BB StarGame: In-Out-In-Out-On-Off-On-Off

Written by Segololo from the blog Biggie Motherland on 31 May 2012
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In Whoreville (downville), we have the turbulent and non-existent relations between the Angolan pair who can’t seem to decide if they want in or out.

 The Angolan pair has the mirror-loving and completely insufferable Seydumb (Seydou) and bucket-of-tears Experience (Esperanca).
A lil history – 

Day 3: Experience brazenly walks into the Snitch Room (Diary Room) to tell Big-e (Big Brother) that she wants a voluntary exit. She has not discussed with her partner, Seydumb, as this decision will mean he also has to go. She discusses with her close idiotz (housemates) and decides she wants to go. 

Eventually Seydumb approaches her and begs her to reconsider.
Uhdikts (addicts) discover at this point that Experience chose to come on the show without her husband’s blessing and support. He vowed not to watch and she decided she is going into the house leaving her husband and infant son on the quest to win US$300 000 with her “friend” Seydumb. 

angolan day 3
VIDEO: Day 3 We can't go

Seydumb charms her by reminding her of being chosen out of thousands of hopefuls and they can’t let their country down by leaving on Day 3, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. She caves and retracts her wishes to Big-e. 

Day 23: Experience and Seydumb have now become more distant than the south and north poles with the same amount of iciness in their friendship. Experience walks into their snitching session (Diary session) and throws a fit that she wants to leave within the next 24 hours. 

She does not want to discuss with anyone - a psychologist, Seydumb or big-e. She wants out. She has had it with Seydumbs’ inconsiderate and indolent attitude towards her with regards to chores, emotional support, friendship and everything she struggles with. She goes further to say he has also become a thorn in her stay at Whoreville as he mentioned to the other idiotz that she is not a well-off part of homeville (back home). 

Angolans wanna go
VIDEO: I wanna go home

Seydumb gives big-e the same attitude he gives to Experience when asked what his feelings are about the request – total disinterest and arrogance. After the session, the tug of war between the Angolans splits the house into 2 and a mini gangland as idiotz choose sides of whom they will support. 

Experience expresses her pain to her gang by revealing that Seydumb is not even a real friend, they were paired together by the production team and she went along with it but she can’t anymore – she needs her family, friends and homeville. 

Seydumb on the other hand, tells his gang that Experience is making the decision to leave all about him, she is selfish and goes further by threatening to deal with both Experience and her gang members. This is not the first time the young man has made violent prone utterances to his housemates, he had had a tiff with Emprezzz (Zainab), prior to her upgrade to Weirdville (upville), and vowed to sort her out, and then in another discussion with GreenCard (Keagen) he also uttered the same threats. 

The next day, during their snitching session, Experience sits defeated and sad as Seydumb tells big-e that “they” have decided to stay until Sunday at the eviction show. If they are nominated, they will stay until the following week when the results are announced, if the Bro-tto machine does not choose their ball for nomination – they will request voluntary exit and leave on Sunday. After the snitching session, she walks to her side of gangland and weeps whilst the gang members coax and advise her to remove herself from this hostage situation by demanding what she wants. 

Angolans not going
VIDEO: We are gonna stay till Sunday

Methinks, she is ish-scared as she has mentioned she fears for her life when she leaves the house. She has to be so worried that she will have to return to homeville – where there will be no husband and son, and then have to face Seydumb’s mafia or go under the Angolan witness protection … Alas, I digress. 

In Weirdville, the relations between the Giggly lovers – Giggles (Goldie) and Dick P (Prezzo) keeps going on and off more frequently than a geyser thermostat. One minute they are hot and heavy, giggling and talking about their connection, the next minute they are as cold as an ice-maker towards each other, trying to garner sympathy from the other loony residents. 

Since Giggles became HOH, Dick P cannot finish any statement he says about her without mentioning this temporary state of power that Giggles holds. He feels she pushes her powers too much and he can’t deal with the disrespect.
Anywho, some background to a moment that was the most flabbergasting moment of reality TV when Giggles trumpeted a couple of verses of stomach gunk (vomited her guts out) because Dick P referred to their union to her as “good friends”. 

Day 20: Giggles is on a high, so much so that uhdikts were convinced she was sipping on some lithium even though her and Dick P have not conversed since her HOH title award. They eventually make up during the party… and some time after the party they end up upstairs. This is where it gets confusing – Big-e decides not to show where they ended up. However, when they left the other loonies in the lounge, Dick P said something to Dick D (DKB) that made me think “mmmmmmhhh” and raise an eyebrow.

Giggly love
VIDEO: Day 20 Make-up
Dick D ensures that all the idiotz that share the room with Dick P – Emprezzz, Abraham (Roki) and himself – remain in the lounge talking in cycles about nothing whilst the giggly couple is MIA. I became suspicious and kept wondering why we are not being shown the couple as uhdikts are often forced to watch hours on end of incoherent giggly chats between the couple. 

A while later, Giggles appears to fetch water in the kitchen then goes back to the bedroom to hand a “spent” Dick P a towel. He sneaks the towel under the covers, constantly checking the cameras and tries to slip out the bed without revealing what is under the towel. The towel slightly slips and his boxers are exposed a little. Giggles keeps insisting he must wash his hands as he leaves the room to go out the room. Uhdikts are forced to watch giggle quietly and innocently sitting on the bed whilst dick P makes his way out and return. 

I was bothered by a couple of things –
- Why were the cameras so adamant at showing us the loonies in the lounge when the giggly couple disappeared for such a long time?
- Why was Dick P uncomfy in walking in his boxers but covered up himself in a towel - when he has never been shy to walk around (all over the house) in the same boxers before?
- Why was Giggles insisting the man had to wash his hands over and over as if he had touched some toxic products as he left the room? 

Day 24: Last night, Giggles approached Dick P after they had ignored each other the whole day, whilst he slept to start apologizing. Dick P states that her disrespect stemming from her HOH powers is something he can’t stand and as her “good friend” will tell her. Giggles was taken aback by the term “Good friends” and enquired if that is all they are to each other after everything they have been through. Dick P confirmed this status of their relationship. 

VIDEO: Good friends video
Giggles shed tears and asked Dick P to accompany her to the other loonies for her to publicly aplogise and make things right. He says it has nothing to do with the other loonies but them. Giggles leaves the room in a fit, gets under her covers and starts sobbing … then she re-emerges from under the covers to vomit uncontrollably on the bed, herself and floor. 

The kangaroos (gossipers) send Maneater (Maneta) to investigate the scream they heard coming from upstairs as they were all downstairs. She walks into the girls room to find Giggles on the floor vomiting – Maneater calls Xanax (Barbs), Emprezz and Dick D to come help. Giggles keeps sending them off, so they leave her alone to go confront Dick P on what transpired to make Giggles empty her stomach. 

Goldie cries
Giggles having a vomit session

Later, after Dick P had relayed the story, whilst he laughed his head off at what happened, he was convinced by Abraham to make amends as he is dealing with a “super-power” (Naija). Dick P approached Giggles to comfort her – she keeps asking if he meant the “good friends” statement “even after what happened on Saturday (Day 20)”. He confirms it and she keeps uttering “how could I be so stupid?” 

A couple of things bothered me –
- The lack of care from the loony girls as Giggles was going thru her pain. None of the girls sat with her until she had calmed down. They hurriedly confronted Dick P and went downstairs to kangaroo about her. They went further by judging her reactions. Xanax went so far as to say: “For a man I met 2 days ago, I would never!” This was sad.
- The loony boys banded together and laughed about the incident but it was clear they were there for their boy. Why couldn’t the women not tear her apart but try to understand her pain, or even comfort and sit with her if she is not talking… but be there! 

Experience and Giggles have issues but do they deserve this hostage and alienation from the rest? 

To summarise, gangland is a violent outburst waiting to happen and Pukeville is just too absorbed in their own madness to really care for each other. Uhdikts wait patiently to see what will happen next …


31 May 2012 09:11

She cried and vomited again yesterday? Wooow

Mrs Chix
31 May 2012 09:20

I am so irritated by Experience.. Did anyone force her to come to BB, she knew this might take 91days but she still packed a little bag to come to SA... She should have thought about her family before going for auditions. They where thousand of pple who wanted this opportunity... she was not dragged to the airport...nxa....... AS for Goldie I am still speechless,

31 May 2012 09:33

Ohkay Experience chose to leave her husband and infant son.  Chose and infant being the operative words.  At the end of the day she went to audition or was approache, either way, she agreed to be part of the show.  What kind of a sane person leaves without their partner's consent.  Tjo some women are strong strue...  I don't even buy that she is scared of what Seydou would do to her after the show.  She is playing victim.  Life has taught me to be careful of people who play victim, they are the most cunning.

Giggles, haai i don't feel sorry for her and i don't blame the girls for not comforting her.  The gossip though might be wrong mara what did she think??  You attach yourself to a man you just met and expect that he will cling to you after he had tapped your ass??  Crying and puking over who??  I am with Barbs, not for a man i met two days ago.  Haai no i refuse.  She is so naive shem.

31 May 2012 09:50

Like I said on Saturday evening thread, they did it. They had sex. That is my opinion. The satisfaction, the cuddly, giggly was the aftermath of ‘first sex’.

BB is not going to show us celebs having sex, because celebs (ok, most celebs) never ‘perform’ without any contract. These celebs have (most of the time) managers that make sure that they are being protected in every way. African celebs are no different from international celebs.

I had to deal with a number of celebs and their overachieving managers, for fundraising appearances and performances, and those contracts were quite elaborated. Their wants and non-wants were clearly spelt out.
 J-Lo wants white candles in her dressing room, well I had to buy a dozen WHITE towels, from Woolworths, for a 60 minute performance by one artist. The towel seize were also specially noted in the contract.

I had to deal with several other insane requests, but the towel thing….. I never got over that one because I had to drive 200+km to get those towels as I was staying in a small town at the time.

So, I am not doubting for a single moment that the overachieving managers made sure that celeb BB contracts have the appropriate ‘nudity and pornographic’ clauses.

After all, BB approached these celebs; they did not go to BB and beg for a spot.

31 May 2012 09:55

Tjo the trauma of working with celebs @WSG.  I also think they did it, why would she cry if not.  She feels used, taken advantage of. 

31 May 2012 09:57

<<Xanax went so far as to say: “For a man I met 2 days ago, I would never!”>>

Unfortunately, I have to agree with Xanax:  I could never!

I can't deal. 

She is obviously successful, and talented,... so WTF? 

He is nothing, nothing, special.  He has the personality of an ugly frog, and his lines are cheesy as blue chees. We all know he has no balls,..
 He is not any worthy of a slightly nauseas feeling,... how did she managed a proper puke?

31 May 2012 10:11

31 May 2012 10:14

I don't feel sorry for giggles, and i don't blame the other gals for not being there for her cos she's always passive as well if one of the dickheads attacks a woman in that house.  Imagine crying till u puke for a man u met just yesterday, who does that?

31 May 2012 10:16


31 May 2012 10:35

hayi i will never get Goldie and Talia crying for men they hardly know, these girls are unstable. Its all part of the game, and Prezzo is already showing signs of being a player. Goldie must stay away from Prezzo before she ends up in hospital from all the crying/vomiting.

I like Seydou, and the attitude he gave Espe and Biggie. This lady wasted space for another person, why did she agree to come here in the first place? Seydou must also stick to his decision of not wanting to leave come sunday, its unfair what this lady is doing. She had personal issues with being on the show but still came in, she must deal with the consequences of her action.

31 May 2012 12:26

Yhu, I just can't deal with this Goldie thing!  My Shoes, Hat and Bags!!!! Truly, seriously to be THAT emotional over someone you met 24 days ago in such unnatural circumstances.

Either she is a consummate actor or is in serious and urgent need of psychotherapy.  I firmly believe it's the former.  She went there with a firm strategy in mind and is playing us like a badly tuned guitar.

Yes, if you give up your punani for a virtual stranger, expect him 'not to call' in the morning.  That's life and at 29 she should be well versed.

But .... all in the name of entertainment.
This has got to be the most entertaining season of BBA in history.

31 May 2012 12:28

As for the ExpeSey saga, I have no words.  I'm getting whiplash.  Can they just go already.

Y is biggie not being straight with us.  People voluntarily exiting have to leave within 24 hours.  Why are these two being given special treatment? 

31 May 2012 15:52

i think Experanza is just being childish, coz she realised she's holding the cards for her n Seydou then she want to control him. good one Seydou, tell her u ready to leave. i think she simply wants attention n her method is jus silly.

31 May 2012 15:53

wish bigb. cld tell her o go n Seydou remain n see wat she does. mnximm.

31 May 2012 15:59

@MsKIm:  You are actually wrong about that.  She asked for a voluntary exit on day 3 already.  And pleaded for BB to let Seydumb stay, and because of that she stayed on longer, to allow him to stay.

Ok, can someone please enlighten me, because I might have missed something, why is Seydumb so special? 

He does not do anything, he just sleeps the whole day, do FOKKOL, and then when he is up, he is in front of the mirror, or tell people about his fabulous life, and why he is so special.

He actually just said that the clothes that he gave to Paranoia will be so valueable soon on the auction.


31 May 2012 16:06

i hop next tym Biggy doesn't go for this partner hsemate rubbish, its really not working. under any circumstance, u go hoping to win the game n someone else spoils it for u. even after yrs u'd always wonder wat if, mayb ....

Mrs Chix
31 May 2012 16:09

LOL @ WSG.... yes Seydumb is annoying and all but the guy still wants to be in the house. Experience has issues, she shld have not come in the first place... Its not fair that if your partner want to leave then both of you are leaving....The girl is selfish, and full of BS. She has had her fun now she wants to leave..nxa stupid stupid girl.

31 May 2012 16:14

and the video i just watched she's complaining abt Seydumb not working has a partner wa wa wa sort of like "i want to go coz Seydumb is like this" even from wat she told eve in the above video she's complaining abt his behaviour. can't she simply stick to "my hubby this my family that fullstop" n not bring out wat Seydumb is doing. it nw seems like she just wants to show him who's the boss.

Mrs Chix
31 May 2012 16:15

Experience should tell the truth.. The real reason she wants to leave is because everyone close to her will be gone by Sunday night... She does not want to be a loner

31 May 2012 16:40

I am glad the whole world is seeing how unstable a character that Goldie girl is. The girl needs prayers.

31 May 2012 17:08

Sniffles needs a girl power injection soonest!!

31 May 2012 17:22

@mbulela you watch kanti?abego!

31 May 2012 17:29

how does one get to Seydumb's level of narcism with that kind of IQ?atleast if he had brains to back it up.Experience signed up for this i dont even feel sorry for her she thought she was going on model boot camp shem.

31 May 2012 17:33

Goldie is 29?such naive-ty?abeg!where did she spent her teenage yrs and early twenties?to be vomiting over a 3wk old casual relationship.

31 May 2012 17:35

how does one get to Seydumb's level of narcism with that kind of IQ?atleast if he had brains to back it up.Experience signed up for this i dont even feel sorry for her she thought she was going on model boot camp shem.

01 Jun 2012 09:11

@cnglemother, i don't watch. i just read a few of the comments here but i know Goldie from way back.

01 Jun 2012 09:34

am loving the pics in the pages old biggy's hsemates nice

02 Jun 2012 23:19

@mbulela.....give us the dish on goldie

03 Jun 2012 03:22

Segololo. have you changed your mind on write-up's. Thanks for the thesis!!!!!!!!!! Neer knew Goldie was this  dumb?  She can't be from naija!!!

03 Jun 2012 07:22

@D7s, i got pulled out of retirement by Dick D (DKB) after the most infuriating fight where he labelled women as something that made me want to walk into that house with a spanner... Grab him by the balls, pull and squeeeeze and squeeeeze so he could never father a child... With a mind like his, it would be just horrible to a community to have him teach his offsprings his beliefs... But i am glad you liked my write-up... Sniffles (Goldie) has already been sent a message by nonwe from the naija president that says she must find another country on her eviction date...

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