Big Brother Hotshots Live Blog


BB Hotshots: Day 43 - 17 November 2014

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Hotshots Live Blog on 17 Nov 2014
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Big Brother Hotshots updates - Day 43.

Add your updates and comments about today's action in the Big Brother house.

For all of the housemates, please see: Big Brother Hotshots housemate snack pack


Shows in this post: Big Brother Africa

Channels in this post: Channel 198


17 Nov 2014 05:40

Morning to you all. Yes, I know that the show must go on, but I'm still broken hearted that my Sammy is gone. Anyway, I'll see what happens this week with the old bloods. Have a great day guys.

17 Nov 2014 06:34

Oh shame @411West... I also liked Miss Thornybush aka Jesicca aka Sammy... But I gave up last week when people said they will vote for Goitse just to get her out. I actually prefer her and not Nhlanhla. According to me Nhlanhla does not exist at all. I hope he leaves this week.

17 Nov 2014 07:50

Nhlanhla sucks big time, he is sure to leave soon, I don't see him surviving when all the housemates are up

17 Nov 2014 08:14

Hey guys......der will be NO evictions dis week n da old hsmates r coming today n will stay 4 a week!!!..... Nhla has lost a lot of fans wit his dissing da exhsmates like dat esp Luclay since he's 4rm SA too..... Whenever he comes up, he'll be thrown to da wolves!!! ....... Can't wait to see my Denzee, Natasha, Sulu, Uti, Elikem n Luclay; christmas came early 4 me dis year.....wohooooooooo!!!

17 Nov 2014 08:26

Looking at Elikem and Feza yesterday I wondered how Feza felt she looked at him after the tweet he sent about her man on the 1st Oct saying and I quote "That nomination where I sed O'Neal was competition. Kai. B))la, I didn't know he was just a koshoro. Lol." I thought to myself "Damn he still talks this much..." Lets hope she didn't see it though. or better yet lets hope Feza felt the same way Elikem did. We all know sometime you can love somebody and be irritated by them at the same time.

17 Nov 2014 08:36

Morning uhdikts...happy Monday!! It's nice and I like it. Patiently waiting for previous housemates to arrive at the house. Trezagah will have competition with his gold patch, Sulu is in the house...ruby ruby ruby

17 Nov 2014 08:38

Feza looked so beautiful last night is she and the river of wisdom aka O'Neal still together. Mama Africa lost some weight she too looks great

17 Nov 2014 08:40

Lol@Weiss, u know Elikem's still growing up lol! Its been over a year already so such a yweet is unnecessary n shows Oneal still gets to him somehow......i'll be watching them cuz i want to see how they'll behave around each other. Hopefully, they let loose n have some fun dis week!!!! Mama Aflica, Sulu,Uti n Denzel can't wait 4 dem to cause mischief in da hse. Natasha shd put them on da spot wit her thing i know is dis will be da best week in dis BBA's boring season; right up to Figgy's week!!! Wohoooooo come around guys, lets have some fun!

17 Nov 2014 08:46

And how can I forget Ottono, the crazy one..biggie better have enough cigarettes for him. As for Goitse been saved..i don't get it. Those who voted her,did she entertain them at some point??? Anyway politics of for Macky 2 winning the starmetre is an insult to funny people out there. My top 5 Tayo, Shiella, Ella, Idris and Butterfly. I'm all for papaToye as the winner this season

17 Nov 2014 08:49

Natasha looked goooood yestee. Feza too wit dat haircut. I wonder if she's still wit tennis ball eyes Oneal? Sulu as always penominal. Uti da bba winner who can't seem to move on 4rm da show, i mean 3rd time in da hse really? Vimbai looked good n hope she make a better impression now dan she did durin her BBA time esp now dat she's makin it in her career. I need her to intimidate da crap outta Sheila n Ella........ Uti i hope tones down on Tayo. I need my boo in da finals n don't want them to make soo much noise dat Africa evicts Tayo 4 it. Tayo's close to Uti,Luclay n Vimbai n i hope dat doesn't affect him. Also, bringing a winner Uti ino da game may be a reminder dat Naija has won a lot n i don't want dat to affect my Tayo; i mean of all da exhsmates 4rm Naija, biggie had to bring a winner seriously?....MissP better bring her ish, i know she can deliver cuz she ain't got nothin to lose!!! Sulu sulu int'l n my Denzel shd mess wit their minds while cracking me up....all in all, i'm looking 4ward to an incredible week!!! 1st Sam n 265 leave n i get back some of my past fav hsmates, dis is as good as christmas chicken! Lolololol!!!

17 Nov 2014 08:56

Lol@Tee, voting 4 Goistse had nothin to do wit entertainment cuz Macky2 n Sam r equally NOT entertaining. I guess Sam rubbed pple da wrong way. Even Zim didn't vote 4 her i'm guessing cuz she neva gave JJ da time of day though he likes her too much. One country vote was sooooo funny n well deserved imo!!! ...... My top 3 is Tayo, Trezagah and Idris in dat order....if Ella/Macky2/Sheila(won't happen anyway) n since yestee Nhlanhla win da 300k, i'll hate n hate n hate!!!

17 Nov 2014 09:00

I know @Abby, hey... It was during the time we were watching repeats from last season - so he said that when he saw himself watching on tv nominating Oneal. What time are the ex housemates getting in this boring house? My wife said at 8oclock - but I dont trust her cause she is not a BBA fan and never was. Or perhaps it is 8 pm?

17 Nov 2014 09:06

Shame Biggie / Figgie bringing back ex housemates to revive the boring show, let this be a lesson going forward not to turn the show into something it was never ment to be; Africa's Got Talent.

17 Nov 2014 09:07

@Abby Nhlanhla will never touch tha 300k, next time he's up he's a goner with one country vote..come to think of it. Trezagah have to be in my top 5, how could I forget it. He has found a special place in my heart after Permy the promiscuous one. Trezzzz is so funny I had the privilege of listening to him and Idris talking about his wife and his boy..WOW!!! That woman is just so lucky to have Trezzzz in her new top 5..Tayo, Trezzzz, Idris, Shiella and Butti...

17 Nov 2014 09:08

Come to think of it, if 3 people were leaving last night Macky 2 would be gone by now...hehehe this game I like it's Sulu's voice

17 Nov 2014 09:11

Nhlanhla's comments last night reminded me of rude comments to Iris from Lexie on BBM.

17 Nov 2014 09:12

Hello everybody...Good to have Otono, Mama Aflica,My fav tailor and Sulu on my tv screen....

Those who voted for Goitse....*yawn* I have 1 question: WHY??Can i have just 1 reason why?? Apart from crying and calling Sipe 24hrs what else is she still doing int he house?? She's a female version of Bimp...remember what happened with Bimp??? 

Nhlanhla *claps* the way his long face irritate the living *bleep!* outta me...yerrrrr and now its worse after all the nonsense he said about ex hsmates...Who does he think he is?? saying all those nasty things especially about Luclay?? 

17 Nov 2014 09:20

Hey Mmabots!!!!! **waving frantically**... Did you know I missed you? I hope you keep commentng

17 Nov 2014 09:35

Hey you @Weiss *blowing kisses* 

My top 3 is Tayo, Trezagah and Idris in dat order
@Abby comment still loading lol....but with the way Aflica is voting this is possible..

17 Nov 2014 09:41

Kanti when are the hotshots entering the house?? I watched the live show for the first time last night, and the only reason I want to tune in this week will be to see the real hotshots..maybe this week I will even get to know who's who in the game.

17 Nov 2014 09:44

Ex housemates are coming tonight 8:30CAT guys...whatever you do, don't miss's gonna be nice....#inSulu'svoice

17 Nov 2014 09:44

Ex housemates are coming tonight 8:30CAT guys...whatever you do, don't miss's gonna be nice....#inSulu'svoice

17 Nov 2014 10:25

Ella and Idris kissed???i missed this one. Was it just a kiss or............. *coughs*

17 Nov 2014 10:33

@TEE78 noted. thanx. wont miss it...

17 Nov 2014 11:27

Hey@Mmabots, missed ya!!! .....Ella n Idris kissed, cuddled, hugged urrrghhh it was nasty! Esp since Sam had been evicted barely 30 mins ago..... I like Idris but even i felt like Sam was disrespected as he did not 'mourn' her exit 4 even 10 mins! Hehehehehe...HOH task any1? Kindly update......

17 Nov 2014 11:54

Tayo to Ellah.."u said u r a beauty queen and the person coming was evicted in his first week and Africa has saved u 6 times....but the fact Africa saved u 6times doesnt mean u r stronger than those yet to be also i need you to know that this is not a beauty pagent or a platform for that...look at me (removes glasses)...let me remove my glasses so u know i am serious....i know what my loooks has gotten for me....i know places it has taken me...what my looks has achieved for me...your looks havent done 10% of it....i come from a country of 200million pple...u r miss Uganda...probably miss Lagos in my country...but my point is this place is not about beauty but personality"

kwaaaaaaaaaaaa @ probably Ms Lagos!

So Idris is a polygamist, right? kiiii he was seeing both Ms Lagos and Sammy??same time??yes/no?

17 Nov 2014 11:58

Tato to Ellah..part 2..." u said Uti has been on the show 2 times before and this is 3rd time..and pple will choose him over u...but if u r to choose..u ll choose me over him 100times...and even though u were complimenting me..i told u to stop it..Uti is my friend...u said we in th house have been able to break u and made u into a quiet person from your gentle nature and made u apologize but Uti never apologized....i need you to know that the fact that i, Tayo Faniran apologized is because i chose to and doesnt make me less of a person...i wasnt just apologizing to the housemates..i was apologizing to Africa, to my inlaws i am yet to my my country so they know i am not violent....i dont know why you see it as me being fake just because i am happy about the pple coming in.....i want them to come in cos i feel we could have fun together and then u people can see i am not insane.....i choose to see Uti as my friend and brother and not as  competition...if he comes here and decides to act Africa chooses him over me ...its because they love him more and there is nothing i can do about it" ......if i choose to see him as competition is my business....i am saying all these to u so that when i flip on u ...u wont be surprised..."

Ellah replied him and said she was just talking and doesnt have anything against him and she just wanted him to know that even if Uti is his friend...he is competing with him...she is sorry..if she came out wrong


17 Nov 2014 12:04

Sammy interview

Kuli _ Do you have feeling for idris?????? SAMMY says yes. She does but it depend on wht feeling!

Kuli -asks her if she has any romantic feelings for Idris because thats what people want to know

SAMMY; said she probably does but she is caught up between  the fact that Idris 21 and she is too older than him [SAMMY wAz giggling throughout the interview) she says Idris is so caring and make her laugh
Which housemate she will miss the most....... Sammy said she wil miss Idris the most

Who would Sammy like to see winning ....she says:.... IDRIS,, NHLANHLA, OR JJ

Nhlanhla or JJ winning???? *yawn*

17 Nov 2014 12:06

17 Nov 2014 12:07

17 Nov 2014 12:17

I don't get this HOH task. And I'm falling asleep. I hope I stay awake until Biggie announces who wins the HOH then I can take my afternoon nap.

17 Nov 2014 12:22

JJ earlier mentioned Feza can't sing... These boring NOTSHOTS though.

17 Nov 2014 12:27

whats the use of having the HOH task this use?????

17 Nov 2014 12:30

Lovely picture of Ms. Thornybush @MmaBotswana.

17 Nov 2014 12:42

Following housemates qualify for HOH task: Treza, Sheilla and Butterphly. I wish for Butter to be HOH!

17 Nov 2014 13:13

This weeks HOH is Sheilla!

17 Nov 2014 13:23

This week is about circus and magic. Big Brother will introduce circus and magic stars to mentor the housemates. Housemates are to practise everyday. Housemates wagered 100% again. Eish rain in Johannesburg and I am tired.

17 Nov 2014 13:42

Sheila HOH?*BARF*.......Thank all dat is sweet dat dis week's HOH has no adv. as der's no Evictions dis sunday!!!

17 Nov 2014 14:04

Hi All *sigh*
*strums a guitar* ..*sings in Permit's voice* "wake me up, if you se me fall, dont you let me go, heart is made of gold" *crying like Tayo*

*sigh* no im still not over Permit leaving.

PS: I think the house would have been an entertaining hottt mess if Resa and Sabina *3, were still here. I think i FINALY get the show now; Do not vote the entertainers and antagonisers out early, vote out the saints lol arg.

17 Nov 2014 14:07

Oh i will be tuned in tonight at 8:30. Thanx for the headsup @TEE.
This rain better stop now, we cannot have signal issues when that time arrives. I am actually excites :D whoop whoop:D

17 Nov 2014 14:48

@ Mambots: thanks so much for the pictures of my beautiful Sammy.

17 Nov 2014 18:00

Hi all...

Stupid internet, I was so excited last night and tried to post here but it wouldn't let me. Now I forgot all I wanted to say :-(

Anyway, nice twist from Biggie. Hope these former housemates show these mugus what real entertainment is. Did you see Uti's highlights, such good memories. Those were the good BBA days.

I'm not happy that Luclay is back... I was so convinced it would be the beautiful Koketso. Nhlanhla is right, Luclay is too loud and all over the place for nothing. 

Am I off the mark for thinking West Africa is so rattled by Sheilla that they are saving Goitse so the SADC votes can be split? 

Its going to be an interesting week... looking forward to watching Denzel and Lucly in the same space LOL!

17 Nov 2014 18:20

While everyone is on a the #NotOverHimLeaving tip, I sooooo miss Franky. he REALLY was my favourite, now I realise (tears)...


17 Nov 2014 20:31

The house is on fire...

17 Nov 2014 20:34

Hehehe the ex housemates have taken over..hotshot are on a freeza biggie

17 Nov 2014 20:37

Mama Aflika will be taken over the kitchen, Otonnnooooooo in the house

17 Nov 2014 20:44

wow big brother has just started not the talent competition we were just fed. i wouldnt mind the notshots to live and let.these housemates who has just entered to remain. star search for what? we need drama biggie.

17 Nov 2014 21:06

Did the freeze task exclude Trezagah? I saw him over-excited with the ex-hms. Treza must be put up for eviction like Goitse.

17 Nov 2014 21:28

Did the freeze task exclude Trezagah? I saw him over-excited with the ex-hms. Treza must be put up for eviction like Goitse.
LOL@Weiss, Trez was bent over when Biggie said freeze. He froze in dat positiion 4 a while but unfroze cuz i get blood was rushing to his head.LOLOLOL



17 Nov 2014 21:31

These housemates are not gonna get the wager once again, Biggie called Sheila to the diary room reminding her of tge task. She is definitely failing in her duties

17 Nov 2014 22:25

Feza playin matchmaker to Idris n Goistse.......she's sayin Goistse shd loosen up a bit n Idris shd get more serious cuz they r meant to be!........ I'd take Feza's advice seriously except i jux remembered how she was wit Oneal n how i hated them 2geda.....urrrgh abeg Goiste b Idris reminds me of them. Idriss is like Feza n Goistse reminds me a bit of Oneal. Dis won't work cuz Goists's tooo stony n controlling....Feza hmmmmm!

17 Nov 2014 22:32

Miss P is causing tension already?

17 Nov 2014 22:36

Nhla takin a bath wit Miss P flirtin up a storm. Putting water over him n flirtin as if to turn him on..... Elikem comes in, sees them n goes to call Sheila to come see.... Vimbai stops them n puts Sheila on da spot abt her n Nhla. Sheila says she's not in a rel'ship with Nhla but she likes him n he likes her. Elikem n Vimbai messin wit her mind.......eish i looooooove dis idea Biggie. Sheila's upset n goes ramblin to Sulu,Macky, mambea n otono abt it dat she doesn't care what Nhla's doin wit Miss P.......... Camera moves to da bath wit Natasha n Sipe accusin Nhla of messin wit Sheila......elikem walks in n tells Nhla dat Sheila's in love wit him n she'll be upset if she sees it....Natasha says Nhla has no ring on his finger so can bath wit whomever he wants.....Miss P is upset at Elikem cuz she's not into Nhla like dat they r jux talkin.....Miss P leaves da bathm they walk to da kitchen n discuss their progress n decide to keep pushin dat strategy! I'm loving dis guys......wohooooo

17 Nov 2014 22:37

Nhla takin a bath wit Miss P flirtin up a storm. Putting water over him n flirtin as if to turn him on..... Elikem comes in, sees them n goes to call Sheila to come see.... Vimbai stops them n puts Sheila on da spot abt her n Nhla. Sheila says she's not in a rel'ship with Nhla but she likes him n he likes her. Elikem n Vimbai messin wit her mind.......eish i looooooove dis idea Biggie. Sheila's upset n goes ramblin to Sulu,Macky, mambea n otono abt it dat she doesn't care what Nhla's doin wit Miss P.......... Camera moves to da bath wit Natasha n Sipe accusin Nhla of messin wit Sheila......elikem walks in n tells Nhla dat Sheila's in love wit him n she'll be upset if she sees it....Natasha says Nhla has no ring on his finger so can bath wit whomever he wants.....Miss P is upset at Elikem cuz she's not into Nhla like dat they r jux talkin.....Miss P leaves da bathm they walk to da kitchen n discuss their progress n decide to keep pushin dat strategy! I'm loving dis guys......wohooooo

17 Nov 2014 22:41

Uti asks Tayo abt Ella's game as in if she's gettable(if dats even a word lol)......Tayo says he thinks Ella's da kinda girl who wants to do it but at da same time is worried abt da implications ...... Vimbai, Uti n Tayo tease MissP 4 touchin Nhla's nipples ...... MissP flirtin wit Tayo asking him what she must do to nail him(in so many words). Tayo screams dis na temptation..... Hehehehehehe dis shows we need an all stars season ASAP!!! Wohoooo so sleepy but sooo much goin on......

17 Nov 2014 22:53

Ella hs been so clingy wit Uti; desperation does not ssuit her well. Uti holding her n her him, flirting n hugging each other.... Sheila says if she's against Goistse, she can sleep all week cuz she'll def stay. Elikem advises her not to get over confident but shd be cool n do her thing!

17 Nov 2014 22:54

Ella hs been so clingy wit Uti; desperation does not ssuit her well. Uti holding her n her him, flirting n hugging each other.... Sheila says if she's against Goistse, she can sleep all week cuz she'll def stay. Elikem advises her not to get over confident but shd be cool n do her thing!

17 Nov 2014 23:03

Natasha,MissP n Feza regrouping... MissP says Sheila's her countrymate n her friend n doesn't want to break codes wit flirting wit Nhla too much. She says Tayo's more fun to flirt wit n Feza encourages dat Tayo's hot n good too to spice things up.....abeg leave dis fresh Daddy Tayo n go flirt wit midget JJ u wierd ladies!!! ..... Otono talkin wit Ella n Ella is sayin she can't read him n dat scares her n she likes him though she does not know him well......... I'm bored so switched to MissP n Nhla,Natasha n Feza hanging out. Natasha doesn't wanna share a bed wit Vimbai cuz she wants to sleep alone so wants a small bed downstairs.....MissP is a dot next to tall Nhla...... Trez seems lost again, da english is too much too fast; my hubby's gone quiet again. Damn u real hotshots!!!

17 Nov 2014 23:10

Watchin Uti n Tayo bond is soooo beautiful. Da joy in Tayo's face is soo addictive n it will turn to tears when his pals leave dis sun lol .....dis is def da best day of da season. Worth my time n money cuz i've had soooo much fun. MissP comes to join dem in da patio n finds a seat on Tayo's laps, lol. Tayo, Sheila n Uti singin their lungs out....eish my ears.....sweet dreams guys, Tayo's messin wit my ear drum n i'm sooo sleepy!!!

17 Nov 2014 23:19

It is so much fun @Abby, I dragged myself to bed. I would love to watch the whole night but I must go to work tomorrow

17 Nov 2014 23:23

Otono n Denzel ain't bringin it enuf 4 me but its jux day 1 sooo i'll let it pass; they r too calm 4 me...... JJ n Trez r also lost in da hse!!! ...... Elikem, Sulu n Trez talkin to Idris abt his many flings in da hse. Sulu said he shd have kissed Sam cuz she liked him. Sulu asks who he likes n Idris says Goistse. Sulu says noo he broke a door 4 her so dats enuf. Sulu is 33 so calls Idris his son lol n advises him to quit da bed hoppin n to show character n stick to one lady not hoppin 4rm bed to bed. Denzel interrupts dem to say he wants to sleep wit sulu who runs away 4rm him ..... M'amBea n Elikem talkin abt fashion, sketches n dresses. He saw a sketch on M'amBea's wall n said not bad. M'am Bea said excuse me what do u mean. I lol'd soo hard. She asks if he saw anythin watchin 4rm outside. He said he watched a bit but can't talk abt it. He tells her though dat she's cool n her game is cool too.... Denzel eatin ice cream straight 4rm da bowl hehehehe wit Nhla cookin as usual food.... Good9t 4 real guys, work awaits moro!!!

17 Nov 2014 23:24

Otono n Denzel ain't bringin it enuf 4 me but its jux day 1 sooo i'll let it pass; they r too calm 4 me...... JJ n Trez r also lost in da hse!!! ...... Elikem, Sulu n Trez talkin to Idris abt his many flings in da hse. Sulu said he shd have kissed Sam cuz she liked him. Sulu asks who he likes n Idris says Goistse. Sulu says noo he broke a door 4 her so dats enuf. Sulu is 33 so calls Idris his son lol n advises him to quit da bed hoppin n to show character n stick to one lady not hoppin 4rm bed to bed. Denzel interrupts dem to say he wants to sleep wit sulu who runs away 4rm him ..... M'amBea n Elikem talkin abt fashion, sketches n dresses. He saw a sketch on M'amBea's wall n said not bad. M'am Bea said excuse me what do u mean. I lol'd soo hard. She asks if he saw anythin watchin 4rm outside. He said he watched a bit but can't talk abt it. He tells her though dat she's cool n her game is cool too.... Denzel eatin ice cream straight 4rm da bowl hehehehe wit Nhla cookin as usual food.... Good9t 4 real guys, work awaits moro!!!

17 Nov 2014 23:29

Lol@Sobza, i know right? Still watchin lol, sweet dreams Pookie..... Nhla, Denzel n MissP in da kitchen. Nhla tries to get rid of Denzel but he's playin ignorant n refuses to go. Nhla tells him is he was 30 he wouldn't be on da show but will be making money dissing Denzee. Nhla seems irritated by Denzel n is talkin to him condescendingly. Thankfully, Denzee's not da type to get riled up so he laughs it away......okay off to bed now.....

17 Nov 2014 23:30

Lol@Sobza, i know right? Still watchin lol, sweet dreams Pookie..... Nhla, Denzel n MissP in da kitchen. Nhla tries to get rid of Denzel but he's playin ignorant n refuses to go. Nhla tells him is he was 30 he wouldn't be on da show but will be making money dissing Denzee. Nhla seems irritated by Denzel n is talkin to him condescendingly. Thankfully, Denzee's not da type to get riled up so he laughs it away......okay off to bed now.....

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