BB Stargame: Junia interview

Written by Segololo from the blog Biggie Motherland on 12 Jul 2012
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I have to say, this was one of those interviews that I was relieved went well, considering how I had been uncertain about doing it… I enjoyed the time spent with our beloved Namlish widow whom was willing to share her experience and her opinions about life in the wimp brada house… Here’s how it went… 

Segs: How are you today? 

Junia: (smiles) I am fine. Uuhhhh… I am overwhelmed, I am excited… it’s ok… (giggles

Segs: How was the evening? (raised eyebrow

Junia: well, the evening was actually fine… with… you know, actually watching tv, seeing a tv and it’s actually playing (giggles) and me having a remote, I could actually change it. (laughs) 

Segs: Ok, did you spend time with Malonza? (raised eyebrow

Junia: uh, yah… (laughs

Segs: Did you guys talk about things like where to from here… 

Junia: (laughing) well, we were spending… well, obviously you know, we do know each other and we spent a lot of time in the house together, so it would just be weird if he was in his room and I would be in mine (giggles) so, yah… it was quiet exciting and it was fun. (smiles

Junia and Malonza
In matching colour outfits?

Segs: Your relationship with Malonza, yesterday you were also kind of dodgy on the stage answering this question, Are you just friends, or friends with benefits?

Junia: (laughs) well, you know,me and Malonza… aahhh goodness…. It’s like.. we have this thing, we understand each other on a whole different level… uuhhmm…so we are friends, we do like each other a lot… and aahhmmm… you just never know. Things might…(giggles)

Segs: So you are still not gonna answer that question?

Junia: (laughs) No… (laughs)

Segs: Are you in a relationship or not? You can’t say maybe, yes or no…

Junia: (laughs) we are not in a relationship, right now (laughs) we are not. (laughs)

Junia fullpic

Segs: Are you wearing secret slimmers? (smiles

Junia: (laughs) Oh my gaad! No… (laughs) my mom also spoke to me on the phone last night and she was like “Jun, you are sssoooo fat” (laughs

Segs: Where is fifi? What happened to Fifi? 

Junia: (laughs) eish! The thing about Fifi is sometimes she is there, and sometimes she is not there. But I have Faith to thank, and I really have to see her and give her a hug because the way she.. she was like “Hai wena, what is this now?” (giggles

Segs: Tell us about your accent, the why, when, the how (Question from WhiteSockGirl

Junia: well, oh… wow! Well, the guys have been teasing me about my voice and I really don’t see any problem with it. (smiles) well, I guess.. uhhmm…it’s because I went to a… to a school that … a private school…I started off going to a private school in Mariental, which is called Danie Joubert, which I am so proud of because I think I wouldn’t have had that or this.. if it wasn’t for them, and it was a lot of white people all together and a few black kids so I think that maybe… being with so many white people around, you know.. I think, yah.. (giggles

Segs: So it’s from your school background? 

Junia: yah, yah (giggles)

Segs: Why did you go on the show? What appealed to you about the big brother show? 

Junia: I tried out last year and did not make it so I just wanted to see, can I actually make it. So for me it was about trying again and seeing if this time it would actually happen. And it did… (giggles

Segs: what did you like about the show that made you keep coming back? 

Junia: well, I would say that … uuhmmm, I have always loved being on TV. You know when you are in kindergarten and teacher asks “who do you wanna be?” and I always wanted to be an actress, always wanted to be somewhere where people can actually see me. So TV, was the most important thing, for me.. Just thinking about big brother, you think of TV… So yah, I wanted to be on TV. 

Segs: Not the money? 

Junia: well, you know what, obviously the money, like me and Jaz would be like – in the first stages of auditions, I would always forget to mention the money and say it’s about the experience and she would be like “and the money, and money” … so, of course and the money 

Junia sweet

Segs: Did you watch previous shows? 

Junia: well, not really really follow it, but my sister-in-law is addicted to it. So if I visit them, I obviously had to watch and she would tell me certain things about the show. So yah, I’ve watched some of it… 

Segs: What shocked you during the first week? 

Junia: In the house? The exercising (scrunches her face and whispers) … the exercising, whaaaat? I hated it. I hated it because, you know, I don’t exercise back home. I would go with friends once in a while to see how she is doing her gymming and whatever but not really me, get on and do it myself… 

nnnooooo (scrunches up face) so the whole… noooo noooo… and actually realizing that I am with, my goodness, so many people and I have to know each and every one of them. You know? Just this weird Downville style, wow… and the walls, you can’t go out, you don’t have your phone, it’s crazy… 

Segs: The first 5 week, uhdikts did not see you… 

Junia: Really? (surprised)

Segs: You and Jesica were sleeping the whole 5 weeks… I also asked her why you guys were so horizontal during that time until you got nominated… 

Junia: (giggles) Really? We were tired… Yah, I know… but, I don’t think we were sleeping to make… but we did wake up.. I don’t know… we did wake up to do tasks and stuff…For us, in the house, it didn’t feel any different. There is not much to do, other than the task and stuff. 

Segs: What don’t we know about you – something you hid from the viewers? 

Junia: hhhmmmm… wow… I’d say… uhhh.. you know, I actually told biggie in the diary session that I could be very shy, and people would think that I am all out there but I am actually… 

Segs: (shakes head smiling) you are not shy… 

Junia: (laughs) probably, in a way, (giggles)to some extent, yah… I think I potrayed the whole Junia, I could not really hide me.. I could not really try to hide some stuff about me…I just had to go all out because that’s just the person that I am… 

Segs: What did you learn about yourself? 

Junia: goodness… well, I have never cried so much in my entire life.. and I thinks the emotional part of me has just blown me away… I never thought I would be so emotional and that I am such a softie… like heaven’s… I cried… 

Segs: Yah, girl, you cried… you cried, you became a widow 3 times in 63 days!! 

Junia: (laughs

Segs: You lost Ola, then you left Malonza and then he left you last night at eviction… you cried… but you did not cry that much for Jesica, if at all.. 

Junia: (laughs) I guess that Jaz, I felt she was so strong… stronger than me… and that having her in the house and having her giving me that “it’s gonna be okay, Jun”, you know, it was so much comfort, it meant so much to me and I am so grateful. (smiles) Well, I was married to Ola. It was obviously a joke but … 

Segs: You’ve been married twice, in that house… to Ola and Keagen… (laughs) but tell us about your first marriage… 

Junia: (laughs) well, uuuhhm… Ola was just such a good person, such a huge guy with the most beautiful heart and you see him (eyes grow bigger), people are like “oh, I’d rather not”...when you get to know him, and see him everyday, he is such a beautiful person, he really is… it’s just written all over his face, growing so fond of him, having that connection … him just standing there and saying that he’s not healthy enough to stay in the house, a lot of things came to my mind… "oh my goodness, his health is at risk, we’ve been fighting so much, all of this tension has gotten to him"… 

so it hit me so hard, and it really hurt, I was not faking my tears.. because he really does mean something to me, his friendship, on the basis of how we connected. We connected through this whole joking “my husband, my wife” thing… 

Segs: Who did you like the most, at first impression – Ola. Lee or Keagan? (Question from nightschoolteacher

Junia: (cringes at Keagan’s name and smiles) Ola, because I thought Lee was the biggest nerd. I actually told him (giggles

Segs: No interest in Lee, at all. 

Junia: Not at all. No, I just think that the friendship I have with Lee is the kind of friendship I would have with my brother. Because me and my brother, are note really huggy and all that stuff. The fact that he came to me and we talked so much, and there was so much about him that he shared with me. It actually really meant a lot and made us closer. 

Segs: …And Keagan? 

Junia: (cringes) Keagan is an a*$ehole!!! (giggles) I mean I told him that a thousand times. He just got on my nerves. 

Segs: What is your beef with Jannette? (Question from nightschoolteacher

Junia: I don’t have any beef with Jannette and I kept on saying that. I really don’t have anything against Jannette. 

Segs: Do you think you over-reacted when she threw the bag at you? 

Junia: (shocked) No, I don’t think so 

Segs: Do you think it was intentional? 

Junia: Maybe not, maybe to some extent, maybe, I don’t know and I guess I will never know because with Jannette, you just never know because she has a way of hiding things. She can hide them really really really really really … she can make them be… gone! She is just good at that. So I think like that if you are wasted, and you think that you are so drunk, you would not be looking at the cameras to see where they are, first of all. 

Because I was looking at her from the time she actually came inside the room, and I feel like that when you know you are in a house, not just by yourself, and you are with a lot of people, you are just not gonna start breaking things and throwing bottles around because you know that you might hurt somebody . I actually can’t believe that I sat back and calmly thought about what she did because Junia just reacts, I was actually surprised at myself for taking time asking Malonza “Did you see what she just did?” and then reacting… 

Segs: Who were you going to nominate apart from Keagan or Jannette, if you had stayed? 

Junia: Prezzo, because I feel that the fact that he has been in the music industry and he being in the limelight, he is actually strong and I would have definitely tried to get rid of him, if I could. (giggles

Segs: Esperanca and Seydou Exit, you chose sides and you did not seem sympathetic to Esperanca’s… what did you think about the whole voluntary exit situation? (Question from nightschoolteacher

Junia: Well, for me, it was hard to try to get close because she already built a wall.. she already built a wall with the people that she felt were close to her and I felt like connecting with Talia wasn’t like we chose sides, me and Jaz, because if we did, we could have gone upstairs.. we actually already knew what was happening like the time we had the prayer, and she was like “guys, you have no idea what I left behind” and her telling us about what happened back home and her not knowing how to deal with and what she is gonna find back home . 

So, I think, if me and Jaz chose sides, when we got upstairs and Talia was crying and was like “why is she doing this?” as it felt personal to her, we could have said a lot of things to make things worse like “why did she not deal with this before coming into the house” but we didn’t. But I personally, asked them to go talk and find out her reasons, but maybe her reasons were personal and she could only share it with people she was close to. 

Segs: Do you they were selfish with their own needs without trying to understand the other’s standpoint? 

Junia: If I put myself and Jaz in that situation, so if that was Jaz, I would have wanted and expected her to come to me because you came into this house with me, deal with this with me, let me be the first person to understand you about this issue before you choose someone else to vent to or whatever. I felt that Esperanca had to go to Seydou and at least say what she felt, even if she was not ready to give her reason but just say “I am sorry that I can’t do this and I wish you can understand me and hope you forgive me” or something… 

Segs: Do you think Seydou gave her a chance to express herself and her feelings? 

Junia: I actually saw him, because we were always lying on our beds, so I saw him twice coming into our room and trying to talk to Esperanca. I just did not the response to talk coming from her side. 

Junia smile

Segs: Maneta and Roki disqualification, what is your take? 

Junia: Well, it is… that! I don’t know… because when I came into the house, everything was cool, but the girls told me that the two were always on each other’s case and stuff… I mean, you know, Keagan was always on my case but would be reactive to that but I never actually thought it would come to that. When he came out the Diary room, he had two bottles of water and said “Where is maneta, is she upstairs?” so I said yes and went outside to try to get Prezzo to follow him and see what he was gonna do. 

I was actually outside when she threw bleach on him and Barbz came out running as I heard Roki screaming “my eye, my eye”… the only thing that I thought was “he is blind!”… I always think the worst and extreme when things are happening. So I was in the corner and I was being comforted by Keitta that it will be ok. 

Segs: Do you think the housemates could have prevented the fight going that far between those two? 

Junia: of course, you can always control yourself… everybody tried to talk to them, Prezzo and Keitta were not even talking to maneta at that time, they spoke to her and tried to get her calm telling her “you are better than this. Don’t do this.” I think they really tried, and obviously you have your own mind and decisions to make. 

Segs: Who are you happy to never see or talk to again? 

Junia: wow. .. my goodness… That’s just so hard to tell, because I don’t think there is anyone that I never wanna talk to or see again…

Segs: So you are gonna be spending some time with Keagan? 

Junia: Ok, that might be the last person that I wanna pick up the phone to call (giggles) Well.. I can’t say that I will never speak to some people but I think that there are some people that you would never care if they call you or you wanna call them… (giggles

Segs: And these people are? 

Junia: (giggles) well, Keagan is probably one of them (giggles

Segs: and Jannette? 

Junia: Oh no… I would really like to be in touch with Jannette…there’s a lot of people that I really did not get close to, but I will keep in touch with Jannette. 

jun tatoo

Segs: Where to from here? What are future plans for Junia? 

Junia: I am looking forward to an acting career, of course… and now that I am thinking of it and looking at myself in the mirror, and I am seeing fifi and everything… and you know, I am being so comfortable with my body, maybe even modeling… 

I am looking forward to enjoying life and have a career that is actually gonna go somewhere … and gonna take me somewhere where I wanna be… and feel like “what?” (taps table) “if it wasn’t for big brother, I wouldn’t have been here”… something like that, you know.. (giggles)

********* Interview ends********

We wish Junia all the best and look forward to seeing her dreams come true...


12 Jul 2012 08:58

Very rad interview Segs - thanks! Been chuckling away at your banter - your questions are so juicily direct and she handled them with the same sense of humour. My best is you explaining how she slept for five weeks - it's as if she slept through it and didn't know, ha.

12 Jul 2012 09:21

Eish! Tash, I was given a funeral warning by nst that if I have to, I must beat the answers out of her.. but she is such a lovely person, I enjoyed this interview... she took all my playful banter in stride, I look forward to seeing her again

12 Jul 2012 09:41

Thank Sego you for the interview.

I actively disliked Junia because I found her irritating, shallow and more than just a bit of blonde. My dislike for her has now blown to full blown whatever.

She is either a liar or just plain ignorant and a wanna-be white-like. Or it could be that she is so utterly stupid that she does not know the difference between a public school and a private school. However, I can’t imagine anyone being that stupid. So, I am actually thinking that she straight out lied because she thinks that it would be great for her image to declare to the world that she got a ‘a very white private education’ albeit a primary education.

I worked in Mariental for a whole of 56 months. It was the longest 56 months of my life; it is a white racist little small town and it is Kyknet level Afrikaans.
So, I know Danie Joubert Primary School is not a private school. It is a public primary school. The white people, and the upper crust non-white people, are treating it as a private school because it was an all white school pre-independence.

Since the only private school in Hardap region is the Elnatan Afrikaan Privaat Skool, and unaffordable for most upper middle class families, the majority of the white people in the Hardap region do not have a choice but to send their children to Danie Joubert Primary School.

After independence upper middle class non-white families decided to enroll their children into the previously only white primary school because they were of the opinion that their children would receive a better education since the majority, if not all, of the teachers at the school were white.

To keep out ‘unsavory’ elements out, the school board started raising the school fees so that it became ‘unaffordable’ for most non-white parents. I have observed that the non-white children enrolled into that school came from the upper-class families, mostly politically connected families. Families that could make life difficult for the prinicipal and the school board.

During my stay in that small town, I made it my mission to get as many non-white children as I could enroll into that school. If I could not find sponsors for the children, I either threatened the principal with the Constitution, which guaranteed a free primary education for all Namibian children, or I sponsored the children myself.

Schools in Namibia, and specifically in that town, are overcrowded and send many children home because they simply can’t accommodate all children. However, Danie Joubert would set a ‘quota’, and then use that quota as an excuse to select the ‘lucky’ ones, and keep the ‘unacceptable’ ones out. And in true small town style, nobody would query the ‘criteria’ even though it would turn out that 90% of the ‘lucky’ ones would turn out to be white, and the rest would stem from the non-white upper class.

My goal, as a human rights activist, was to made that school accessible to all children, regardless of class and race. Not because it was predominately white, but because it is a public school, and as such should be opened to all Namibian children.

Unfortunately, I left the town before I could realize my goal. But I did rock the ‘boat’, and I was not popular at all. I have also made it very clear to the ‘politically’ connected parents, what I thought about their silent ‘approval’ of the racially controversial practices of the school I thought that it was highly hypocritical for especially the ‘SWAPO’ office bearers to not speak out against the discriminatory practices of the school.

People like Junia, who glorify the discriminatory practices of school like Danie Joubert, grates every little cell in my body.

Also, her all white primary education still does not explain her accent because that school is as Afrikaans as Huisgenoot. And her high school education, at another public high school, was also very Afrikaans.

I dare Junia to feed that same pretentious ish to the Namibian press.

I am so glad that I did not spend a single cent on saving this person.

I apologize for my lengthily rant, but I felt it necessary to set the record straight.

12 Jul 2012 10:17

Nice one Segs, so Her and Malonza spent the night together?

12 Jul 2012 10:32

i suspect they shagged on sunday shem.. I wish their relationship the best.

12 Jul 2012 11:02

Ya Cande am sure they banged too. its quite obvious.

12 Jul 2012 11:35

Hope it last, they look great together.Malonza though looks like a player.

12 Jul 2012 13:34

Awesome, awesome interview Segs.  Props all around.  I was expecting a flat, economical with the answers kind of talk but this is more like it.  Makes me like her a little (but don't regret she got the boot, though).  As for Malonza, if I'm reading between the lines correctly, it's nothing serious.

Again, tremendous interview Segs.  *Bows down repeatedly*.

12 Jul 2012 13:56


OMG ... I posted before reading your very interesting post. If you hadn't called her out, I'd've just assumed her accent was real acquired in some posh prep school.  Aside from the fact she lied and appears to be a social climbing wannabe ... as an ex sociology student and someone who works with communities ... I'm terribly shocked and fascinated by the racial/tribal dynamics in your country ( and SA as well).  And this post, (plus a few others earlier) have gone a long way in bringing some clarity to things that are never mentioned in the media or elsewhere.

Also, you and your activisist work ... you seem an awesome person yourself.

12 Jul 2012 15:15

how do you know Taz, lol im curious

12 Jul 2012 15:49

@NTS: Thanks, but I am really just a hardcore ass know it all who loves to get on her soap box. I will never describe myself as awesome.

I ignored Junia’s lines about community work, same I as disregarded Paranoia’s Mother Theresa’s wannabe ish, because I think anyone who went on a reality show and start telling the world what good they will do for their communities, countries and Africa once they get the money, does not deserve any support. They should be open and honest about the way they want to spend the money, and not exploit the plight of the disadvantaged to further their own selfish agendas. If you really want to make a difference in your community, you can do it regardless whether you have any money.

I sent you two links to Squidoo lenses I compiled. It will give you an idea how strongly I feel about human rights activism. So, check your TVSA inbox.

12 Jul 2012 19:11

@WSG, kinldy share those links to squidoo lenses with uhdikts..

12 Jul 2012 20:55

Nams&SA so similar in so many ways geez!lol@Junia's idea of private schooling, shame in her defense its common knowledge that in SA &NAMS as long as there's still whites in a certain school private or not it will be considered posh or somewhat son will be going to a predominantly black private(christian) school but its not considered private since there's no white kids according to people around me lol!

13 Jul 2012 00:04

@WSG ... Thanks for those ... And I still think you're freaking AWESOME (don't you dare debate me on this).  Seriously, I can relate to a lot of your sentiments re elitism and opportunistic exploitation the underprivileged for personal gain.  Again, THANK YOU.  How I wish some writer or documentary with the right insights and perspective would tackle this subject which is, unfortunately, quite common in Africa.

<<I ignored Junia’s lines about community work, same I as disregarded Paranoia’s Mother Theresa’s wannabe ish, because I think anyone who went on a reality show and start telling the world what good they will do for their communities, countries and Africa once they get the money, does not deserve any support.>>

Hear, hear.  Oh, if only the audience could see through this charade.

13 Jul 2012 11:34

Sego, I did not want to the infamous ‘link dumping’ thing on your blog, have to much respect for you as a blogger. But since you gave your permission, here goes:

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        Biggie Motherland Blog


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Code aka CODEINE
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Segololo having a blast with Meryl and Lerato










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Code aka Codeine
Meryl aka Playmate
Yakob aka Yakahahaa
Paloma aka NGO Shebeen Queen Psaloma
Uti aka Mzaphapha DHC(Dark Hattt Chocolate)
Lerato aka 2stomachs, 3stomachs, 2stamza
Sheila aka Gangsta Mda-she-she
Mwisho aka Crayzeeeee
Jen aka uMakoti Novoice
Hannington aka Smellington, Smelly Hennie
Kaone aka Preacherman TS, Mfundisi
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