Big Brother Hotshots Live Blog


BB Hotshots: Day 34 and 35 - 8 and 9 November 2014

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Hotshots Live Blog on 08 Nov 2014
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Big Brother Hotshots updates - Day 34.

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Shows in this post: Big Brother Africa

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08 Nov 2014 05:46


08 Nov 2014 05:54

Last nite had some dlama. After da party, Sipe wound up on Macky's laps. She was talkin about children en money. She was very loud as if she was on da other side of da galaxy. A drank Sipe is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Macky prevented Goitse from escapin Sipe's tirade lest he was cornered into makin promises he couldn't uphold. Eventually Goitse managed to achieve da fete of escapin Sipe's incessant chatter.

08 Nov 2014 05:59

Oh, well Sipe da blonde kept on yappin as Macky tried to reassure her dat he's not one of da pipo who thinks of her as a dumb blonde. Macky told Sipe dat he wants to have convos wit her wen she's stone cold sober en not her *blabberin drank self* opinion. Thereafter he bade her gudnite wit a hug.

08 Nov 2014 06:10

Upon leavin Sipe, Macky made a beeline for Sam's corner **her bed**. Her toy boys, Idris en Jj, da extra company. Idris put Macky on da spot by askin him wat was goin on wit Sipe. Macky said dat there was nothin in da offin en he further qualified dat Sipe's drank alter ego assumes they r in a relationship. Jj, Idris en Sam laffed at da assumption. Sam went on to say dat Sipe jealous when someone is around Macky, dat person in question jst laffed. Sam suggested dat maybe Macky was hanging around Sam's corner in order to make Sipe jealous......of course Macky denied da suggestion.

08 Nov 2014 06:12

**Her toy boys - Idris en Jj didn't appreciate da extra company**

08 Nov 2014 06:16

Sipe hooked up wit Goitse after Macky 's defection. She shouted dat nobody breaks her heart but herself.****Did i miss out on da launch of da Macky/Sipe realationship or wat???????**** Can somebody ealborate??? Am in a dilemna!!!!!

08 Nov 2014 06:17


08 Nov 2014 06:38

Sipe told Goitse dat there is a faction led by Sam en her minions report everythin to her. Goitse wondered who in their corner takes inforn to Sam. Sipe said dat pipo jst want to suck up to wud be HOH potential material so dat they r not put up for possible eviction. Oh, delusional Sipe is. It's more like Sipe was annoyed wit Macky for leavin to go straight to Sam's bed. Sipe farther vented out her anger by sayin dat she was more chasin...***i bet da prey was Macky*** as if they were in a relationship.. If only she had heeded Macky's advice not to drink overboard, she wud have netted him by now coz he doesn't take alcohol.

08 Nov 2014 06:42

I thot it was a done deal. Sipe had given up da chase only to hear her later say to Goitse*****: He wants to play hard to get am gonna show him how to get dis chick right here***** Ummmmmmm Sipe i give up.

08 Nov 2014 06:43

En da Sipe / Macky 2 chase continues. May da dlama unfold.

08 Nov 2014 07:04

Sometime later, Macky left Sam's to join Sipe en Goitse on their bed. After he bade them gudnite, their convo drifted to da Ellah mishap. Apparently Ellah peed on her bed Sam en Goitse were in on da secret. Sam told Ellah not to alert da other hsmts to da toilet malfunction. Ellah is supposed to drink within reason. Eish! How disgraceful.

08 Nov 2014 07:18

On Macky's departure, Idris told Sam dat he felt sorry for Goitse durin da party. He said she looked abandoned. Sam told him not to think of goin back to her coz he's too nice a guy. Sam decided to ask Idris if he wanted to go back. His emphatic answer was a resounding** Hell! No!** He said he was already a door breaker en he didn't want to any other unsavoury traits to his profile. As a cherry on da icin Sam said dat he could watch her take a shower. Oh, well there goes Sam da cougar.

08 Nov 2014 07:27

@Abby...Trez's alter ego was clammerin for votes from Africa. At one point I thot dat he wud burst into tears. Oh, boy my emotional bro-in-law was really feelin da heat of nomination. Kikikiikikiki......Trez da oracle went on to predict dat Permit en Frankie will be booted out on Sunday. Can't wait to see if dis sangoma is rite.

08 Nov 2014 07:42

Tayoooo....Ahhh! Wat can i say. A tipsy Tayo was in his element. Beltin off at da top of his voice drownin out da others as they were singing. Top it all he started to beat his drum to da annoyance of da hsmts. Goitse wanted to retaliate but Sipe reasoned wit her to let it go coz Tayo's motive was to have as many hsmts disqualified as possible. So wen Tayo retired, Macky got da drum en beat close to Tayo's head so dat he could have a dosage of his own medicine. Dis riled Tayo coz he had been sleepin. He tried to seek audience from Biggie en wen his demands were not heeded to he went on a rampage. Shoutin en ravin to show his disgust. Da hsmts ignored him coz he had got his jst deserts. Da hsmts went on to say dat Tayo's apologies are never genuine. He uses them to gunner for support from Africa. They al said theur was nothin malicious in wat had been done to coz he usually does his utmost to annoy da other hsmts en in dis case it was tit for tat.......I rest my case.

08 Nov 2014 07:44


08 Nov 2014 07:46

En so ended my evenin on a high note......kwaaaaaaaaaa at least my resilience paid off.

08 Nov 2014 09:48

Too much dlama NEH...hi Brennie thanks for the updates pookie, Sipe is too blond to read btn the lines Macky doesn't want her not now not tomorrow. As for Ella KC was the only person who can keep her grounded infact if KC didn't play daddy to her we could have seen the worst by for bed wetting. Ella should take it easy on the alcohol Sipe too

08 Nov 2014 09:56

As for Tayo he must learn to respect other people I'm glad Macky 2 gave taste of his own medicine and it didn't taste good.he must know that is how other housemates feel when he plays that drum.we don't need another Laveda.

08 Nov 2014 09:59

Wohoooo@Brennie, u deserve a stargift 4 these updates...... RE;Sipe n Macky2, Sipe has an imaginary rel'ship wit Macky who has made it clear to her dat he's in a committed rel'ship back home. Last week he told her he likes her n knows she likes him but made no effort to take it anywhere. Sipe then assumed da role of da chaser n marked her territury around him. She even told JJ n co after da frankie fight dat when she likes some1 she does da chasing like wit Macky n advised JJ to stop chasin Sam 4 her to chase him...she finds no shame wit chasin a man n assumed Macky n her r in a rel'ship since her chasin worked n he's noticed her n told her he likes her smh.....dats y i call her village mamba. She has such a low self esteem n her faux confidence shows whenever she drinks or even jux enters a room. Urrrrrghhhh. My hubby's prediciton is likely to be, Frankie n Permit n him r most likely to leave dis sun. Eiiixh what a day......Tayo is back to being hated again. Dis sexy guy n his wahala. Hmmmm! Nice day twinee...

08 Nov 2014 10:17

I must admit Tayo's drum noise irritates da crap outta me. I was listenin in on da convos as well n he was shouting n hitting da drum like he was on heat or smthg...... Glad Macky2 gave him a dosage of his noisy medicine........ JJ is stalkin Sam n follows her n Idris wherever they go. 265 is a big instigator n manipulator, Sam is not as nice as i tot she was; she's very resentful as wit Tayo n Nhla's issue. Tayo is annoyin n loud n speaks without understanding how he hurts pple's feelings. Frankie is wierd n a pushover. Sipe is uncouth n has low self esteem. Permit is a scatter brain n rumbles a lot. Butterphly is 4gettable but matured. Macky2 is matured n a realist but soooo boring n 4getable. Trez is funny(realised dis week wit da comedy task) but still boring n dramaless. Ella is a temptress n wierd. Not a true beauty queen n lacks morals. Idris acts like his age 21 but memorable n funny. JJ is annoying n a stalker but works hard wit tasks. Sheila is loud, rude, annoyin but talented. Nhla is weak n messing his game imo by isolatin himself to Sheila mostly but funny(again wit da comedy task) ........ Idris still ikes Goistse n its soo clear. He also gets under Goistse's skin a lot considering her need to go over their earlier tiff abt da extravaganza task over n over again to Sipe..... Sam also selfishly wants Idris' attention on her n i lol@ her tellin him he can watch her bath. Like seriously? ........ Will tune in to da extravaganza show tonight as its comedy themed n i may get to laugh a bit!!!

08 Nov 2014 14:54

@Abby....thnx for da star gift***takes a bow***@TEE ur in-put goes a long way.

08 Nov 2014 15:10

Some pipo are out of dis world. We jst ve to take them as they r. We ve Sheilla who is so conceited to da extent dat she told Biggie dat she's da only beauty in da house en da rest are beasts....I mean really. En there i was thinkin beauty lies in da eyes of da beholder. As for As for Tayo, am at a loss for words. His rantings led him to state dat he doesn't care for countries with small populations. After all Nigeria has 200 million people.****meanin all he needs are to Nigerian votes for him to win da competitio****. He doesn't know dat no matter how large da population of a country, it still boils down to 1(one) country vote. Even if pipo say ignorance is bliss, dis is jst plain dumb. Sipe da chaser is .....**am speechless**. She can try Sheilla's cornerin da guy en lettin her friends push him into acceptin her. Jj da stalker...mammmm wat can i say. No treat no surrender until da prey cowers into submission. En da different personalities in our world are da spices dat lighten our moments en make us follow BBA.

08 Nov 2014 16:22

@ Brennie, Tee and Abby: maybe I'll watch more now if there's drama. I'm all for Sammy forming her camp and becoming the power woman. On the other hand, I'm all for Tayo bringing hell so that all the housemates can come out of their shell. Good to see that even Macky2 is coming out of his mute mode. If you want to win $300,000 you need to give us drama and entertainment. To go on big brother and sit like a dead mule, but should get this kind of money for just participate in some weekly tasks is just ridiculous. Like I said yesterday, go Tayo and Sammy. I want drama, plotting, scheming and much more.

08 Nov 2014 17:00

@411West Sam and Tayo are the hotshots they trend all most everyday,these 2 brings out the best and the worst in each other @ Brennie so Tayo think 200 millions of Nigerians=1 country will give him the wonder Nhlanhla said he's is blond. Here is my little observation when it comes to Tayo and Macky 2. I found the following similarities 1. they have both received stargift 2. when they were up for eviction they both got ROA 3. they both have same looking black leather trousers and they were wearing them last night at the party...the only difference between them is that Tayo is loud and Macky 2 is chilled

08 Nov 2014 17:02

Now I want these two on the chopping block to see who's going to get ROA

08 Nov 2014 18:07

@ Tee: just one addittion to the difference between Tayo and Macky2 in my opinion - macky2 is dry wall, Tayo is not. Much respect to Macky for his success in life, but he's not BB material for me. That said, if boringdall could win then he surly can because TIA.

08 Nov 2014 20:19

Any1 watching da extravaganza? I want updates pls. Walka battery dead n i'm not home......please anyone please?!!!

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