Monday World Tabloid Headlines

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 25 Jul 2011
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Yeah baby, it's Monday and we are set for another week. So, winter is practically over but that's not until she has her last chance of torturing us this week as temperatures are set to drop to the lower teens. Brace yourselves y'all. You have been warned.

Zapiro on Malema
Zapiro's take on Julius Malema luxurious lifestyle

Someone who has been warned and tried to do something about is Juju Baby. After the interview City Press editor-in-chief Ferial Haffajee had with the ENews Channel on Saturday afternoon, I knew I had to buy her paper yesterday.

The paper alleges that Julius Malema set up a trust fund under his baby boy's name and your boy Juju is the sole beneficiary. The paper goes on to allege that Juju baby receives money from various businessmen and he uses it to allegedly fund his luxurious lifestyle.

City Press logo
Move over Sunday Times, City Press is here: The paper is hard at work and being a resourceful Sunday Paper that it should be.

Hell knows no fury like a Limpopo baby scorned, Juju ran straight to the courts in a bid to stop the paper from publishing the "scathing" info about his trust fund but failed. Juju's lawyers were claiming that Malema is a private citizen and must be allowed his financial privacy. They also claim the newspaper's special investigation into his finances will jeorpadise his public image. However, the judge said Malema is very much a public figure and his political behaviour invites comments about his political life and the City Press had every constitutional right to invade his "privacy".

Juju baby
Julius Malema asserts he is a private citizen with no access to taxpayers' money

The paper contained a series of articles including one focusing on how he built the Seshego Baptist Church. I am not worried about the church's name being dragged through the media because I am from Bokgaga Baptist Church and we fall under the same region with Seshego Baptist as well as attending youth rallies and camps with their youth. I am worried about how City Press made the church pastor, Mrs Moruti Selolo look like a fool. I really didn't take it well.

Le teng, you cannot say no to someone building you a church seeing that you really needed it badly. Also,  Malema was building the church in hunour of his mom seeing she was a member if the church and the church gave her a very dignified farewell.

It isn't clear whether the AfriForum noise is racially motivated or whethet they have ambition of being in the DA

The articles prompted the Afri-Forum to run to their nearest police station and open a case of corruption or whatever. Makisto has never been a fan of Malema or the ANC for that matter but can the Afri-Forum really claim that their intentions are not racially motivated? What about politically motivated? Is the DA behind this?

City Press, please stop with your sarcasm already about a woman of God.

Penny Lebyane
Penny Penny: The Penny is set to roar in Limpopo and around the country. The beat that roars!

Yebo, Limpopo is under the spotlight baby! Motswako presenter and fired Metro FM Dj, Penny Lebyane got a gig at Thobela FM, moshito o tšwela pele. She will be presenting a weekend lifestyle show. Penny is excited about her move to Limpopo saying she has been listening to the station since she was young. And, you better believe her. Penny isn't just saying this because Terry Pheto claims to have always watched The Bold when she got her Bold gig. If you grew up in Penny's time, you will know that having a TV was a luxury and radio was the sole form of broadcast entertainment. Thobela FM, the beat that roars! Sebata sa moyeng! 
Thobela FM
Moshito o tšwela pele

Penny told the Sunday Sun: "I am going to be hands on and show young people that you can be fashionable, cool, hip and happening and still know your roots". I am going to write the review of her show lol as soon as she does her first show. She better roar with Thobela FM's lions lol.

Private life: My love life aint public business.Legally that is invalid

KB Motsilenyane is arrogantly in love you all. The songstress is reportedly dating Banele Dlamini and this is set to squash rumours that she is back with her ex Terry Pinana, reports the Sunday Sun. Contacted for comment, KB told the Sunday Sun exactly where to get off: "My private life is exactly that. I have an album out and I would rather talk about that." What did the judge in the Juju case say again about people inviting comments about their lives?

The Twins
Caught in the middle: The twins are a current casuality of SABC's silly fight with the E TV

The silly and very boring fight between the controversial and broke SABC with the ETV is getting worse and worse and SABC must really get a life now already. The broadcaster is reportedly firing Hlelo and Ntando Masina for having a reality show on ETV which will air later this year. The twins will be replaced by Minnie Dlamini on Mzansi Insider while they focus on the reality of no longer being on SABC 1. Now, you guys are outsiders lol *just saying nje*.

Sonia Mbele-Sedibe
Sonia leaves Generubbish to persue her modelling career as brand face for Lux

Sonia Sedibe is currently on a pay dispute with Generubbish, reports the Sunday World and the actress is set to leave the soapie at the end of October when her contract expires. This comes allegedly after actress Nambitha Mpumlwana joined the cast of the boring soapie and earns higher than Sonia. Sonia's salary is alledegly receiving only 2% annual increase.

Another actor who left Generubbish, Siya Twala, is also in the paper. The Sunday World alleges that he has moved out of his matrimonial home after he allegedly fathered a child in Pretoria.

Still on Sunday World, Shwashi's column is really starting to bore me to death. I no loger read it sheim. Can shim please do something to revive her dying culumn?

Nine lives
A new financial start: Lundi is a cat with nine lives

Lundi Tymara is forever cleaning his acts. TVSA bloggers are fed up with him and everytime we write about him, they are very quick to ridicule him. His fans come to his defence saying they like his music. Now, Tymara claims he will no longer be starting a spaza shop in the Eastern Cape and will continue singing after money is coming through from his shows. He claims that he has been clean for 10 years now and he only struggles with booze, he told the Sunday Sun. The Sunday World earlier this year reported that Lundi is smoking and asked for matches from the paper's journo because we wanted to light his cigarrette.

Ready to fly: Katlego "Killer" Mphela is reaching for the stars, you silly hating Motsepe

Katlego Mphela is set to join a Scottish club named Glasgow Celtic. Killer is ready to dribble his overseas gig. He told the Sunday Sun that he is excited about his venture. We can safely assume this is a dream come true for him after the stinking rich Patrice Motsepe didn't wanna let him go.

So you all, let me stop here because this is it for this week.


25 Jul 2011 10:12

#deathby Afriforum. Kwaaaaaaaaa. Lemme read my favourite online newspaper.

25 Jul 2011 10:21

Juju mara le yena. Tjo!! I hope something major is done about corrupt cadres cause they just bring the whole organization into disrepute.

25 Jul 2011 10:25

I hope something major is done about corrupt cadres 
Allegedly corrupt for now lol Biskiti

25 Jul 2011 10:33

why was penny fired again??

25 Jul 2011 10:35

What's with Genrubbish mara, they should transfer their drama to their boring storyline.

25 Jul 2011 10:35

What's with Genrubbish mara, they should transfer their drama to their boring storyline.

25 Jul 2011 10:53

Kwaaaaaa @ Sobza's comment. lol Taz, I also wanna see if her character will spice things up. Let's hope she will have a more meaty role lol.

Kwaaa @ Taz saying Thobela FM is demotion for Penny

25 Jul 2011 11:05

25 Jul 2011 11:18

is it me or do da twins resemble Khethiwe(generubbish) a bit?

Sana Lwam
25 Jul 2011 11:35

uLundi uyadika shem

25 Jul 2011 11:42

I think the story said Nambitha joined the soapie but doesn't have a role yet. I'm not quite sure what that means.

25 Jul 2011 12:06

I once did an interview on Thobela FM during the tym ya bo Joe Mabotja and that sexy lady who was co-presenting with her i 4got the name, it was hot during that tym

Sepedi sa Penny se na le bokgoa nyana for Thobela FM's listeners, we'll wait and c.

is capricorn fm an English radio station.

Juju yena and the rest of the ANC crew:

any1 who blivs these people and what they say shld be examined, the ANC of 2day is not what it used 2 b

25 Jul 2011 12:16

minnie is overshadowed by Bonang. bonang has this thing that just makes you watch Live

As for Juju- i was died when he said that its the whites - they dont expect a black man to build a 16 mitre house. hey this boy bathong.

Sana Lwam
25 Jul 2011 12:55

Correct me guys if Im wrong but uNambitha Mpulwana was once in one of the Generations episode as a detective or something will they now give her another role or will the detective get an "exciting" role?

25 Jul 2011 13:02

Correct me guys if Im wrong but uNambitha Mpulwana was once in one of the Generations episode as a detective or something will they now give her another role or will the detective get an "exciting" role?
Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sana Lwam, you are very funny yazi mara wena

Nice read Maki. 

Speaking of airing political figures laundry for all to see. When will the media do a DA expose. 

I heard a rumour the twinz were not cutting it
That could be true you know

i 4got the name, it was hot during that tym
On the Neo Joe show. Neo's marriage was highly rumoured to be in jeorpardy because of their on-air chemistry. May Joe's soul rest in peace

is capricorn fm an English radio station.
It is and it's all the SABC stations's biggest competitor since it's independant and commercial

Sepedi sa Penny se na le bokgoa nyana for Thobela FM's listeners, we'll wait and c.
Ditto, akere DJ Sbu allegedly did well on that Zulu radio station

Nice one Maki as I didnt know most of the stuff here. 
Thank you Cheesa

I'm not quite sure what that means. 
I think it means they are still deciding on the role. They just wanna have her to get even more viewers bored

25 Jul 2011 13:09

Speaking of airing political figures laundry for all to see. When will the media do a DA expose.

that will be done once the DA is in power

25 Jul 2011 13:21

that will be done once the DA is in power
kwakwakwa kwakwakwakwa kwakwakwa true hey

25 Jul 2011 13:25

I like Juju and his rhetoric talk but what has just been insunuated is something else.  We all should be worried about the people who pay him for political influence.  The bribery for tenders are not a big thing for me, it happens eveywhere and even an admin clerk at Procurement gets  some sort of bribery for approval of a tender.  I am concerned about those unnamed faces who use him as their mouth piece, they seem to be dangerous, masquerading in sheep skin.  I hope one political leader who is presidential material is not involved but knowing him and his opportunistic tendencies, the chances are higher that he is involved.   

25 Jul 2011 14:12

Hellow guys
Im busy hiding in my shack while Juju is becoming richer....Can some1 plz get me his nommer. We need to talk. Who doesnt want to be a millionaire at this age.

Firstly im so disappointed by Malema no wonder efana nenkukhu esikwe umlomo. He thought he was too clever. Using your son's name! WOW! He deserves a round of applause. He is so INTELLIGENT like other ANC tycoons who always say "I'poor nyweeeeehhhhh nyweeeeehhhhhh". 

Thank God those twins are leaving.....I'm gonna buy them imovate (uphuzamandla).

Shame Penny just push gf impilo inzima. I would take it too if it pays the bills.

Sonia...i dont know whether im happy or not but good luck.

Confession: I LOVE MINENHLE's curve. Sharks! I have a girl crush! I found myself drooling at her. She was swinging her curves like she was getting hitched the next day and oh BOY!!!!!!!!! She must keep wearing those tyt dresses....mmmmmhhhh

bonang has this thing that just makes you watch Live .....I feel u babye bt  their music is BORING these days. I even love watching the noisy Ranaka. Ranaka has a nice body i must say.

25 Jul 2011 14:16

Maki its always nice to read your piece.

I didn't know Brooke is 50 years old. WOW! 

The General
25 Jul 2011 14:41

It's like ANC and Generations share the same storylines...

25 Jul 2011 15:52

who is Banele Dlhamini and what is he famous for?

25 Jul 2011 16:17

Nambitha's got a role, a new one. No one can be cast without a role, it makes no sense. Don't believe everything you read. These newspaper people can write things abazizwe ngendlebe eyi-one nakhona not clearly

25 Jul 2011 17:10

Good luck to Sonia although i am sad that she is also leaving Gen but i would also leave if the storylines are boring, same ole, same ole. Mfundi should allows pple to take extra jobs as long as it does not interfere with their schedules, about making them popular we all start somewhere, you work as a Receptionst but all the while dying to be HR manager, your previous employer will not complain when you get such a position.

Juju, no comments my lord, i heard him saying the house in Sandton belong to Absa not him. Everyone is corrupt if given the chance, who would not hire their brother who is jobless if they have an opportunity, who would not temper with the evidence if given a chance when your father stands accused and ready to be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

26 Jul 2011 11:53

Ke kopa di-number tsa ga Juju pls,someone,anyone. I only need R500k to pay off my debts. I dont want luxury,I just want to be debt-free!

26 Jul 2011 12:00

@makisto,so out of the 20k salary he built a church and you think the pastor is not a fool for not asking questions?
me thinks the pastor should be charged as an accomplice whenever Juju is charged.
how did she think the building was funded?through his 20000 rands salary?
by the Holy Ghost?

26 Jul 2011 12:14

lol Mbu the pastor was told that the $ was from a trust fund for the poor lol

26 Jul 2011 12:26

Confession: I LOVE MINENHLE's curve. ...... with those curves i will watch her read the weather report.For me,Bonang has nothing on her with those curves.B is too skinny for my type.

26 Jul 2011 12:30

i hard a heated argument with my friend about the finances of churches. how the priest/pastors invest the moneys for their own benefits as our governemnt is trying to regulate the marshrooming of churches in our country and she said the government itself is corrupt

26 Jul 2011 12:38

@makisto,we are just going to ignore you and your Lundi.
We will not fall for that bait.

26 Jul 2011 12:39

i must say it was really nice to see Claire Mwaisa advertising Claire cream on tv. missing her i guess

26 Jul 2011 12:40

@makisto,we are just going to ignore you and your Lundi.
We will not fall for that bait.
Kwaaaa I know I am not allowed to write about shim lol

26 Jul 2011 13:01

Confession: I LOVE MINENHLE's curve. ......

I'll reserve my opinion until the rest of her body catches up to them curves ...
She's still a child ...
Wait till her metabolism slows down & / or she starts making babies ...
She's still a very young woman ... We will see with time.

I like the kind of woman who looks as awesome at 45 as she did at 20 ... Minenhle does not seem to fit that profile .. Time will be my witness.

26 Jul 2011 14:01

Sunday World says Jubjub announced his born-again christianity to the church of Rhema.......ONE QUICK QUESTION.......why was he addressing the congregation????

26 Jul 2011 14:17

same Rhema where JZ preached?

26 Jul 2011 14:37

why was he addressing the congregation????

... (Singing) This is My confession ... Just when I ....

26 Jul 2011 14:41

hey waitse VusiK tl tl tl tl you killing me

26 Jul 2011 14:46

ONE QUICK QUESTION.......why was he addressing the congregation???? 
I saw that and I was like, didn't he claim to be saved many years ago and that still didn't stop him from allegedly doing them drugs akere like abo morphane and cocaine akere? But any way, lemme not judge, we all know what they say about those without sin.

26 Jul 2011 14:55

Rhema Bible church, #NuffSaid

26 Jul 2011 15:04

I'm just wondering why he was given the podium. Among all the elders, deacons and vice-pastors of that church....why was Molemo addressing the congregation???

26 Jul 2011 15:11

Among all the elders, deacons and vice-pastors of that church....why was Molemo addressing the congregation??? 
kwakwakweakwakwakwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *dead*

26 Jul 2011 15:32

Among all the elders, deacons and vice-pastors of that church....why was Molemo addressing the congregation??? 

Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tlitlitlitlitlitlitlitlti*dead*

26 Jul 2011 15:58

@Vusi,who cares about time?
just enjoy the curves now and in future move onto more endowed bodies.

26 Jul 2011 16:01

just enjoy the curves now and in future move onto more endowed bodies.
Tjo Mbulela, are you commitment-shy nare lol?

26 Jul 2011 17:14

Generubbish is going down ..............

26 Jul 2011 19:09

Jub jub ko Rhema I missed that one and I always go to church n who says JZ ever preached there people just like talking nonsense really now... Rhema is a respectable church just like any other church and I dnt think any church should be ridiculed in no way. I looooooove juju no matter wat I just love him ka lerato la love. Lundi uuuurrrh!! Speechless Generations - do people still watch it Afriforum must just get a life Penny wa bhora period whether o gomela gae ga matlhaku or not

26 Jul 2011 20:07

@Mbulela ...

The future is as important as the the present for me ...

I am indisposed to the "Live for now & live like there's no tomorrow" genre ...

I also look like I did at 20 ... except for the wrinkles ... Why should I accept less from a woman

27 Jul 2011 11:06

@vusi,i like them curves.whether now or in the future.
what is your definition of nonsense?
that  JZ did not address the congregation at Rhema?
you need to stop skipping church.

27 Jul 2011 11:31

@vusi,i like them curves.whether now or in the future.
@swazzy,what is your definition of nonsense?
that JZ did not address the congregation at Rhema?
you need to stop skipping church.

27 Jul 2011 12:45

Mbulela preaching and adressing is not the same thing. He did ADRESS not preach!!!!

27 Jul 2011 15:28

maybe he will preach next time.

28 Jul 2011 09:31

AfriForum has DA tendencies of always trying too hard to fight things...I mean really do they have to jump to any scene trying or pretending to rescue the's so pissing off.

Oh Penny has already recorded her radio show promo ko Thobela FM...Hopefully she will bring in more listeners.

28 Jul 2011 12:15

How about our inept leaders not giving them ammunition at every turn?


28 Jul 2011 12:23

How about our inept leaders not giving them ammunition at every turn?
This should be ideal

Oh Penny has already recorded her radio show promo ko Thobela FM...Hopefully she will bring in more listeners.
She has already, I must listen to Thobela FM more often these days then

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