Garth's Thoughts: Week 6

Written by TVSA Team from the blog SCD5: Garth Collins on 10 Nov 2008
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HEEEEE’S BAAACK!!! Just when you thought it was safe to go blogging ...
OK let’s get this over with right now - I am sorry I did not get to blog last week guys! There, apologies accepted? NO!! OK, how’s this then?

“Please forgive me I know not what I do, please forgive me I can’t stop loving you, don’t deny me this pain I’m going through……” Thank you for that Mr. Adams, I couldn’t have put it better myself. STILL NOT!!?? Ah come on now guys it’s ME, remember? ANYONE???

Seems to me I don’t need to be blogging anymore seeing that we seem to have a tattle tale in our midst, JAX!! Thanks a lot, love ;)

So anyhow, down to business. So Gugu, or Blogzilla as he’s been nicked by Rob, mentioned my four legged friend from last week and promised you all you could read about him on my blog so here’s the story of Foxtrot.

On my way into Jozi last Thursday I came across a black Labrador pup, about a year old, running along the highway at the Empire Road off-ramp - long story short, I managed to get him into my brand new Mahindra where he proceeded to show his appreciation by urinating on my back seat - GOOD BOY!!! Although it was no good for the little guy, I was suddenly glad he was scared shitless.

So he gets a leash and collar fashioned out of my kitbag strap and a temporary name, Foxtrot (my dance for last week remember?) and he gets to meet the entire cast of SCD and spend the day with everyone.

Now I am the proud adoptee of a German Shepherd, an English Bulldog, three cats and an African Grey with a fowl mouth (yes that’s spelt correctly, Harley’s a chicken) so Foxtrot has to be homed elsewhere.

Well no problem there, turns out he’s quite the charmer our hero and pretty soon everyone wants to take him home, including the very lucky Justin, our assistant backstage manager, an impressive young man with a heart of gold who is now the proud adoptee of Foxtrot.

Here’s wishing them both a life of great friendship.

OK, now my stuff. Without getting too stuck in the past let me just say that I was so chuffed with our Foxtrot last week, I heard one or two others complaining that they felt the foxtrot was boring but I loved it, and the song was one of my all time favourites - Ain't that a kick in the head? No really, aint THAT a kick in the head? Never mind ... ;)

I think I’m a little obsessed, I have started to refer to anything before Thursdays as last week; and after as this week - which has my entire family confused but we all know exactly what’s going on don’t we? Well I do anyhow.

Last week started off fairly well with Hayley and I getting stuck into the Samba early on Friday morning at Broadway Dance Studios and even though we were not quite all there after a long hard Thursday, we made fairly good progress – Who the hell am I trying to kid?

It was just as difficult as all the other dances for me to get, the only thing that’s getting easier for me is the fact that I now KNOW it’s bloody difficult and so I don’t get quite as frustrated at my slow progress as I used to, but Hayley persisted and by the time our session was over I’d learned to “bota fogo” and “volta” almost.

We couldn’t train on Saturday because I had a previous engagement to host a strongman competition in Polokwane and had to leave at 5am and only returned late that evening. I am thankful that my guardian angels were watching over me because I actually fell asleep behind the wheel and woke up with the car stalled on the side of the road in 5th gear - my foot must have slipped off of the accelerator and I’d coasted harmlessly to the side of the road. Big up to the Big guy!

We put in a full session on the Sunday and a half session on the Monday due to my shoot schedule for “Getroud met Rugby”(GMR). By then we’d got about half of the choreography down and needed to complete it on Tuesday and lock it off (The lock off for our dances happens on a Tuesday - that means we cannot change anything after that as Dave - the director - plots his camera shots for the live show from the lock off video.) All on track then right?

Yes, until Mister “I can still keep up with the youngsters” goes and tears the inguinal ligament during filming of a rugby training scene for GMR and arrives at dance training battling to put one foot in front of another and ends up heading to the local casualty room while Hayley completes the choreography on her own and locks off the dance. Hear that??? SHE LOCKS OFF THE DANCE AND WE DON’T EVEN KNOW IF I CAN DO ALL THE STEPS!

It’s at about this point where the panic set in - for everyone involved, Rapid Blue was getting Phone calls from the camera crew “Garth’s in Hospital” I was making phone calls to Jax “I’m in Hospital” I was getting phone calls from the Rapid Blue “You’re in hospital?” etc etc etc.

Fun and games on SCD seemed to be the order of the day.

Got as far as this on Saturday night but it’s now Sunday and I’ve just got back from group gumboot rehearsals, everybody had to be at Randburg Virgin Active by 10am this morning - everybody that is except Hayley and I.

We had to be there an hour early so that we could iron out a couple of Garth-isms in both the Viennese waltz and the gumboot dance. (A Garth-ism is my performance of a dance step that feels the same as what I see Hayley do but actually looks more like what you’d see Quasimodo do if he was on acid.)

So by the time everybody else got there and started to warm up we were in full swing and ready to go. Now as one can imagine, when I have energy and am at full speed it’s kind of difficult to stop without actually running into things (for things, read “other slow moving Strictly contestants or rather their attitudes)

Now for attitudes don’t read “bad attitudes” but rather “ok-now-give-me-half-an-hour-or-so-and-I’ll-wake-up-and-possibly-consider-dancing attitudes” which is fine if you’re all in the same space, HOWEVER ...

Yours truly was NOT in the same space and needed to get things moving which resulted in the odd, how should we put this… um… chastising of poor slumbering souls to “get a bloody move on” or “please guys if you REALLY need to speak could you please go and stand outside so that those of us who need to practice can do so undisturbed?” which in turn got me a couple of choice comments delivered directly to my back as I moved away to continue my rendition of one of the seven dwarves - yes people, my alter ego was doing a perfect GRUMPY.

I have no idea why, maybe it was because I didn’t take my meds in the morning or maybe because I got out of bed on the wrong side or maybe it was because the moon was NOT in the seventh house and Jupiter was misaligned with Mars.

Whatever it was, Garth was the proverbial pain in the posterior this morning and could have done with a swift punt in the stern. Sorry to everyone that had to suffer through that - cast, crew and production alike.

So come lunch time Garth had to take Granite aside, admonish him and send him to his room until he could learn to behave himself - that done, the rest of the day was back to Garth being his normal old chirpy hard working self and all of us managing to get some work done.

We locked off the group dance early and then some of us headed off into Gugu’s back yard at Randburg Raceway for a bit of R and R. I have missed the race track more than I imagined, even just getting into a lawnmower engine go cart was a blast. Note to self: find a new sponsor and go racing again ASAP.

To fill you all in on my health status, I am in great shape as I type this. I am using muscle relaxants and pain killers but I do not believe that I am doing any further damage to my person and the injury is not going to hold me back on the dance floor.

Jackie is one hundred percent correct when she says that I do not make excuses, it is my choice to continue in this competition. I will continue to give my all for as long as you all want me in the competition, which I trust will be all the way to the final.

I am having the time of my life with you guys, thank you for joining couple no 10.
As this week’s dance-off proved, No-one can win this competition without public support; ultimately YOU decide who stays and who goes.

I thank you for finding us worthy.



10 Nov 2008 13:45

Heita holla big guy

10 Nov 2008 13:47

Hi Garth, lemme go read

10 Nov 2008 13:52

Wishing you a speedy recovery and a great week ahead, Will see you on thursday

10 Nov 2008 14:02


My gaad but you looked hot. You should show that bod of yours all the time. I loved the costume. I'll get my coat before Jax cracks the whip.

Off topic.
Is Gladiator's ever comming back? Course the American one is rubbish. Please make them bring it back ( puppy look)

10 Nov 2008 14:06

coming back for this article............

10 Nov 2008 14:09

please guys if you REALLY need to speak could you please go and stand outside so that those of us who need to practice can do so undisturbed?” which in turn got me a couple of choice comments delivered directly to my back as I moved away to continue my rendition of one of the seven dwarves - yes people, my alter ego was doing a perfect GRUMPY.> LOL!!!!!!! 

I'm glad you are feeling better Garth, all the best  for Thursday.

10 Nov 2008 14:36

Nice one big guy.
You did look hot last week.
You have a great sense of humour. Do you really have so many pets????

10 Nov 2008 15:01

I actually fell asleep behind the wheel and woke up with the car stalled on the side of the road in 5th gear - my foot must have slipped off of the accelerator and I’d coasted harmlessly to the side of the road. Big up to the Big guy! 

nc nc nc!!! i am beginning to feel like a mother hen so i'll just leave it at that.



Rapid Blue was getting Phone calls from the camera crew “Garth’s in Hospital” I was making phone calls to Jax “I’m in Hospital” I was getting phone calls from the Rapid Blue “You’re in hospital?” etc etc etc.

(A Garth-ism is my performance of a dance step that feels the same as what I see Hayley do but actually looks more like what you’d see Quasimodo do if he was on acid.) 

LMAO!!!!!! LMAO!!!!! LMAO!!!

As this week’s dance-off proved, No-one can win this competition without public support; ultimately YOU decide who stays and who goes. 

Spot on!!

So glad you're on the mend!!

10 Nov 2008 16:05

"please guys if you REALLY need to speak could you please go and stand outside so that those of us who need to practice can do so undisturbed?” which in turn got me a couple of choice comments delivered directly to my back as I moved away to continue my rendition of one of the seven dwarves - yes people, my alter ego was doing a perfect GRUMPY.>"
G - you starting to sound like the class nerd! LOL!
At least you working hard at becoming HEAD BOY ;)

"I'll get my coat before Jax cracks the whip."
goldiii - no whip cracking. As I always say, at least it shows you got good taste, Hey?

"Do you really have so many pets????"
GML - YESSSSSSSSSSSS, he does. And most of them are "rescue" cases that he brings home. It's like the local SPCA here. And this morning our bulldog ate his phone. Bwhahahahaha! As in ATE, SWALLOWED and DIGESTED his cell phone.
I'm sure he'll be on here soon - bitching about it.

10 Nov 2008 16:06

he he he Jax i like the support you giving your fiance

10 Nov 2008 16:10

LOL!!! Jax, poor bulldog, why is Garth starving the poor thing, for it to end up resorting to a not so tasty cellphone!!! Garth you need to be reported to the SPCA, dog abuse!!!!

10 Nov 2008 16:14

Bwhahahahaha! As in ATE, SWALLOWED and DIGESTED his cell phone.
I'm sure he'll be on here soon - bitching about it.

Buwahahahahaha indeed. Please call his number and let us know if you can hear it ringing in the dog's tummy!

10 Nov 2008 16:23

"he he he Jax i like the support you giving your fiance"
Cande - SUPPORT??? Are you kidding? Not half as noble as that - I just want that prize money so we can have a wedding ;)

"LOL!!! Jax, poor bulldog, why is Garth starving the poor thing,"
belz - hahaha. Obviously you don't realise just how MUCH Garth eats. Especially now that he's putting in so much physical exercise with Getroud Met Rugby AND SCD. There's nothing left in the house for ANY of us. I'm even surprised he hasn't eaten the bulldog!!!!

Please call his number and let us know if you can hear it ringing in the dog's tummy!
Toxic - bwhahahaha! You guys crack me up. Was wondering why I heard a *bleep bleep* everytime the dog farted.

10 Nov 2008 16:32


10 Nov 2008 16:42

Was wondering why I heard a *bleep bleep* everytime the dog farted. >> LMAO!!!!!!!

10 Nov 2008 16:45

Was wondering why I heard a *bleep bleep* everytime the dog farted. 

hahahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, i can't wait to hear the end of this. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

Not half as noble as that - I just want that prize money so we can have a wedding ;)


10 Nov 2008 16:54

whats up Gladiator!

Shuga babe
10 Nov 2008 17:01

@Garth, are your Medical aid and Insurances in order, coz i think Jax will have heart attack if you don't win this MONEY!!! LOL

<<Toxic - bwhahahaha! You guys crack me up. Was wondering why I heard a *bleep bleep* everytime the dog farted. >>

is the dog from the street as well, if so, I am not suprize its the way they use to robb people their cellphones and wallets. the street kid or should i say street adult coz most of them are over 18 send the dog to swallow those things from people and vomit it to them. hahahhaa!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Nov 2008 17:07

@Garth, are your Medical aid and Insurances in order, coz i think Jax will have heart attack if you don't win this MONEY!!! LOL 

Garth must "manage" to keep his eyes open when he drives first.

11 Nov 2008 00:44

Hey Monchooza 'tsup?

Cande: Thanks, we working our butts off to stay worthy of the votes we get and YEAH, Jax is a pillar "how lucky can one guy be?"

Goldii: Thank you, we do aim to please ;)
Agree the American Glads are not up to scratch, hopefully we'll see a new local series next year. If we are all lucky they may just let me host it. Perhaps if they get some pressure from tvsa (hint) :)

Hey  Belz better every day, thanks

Thanks GML, yip I'm a bit of a softy shhhhh!

Hi Toxic, you are damn right, GASP indeed - worked out kind of ok in the end though. Thanks for caring enough to be a mother hen ;) OH, and Monty, the Bully, is looking no worse for the wear however his bark does seem to have a more familiar ring to it now.

Hola JOE

No Shuga Babe this boy's not from the street at all - He's got a pedigree longer than our collective arms. Actually believes he's human. :)

Toxic I think  Jax might just have a heart attack when she hears there is NO prize money. At least as far as I know. And yeah, either keep my eyes open or better yet get someone to drive me so i can catch up on some sleep.

Overall: Promise to do my best at answering you all but please understand that it get a tad tight at times with Dance, acting, blogging, facebooking etc - no wonder all our spouses are stealing the neighbours cats then hey? Ooops, did I say that out loud?

11 Nov 2008 09:07

no wonder all our spouses are stealing the neighbours cats then hey? Ooops, did I say that out loud?


You are bad,bad,bad.  Your house must be a riot

11 Nov 2008 09:12

Hi Garth, how are you feeling now??

11 Nov 2008 12:31

Never thought the muscle man (THE muscle man) would dance. Not just move right, but dance!. Well done!! It is plain to see that there is more to your show than just Hayley-magic, which is quite something all on its own, but your effort really shows - kudos to you for commitment and endurance. Double of that to Hayley.

Something I've been wondering about right from your first dance, though - how about relaxing the lats & pecs a bit ? I get the feeling that your upper body is very tight/tensed - but I may be mistaking it for sheer mass... and I am dance-disabled but I had to ask.

Also need to say, you are better every week - much, much better every time... and I think Hayley brings something really special to the floor, not just good technical dancing, also an amazing amount of personality / spirit.

So relax, big man, you are in good hands - enjoy every one of your dances, the trophy will follow all by itself.

Thank you for doing this show !


11 Nov 2008 14:14

apology accepted! let me go read...

11 Nov 2008 14:46

@Shuga Babe : is the dog from the street as well, if so, I am not suprize its the way they use to robb people their cellphones and wallets. the street kid or should i say street adult coz most of them are over 18 send the dog to swallow those things from people and vomit it to them. Now I am wondering why you know so much about it, are/ were you one of the street adults? Are your dogs all there? Did u send it to Garth's home  by making it look lost and get rescued and steal? Garth and Jax, get rid of that dog, its Suga Babe's! 

@Jax : SUPPORT??? Are you kidding? Not half as noble as that - I just want that prize money so we can have a wedding ;) , I hope Garth won't read this, LOL! (You had me in stitches with this one!) 

@ Jax : Obviously you don't realise just how MUCH Garth eats. Especially now that he's putting in so much physical exercise with Getroud Met Rugby AND SCD. There's nothing left in the house for ANY of us. I'm even surprised he hasn't eaten the bulldog!!!! Yoh Garth, I am embarrassed for you bro! I guess he is one of those people who wake up at night, and eat in the dark! LOL!


11 Nov 2008 15:06

Okay, big guy. Are you gonna be in first place on Thursday?

Shuga babe
11 Nov 2008 15:07

LMAO @Joe, kwakwakwakwakwakwakwa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Garth, (Thank you 4 your support, Hayle and i appreciate it. Don't forget to watch SABC 2 to see us hold a trophy)I love that positive attitude. I am VOTING, VOTING, VOTING 4 U.

11 Nov 2008 15:28

<<Now for attitudes don’t read “bad attitudes” but rather “ok-now-give-me-half-an-hour-or-so-and-I’ll-wake-up-and-possibly-consider-dancing attitudes” which is fine if you’re all in the same space, HOWEVER ...

Yours truly was NOT in the same space and needed to get things moving which resulted in the odd, how should we put this… um… chastising of poor slumbering souls to “get a bloody move on” or “please guys if you REALLY need to speak could you please go and stand outside so that those of us who need to practice can do so undisturbed?” which in turn got me a couple of choice comments delivered directly to my back as I moved away to continue my rendition of one of the seven dwarves - yes people, my alter ego was doing a perfect GRUMPY>>
i could guess who woul do this but will not, thanks granite for keeping our shleps in line!

11 Nov 2008 15:48

like i said before, DO NOT KILL YOURSELF!!!

11 Nov 2008 17:19

Garth is BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK..................... Why did i miss this article!!!!!!! Thank GOD you are feeling better broer..... I hope this does not mean that Jax will stop blogging???? Garth you better make sure she comes back to the site... you know we love Gossip....

And this morning our bulldog ate his phone.....kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa........

On a serious note - all the best for Thursday G.......

Garth you know i have reliable sources and they tell me the prize money for the winner is R100 000........LOL

11 Nov 2008 17:37

@ mjj : you know "we" love Gossip.... Who is "we"? Please becareful when u r writing in English dear, I don't want to hear the Julius Malema story here! Nex time please speak for yourself, otherwise you are tarnishing the reputation of the other bloggers who do not love gossip like me! I don't want people to label me as a gossipmonger when I tell them that I am a blogger!

11 Nov 2008 21:54

Cande: I'm feeling really great about this weeks Viennese waltz and group gumboot. Physically I'm doing ok, nothing holding me back. Thanks for asking.

Hi Sam.B: Yeah, never would have thought I'd be dancing either but hey, I am LOVING it - So good to be pushing my comfort zone. And yes, we've been working hard at relaxing and not using strength but rather to flow with the dance. It has been and remains an honour for me to dance with Hayley and to entertain everyone. The pleasure is all mine.

Hey Joe, Sorry, but there's no way I'm giving up on my Bully Boy. ;)
Don't be embarrassed for me, I'm not! I've been known to set an alarm to wake up and eat. Nutrition is vital to my training success.

GML: First place is the goal my friend that's for sure.

 Thanks Shuga Babe REALLY appreciate those votes (10 to 34766) X

Segololo: In the words of Sir Elton John "I'm still standing" and I plan to for a long LOOONG time. Thanks :)

Hi there mjj, Back on the blog and still in the competition thanks to Hayley's teaching, Jackie's (JAX) marketing and management and all your votes. Bless you guys.
100 000.00??? Zim Dollars?? ;)

13 Nov 2008 08:40

WELL DONE FOR TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(See, I ALREADY know you gonna do brilliantly. Call me psychic.)


13 Nov 2008 08:48

Oh, Jax, you have to be optimistic , talk about the prize money!!!! tht wedding gal!!! lol.

Shuga babe
13 Nov 2008 08:54

<<<100 000.00??? Zim Dollars?? ;)>> 
kwakwakwakwakwakw!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! buaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

WELL DONE FOR TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well said Jax

VOTE VOTE VOTE 4 Garth!!!!!!!!!
083 913 4766 - 1 - 10
083 913 4766 - 1 - 10
083 913 4766 - 1 - 10
083 913 4766 - 1 - 10
083 913 4766 - 1 - 10
Thank you 4 your support, Hayley and I appreciate it (on Garth's voice) LOL

13 Nov 2008 09:00

Simmone: Unfortunately I have lost contact with a lot of the old Glads but I do still have contact with Giant, Tusk, Fire, Spider and Ice. All doing well at last check. 

Thanks for the reply Granite, *the groupie in me is doing this not me* I had a crush on Spider. He wasn’t the most masculine compared to you and warrior but his flexibility and acrobats were awesome. Say hi for me. And ask him if he has any pics of himself doing the acrobats during gladiators, I will give you my email if he has. *prettttty pleeze*  i will vote for you.

Goodluck for tonight

13 Nov 2008 09:33

Hey Jax, don't listen to Gugu, he probably only got the first 5 words right:

This weeks dance suits Garth, not sure though how Anele and Cindy will fare though, but we know 5fm will do anything to keep Anele in. As for Tessa and Rob - we know they are the judges’ pets, so I guess this week I will have to go with Garth and Cindy, unless of course the judges want me out! 

Judges pets???  Hmmm...   the judges get only HALF the vote


Come on everybody, do this:

Dial 083 913 4766 - 1 - 10, then
Dial 083 913 4766 - 1 - 10, then
Dial 083 913 4766 - 1 - 10, then
Dial 083 913 4766 - 1 - 10, then
Dial 083 913 4766 - 1 - 10

Thinking of you and holding thumbs (yeah, it's hard to type like this) - but hey, if the big man can dance with torn ligaments....

Stay strong Jax, thanks for supporting the man the way you do !!

Shuga babe
13 Nov 2008 16:45

                                      GOOD LUCK 4 2NITE!!

16 Nov 2008 22:40

Hey JAX, miss you babe thanks for the vote of confidence.

Thanks to all you guys for the support and votes.

16 Nov 2008 22:52

Hehe Garth - you're logged in as Jax. You may get a bit of slap for it methinks!

16 Nov 2008 22:56


18 Nov 2008 01:52

See that's what happens when you don't log off Jax, I sit at your computer and VOILA!!! Identity crisis!!

Hi Guys, This weeks blog will be late as I am short of time, been shooting all day rehearsing all night. Got to grab some snooze now and back to training at 10 am.

Thanks for all your support and messages, it means the world to me.


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