Big Brother Hotshots Live Blog


BB Hotshots: Day 53 - 27 November 2014

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Hotshots Live Blog on 27 Nov 2014
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Big Brother Hotshots updates - Day 53.

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Shows in this post: Big Brother Africa

Channels in this post: Channel 198


27 Nov 2014 06:59

10 days to go, the end is near my people. Morning uhdikts

27 Nov 2014 07:12

Hey uhdiks! @khadjos - the end is near indeed. The boring end that is. I am bored to tear with these boring hms. Hope next year will be a blast to make for what we became exposed to. I'm still saying if Esther, Lilian, Sabina, Alusa and Laveda didn't leave so early then things would be much better. I hope the get a second chance at this.

27 Nov 2014 08:25

Good morning people...i missed a lot! Tried to watch highlights but i switched on late and only saw Sheila crying...was that a surprise visitor??
Ella is really thirsty hehe...the way she kisses Idris at every opportunity she gets. Have they........*cough*
@Weiss these hsmates are boring! even the guests yesterday asked to be entertained heheee.
It was nice to see our Miss Universe!the ever so beautiful Mpule Kwelagobe!

I dreamt Goitse evicted shem...poor thing is coming back home this Sun.

27 Nov 2014 08:44

Boring season indeed, they tried to salvage the show with ex housemetes and the house was lively. However as soon as they were gone the boredome befell again. Even the new figgie (Brenda) is not as entertaining like the first one (Tumi).

27 Nov 2014 09:24

Since being a BBA uhdikt, this is the only season i didnt bother voting! Gudluck to those of you who are voting to save your favourites. This season gives me #Wendulvibes...
With the likes of MamB,Nhla,Macky2 already in the finale..anything is possible.

I hope this is a lesson to Biggy and co. After the Chase, we expected nothing less and they gave us coldshots..hope next season will be much better!

If Macky/Nhla/Ella/Sheila wins this, im gonna HATE *in Feza's voice*

27 Nov 2014 10:50

I've just read somewhere that Teargas's wife was in the house.

27 Nov 2014 14:10

Teargas's wife was there? And to think I heard him shouting his lungs out "Biggie please dont bring my wife". Aai Biggie is mean...

27 Nov 2014 17:51

I have to agree with everyone on how boring this season has been. Biggie's first mistake was trying to fuse the show with 'Africa's got talent'. Yeslik that was such a turn off. The extravaganzas became a draggg to watch and for some reason the party night were simply uninteresting. Second mistake was bringing in so many people who were either married or in committed relationships. And third (but not least) was cramping sooo many people in one house. It took a while for us to know/connect with housemates because we met a new face everyday for the first couple of weeks. To this day if I met arthur in the street I wouldnt know him. @mmabots I have to agree with you also regarding the good old Goitse. Unless some other country has some sort of hidden agenda in keeping her again this week, shes dunzo. Kikikiki, no wonder @abby has been awol today, the real mrs trezegah stood up hihihi *sips tea and puts on pokello's heels*

27 Nov 2014 18:51

Hi uhdiks! Been AWOL this BBA season. My favs are Tayo, Trezegah and Idris in that order but have I noted Macky2 has a serious following for some unfathomable reasons.... His hot galfriend just visited him during the freeze task and found him in bed with Sipe....
@Khadjos I agree with you that the mistake Biggie made was to bring pple who think they have already made it so are not real or desperate enough for the money as they have to keep up their act. The Extravaganza elimination method was also fake since it protected deadwood like Sipe and Ma'am Bea.Next season Biggie needs to up his game ot it will be too stale to watch.


27 Nov 2014 20:10

I stopped voting....I just watch to pass time. This is torture

27 Nov 2014 20:14

Kwaaaa@Khadjos, u've killed me oooo. So my rival was in da hse huh? I haven't tuned in alll week! I've been soooo busy oooo ........ Hey@Capgal, ur top 3 is da same as mine in da same order too *high five pookie* I also agree wit ur analysis; Biggie got it all wrong now M'amBore's in da finals.......

27 Nov 2014 21:01

Hahahahahahaha......Tayo just 200 votes fro me for puttin Sheilla in her pkace.

27 Nov 2014 21:08

Evenin uhdikts........last nite he ran away fro Sheilla coz she wanted to quarrel wit him. Alcohol is nyc, cool is gone. He a dragon spittin fire***Sheilla u r a dirty, disrespectful en foul mouthed gal*** man he's on fire.

27 Nov 2014 21:13

Tayo defendin Nhla coz of da way Sheilla disrespects him. Ati...she rides him like a car. He wondered who ever crowned her miss university. If he had a sister like u i wud disown u. He said she has no shame by flirt wit any available dis instance Clint.

27 Nov 2014 21:15

Tayo said dat he has met alot of Batswana women who r role models unlike Sheilla. In response Trez congratulated Tayo en called him a serial killer.

27 Nov 2014 21:19

Tayo even talked about how she praises herself. It reminds me of wat Sulu told Sheilla ***beauty is beauty, it's visible*** coz she was busy singin about how shez a beauty queen en gangsta.

27 Nov 2014 21:22

Hellllloooooo @capgal lol @abby. @brennie im also watching sheila and nhlanhla no talk now, this girl though. She keeps asking nhlanhla if she forced him to pursue her and he says no. If I remember correctly nhlanhla was out making out with mira one night not paying much attention to her and she literally forced him to "commit". Nhlanhla bores me coz he has no balls uhg

27 Nov 2014 21:25

Arg....they are both childish, Tayo needs to shut up and Sheilla must grow up. I don't know why Trezagah was laughing. No man shouts the way Tayo does #yawn

27 Nov 2014 21:25

Sheila is madt yoh Tayo caused trouble oh. Shes complaining to idris now about tayo

27 Nov 2014 21:32

What is it exactly that tayo said to sheila? Let me investigate

27 Nov 2014 21:40

My sources tell me tayo told sheila that she looks older than people who are older than her, and that she has stretch marks like someone who has 15 kids

27 Nov 2014 21:46

So tayo is now confiding in mambea. A few days ago tayo said to sheila 'thares a lot of things that I could tell you that would make you cry'. I guess this has been long coming

27 Nov 2014 21:53

Ellah said it herself when she cited Lady Gaga and called her relationship with Idris a “bad romance”. In the very early hours of the morning, as they huddled under the covers as they have been apt to do over the last few days, Idris told Ellah that he did not wish to pursue a relationship with her. Having set his sights back on Goitse, this did not come as much of a surprise. However despite ending it with Ellah, for all intents and purposes, he was not keen on letting her leave the bed. Every time she tried to get up, he pleaded with her to stay, bringing another pop song to mind as he begged “please don’t go.” Ellah kept insisting that she should go, but Idris’ insistence was just as adamant. She could not help wondering if he just felt sorry for her, but instead he said he felt sorry for himself. As much as he may have been jesting, it was probably not far from the truth as he brooded over his failed relations with Goitse. Not content with the bewildering state of their relationship Ellah eventually tore herself away from Idris and headed downstairs to chat about her confused feelings with Butterphly. Later this morning, after snatching a few hours’ sleep, she looked much happier and sang lustily while washing the dishes and found the energy to twerk with JJ. Idris has been very contemplative since his mother came to visit him in the house, ruminating over his relationships with the ladies. What do you think of the strain between Idris and Ellah?

27 Nov 2014 21:54

No man Tayo is evil for saying such,Sheila cant change how she looks she didnt create herself mos.I do hope she will start bathing tho she's forever looking filthy sies!

27 Nov 2014 21:59

Watching idris and ellah talk this over, ellah even cried for a minute there. She says the friendship is over now and they cant go back.

27 Nov 2014 22:02

I absolutely hate men who speak to women like that,thats pure abuse.Oddly enough tho,i dont feel sorry for Sheila that girl is annoying together with her puppet nhla.This show must just end....cant wait for these clowns to vanish from my screen...eish im becoming emotional must be the wine.

27 Nov 2014 22:02

Idris begging her to make the friendship work now Kacey moore must be screaming wherever he is

27 Nov 2014 22:07

So tayo also said that sheila is no role model, shes a puff puff model. Had to google that my people, and from what I see puff puff is like magwinya/vetkoek. Hay I give up yoh. He was too too rude to the girl

27 Nov 2014 22:27

Shame sheila was hurt, shes telling sipe that tayo has said that he would never let anyone disrespect his woman and yet here he is disrespecting someone's potential woman. She told idris the same story. This was a big fight shame man. Shes not even her normal loud self, but make no mistake shes still yapping. I feel bad for her

27 Nov 2014 22:39

@Abby is da green eyed monster lurkin in ur eyes becoz of ur rival. hehehehehehehe

27 Nov 2014 22:46

Tired of this going back and forth between idris and ellah. Shes BEEN crying. Not to mentio sheila literally reciting everything she to idris to sipe. Im out

27 Nov 2014 23:27

@Khadjos...ya i followed da entire fight. Sheilla had it comin. Yesterday Sheilla tried to intiate a fght by sayin there was no dlama **in Natasha's voice** in da house. Tayo didn't want to be at da heart of da so called dlama, so he asked Trez to join him in da garden. Dat's how dey wound up turnin it into a bedroom. Sheilla had contain herself by talkin to her puppet. It's Tayo was jst biddin his tym to get his pound of flesh fro Sheilla.

27 Nov 2014 23:29

lol dat awkward moment when sheilla is spilling her guts 2 nhlanhla hoping for a good response and nhlanhla just says dont worry im bout it

27 Nov 2014 23:36

@Sobza en Silverplatter....Sheilla got her jst deserves though Tayo did go overboard. Earlier at dusk i heard Sheilla tell puppet Nhlanhla dat she's not scared of anyone en she'll swear all she can coz noone will interfere. She went on to state dat she'll disrespect whoever she pleases to........fro da gist in da convo i believe she needed to be brought a notch or two. She's been tryin to suck up to Tayo in da hope of gettin Nigeria to back her, unfortunately Tayo won't be used. He's too volatile to bag da insults dished out by Sheilla.

27 Nov 2014 23:41

@Magmatic, Nhla knows wen to let things ride coz Sheilla is not trustworth. One wrong word fro Nhla en all hell wud break loose. Eberythin wud land on his head hence his aloofness.

27 Nov 2014 23:44

@Khadjos, Idris bit off more than he can chew. Da space was too limited for him to play a two tymin cassanova***upstair en downstairs*** It wud take a miracle for one to pull off such a fete.

27 Nov 2014 23:57

@Sobza, my sentiments exactly biggie need to improve on nxt yr's contestants. We want ordinary pipo who ve nothing to lose en not pipo who r career conscious. We want boy friend less or gal friend less pipo. Hsmts who r angels durin da day en little hellions at nite. Pipo who drink so dat they can let their hair down. We want crazy pipo who can spontaneously cause havoc. En not da calculated version in da current house. Wit dis lot Melvin wud ve seemed to be entertainin as well. He wud ve even won a starmetre**noisiest hsmt**.hehehehehe....Anyway let da game end. Thank God it is short**A few dats

28 Nov 2014 00:05

Ellah shame, she failed to net her cub. She tried wat da ladies did last yr....for Cleo - her ben 10 was a handful en r/ship failed thought i doubt if Hakim wud ve dumped Cleo on telly like Idris. Pokello netted her man ncyly en he's ready to go down da aisle to legally bind himself to his self contained mega babe. Nando/ Selly was disatstrous. Ellah shudn't ve opened herself to so much pain.

28 Nov 2014 05:01

short*** a few days*** Dis one is 53 days en da usual is 93 days. If it had been da usual duration, viewers wud ve literally died fro boredom.

28 Nov 2014 05:58

oops it's 63 days.......see am wishin dis season to be shorter in duration.

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