dish... I even called my friend to ask her who was voted out. 

I feel soooory for Hlubi as they say in isiZulu uZenzile akakhalelwa kukhalelwa uZumekile........ 

Gugzzzzzz watched your dance and I loved it angazi ichicken eyani kuSCD ukuthi bazebafune uhambe kangaka now we gonna vote more for you. You are there to stay manje.

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:56

Eish uSalome yena, inconstistence!

07 Nov 2008 09:16

Welcome back MJJ

07 Nov 2008 07:59


We know for some reason you do not like Gugu but you dont have to show the whole SA that you cant wait for the moment to chop him out of teh competition, i think its pretty unfair that you have to show disappointment that Hlubi left instead of him...You making it seem like Hlubi was the best dancer in the show GEEZ!!!

Its a competition and someone has to go and ur scores & the public's votes has spoken, Tjerr guys be fair on the guy...

07 Nov 2008 09:17

We are the AUTHORITY of South African Television, emphasis on Authority........we make the judgement.

All I want now is for MediaSl*t to say in her column that "sorini bengidlala"

07 Nov 2008 08:01

♫ ♫ Ayoba Ayoba Ayobaness!!♫ *dancing like a white guy* with a massive grin on my face!!! huu wii!!

i cant stay up for the second session and hearing this made me............♫♫ Ayowba!!!

I am starting to think that no matter how good Gugu gets the judges will never give him points!! Anywhuuuu, i hope our votes will keep on saving you Gugs!!

The AuPhority (authority) has spoken!!  Ayoba Ayoba, Geez you guys can be such an influential bunch!!! i told you guys to stop with punishing Hlubi because what happened to Hlubi is exactly what happened to Kgotso (iwtsg).eish Hade Hlubss, and i thought you were good last night! Pity hey.....but look on the bright side Beyonce Knowles Bee said it all...Tl tl tl @  BKB

Guys what did Dave say when speaking to Hlubi? i was on an important call...i just heard something about being white......

Rob well done i enjoyed your dance to the core, for a moment there i thought you were a professional..... pha pha pha you cleary know how to please your audience!!!

And to the rest of the warned!!

07 Nov 2008 08:02

Hlubzzz's pic is now greyed out Segololo, so its officiall that she is gone!!
She can go back to fight for her Parsons now...

07 Nov 2008 09:18

We are the AUTHORITY of South African Television, emphasis on Authority........we make the judgement.

All I want now is for MediaSl*t to say in her column that "sorini bengidlala"

07 Nov 2008 08:04

Clearly they all felt Hlubi should have stayed, but why the massive prejudice againt Gugu? None of them complained about Die Nutsman winning Season 2, despite the fact that Tamara Dey was clearly the best dancer and Riaan couldn't dance his way out of a paper bag. 

Exactly!!!!! And just last week, Anele was in the bottom and viewer votes saved her. And she was terrible last week. Did anyone lift an eyebrow? Hell no!!!

If the SCD judges and host don't STOP playing politics and making it so obvious that they want Gugu out, WE will ensure he WINS this-undeserved or not.

My mother doesn't watch Isidingo and she knows Hlubi nje from TV but she also didn't want her on the show. She's never heard of TVSA, i don't discuss SCD with her mara she was gatvol of seeing her on it can't be just US that don't like Hlubi.

As for Sandy's obvious anger that Gugu was saved, PLEASE SAVE THAT FOR WHEN THE CAMERA'S STOP ROLLING! We don't wanna see that! You're not a judge goddamnit!!!!

Salome, for once PLEASE match your comments with your last vote! Don't compliment somone and consistently VOTE against him! Gugu has not written a single thing about you so i don't get this thing you have against him.

And how can she VOTE against Tessa when Tessa has been consistently on form the past weeks???????

For sure, Obama won, Hlubi left, Gugu was saved.....oh what a glorious Month!!!!

Hlubi's tears???? Shame i would also cry for the 9000.00 i won't be getting anymore. Good riddance!!!


The judges will give Gugu 5 points or less from now on OR they'll introduce something along the LIFELINE only it will work against him.

07 Nov 2008 08:07

lets get voting bloggers

sms 6 to 34766

And how can she VOTE against Tessa when Tessa has been consistently on form the past weeks???????

my point exactly Toxic, i mean even a blind man without eyes could see that Tessa is way better than Hlubi!!!!and she has been consistent throughout the show

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 09:18

Oh welcome back Mjj!

07 Nov 2008 08:08

Gugu yena had better GRACE our EVENT with his presence and BUY us a CASE of CHAMPAGNE to THANK US for the votes!!!!

When TVSA speaks, it's best people listen....whhhhoooooooo huuuuuuuuuu!!!!1

Oh Segololo, you kept me entertained last night..LMAO!!!!!!!Btw you and voting for Gugu, i ran out of airtime!!!!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:12

sms 6 to 34766 sms 6 to 34766 
sms 6 to 34766 sms 6 to 34766 
sms 6 to 34766
 sms 6 to 34766 


next ime say TVSA with a smile not the morose look you had last nite like it hurt to say it, ok?

@ Sego: LOL!!!! Yeah she did look like it was dragged out of her!!

I am starting to think that no matter how good Gugu gets the judges will never give him points!! Anywhuuuu, i hope our votes will keep on saving you Gugs!! 

Cody, so true!!

Yes WE CAN, and we did it SO DEAL WITH IT!!!! 


07 Nov 2008 08:13

Salome, for once PLEASE match your comments with your last vote! Don't compliment somone and consistently VOTE against him! Gugu has not written a single thing about you so i don't get this thing you have against him. 

Tox i think Salome wants to be "in". O reka sefahleho!! she knows that if her comments go with her vote for Gugu, she will be very unpopular with the judges!! I HATE SOMEONE WITHOUT A BACK BONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if GUGU gave you a kissssssssssssssss????? Hai bo sisters........gets yourself some back bone, it's very cheap....mmmh.. very cheap!!

07 Nov 2008 09:19

Correction Hlubi's hips were not moving at all, only the knees

07 Nov 2008 09:19

Correction Hlubi's hips were not moving at all, only the knees

07 Nov 2008 08:15

Eish ya ne, Ian and Sandy, come on, you really can't be biased like that. I must say though, I'm only upset with them because this was in my favour. Like, lets say I didn't like Gugu, I'd be going on about how even the judges and presenters saw that this was not right, bladi da! 
Point is, mina shem, I was also a mouth voter, and last night, the reality that there might be no more blog from taurus made me whip out my phone and sms like ya. 

Mara guys, in all truth, Garth? Nah, I thought last night Garth and Gugu were the worst dancers. 

Anele Anele Anele, you make girls our size so proud. I mean, I'm probably your size, and i cannot move like that...big up girl. (Eish and Sandy with that comment about you losing weight, for some reason it sounded tasteless to my ears).

One more thing: You know after the couple dances, the judges comment, Ian makes a joke, and the couple goes to Sandy right? THe moment the camera goes on Sandy, she's laughing, all the time! That laugh is starting to irritate me. 

Anyway, can't wait for next week

07 Nov 2008 08:16

Yes WE CAN, and we did it SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!  Hellll Yesssss!!!!!! Gug$ for the Moola,,lol

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 09:20

Ans what with Hlubi calling Khutso .  "Kutso"  the gal is *mlungwish* ag maan!

07 Nov 2008 08:20

If the SCD judges and host don't STOP playing politics and making it so obvious that they want Gugu out, WE will ensure he WINS this-undeserved or not.

07 Nov 2008 09:22

All I want now is for MediaSl*t to say in her column that "sorini bengidlala"> hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!! carino

hola mjj!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:20

OMG!!!!!!!! I couldn't watch yesterday due to unforeseen circumstances. Oh Bawo uyaphila nyhani, lefielo is gone, YPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN.

07 Nov 2008 08:21

One more thing: You know after the couple dances, the judges comment, Ian makes a joke, and the couple goes to Sandy right? THe moment the camera goes on Sandy, she's laughing, all the time! That laugh is starting to irritate me. 

I know what you mean Renegade

07 Nov 2008 09:24

Ans what with Hlubi calling Khutso . "Kutso" the gal is *mlungwish* ag maan!
heheheh I know what u mean akazikhohliwa bandla lomubiza engu Queen Elizabeth!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:22

she's laughing, all the time! That laugh is starting to irritate me. i know what u mean hey..

and as for "Log on to TVSA for more blogs bla bla bla bla" say it with life gal u sounded like u were constipating,,,if u dont wana say it, let Ian say it, please.. 

07 Nov 2008 08:25

That laugh is starting to irritate me. 

Hi hi hi Rene!!!!The laugh annoys me as well, i get so pissed, even though i laugh as well because I think Ian has the most hilirious comments! This can only mean Sandy is getting on our nerves!!!

(Eish and Sandy with that comment about you losing weight, for some reason it sounded tasteless to my ears). 

Yaaa maan!! tl tl tl!! THE WOMAN IS IRRITATING!!!! Geez!! she didn't forget to put on her secret slimmers this time around and she thinks she can make comments about people loosing weight? ewww! gaa!

Hai Rene!! you cracked me up fosho!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:25

so Hlubi is gone, ama bloggerz are on to gotta love this place.
Watch out Salome!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:27

you guys, tl tl tl


Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 08:27

Salome yena ke something else, why on earth would she want Tessa to go, huh!!!

Hlubi was so friendly to Khutso last night, all thanks to us.
 even when Ian ask her what she thinks of the comments that have been made about her hair. she didn't want to comment on that. Well done there ntombazane

you were Fabulous last night, I don't care what the Judges said. U can shake that sishwaphana hihihi!!  yooo u were amazing , U were there. *on David's voice* the way i VOTED VOTED VOTED 4 Gugu last night, I don't wanna see my cellphone bill month end.

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 09:33

<<akazikhohliwa bandla lomubiza engu Queen Elizabeth!!!>> hahahahahah!!!!!!! kwakwakwakwa!!!!!!!! 

Gogo Sandy's out fit was fabulous I liked it. 

<All I want now is for MediaSl*t to say in her column that "sorini bengidlala"> 
Carino don't forget to add Mr Joe as well. pheka he ate us alive yeaterday.

07 Nov 2008 08:28

Hawu wenzeni uSendi. tjo , tjo, tjo Ayobuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur, im so excited, these people dont unders\tand that this hate they have for Gugu is forcing us to buy airtime and vote vote vote for couple 6, sikisi people!!!!!!

LOL!!! Tox!!! deserving or not!!!!!  If Lungisani can do it, why cant Gugu!!!

07 Nov 2008 09:33

I don't want to be racist but the 2 women (Sandy & Salone) are hell bent on embarrassing black people. Garth and Anele were once on the bottom and they were saved by viewer votes and no one made a big deal about. I think no matter what Gugu does he will always receive bad scores from the judges. Let me pray b4 voting

07 Nov 2008 09:35

What I don't understand is the reaction of the judges, Ian and Sandy: It's a competition, and someone must be eliminated every week. The format is such that viewers can vote for anyone for an entire week.  Why then are the judges and presenters surprised when the voting is not what they expected? Why does Sandy immediately say that we, the viewers are to blame because we didn't vote???? Of course we voted, but not necessarily the way she wanted / expected us to vote.
The show is clearly not just about the dancing skills. The BBC rules ensure that viewers get a say, and so of course some viewers will vote for their favourites, rather than for those who danced well. That's all part and parcel of the show!

07 Nov 2008 08:30

tjo! what a show!!?? Ian and Sandy could not hide their disappointment that Gugs was saved!!! they looked devastated, it was like someone died!
heheheheh Sandy can jump a clifff, we viewers are very powerful people with our votes.

As for Sandy, we know that u don't have too many TV job offers like b4 when u were still "Miss SA maerial", so u can't afford to not smile when u say TVSA, coz u'll be back in the unknown land. 

As for Gugu being saved like that, Ayobaness my boy, keep bringing the goss & u ain't going nowhere.....LOL

Rob & Mary, u guys are the official winners. Last night ur'll were dancing like it was already the finals. And Rob, gosh I wish I could have u as my motivator every morning. I loved ur rehearsal clip man when they showed us how u ended up motivating Mary to worry less, have more confidence in u and take more risks, etc. U are a star Rob and I am voting for u. Mary gal, all I can say to u is that it's abt time.

Hlubi gal, u have a sacandal to create at Isidingo. So go along and start a steamy affair with Vusi, to spice the soapie abit. And please please please save urself the tears and humiliation next time and never accept any dancing challenge u are given coz clearly dating ungamula has made him rub off his mlungu moves on u, u really deserved the boot izolo.

07 Nov 2008 08:30

Mara guys, in all truth, Garth? Nah, I thought last night Garth and Gugu were the worst dancers.

Very Very True Rene ... there were the bottom two by their dance BUT they say

07 Nov 2008 09:35

Welcome Mjj!!! Now Taurus is bringing it HOME!

07 Nov 2008 08:30

>>so Hlubi is gone, ama bloggerz are on to gotta love this place.
Watch out Salome!!!>>>


07 Nov 2008 08:30

LMAO!!!!!@ Shugababe!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:31

LOL!!! Tox!!! deserving or not!!!!! If Lungisani can do it, why cant Gugu!!!

Exactly people, we must at least put him in the top 5 couples!!!

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 08:32

<<and as for "Log on to TVSA for more blogs bla bla bla bla" say it with life gal u sounded like u were constipating,,,if u dont wana say it, let Ian say it, please.. >>

@Awelani, she said it like somebody was holding a gun on her head. nx that woman!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 09:37

Carino don't forget to add Mr Joe as well. pheka he ate us alive yeaterday.
???? and what's this I hear abt Drama happening at TVSA in my absence, ur'll know I like to be part of izimpi how abt a link to the beef-filled blog yayizolo Shuga Babe.

07 Nov 2008 08:33

LOL!!! Tox!!! deserving or not!!!!! If Lungisani can do it, why cant Gugu!!!
hahahahhaha guys on a serious note, we love Gugu *actually his gossip filled blogs, more than his dancing truth be told*, but Rob is the true winner here. We cannot pull a zero to hero stunt that Zakeyi pulled on us for IWTSG.

07 Nov 2008 08:34

Exactly people, we must at least put him in the top 5 couples!!!
ehehhehehe u guys are bad!!!!

07 Nov 2008 08:34

why not Nonnz?Rob knows life ain't fair.

07 Nov 2008 08:36

@Awelani, she said it like somebody was holding a gun on her head. nx that woman!!!!!
@ SB - Figuratively a gun was held to her head. Phela iSCD is isinkwa sakhe uSandy, do if the script says TVSA, then she has to say it irregardless of the fact that she likes us or not.

07 Nov 2008 08:36

Exactly people, we must at least put him in the top 5 couples!!!

yebo yessss, my bill can knock me off end of the month I DON'T CARE!!!...................or do I ?? hi hi hi!!

07 Nov 2008 08:37

he he he but there is no way that Gugu is beating Rob THELADY...
abodarkie bayamba phayana and they supposed to have i mean 4 down already 2 to go..

07 Nov 2008 08:37

"As for Sandy, we know that u don't have too many TV job offers like b4 when u were still "Miss SA maerial", so u can't afford to not smile when u say TVSA, coz u'll be back in the unknown land. "


07 Nov 2008 08:37

why not Nonnz?Rob knows life ain't fair.
heheheh TheLady, u guys better not pull a IWTSG on us like that.

07 Nov 2008 08:38

we love Gugu *actually his gossip filled blogs, more than his dancing truth be told*, but Rob is the true winner here> Nonny,  BEE!! LOL!!!!! couple 6 guys please, don't worry about airtime, your reward is in heaven.

07 Nov 2008 09:42

mfiiiiiiimmmmmmmm im late again LOL Sego sana u dont mind blocking alone lol ok let me read ur replies 1st. Shame this year i havent watch SCD sine bad luck kum shame

07 Nov 2008 08:38

abodarkie bayamba phayana and they supposed to have i mean 4 down already 2 to go..
LOL and it's obvious ungamula is gonna win this season.

07 Nov 2008 08:39

Cande...We can pull an IWTSG on SCD too?

07 Nov 2008 08:40

Nonny, BEE!! LOL!!!!! couple 6 guys please, don't worry about airtime, your reward is in heaven.
LOL Belz, u guys are bad. Neway Gugu/Taurus please get cracking on this week's blog coz u know that we are literally ur life line manje.....LOL

07 Nov 2008 08:40

don't worry about airtime, your reward is in heaven.

tl tl tl

07 Nov 2008 08:40

, don't worry about airtime, your reward is in heaven.

Ha ha ha Belz indaba yakho i-straight neh?? kwa kwa kwa, shammah can learn a thing or two about marketing from you!!!!

07 Nov 2008 09:44

Finally, she listened to us bloggers. SHe knew we were gonna eat her alive....
Hlubi you can go back to your lonely BF now............

07 Nov 2008 08:42

Cande...We can pull an IWTSG on SCD too?
But the TheLady, Rob has to win, coz technically SCD is even steven with IWTSG. Lungsta won IWTSG unfairly and Ryan won on SCD unfairly.

07 Nov 2008 08:44


07 Nov 2008 09:45

My right hand is on my fore head say to Hlubi GOOD RIDDANCE,thanks for doing us a favour sis.I head that very soon S.A is gonna host Miss Attitude Hlubza izakuba yeyakho.Sandiswa

07 Nov 2008 08:44

We'll start being fair next year, vele usuyaphela 2008...this year is all about popularity!!

07 Nov 2008 08:45


07 Nov 2008 09:46

Salome needs to learn a new term enought of "your Rock" ngathi uEddie Zondi and his favourtie term "sort of"

07 Nov 2008 08:45


I was voting like a woman possessed, one would have sworn I was a reclusive millionare with money to burn. 

I could not afford to have Gugu in the bottom two last night. It worked out well in my view.

I hope a lesson has been learnt, no doubt we will read about it on Sunday and it will probably will be the old chestnut of : 

" Those bloggers are jealous because my sister is sexy, beautiful and has a hot man blah, blah blah"

She is after all predictable.

On a lighter note , those make up artists sure know how to take a piss, did you that train wreck.

Tis a season to be jolly

07 Nov 2008 08:49

The South African Television Authority has spoken... they deal with you.

07 Nov 2008 09:46

im soo disappointed in the manor the SCD judges and presenters handled themselves. to blantantly put it out there for EVERYONE incl Gugu & his family to see that they are all disappointed and shocked that he was saved is just unprofessional for ppl in there positions within the show. and i must agree with Stel...Ppl voted for Gugu and Sandy with her shocking SHOCKING pronouncation of Hlubi's name...must DEAL WITH IT...nx!!!

Jus to prove to them that its a competion, Taury must dance his heart out and votes must keep him for another 2 weeks...

07 Nov 2008 09:48

Gugu must go to emdantsane.....ayophuza intelezi kuzosuka isichitho lesi ezimzondisa ngamajaji.

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 09:48 how abt a link to the beef-filled blog yayizolo Shuga Babe.

I'm not good with Links, please check it on Hlubi's thought week 5.

07 Nov 2008 09:51

I head that very soon S.A is gonna host Miss Attitude Hlubza izakuba yeyakho.Sandiswa

07 Nov 2008 09:52

emndanstane kukude , aka ngene olwandle once!

07 Nov 2008 09:53

Nonny I'm not good with Links, please check it on Hlubi's thought week 5.
Thanks gal.

Gugu must go to emdantsane.....ayophuza intelezi kuzosuka isichitho lesi ezimzondisa ngamajaji.

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 09:54

Nonny go to hlubi's thought for scd 5!!!! eish bezibuya yong!!!!!! hhaiy entlek ngiyasaba nokubuyela. ngisaba ukumosha iweekend yami yong!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 09:56

LOL!!! @Gugu's cleansing,.

07 Nov 2008 09:57

emndanstane kukude , aka ngene olwandle once!
True hey, amanzi aselwandle akuve esiza. Ask Mary why she is suddenly lucky this season. uzokutshela ukuthi ngamanzi lawa adingwa uGugu, coz the poor boy has isinyama kuma SCD dancers.

07 Nov 2008 09:57

shame, poor hlubi

07 Nov 2008 09:58

<<<<<I'm soo disappointed in the manor the SCD judges and presenters handled themselves. to blantantly put it out there for EVERYONE incl Gugu & his family to see that they are all disappointed and shocked that he was saved is just unprofessional for ppl in there positions within the show>>>>>>

So so TRUE!!!!!!!.......thats why I say Sandy must have her own blog so that we can tell her

07 Nov 2008 09:58

hi guys im new

i had to post a comment on this one. im ecstatic hlubi is gone now i can watch da show in peace yipeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 10:07

Welcome to TVSA Dali, ur name reminds me of that Malaika song eithi: "Dali wami, wangibuka wanginyanya, uzong'khumbula mhla uphel'amandla"....LOL

07 Nov 2008 10:12

LOL Nonny, to think that i went to buy that cd!!!!! the moment beqal ukuphapha, i gave it away gladly.

07 Nov 2008 10:13

Hlubi's tears???? Shame i would also cry for the 9000.00 i won't be getting anymore. Good riddance!!!

hahahahahahhToxxx... you are baaaad!

07 Nov 2008 10:19

Wamkelekile Dali eTVSA.....Bloggers you can talk yhazi but LOL.

07 Nov 2008 10:20

im ecstatic hlubi is gone now i can watch da show in peace yipeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She's gone? for good? 
Shame maan,poor Hlubi!!! Just when she was telling us that she will take a break from Isidingo and concentrate on SCD. Well she betta withdraw her resignation, looks like Isidingo is the only job for her now.

Miss K
07 Nov 2008 10:21

Tshisa double standards!! Bloggers wanted to kill Zakeyi when an 'undeserving' Lungisani won now the same people are willing to take an underserving(dancing wise) Gugu to the top 3! You gotta luv TVSA.

07 Nov 2008 10:25

If Garth can get to Top 5 Miss K then surely Gugu can get to top 3

07 Nov 2008 10:26

So so TRUE!!!!!!!.......thats why I say Sandy must have her own blog so that we can tell her

Monchoo: LMAO!!

hi guys im new

i had to post a comment on this one. im ecstatic hlubi is gone now i can watch da show in peace yipeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uyabona how BAD Hlubi was, her eviction has forced silent blockers to post comments! Welcome Dali.


07 Nov 2008 10:27

thanks guys 

i did not buy da tears she cried like her cat was dead plz she should go back home to her man and cat.

07 Nov 2008 10:29

dali uthi they should officially adopt the cat?

07 Nov 2008 10:33

she should go back home to her man and cat. 

ewe, she was starting to iritate us about those 2..claerly she missed them a lot

07 Nov 2008 10:34

Miss K, there's a difference lana.

on IWTSG, uZakeyi didn't give contestants attitude and didn't make it OBVIOUS that he wanted a particular contestant out of the show. SCD peeps are plain HATERS and that's why they'll force us to take Gugu to the top.

I still love Rob and Mary though so if these guys don't want Gugu to win, they'd better start playing NICE (& fair), otherwise Rob/Mary will be casualties of this WAR.

Belz, LOL at all your comments. LOL at Gugu needing to be cleansed.

mjj, ngiyo thandaza nawe. Have IWTSG CD winners received their CDs yet? I want to discuss Thabisa's song!!!!

07 Nov 2008 10:34

i agree Dali...let her adopt the cat for the next week all 3 of thm can watch like one happyy family...heheheheeehehhehe

07 Nov 2008 10:35


07 Nov 2008 10:43


07 Nov 2008 10:46

coz bloggers say so Fos

07 Nov 2008 10:48

and the blogger on TVSA have a lot of clout in what they say...Hlubz must go and she went...hehehehehehehehe

07 Nov 2008 10:50

I wonder why was she crying?i failed to understand 'em crying business.Huntshu Hlubi.What a good riddens scary face....Sandiswa

07 Nov 2008 10:58

WTF is Salome smoking during the hour break? Trying to save Hlubi, I mean really!
Let's avoid what hapenned to Tessa by voting for our Taury, I know that "money does not grow on trees".

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 11:03

She must adopt that cat that kept her BF busy while she was busy!!!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 11:05

Money grows on Cat hairs!!!! that keep BF busy!

07 Nov 2008 11:05

<<<She's gone? for good?
Shame maan,poor Hlubi!!! Just when she was telling us that she will take a break from Isidingo and concentrate on SCD. Well she betta withdraw her resignation, looks like Isidingo is the only job for her now.>>>

at least she still has to promote iSUNSILK with those feathers in her head she calls HAIR.

07 Nov 2008 11:08

Guys we also need to vote for Tessa, especially nina bafazi coz i thot we said we want a female winner, just in case umsebenzi wokuhlamba kaGugu doesn't go well, lets vote for Tessa. Yazi ngiworried ngendaba kaGugu, now that the judges and presenters dont like him.

07 Nov 2008 11:11

maybe im hanging with da wrong crowd i swear i dont know of anyone who uses sunsilk

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 11:12

at least she still has to promote iSUNSILK with those feathers in her head she calls HAIR.----------------
@ Boikanyo bathong you want me to be admitted ko Morningside Clinic wabona!!!!! then end up catching the Rat Flu!!!!! lol lol lol lol lol

07 Nov 2008 11:13

Belz you dont understand, Tessa doesnt need votes as much as Gugu does...
She can make it to the top 5 by herself, we need to balance izinto phayana..

07 Nov 2008 11:16

Belz mina my money's on Rob and Mary........Mary will take the place of the female winner in this case.

For now, they are safe so i'll start voting when it's the right time.

07 Nov 2008 11:17

You are right Cande, you are right, its just tha i know she is a good dancer and i was panicking coz i know that votes make a serious difference. Couple 6 it is then!!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 11:18

I wish the is no score banner with no 2. Just now the judges will want to show us that they have the authority and give Gugu 2.

I am starting to think Gugu will not make it next week!!! 

07 Nov 2008 11:21

maybe im hanging with da wrong crowd i swear i dont know of anyone who uses sunsilk

dali i think SB was using it BC,before sunsilk decided to test if feathers can be relaxed,needless to say HLUBI was chosen.I wonder WHY they did not choose her sister as well bcos relaxer chomi feathers go a long way in the Mboya family.

07 Nov 2008 11:24

Belz you dont understand, Tessa doesnt need votes as much as Gugu does...
Oh Yes, She does! The bottom 2 placing yesterday proved that.

07 Nov 2008 11:24

hayi Boikanyo, let the poor woman rest in peace.

07 Nov 2008 11:27

then we'll stop watching.

07 Nov 2008 11:30

Tripple LOL@ Boikanyo.  guys nyhani its enough now.

07 Nov 2008 11:30

LOL.........  @ Boikanyo

07 Nov 2008 11:30

Dont sart Boikanyo nge Sunsilk that is using umntu unenwele aziyi7

07 Nov 2008 11:32

i meant to say START

07 Nov 2008 11:33

Guys i think Gugu must invite us all...for umsebenzi wakhe wenhlambululo.(sometime this weekend...A.S.A.P)

Monchooza and Awelani will hlaba the mbuzi
Belz and cande will do the Sqo
Toxic and theLady will cook the stampu
Renegade and cody will phila ama Veggie
Best achiever and segololo will perform the cleansing rituals....and cut an Isiphandla for you Gugu....and then you will be crowned the Champion
Shuga babe and Carino will be entertaining the guests with the traditional dances(bare breasted)

07 Nov 2008 11:35

LMAO at SB and Carino's tasks!!!!

07 Nov 2008 11:37

Monchooza since you did not mention me .Mina ngizaqatha ngiphinde ngimpahalazise.

07 Nov 2008 11:37

None were more surprised than Gugu himself, however, whose shocked expression of disbelief at being told he was safe told the whole story. 

it was a funny thing to see....ironic in a hilarious sorta way!

07 Nov 2008 11:39

Byeeee Hlubikazi, I will miss u gal...I MAY watch SCD, but I will not VOTE for anyone, no one deserves my vote there, you were my favourite, I love you! I think Mgobhi will follow you, these tvsa people are broke now, they cannot afford to save him twice in a row and wena you gonna be chilling with your BF, have fun baby!

SB, u don't want me on your case sweety! Friendly advice, be sweet to me!

dali: I think you should go back where you came from...

Salome, thanks for trying to save Hlubi, I love you for that! If I was the head judge, she would be the winner, votes or no votes! LOL!

07 Nov 2008 11:42


Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 11:42

Shuga babe and Carino will be entertaining the guests with the traditional dances(bare breasted) kwakwakwakwakwa!!!!! 
Monchooza this is suppose to be a Good luck  Cleansing NOT a bad luck. hahaha!! Maybe I can do it but I don't think Carino's breast can still point unless if we can put something under each of her breast. hahahahah!!!!!!!! Love you Carino

07 Nov 2008 11:43

LOL @ Monchoo: Monchooza and Awelani will hlaba the mbuzi haaaaa Monchooo, Y mina kumele ngi hlabe imbuzi?? can I @lst help Rene and Cody with the peeling, i hate hard labour,,Shuga babe and Carino will be entertaining the guests with the traditional dances(bare breasted)<<LMAO!!

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 11:47

SB, u don't want me on your case sweety! Friendly advice, be sweet to me!

Joe, I can handle you sweetie *with a Porn star voice, brashing my breast*

07 Nov 2008 11:47

OMG SB, don't think Carino's breast can still point unless if we can put something under each of her breast>> LMBAO!!Sixple Kwaaaaass

07 Nov 2008 11:47

<<<<I don't think Carino's breast can still point unless if we can put something under each of her breast. hahahahah!!!!!!!! Love you Carino>>>>

Askies Carino mara i had to laugh here...LOL

07 Nov 2008 11:47

He he he!!! LMAO Mchoo & umsebenzi!! kwa kwa kwa!!

07 Nov 2008 11:50

LOL @ Swigiri Babess,,,

07 Nov 2008 11:50

Oh Yes, She does! The bottom 2 placing yesterday proved that.

but her the judges can still save her from the bottom 2, if Gugu sees himself there again clearly he is soo gone..

these tvsa people are broke now, 

Speak for yourself nigger, hence your Hlubi lost last night..u aint in our pockets

07 Nov 2008 11:50


07 Nov 2008 11:50


07 Nov 2008 11:52

LOL @ Swigiri Babess,,,

07 Nov 2008 11:54

Guys, noooo.... i just saw my name in passing mentioned with my breasts....

no, people, thats a bit out of line.... Order, ngoku!

07 Nov 2008 11:54

Sum1 needs to be voted out just like we Hlubi'boyaa

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 11:56

I love you wena Carino, was just kidding.

STOP laughing you Bloggers!!!

07 Nov 2008 11:56

don't think Carino's breast can still point unless if we can put something under each of her breast  kwa kwa kwa!!!!! haibo SB Carino doesnt have a child yet, maybe hers are still pointing, or are you toking about yourselufu Triple lol!!!!

Awelani uyindoda!!! Triple lol and double kwaazz!!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 12:01

Stop it Cody, i dunno Y Mnchoo wud associate me with hlabing imbudzi, um offended,,,,,,lol

Still cant stop lafing @ SB's comment bout Cariri's milkshakes, LOL LOL LOL

07 Nov 2008 12:02

joe this is where i belong im here to stay u cant touch dis!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 12:05

Mina ngifuna ukupeela amavegy, yini iSqo monchy, ngumqombothi? excuse my ignorance.

07 Nov 2008 12:07

Best achiever and segololo will perform the cleansing rituals....and cut an Isiphandla for you Gugu

i hope he will use R500.00 from his R9000.00 to buy imbuzi and knife, im not getting financial involved ...LOL

They'll make R76000.00 for the two months that they gonna be on SCD...R500.00 wont hurt

07 Nov 2008 12:10

Hlubi deserves what is coming to her, i don't hate her but her behaviour on her dancing partner and in her articles were sucking the hell out of me.

She could have respected us in a first place, not calling us fans i mean we did her a favour by voting for her so she was supposed to be humble to win our hearts but uhhh! she thought she is da best. I don't cry for her not a bid shame.

I mean even in her blogs, she never maintained her position, it was always about her boyfriend and the neighbour cat. LET HER GO... HAAIIIYEEEE SISI u don't have respect for people who give u bread. Am i wright amabloggers?????????

07 Nov 2008 12:11

Hello Dali,,,,Ms untouchable, lol

07 Nov 2008 12:11

Reply from: dali 11/7/2008 6:02:01 PM
joe this is where i belong im here to stay u cant touch dis!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I've seen bloggers who come here with an attitude like yours, they never last and neither will you!

LOL @ SB, I've always known that you have it in you! you were born to be it! LOL!

07 Nov 2008 12:12

The Power of TVSA yet again. Now you better move that ass much qucker Gugs.

07 Nov 2008 12:12

yes Belz umqombothi

07 Nov 2008 12:13

don't think Carino's breast can still point unless if we can put something under each of her breast 

That is sooooo NOT funny..... It's so, true, you guys never know when not to cross the line....

07 Nov 2008 12:15

I got paid 2day I 'm voting

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 12:18

Carino , so sorry gal didn't mean to hurt you. do u accept my apology??

07 Nov 2008 12:24

guys can we please talk about the show and not bloggers, and just 4 today can we please not fight.... SB - you need prayers wena. Guys start voting please

07 Nov 2008 12:24

hello joe anybody home? i said  u cant touch dis

mr know it all do you have a crystal ball or something cause i swear the way u are so sure you had some kind of proof.  ive been  watching dis site for some time now i knew i was ready to rock this when i started im here to stay baba!!!!!!!!!!

i also dont hate Hlubi it is her attitude that got to me i had to say something about dis joe dont hate.

07 Nov 2008 12:27

Carino ungapotoki...isikhathi sokupotoka siphelile...siya register this weekend. sinyathela amakhona

07 Nov 2008 12:31


Does anyone have contacts at SARS?????

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 12:45

<<SB - you need prayers wena>>
Mjj Mlamwami, I don’t need prayers, but Prayers need me.

07 Nov 2008 13:00

i had so much fun today 
didnt get much work done 
im out ........ peace. be back on monday 

joe i still maintain u cant touch dis...........  lol .. 

07 Nov 2008 13:28

There is something wrong with south african standard time zone, did anyone realize that???????/

07 Nov 2008 13:52

Reply from: Shuga babe 11/7/2008 6:45:18 PM
<<SB - you need prayers wena>>
Mjj Mlamwami, I don’t need prayers, but Prayers need me.
Yhu wena shame, u don't need prayers, u need PPRRAAYYEERRSS

Mafikizolo ungazondixaka apha, tvsa is my turf, I will KILL anyone who steps on it without my consent!
(Admin, kill does not mean kill as in kill, it means kill as in say "just kill"!)

I miss Hlubi *sobbing*

07 Nov 2008 13:53

Yipeeeeeeeeeeee,,,,,God is great!
I wish i was a fly in Kuli's Lounge 2 c tha expression on her face. She thought Hlu-open-mouth-wide is gonna be this seasons champ.

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 14:30

Joe, me and you tonight!! u know where.

outta here. have Fabulous Weekend Love you all, esp Carino and Joe!!!!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 14:37

Love you too Shuga Babe!! 

Have a wonderful weekend sthandwa sami!

07 Nov 2008 15:36

I have never laughed like his in a long time........bloggers u r the best I love u (((((((((((((MWAH))))))))))))))))))))

07 Nov 2008 15:40

Hihi, I go away for a few hours, I come back,and i've been placed on Peeling duty...heehe

07 Nov 2008 16:12

Gugu - impundu zakho zisakusindisa again ( amabloggers ayazithanda) uzishukumise kakhulu ke kunakuqala bhuti.

Nomahlubandile - You have to differentiate between acting and reality shlobo sam

emndanstane kukude , aka ngene olwandle once! - Maybe she can try i Soweto Beach

Have IWTSG CD winners received their CDs yet? I want to discuss Thabisa's song!!!!

@ Toxic I am loving Mzoxolo, Kgotso(can't believe I said this)and Lusanda's song.

07 Nov 2008 17:07


<<Truth be told, kodwa uGugu naye uqinile maan (he is stiff), but I'll vote for him again,and again and again. I was so proud when he said "Plz vote eMdantsane, ePE...", now mention TVSA next week boy( just to piss THEM off). >> yes Taury!!

07 Nov 2008 17:23

eheheheheheh LOL @ most of the replies here. I'm missing out these days.

07 Nov 2008 17:24

Have IWTSG CD winners received their CDs yet? I want to discuss Thabisa's song!!!!
heheheheh Good question......................yazi that reminds me of something.

07 Nov 2008 17:46

i will be posting  the CD's 2moro

08 Nov 2008 23:25

Silly bunch of peasants. You obvisously have no lives. Typical

09 Nov 2008 00:01

@TheKKK thats why its called BLOGGING and 'we' are BLOGGERS, google it! 
BTW peasants don't have internet access. Get it? Got it? Good!

09 Nov 2008 07:54

Hey wena KKK, ungasiqheli um...........

09 Nov 2008 17:24

thanx ginger for clarifying that, TheKKK go to the gutter, thats where you belong!

10 Nov 2008 09:57

3 women and 3 men left......
Anele, Tessa, Cindy
Gugu, Garth, Rob

10 Nov 2008 10:00

Reply from: TheKKK 11/9/2008 5:25:14 AM

Silly bunch of peasants. You obvisously have no lives. Typical

Then how are we able to blog if we dont have lives??

10 Nov 2008 10:04

@ Toxic I am loving Mzoxolo, Kgotso(can't believe I said this)and Lusanda's song. 

Sobza, i love all those songs too but there's something about Thabisa's song that particularly touches me.

Shuga babe
10 Nov 2008 10:06

@Cande, Good question, and I think I know who this stupid person is, you are the one who need to get a life.

10 Nov 2008 10:31

Im loving Lusanda

10 Nov 2008 10:39

KKK are u perhaps Hlubi or related to her?? Since u have a life, how bout u go and enjoys it and leave us alone,, this is not ur place,,

as for the CD's, may I also have a copy please MJJ??

10 Nov 2008 10:42

I cant stop lafing @ Rob's expression, just too funny...

13 Nov 2008 10:27

Hlubi was not my favourate on the show but i dont think she deserved to b voted off last week shame, as 4 KKK u the 1 wo has no live.

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