What Would You Do?

Written by Shuga babe from the blog Suger B on 06 Oct 2008
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What would u do?

What would u do if you were @ the Bank with your gals and you all chatting about the Guy who’s sitting over there, and you all chatting about how bad looking he is, how poor he must be judging from his appearance.

And same guy walk towards you and ask you for your number and you refuse but he insist in giving you his and you just take it and throw it in a bin.

Few minutes later, he had finished whatever he was in the Bank for and he comes to you to say he’ll wait for that call as he’d given you his number. On his way out he drops a bank statement. A Security guard looked around but cannot find him and a Security just gives his Bank Statement to u to give it to him because he had seen you talking and thought you know each other.

When you open a Bank Statement it Wows you, every Months he receives 2Million from his Business in Durban, half a Million from the one in Cape Town and more Millions from his Company in JHB. He’s only spending few Thousands in Paying his Workers and personal things.

What would you do?
• Do you go dig the bin for his number?
• Do you try and look is he’s still around the area?
• Do you let him go just like that?
• If you find the number, do you call him?
• Do you tell your gals about the Bank Statement?
• Do you and your gals vow to play him for his money?
• Do you and your gals celebrate that you have found somebody to buy you Drinks at that TOP Club in town?

We live in the days where you just love someone for what he/ she has.
So please be honest!!!!


Shuga babe
06 Oct 2008 09:59

I would definatley celebrate for finding a Minister of all departments. weeeeepie!!!!!

06 Oct 2008 10:09

Unfortunately Shuga babes, him having millions in his bank doesn't guaranteee that you'll get a cent from him....have you ever heard of a cheap millionaire?? 

06 Oct 2008 10:09

reality is that i would fish for that number. Mara from where i'm sitting, the guy dropped the bank statement on purpose and it makes me wonder why?

06 Oct 2008 10:17

the guy dropped the bank statement on purpose and it makes me wonder why?he he he TOXIC, o opile kgomo lenaka...probably it is his modus operandi(sp). a person cannot drop an A4 sheet/s and not notice....haikona, ke a gana! 

I once went out with a multi millionaire...le today I'm still waiting for that samsung E530 phone, LOL...atleast I didn't give it up!

06 Oct 2008 10:19

Im with Toxic on that one...

what aka mathata
06 Oct 2008 10:26

i will dig for those Numbers n call him,who want do die poor anyway,i will make sure i behave myself,

when i met him,i will call him MR i dont care how many times,in this world you dont have to be shy,anytime things can change,

im still saying who want to die poor?

06 Oct 2008 10:32

reality is that i would fish for that number. Mara from where i'm sitting, the guy dropped the bank statement on purpose and it makes me wonder why?
This is just too co incidental for me, a bank statement is not something that u carry kalula nje. So ke mina I wouldn't even bother finding that no. yaleyo nsobza. Wena Shuga Babe, be ur own Minister and that way u won't need to live le good life with another mans' money!!!

06 Oct 2008 10:32

when i met him,i will call him MR i dont care how many times,in this world you dont have to be shy,anytime things can change,

06 Oct 2008 10:34

This calls, for your pride, girl.. question your pride as a woman...

06 Oct 2008 10:36

Girls really need to drop this whole Minister business... why cant we aspire to be ministers????

what aka mathata
06 Oct 2008 10:37

@nonny,another mans just icing on top of the cake.

06 Oct 2008 10:41

06 Oct 2008 10:43

Wena Shuga Babe, be ur own Minister and that way u won't need to live le good life with another mans' money!!!

Thank you Nonnzzz... you are so, right!

06 Oct 2008 10:43


Shuga babe
06 Oct 2008 10:44

haybo!!! Singayeka oKhanyi Mbawu bagijime ngamalimbogini bodwa hey? why don't we save our money and use men's, like they sometimes use us and left us with nothing.  

Do you think why some ladies drive those smart cars, wear those labeles and go to that top clubs in town hey? its because they do not let man snip ther fingers! i would go out with a 48 year old as lond he's give me everything. *please don't let my man hear this*

06 Oct 2008 10:45


06 Oct 2008 10:45

I'd say dnt look for that number. He knew by the time he dropped that statement u'll be crazy to give him that call.

06 Oct 2008 10:46

This calls, for your pride, girl.. question your pride as a woman...
Ameni Carino, mina I am so over getting excited about ukudla imali yomunye umuntu. It's so parasitical. It's even worse ukudla imali yomuntu ongamuthandi coz as the saying goes: "kudliwa imali, kudliwe nomuntu" go on gal, chow his money so he can also chow u.

@nonny,another mans just icing on top of the cake.
hhahahaha Mathata gal, u are in Canada making good money so Ministers should be the last thing on ur mind........LOL

Girls really need to drop this whole Minister business... why cant we aspire to be ministers????
My point exactly. It's so good to be indepent ladies. It's so much better to have something that u earned in a good way, not in an undercover prostitution manner.

06 Oct 2008 10:47

Perhaps u mean "some" women TDC, not sonke, mina I am not the "I want a Minister type"

06 Oct 2008 10:48

I mean it's so good to be independent

06 Oct 2008 10:50

he he he he!!! Shuga Babe....yah neh

06 Oct 2008 10:51

ok will cum back 2mor

what aka mathata
06 Oct 2008 10:52

@shuga b,im one of those women,who cares?he ask me,i didnt,n i dont wanna die poor,how many times must i kiss porverty,

i didnt rob anyone,i behave like an angel n it did work for me,he cant build a school,clinic or jail.

who want to die poor?

06 Oct 2008 10:53

Nonns why even such thoughts would come to mind? Ok SOME WOMEN????

06 Oct 2008 10:53

He’s only spending few Thousands in Paying his Workers and personal things.
I smell a rat with even this line, only spending a few thousands????

Shuga babe
06 Oct 2008 10:53

never give it to him!! but eat his money like crazy. ask him for rant, money for you and your 10 family  members you stay with, tell him you don't like your old car. 

and yoooooooooo Mr money will give it all to you.

06 Oct 2008 10:55

My point exactly. It's so good to be indepent ladies. It's so much better to have something that u earned in a good way, not in an undercover prostitution manner: I hear u Nonny....I'm like one pays my bills, but sometimes I wish somebody can just give me a breather, once in a while!

06 Oct 2008 10:56

never give it to him!! but eat his money like crazy. ask him for rant, money for you and your 10 family members you stay with, tell him you don't like your old car.
and yoooooooooo Mr money will give it all to you.

At some point u will have to also give him ur kuku, and be careful of izimpethu ongase kuzithole kuyena. Ever heard of the saying that: "Ikhiwane elihle ligcwele izimpethu".....well becareful gal coz the saying might get a bit too lieteral for u Shuga Babe.

06 Oct 2008 10:57

how many times must i kiss porverty, LMAO Mathata!

06 Oct 2008 10:58

I would  make up a strategy to sulk this nigga half of his millions, in 3 weeks then he is history, I aint shagging no ugly mafacka for more than 3 weeks.

My Mr Price account is on arrears and thsi is an opportunity i wont mic. Modimo akaphi ngasandla. Dynamite comes in shady looking packages.

06 Oct 2008 10:58

I hear u Nonny....I'm like one pays my bills, but sometimes I wish somebody can just give me a breather, once in a while!
@ LM - but I am sure at the end of the day, u have more pride in knowing that u did it urself.

what aka mathata
06 Oct 2008 10:59

ME WITH BIG LETTERS,i am who i am bcs of my husband,i dont want to lie.

i think if was'nt him,even tOday,i will be doing IM LOOKING FOR JOB.LOOKING FOR JOB.


06 Oct 2008 10:59

IZIMPETHU our hummer guy..........eish scary stuff

Shuga babe
06 Oct 2008 10:59

@Nonny how much do u got in your savings account? if less than a thousand why not get yourself someoun who'll pay all everything for you. and you have to do is save your maney.

you know when i look at my bank statement i feel like using Umshini wami (shooting someone) trust me!!!!!!!!

06 Oct 2008 11:00

@ Nonny- Ikhiwane elihle ligcwele izimpethu hello girl, this aint no pretty khiwane, its some ugly-wealthy mafacka who needs andie van die uno help him donate his earning to a worth cause (thats mua)

06 Oct 2008 11:01

@ LM - but I am sure at the end of the day, u have more pride in knowing that u did it urself: Yes Luv, I do...

06 Oct 2008 11:04

you know when i look at my bank statement i feel like using Umshini wami (shooting someone) trust me!!!!!!!! LOL @ Shuga babe

06 Oct 2008 11:08

IZIMPETHU our hummer guy..........eish scary stuff
yeah Mstick scary but luring stufff for amathatha  like Shuga Babe.

@ Nonny- Ikhiwane elihle ligcwele izimpethu hello girl, this aint no pretty khiwane, its some ugly-wealthy mafacka who needs andie van die uno help him donate his earning to a worth cause (thats mua)
@ Andi01 - that khiwane doesn't neccessarily refer to the looks, it can be the "good Ministered life" that SB sees if she gets close to this millionaire. 

you know when i look at my bank statement i feel like using Umshini wami (shooting someone) trust me!!!!!!!!
heheheh shoot urself then....LOL

06 Oct 2008 11:11

• Do you go dig the bin for his number? DEFINATELY I WOULD TAKE EVERYTHING OUT OF THE BIN
• Do you try and look is he’s still around the area? I WOULD DO ANYTHING POSSIBLE
• Do you let him go just like that? NO WHY WOULD I MISS SUCH A FORTUNE
• If you find the number, do you call him? DAY AND NIGHT
• Do you tell your gals about the Bank Statement? IN THEIR DREAMS
• Do you and your gals vow to play him for his money? NGINGAYIDLA NGEDWA
• Do you and your gals celebrate that you have found somebody to buy you Drinks at that TOP Club in town? ...............

06 Oct 2008 11:16

i will continue this talk tomorrow....

what aka mathata
06 Oct 2008 11:24

s babe,when you met MR MONEYdont ask for money for 4mns,he will think you can be a good wife.he will giveit to you with open heart

06 Oct 2008 11:29

LOL @ D-maths- girl are you talking from experience, I can learn a thing or 2 from you

what aka mathata
06 Oct 2008 11:38

yes,worse part im married.

dont ask until4-6mns,the time he giveit to you,BIG things,it works,show him you can doit by yourself.

if he comes with car,trade in,buy it with your name,make sure your name come first.

06 Oct 2008 11:42

Mina in this country that I'm living in (somewhere in West Africa) it is expected that a man should take care of you, regardless of whether you work or not. If you do not allow a man to take his manly responsibilities he becomes very offended and thinks that you are undermining his abilities as the MAN. This goes for male friends who take you out to dinner (there's no going dutch business lana), your boyfriend who buys the groceries for your house and takes care of everything including your weekly manicures/pedicures, facials and hair salon visits. Hhayi ke ku-worse if it is your husband.

Now, mina with my South African mentality of independence and self-suffiency have unintentionally insulted many people (including my boyfriend) and the ladies have reprimanded me on numerous occassions bengithi foreign women like me will spoil their men who are well-trained in their responsibilities. They say if you don't allow the man to take care of you then he will go and take care of another woman. My boyfriend keeps telling me that I work or have a career because it is my choice but it is still his responsibility to take care of all my expenses because he is my man. Hhayi shame I just can't handle that but even though I continue to do my own thing with my money, I have learnt not to refuse when he buys groceries, pays my helper and the household bills. Of course, this mentality has resulted in a lot of gold-diggers and my question is, where do you draw the  line? It's better to rely on yourself and know that at the end of the day you can be proud of the fact that whatever you have acquired is through you own sweat (hopefully not the perspiration you get from ucansi). Uma kunjalo there is no man ozokusanganela telling you that he owns you etc, well that's the lesson I got from ma folks and I practice it.

what aka mathata
06 Oct 2008 11:52

dont forget  to do thanx(paris hilton VC)

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 02:23

Gals don't ever GIVE,GIVE,GIVE and GET. Make sure that u GET,GET,GET and GIVE. 

Mina shame, I work hard every day but as long as I have somebody that I call my man, I will never ever pay for anything. all i'm doing is just SAVE,SAVE and more SAVE.

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 03:06

@TDC,  SOME MEN????? Grow up bhuti this a real world!!! haybo u must never ever!!! wake up and take another look at your Bank Statement Sweetheart or say Goodbye to SOME WOMEN!!!!!!!!!

07 Oct 2008 03:16

So i guess its all about money in the end........

07 Oct 2008 03:24

@Shuga babe:Why are you so INTENT on forcing us to see things your way??? Not all women are like you, yazi?

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 03:26

@Toxic, thats why MEN will always GET,GET,GET from u instead og GIVE,GIVE,GIVE.

07 Oct 2008 03:26

Sdudla those women are giving you great advices yazi..
It is a man's responsibility to take care of his woman, most men feel offended when i woman is independent.
I wouldn't mind a guy who will do everything for groceries, pay my bills out of LOVE..

07 Oct 2008 03:30

God cannot come down here and give us money himself,he will send some body to help us.........i will go straight to the Bin,i wont struggle to get back those numbers as they are not too far they are just on i will go like........Hi, is that Blah blah (Yes) can we meet at some local restaurant, u dropped some Private staff at the Bank, so i think.................

07 Oct 2008 03:30

Shuga babes ... Im sorry love i wont follow any man no matter how fat their bank account balance is ... i have been nursing my pride all my life and thus it wont allow me to do that ... i can only do whatever it takes for the company or business that will give me that balance in my own bank statement!!!! .... girl pride tana girl pride.

07 Oct 2008 03:31

I will never ever pay for anything. all i'm doing is just SAVE,SAVE and more SAVE.Serious? tjo? jah neh asifani impela!

07 Oct 2008 03:35

With money, anything is possible

07 Oct 2008 03:37

So i guess its all about money in the end........U have decided to join us u and mstick, Yes, cannot leave Millioner,

07 Oct 2008 03:38

@Toxic, thats why MEN will always GET,GET,GET from u instead og GIVE,GIVE,GIVE.

Again, you assume.

07 Oct 2008 03:39

Mina shame, I work hard every day but as long as I have somebody that I call my man, I will never ever pay for anything. all i'm doing is just SAVE,SAVE and more SAVE.

@Shuga babe ..  sthandwa sami anything we call relationship is a two-way street, you take, you give unless if you are using a person.

07 Oct 2008 03:40

INteresting, how did I miss this?

Do you go dig the bin for his number? - Nah, he's probably dealing or something. Mina I don't want a man who's got that much money, I just need him to be able to afford a certain lifestyle, and that does not need millions in the bank at all

07 Oct 2008 03:42

thats why MEN will always GET,GET,GET from u instead og GIVE,GIVE,GIVE.
It is a two way street love ... Get-Give, get-give and get-give

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 03:42

"i will go straight to the Bin,i wont struggle to get back those numbers as they are not too far they are just on i will go like........Hi, is that Blah blah (Yes) can we meet at some local restaurant, u dropped some Private staff at the Bank, so i think................."   HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! KWAKWAKWA!!!!!!!! U GO GAL!!!!!!!

07 Oct 2008 03:42

Mina shame, I work hard every day but as long as I have somebody that I call my man, I will never ever pay for anything. all i'm doing is just SAVE,SAVE and more SAVE.
Hau, kanti there are really ppl out there who think like this. So tell me shugababe, since you work so hard, what is it that you are working hard for exactly?

07 Oct 2008 03:44

It is a two way street love ... Get-Give, get-give and get-give

eish now i realised i am being selfish, lemme take him out tl tl

07 Oct 2008 03:47

God cannot come down here and give us money himself,he will send some body to help us.........i will go straight to the Bin>>>> MOLIB u finished
but all dis money thing it dependson a person how u view it,loyo bhuti bekakudoba wena Shuga,galz from  my kasi they dont like me coz ,if we go out i buy my own drinks bona bamela amadoda.

Cutie Pie
07 Oct 2008 03:48

@ Shuga Babe : I just wonder Shuga if you think ukuthi the interest rates, petrol price increase etc ONLY affect you and NOT the man??? Phela we must still have a heart and not let greed chase good men away. A good man does not always have to provide for you...

@ Mathata : I just hope doll that you are doing something at the moment about your life, something that will give YOU a better future, JUST IN CASE something happens between you and your husband..I don't wish you bad please don't get me wrong..We all know anything is possible these days....Unless you are married IN-COMMUNITY-OF-PROP...

South Africa is full of possibilities and opportunities for BLACK, YOUNG WOMEN..therefore if you miss the opportunity now you'll regret it later. Every woman can be anything that they want in S.A if they set their goals right...

The thing is money does not rub off. He can give you a thousand per month and you'll think that you are set, wherEas you can be furthering your studies and climbing up the corporate ladder and doubling that money every quarter...

The thing is once you depend on a man financially, you stand all sorts of crap and abuse coz you can't do it o your own...

If I'm only left with less than a thousand rand in my bank, i think of a better way of having more money. i.e getting a better job while furthering my studies, taking my career more seriously so when it comes in increases, i'll have a good negotiation basis...

Stand up girls and take the opportunity...

07 Oct 2008 03:50

OMW! jah neh! Shugs yini le enkulu kangaka that u saving for? when are u gonna chow eyakho ke?

07 Oct 2008 03:52

What would you do?
• I would go & dig the bin for his number
• If I find the number, I will call him
• I would tell my gals about the Bank Statement
• We will  vow to play him for his money
• We will celebrate that I have found somebody to buy us Drinks at that TOP Club in town....
To be honest that is what i would do...coz he drops that Bank Statement on purpose...and i will not luv him for his money....I beleive in luv at first sight 

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 03:52

@Best-Achiever, It breaks my heart to see a lady paying FOR petrol  just because her man picked her up from work. RUBBISH!!

mina I'm not using my man i Love him but when it comes to bills and other staff it just go straight in to his business address and his PA take good care of it. i don't even know what an eletricity or stores accounts loook like. will never fall in love with poor men or a man in my standard. NEVER!!!!!!!

07 Oct 2008 03:55

well said Cutie Pie, some words of encouragement for me!!

07 Oct 2008 03:59

Lol @Shuga Babe, and your man is happy to foot all your bills?

07 Oct 2008 04:00

cande do that dear it aint a crime at all, its nice be spoilt rotten by a man but u cant make that your sole mission in life  to extort cash out of the poor soul coz he's your man haaibo i disagree! men are humans too. Shuga-babes yicabange le ndaba for real my dear it aint attractive at all.

07 Oct 2008 04:01


Hi Ladies 

Am sure you are all aware of the so called HUMMER guy who just came to
Phalaborwa recently to spread his strange disease .Good people this is
not a story or a myth, it is a reality. Apparently the guy will date
you for a while, then take you to a shopping spree, spoil you rotten
with all the things that your man never did before, pay up your debts
and stuff like that.

After that he will take you to the most luxurious accommodation
establishment around town.......that is where all the dirty acts are
done, he will not be ashamed to take off his nappy (Huggies) in front
of you coz he has a you have nothing to do. He force
you to sleep with him and there after you will be given a huge amount
of money to maintain the worms by buying them a liver as well as

Believe me or not I know of one victim in Lulekani who just passed
away, and the other from Mashishimale, still in Maphutha Hospital
Let us not keep quite about this, keep on sharing this with our
beloved friends, sisters and colleagues.
We might save other people's lives.
This Hummer is always parked at checkers parking next to Joshua Doore
and Duns store.....beware of that ladies.

07 Oct 2008 04:04

Yoh Shugababes! i just read the petrol comment, ok i am speechless moving to the next blog manje coz le inkulu kunam impela tl!tl!

07 Oct 2008 04:06

yintoni na ngoku PY??

07 Oct 2008 04:07

@Best-Achiever, It breaks my heart to see a lady paying FOR petrol just because her man picked her up from work. RUBBISH!!

@Shuga babe ... do you always what is the arrangement between them? ...

mina I'm not using my man i Love him but when it comes to bills and other staff it just go straight in to his business address and his PA take good care of it. i don't even know what an eletricity or stores accounts loook like. will never fall in love with poor men or a man in my standard. NEVER!!!!!!!

Money is mostly the source of all broken relatioshp ... why are you working vele?  i doubt you'll ever fall inlove in the first place but you'll always fall for a bank account .... that is why you find the guts to shove evrything to your partnerbecause you dont love him bt you use him ... if you real loved him you would have a heart and balance you financial life ... uyangiphoxa kodwa ..... what are you teaching your daughter kahle kahle ...

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 04:15

"Lol @Shuga Babe, and your man is happy to foot all your bills?"  I don't make him pay, I make him wanna pay and he does it with a BIG Smile.

"OMW! jah neh! Shugs yini le enkulu kangaka that u saving for? when are u gonna chow eyakho ke?" I save coz there's nothing else i can do but Sometimes I SHOP, SHOP, SHOP till I drop. anyway I just atarted working few months ago, for me it was so boring to stay at home with my Laptop destroying my Data card ooops!!!!! his Data card or drive around everyday.

07 Oct 2008 04:16

Haw...Cnglemother...its just a warning

07 Oct 2008 04:22

PY that is a lie, that story has been circulating since 2006, l don´t believe it. Why hasn´t anyone ever reported this thing, l have never heard about it on the news but on these chain emails. If it is true, can someone with the disease come forward report it so everyone can know about it.

Shuga babe, do as you please my love, if he has to pay for everything let it be dear, after all l guess you give him the way he wants it, that is why he is still with you and paying the bills otherwise he would have left you a long time ago and got himself a Venda woman.  99 % of woman fall in love with the resources, they don´t fall in love with a poor guy.

BA, do you think Khanyi Mbau is in love with Mandla ?

07 Oct 2008 04:24

@PY- i thot this was just a joke, until I came face to face with the man, lets just say, I will always be thankful to Qamata and my ancestors for saving ma black arse that day and everyday ke phofu.

07 Oct 2008 04:24

Shuga babe, you are one lucky woman, l just wish l can be in your shoes just for a day, but l know l can´t fit anyway.

07 Oct 2008 04:26

Guys i've been a silent blogger kule blog since yesterday, im not into what SB is doing, believe me i pay for everything i do for myself from cosmetics to my hair, clothes, food etc. My point is why are you all attacking SB whereas even Mathata (I love that woman to bits) has confessed that she lets her man pay the bills? What you are telling SB, say it to Mathata(ngiyakuthanda sana uyeva?) 

07 Oct 2008 04:28

Shuga Babe it looks like you got yourself a little Mr Motsepe there, but dont abuse the priviledges.. Do something for yourself as well!!!

07 Oct 2008 04:36

I envy u,shuga B

07 Oct 2008 04:36

BA, do you think Khanyi Mbau is in love with Mandla ?

@BigMama ..that a blog for another day
My point is .. i dont like it when people use others in the name of love ...relationships are a two way street!

I save coz there's nothing else i can do but Sometimes I SHOP, SHOP, SHOP till I drop. anyway I just atarted working few months ago, for me it was so boring to stay at home with my Laptop destroying my Data card ooops!!!!! his Data card or drive around everyday. 


Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 04:38

@Centrepiece, you are such a sweet thing, u know that!!!!  really guys i love him and he loves me too, thats why he won't let me pay even for his stepdaughter's school fees. 

07 Oct 2008 04:41

Haw...Cnglemother...its just a warning There is no need to explain yrself girl,those who have ears will listen,and those who dnt will fall in the trap and we will sing
 la la la la la la Go back to chorus and repeat the firts line ha hahaha ha  la la la la la....why this Man is still alive but his Victims are Dying....but hey Girls be warned

07 Oct 2008 04:44

Been in a meeting and some of the replies here are dissapointing to read.

07 Oct 2008 04:49

Hey  u PY and Bigmamzo

07 Oct 2008 04:56

Very disappointing!

morning, Nonnzz...

07 Oct 2008 04:58

will never fall in love with poor men or a man in my standard. NEVER!!!!!!!
In my understanding, u don't chose love coz love choses u. So if u have preset a standard of who ur heart will fall inlove with, then surely u have the intellect to know that that is not love.

07 Oct 2008 05:02

thats why he won't let me pay even for his stepdaughter's school fees

@Shgababes .. this real says a lot about you as a mother ..shem poor daughter,

07 Oct 2008 05:07

I'll definately go to the bin and dig for his contact number and tell him that the Security agve me your bank statement so if you're still around you can come to me and take it, I know he'll thank me then he would ask if I need something to drink, and the answer will be: yes please!

07 Oct 2008 05:07

Morning Carino, my friendship I've been wondering where u are hiding this morning, neway I was reading my fave sonnet & somehow I find it appropriate to post it in this blog, so I thought I share. We did it a long time ago at school.

Shakespeare Sonnet 116
Let me not to marriage of true minds admit impediments.
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds, 
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved. 

07 Oct 2008 05:10

Cha Shuga Babes, You're a lucky woman why itwasn't me who met that guy.
But you said that he was looking bad ey mina I don't like abantu besilisa abangabukeki.

07 Oct 2008 05:11

My friendship, thats my favourite Sonnet too....

07 Oct 2008 05:14

thats why he won't let me pay even for his stepdaughter's school fees

@Shugababes .. this real says a lot about you as a mother ..shem poor daughter,

Shugababes, is this the same child that, at the age of nine, does not know what the word *Kunjani* means???? shame, poor child...

07 Oct 2008 05:15

@ Nonny- I love you bcoz you always make my day (noma kanjani). I love that poem and you right, it is so relevant its not even funny. Kaloku Myself, shakespeare and Mzwakhe Mbuli, we best friends. LOL

07 Oct 2008 05:16

My friendship, thats my favourite Sonnet too....
Ngeke mngani, perhaps Zee Babes was right about that Khumbulekhaya blog that I should do, ngathi mina nawe we connect too much not be related....LOL

07 Oct 2008 05:20

@ Nonny : Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, meaning love is not love which changes when bank statement revealed. It is the star to every wandering bark (love gives hope 2 ur man that even though he is as poor as a church mouse, he will forever have you and you give him soo much joy and direction in his life that no amount of money can ever be able to).

@ Shuga Babes

Someone teach this child true love
teach this child true love
this child true love
child true love
true love 
I cant help it u guys, dont bite ma head off, Ok little crazy ass niggaz

07 Oct 2008 05:20

Kaloku Myself, shakespeare and Mzwakhe Mbuli, we best friends. LOL
I know Andi01
.........*in my best Mzwakhe Mbuli voice*

"Shugababes, is this the same child that, at the age of nine, does not know what the word *Kunjani* means???? shame, poor child..."
hahhahahahahha Carino, that's exactly what I thought, and maybe the stepdad could pay for his stepdaughter's private (neededZulu lessons after school, I am sure he wouldn't mind....LOL

07 Oct 2008 05:26

@ Nonny : Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, meaning love is not love which changes when bank statement revealed. It is the star to every wandering bark (love gives hope 2 ur man that even though he is as poor as a church mouse, he will forever have you and you give him soo much joy and direction in his life that no amount of money can ever be able to).

@ Andi01 - hahahah mngani u are good. I can feel what u are saying. Yazi I feel so bad coz in 10min, I have to log off for an hour *eish umsebenzi ungibambile vandag* and I know that once u are in "Mzwakhe Mbuli" mode, there is no stopping u....LOL

07 Oct 2008 05:26

love gives hope 2 ur man that even though he is as poor as a church mouse, he will forever have you and you give him soo much joy and direction in his life that no amount of money can ever be able to

@Andie .... well said my Skat, well said ...

that's exactly what I thought, and maybe the stepdad could pay for his stepdaughter's private (needed) Zulu lessons after school, I am sure he wouldn't mind....LOL

And we wonder everytime we read "A step father abused the step daughter while the mother was out shopping with step dady's credit card using his car" ....some guys get gatvol withe being used and try to pay with what will hurt the most to the mother ... (and i know some are just plain monsters) .... but mothers should be careful

07 Oct 2008 05:27

Ngeke mngani, perhaps Zee Babes was right about that Khumbulekhaya blog that I should do, ngathi mina nawe we connect too much not be related....LOL

Maybe, nhe.. we might just find out that my great grandmother and your great grandfather bebesebenzela umlungu oyi-one, back in the day....LOL

On a serious note, it's girls like Shugababes and the others that end up like Bridgette Shabane. I was watching Generations izolo and it broke my heart to see Bridgette in the state that she was in... She depended on uDumisani, she has no job, no support whatsoever, she never stood on her own two feet and owned her world...
Now, the man is leaving her, and please show me one thing that she can call hers.....

07 Oct 2008 05:28

Ngeke mngani, perhaps Zee Babes was right about that Khumbulekhaya blog that I should do, ngathi mina nawe we connect too much not be related....LOL

Maybe, nhe.. we might just find out that my great grandmother and your great grandfather bebesebenzela umlungu oyi-one, back in the day....LOL

On a serious note, it's girls like Shugababes and the others that end up like Bridgette Shabane. I was watching Generations izolo and it broke my heart to see Bridgette in the state that she was in... She depended on uDumisani, she has no job, no support whatsoever, she never stood on her own two feet and owned her world...
Now, the man is leaving her, and please show me one thing that she can call hers.....

07 Oct 2008 05:33

@Shuga Babe, sorry sisi but these guys are actually telling the truth, but you are the only one who can change this. Its either you learn from this or you just throw it away, but hey the bloggers have said it well.

07 Oct 2008 05:33

And we wonder everytime we read "A step father abused the step daughter while the mother was out shopping with step dady's credit card using his car" ....some guys get gatvol withe being used and try to pay with what will hurt the most to the mother ... (and i know some are just plain monsters) .... but mothers should be careful
Amen BA, moms should be extra careful.

She depended on uDumisani, she has no job, no support whatsoever, she never stood on her own two feet and owned her world...
Now, the man is leaving her, and please show me one thing that she can call hers
It was sad indeed gal, but still abo Shuga Babe want to love that kind of lifestyle. I hope she succeeds in kiling herself, so that perhaps the hardcore storyline will hit home and be a wake up call for other women out there.

Cheers guys. See u in an hour or so.

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 05:35

@Nonny and Carino, please don't make my child's problem a JOKE, come on now i really needed you to help not laugh at me. so please have hearts in this OK!

AGAIN, angisoze ngashuquzwa indoda ehluphekayo. and will never be like Bridget coz will never drive my man away from but instead will drive closer and closer to me and i mean sooooooooo close to me.

07 Oct 2008 05:37

...'this really says a lot about you as a mother...shem poor daughter'
People are different really, different things attract us. Others go for money, others looks, so its a personal choice really, and there's no need to judge ichoice yomunye umntu because its not what attracts you to a man. If mna i'm into pretty boys, i have no business judging Wendy Luhabe.

07 Oct 2008 05:38

...'this really says a lot about you as a mother...shem poor daughter'
People are different really, different things attract us. Others go for money, others looks, so its a personal choice really, and there's no need to judge ichoice yomunye umntu because its not what attracts you to a man. If mna i'm into pretty boys, i have no business judging Wendy Luhabe.

07 Oct 2008 05:44

@ Shuga babe-please don't make my child's problem a JOKE, your child's only problem is you, you are a JOKE  for a mother, excuse my being harsh, but I feel very insulted when Africans undermine themselves so much that they dont c the importance of the child to know who she is. Hello you make choices for that child, she is urs to protect and guide, if you ask me you are killing that child. The Zulu inside her is dying slowly, just so you know she can speak english better than Tony Blair, but she will never be english. You are taking away the only thing that will be hers for ever. You are removing her originality.

07 Oct 2008 05:47

eish, andi01 that really hurts.

07 Oct 2008 05:53

@Shuga babe- i have no problems on how you choose to live ur life. U r a smart and mature lady. But have mercy on that child, do u ever consider how deep this grave you are digging for her. If you take her Africanism away from her, what will she be left with. Gawd blessed u with this beautiful african flower, with the ability to rotate from xhosa-zulu-venda-pedi etc, but wena u choose to turn her to this fake non-african, who is limited to English, and that being a foreign language to her.

07 Oct 2008 05:55

@ Big Mama-eish, andi01 that really hurts. its the truth, it does that  LOL

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 05:56

@andi01, I feel sooooooooo attacked, gal right now!!!! Maybe u were not there when we were discusing my daughter. i explain everything to people. so wena u come here and call me a JOKE. SORRY GAL BUT U NOT ARSH YOU ARE RUDE.

just so you know, i'm taking her to a ZULU boarding school next year. but i'm going to check if the environment is HEALTHY for her. 

@Best-Achiever , even biological fathers RAPE thier children.

07 Oct 2008 05:56

Don't you guys see that you are attacking SB personally manje? I know that what she believes in can hurt her in the long run but Attcking her like this won't help her instead she will be all defensive. And her Child, guys leave her out of it (that's called hitting below the belt).

07 Oct 2008 05:58

...your child's only problem is you, you are a joke for a mother...'
You do not bloody tell another woman how to raise her own child, yes you can advise but my GOD, to tell her she's a joke for a mother? uzele wena kakade???


07 Oct 2008 05:59

Sorry Andi01  but now you are really below the belt!!!!!!!!!! Stop while you are ahead.

07 Oct 2008 06:09

I agree, this is getting out of hand.....leave Shuga Babe alone, mense. her hubby is happy providing for her, she's happy receiving, they are both happy, so what's the problem now!! SB is entitled to her own way of living, you can guide and advice her but not attack and judge, asseblief.....

07 Oct 2008 06:09

@Kicks- sweetheart dont raise your voice, just improve your argument (as desmond Tutu's father used to say).

I honestly believe that Africans that favour Western Culture over their own are a joke, PERIOD, you are more than welcome to prove me wrong on this.

IT SAYS A LOT ABOUT YOUR OWN MOTHER, SHE WAS A LOUSY MOTHER BECAUSE AKAKUQEQESHANGA...SEE HOW THAT FEELS. If this is how you feel, of course judging at how I express my opinion it doesnt bother me. Amongst the things that my mother did was teach me to always be honest and state my mind, whatever the consequences. 

07 Oct 2008 06:11

It seems like anindiva, I have no problme on how she conducts her own life, but depriving her child of who she is, its unacceptable.

07 Oct 2008 06:14

@Kicks- dou you have kid (s)??? and do they speak your language???

07 Oct 2008 06:14

Can we close this blog, it is getting to personal, we might be raising our own points but geez some of the things here will make me cry even if l don´t know you guys, Please lets stop with the attack and enjoy this article.

07 Oct 2008 06:16

Hello Kick S *waving*, where have you been doll? i missed YOU!!

07 Oct 2008 06:17

as Mzwakhe Mbuli says "it takes the whole community to raise a child", we are allowed to advice one another as we would like to be adviced one day. My harshness (which I apologised for), is called tough love.

uzele wena kakade- sweety you dont need to be a plumber (or work at a sewerage plant), to know that kak stinks. What I wudnt do to my own kids, I wudnt advice other parents to do to theirs.

07 Oct 2008 06:18

nyani guys this is the choice she made about what kind of man she is looking for, as much as we also choose what type of men we looking for..i think we need to respect her choice!!!

07 Oct 2008 06:20

You do not bloody tell another woman how to raise her own child,- I have never suffered from amnesia, hence I dont remember saying things like, "take that child to Nongoma to learn Zulu.But i only showed Shuga Babe that is her fault that the child cant speak the taal  (she is urs to protect and guide). so before we bcom all defensive and fear teh elimination, lets read the replies first, OK.

07 Oct 2008 06:20

*whistling* Guri Guri guri .....tjeer kubi apha!

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 06:22

@BigMama, THANKS!!! 

if u have no coment in this article don't bother to write. my child is my child i will raize her whatever i like, got that??? but if u care u can advise me there and there not attack me OK? ungazongdina la * with Mandoza's voice*!!!!!

07 Oct 2008 06:22

@Shuga Babe- but i'm going to check if the environment is HEALTHY for her. I am glad you are doing ur best for her well being, just out of curiousity, will you "check if the environment is healthy for her", bcoz its a zulu school, or will you just check liek you did with her current school???

07 Oct 2008 06:24


order bahlali, ORDER!!!!

07 Oct 2008 06:25

Woza zi 29 November  soke sibone e Zoolake  ...naka amehlo mabili!!

07 Oct 2008 06:27

hehe hehe, there is boogy-babe, shuga-babe;pooky; pinkpooky; bigmama; bigmama33; jadapinkett; jadasmith etc

07 Oct 2008 06:27

I am glad you are doing ur best for her well being, just out of curiousity, will you "check if the environment is healthy for her", bcoz its a zulu school, or will you just check liek you did with her current school??? 

tl tl tl Andi01 man, give the poor girl a break..LOL

07 Oct 2008 06:27

call me a golddigger if you like but i would dig in the bin for his number money is important nowadays really who wants to die poor

07 Oct 2008 06:28

Hey can anyone offer me a lift too Zoo lake? Please bahlali, ngiyacela.

07 Oct 2008 06:29

@Shuga Babe- please highlight for me the part that you feel I attacked you on (after you have, read them twice and see if what I said wasnt true). if it wasnt true, I will apologise, but I dont apologise for inyani, ungaske ubone ba mawuthini.

ungazongdina la * with Mandoza's voice*!!!!!- dont you mean in Mzekezeke's voice. 

u have no coment in this article don't bother to write- just bcoz i aint telling you what you want to hear doent mean I am attacking you, straight talk breaks no friendship. my child is my child i will raize her whatever i like,- i am only doing this bcoz I care, one day you will see that.

07 Oct 2008 06:33

@cande- LOL, nigga please I want 2 know, i wud hate to assume coz assumptions zidala inyaka nyaka

07 Oct 2008 06:34

carino really you have no right saying that to shuga babe this isnt about her as mother even omahotsha can be best moms to their kids you know i agree with you shuga  babe

07 Oct 2008 06:38

Joke = ridicule, not serious

U are ridiculing ur child by not teaching her ilwimi lakhe. You are not taking ur own language seriously. OK mntane swekile

07 Oct 2008 06:44

Reply from: tracy 10/7/2008 2:34:21 PM
carino really you have no right saying that to shuga babe this isnt about her as mother even omahotsha can be best moms to their kids you know i agree with you shuga babe

tracy, it wasnt me, babygirl....

Charlie Brown
07 Oct 2008 06:46

NGAZE NGAPHUTHELWA!!!!!!  Hi guys - just switched jobs and its been hectic.  I have missed this blog site - really !!!!!!  I see everyone is still as crazy and funny.  Will try to respond from now on.  KEEP THE MADNESS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 06:47

Going to fetch my child from school and drop her at the house, to listen to Ukhozi FM. chat to you now now!! No after care from now on, I guess thats the first step hahaha!!!!!

07 Oct 2008 06:49

tracy, you meant Andi??

07 Oct 2008 06:50

@Shuga Babe-  I am sorry if i sounded on the attack up there, or even a bit judgemental, I didnt mean to, its just that, we fought so hard for our languages to be recognised in this country, but now that, thats happening, we are the first people to make them inferior and undermine them. Of course I cant crucify you for other peoples sins, therefore I apologise. Kodwa ke If you think mina ngizothi uright noma ngicabanga ukuthi uwrongo, hay ncama ungaske uyozijula emaweni uxele u Sh**be, okanye swallow them sleeping pills njengo Bridget Shabane. but next time I will try to be less harsh or RUDE as you put it. Peace neh, noswekilana

07 Oct 2008 06:52

Going to fetch my child from school and drop her at the house, to listen to Ukhozi FM. chat to you now now!! No after care from now on, I guess thats the first step hahaha!!!!! 

triple LOL, you go Shuga babes!!!

07 Oct 2008 06:54

@ tracy really you have no right saying that to shuga babe this isnt about her as mother even omahotsha can be best moms to their kids you know i agree with you shuga babe - you misunderstood me sisi, i made it clear I dont have a problem with her golddigging or what, I was upset by the fact that umntanakhe cant speak her mother tongue. if you read the replies carefully, u'll note that I was one of teh first people abathe, we wud go for the man just to ngunda him, why wud i turn around now and say Shuga babe is wrong, hay man

07 Oct 2008 07:07

I'll send my friend to go dig the bin, coz I know my pride  won't let me. And knowing her she wouldn't dig. So it would be bye-bye Mr Loaded.

07 Oct 2008 07:12

Hi Cande. waving back at you.
I was out of the country wethu ku hectic as i said on FB. I'm back in africa De Sud ngoku so I thought i'd check out abahlali bale community sendifunda okukusa nje.
Big Mama i can give you a lift to Zoolake if uhlala around iMidrand area...hahaha

07 Oct 2008 07:15

Eish!! There will always be one person o spoiler a nice blog. Its like fate. We just cannot get along eMzantsi Mabonwakude

07 Oct 2008 07:18

He he he he he Women in Favourate colors....PLATINUM AND GOLD!!!!!!Huuuuuuuu wiiiiiiiii!

wat if its the other way round then?he is wearing an expensive suite,you kindly assume he is Mr loaded maar the reality is he is MC HAMMER Broke....wat wud you do?LOL

07 Oct 2008 07:18

He he he he he Women in Favourate colors....PLATINUM AND GOLD!!!!!!Huuuuuuuu wiiiiiiiii!

wat if its the other way round then?he is wearing an expensive suite,you kindly assume he is Mr loaded maar the reality is he is MC HAMMER Broke....wat wud you do?LOL

07 Oct 2008 07:21

he he he he he WOMEN with favourate colors PLATINUM AND GOLD!Huuuuuu Wiiiiiiiiiii!!!

wat if it was the other way round?He is wearing an expensive suite and driving his Boss's car maar reality is that he is MC HAMMER BROKE!!!!wat wud you do?

07 Oct 2008 07:21

he he he he he WOMEN with favourate colors PLATINUM AND GOLD!Huuuuuu Wiiiiiiiiiii!!!

wat if it was the other way round?He is wearing an expensive suite and driving his Boss's car maar reality is that he is MC HAMMER BROKE!!!!wat wud you do?

07 Oct 2008 07:21

he he he he he WOMEN with favourate colors PLATINUM AND GOLD!Huuuuuu Wiiiiiiiiiii!!!

wat if it was the other way round?He is wearing an expensive suite and driving his Boss's car maar reality is that he is MC HAMMER BROKE!!!!wat wud you do?

07 Oct 2008 07:22

I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 07:22

@andi01, usuxolelwe ntombi Peace!!

07 Oct 2008 07:23

OMW!!! i love this blog, as Pooky would say (the real one, not the pink one), "ishushu le bisto!!!" Triple LOL!!!

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 07:24

I left her listening Ukhozi FM, Hopefully she didn't switch it off the momwnt I left!!!!!

07 Oct 2008 07:27

The traffic is too much,cant blog Ag shame my Banana Friend was right and i hate to admit it!  i cant blog ,system is toooo slow!

07 Oct 2008 07:27

Woza zi 29 November soke sibone e Zoolake ...naka amehlo mabili!!
kwa kwa kwa kwa..........Mabe's - ngike ngasho ngathi angiyi eZoo Lake. I would rather chill in my mkhukhu smoking DH & watching SYTYCD SA!!!!

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 07:27

Mina and my gals would definatley make sure that we find the guy!!!!!!!!!!!!

07 Oct 2008 07:27

The traffic is too much,cant blog Ag shame my Banana Friend was right and i hate to admit it!  i cant blog ,system is toooo slow!

07 Oct 2008 07:28

Ingane yafa oSgqemeza...let her call uAunt Zama hahaha.

07 Oct 2008 07:28

The traffic is too much,cant blog Ag shame my Banana Friend was right and i hate to admit it!  i cant blog ,system is toooo slow!

07 Oct 2008 07:44

wat if its the other way round then?he is wearing an expensive suite,you kindly assume he is Mr loaded maar the reality is he is MC HAMMER Broke....wat wud you do?LOL

gotta say, that crossed my mind too, my friend... poor guy is probably a foreman and was running his boss' s errands.... which would explain how he dropped a full size A4 page of a bank statement... he was nervous and clumsy....

07 Oct 2008 07:45

andi01 sorry about that but I must compliment you have a way with words

No Name
07 Oct 2008 07:46

@SB: u need to be a good role model to that young woman.If u(the mother) rely on men to pay ur bills,what will become of her?

07 Oct 2008 07:52

Shuga-babe many women would love to be in your shoes. Have a man that pays for everything without even judging you for it. maybe you give him and show him love in a way that doesn't involve money. He probbably thinks  that a woman is shown love by spending money on her. That is fine with me especially if you guys have an understanding. Don't let anyone judge you because if they had to open up their closets they would be burnt alive. Thank you for your honesty and you are a  very lucky woman. 

The guy does love you though, some of us were unfortunate and didn't find mr rich that we loved. fine I have dated guys that were much richer than my hubby but he had my heart. I wish he had both but you can't have it all. So girl, enjoy it.

About your daughter love her the way you see fit. If that makes you happy carry on, no-one will ever be a perfect mother. All mothers have their faults and if you want your child to speak english so be it!!!! Don't send her to a zulu institute if it is not your wish or hers aswell. Do everything to suit yourself and your baby.


07 Oct 2008 08:05

Well said Cleve.

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Oct 2008 08:11

It got really hectic here today!!! Must say that's what i love with the Freedom of expression..... but then i know sekupholile but just to askkanti didn't Shuga explain here situation about her Daughter kanti?

what aka mathata
07 Oct 2008 08:14

@cutie pie,we married in community of PROP,what i was trying to say,he made me who i am today,YES his DIPLOMAT BUT at home ,right now i make more money than him,,i dont stand like robot,EXP=he gave me sand but today i make bricks,do you get what im trying to say.

@centrep,knowing  my husband he made life easier for me,girl i work harder than slave,im stay home mom,but the cent i have it did grow better.

im not rich but if you get a chanse in life,you dont run to clothes,cars first,take that cent make something with it,after 2yrs ,you plan something,in 5ys that money cent you have ,it can make something bigger.

he make money BUT i make more than him,do you think i stupid,i seen a lot in life.

Shuga babe
07 Oct 2008 08:14

To all of you, thanks for you advices!!!!!!

Dear GOD ,
The Ladies reading this are Beautiful, Classy, Strong and I LOVE them. Help them live their life to the Fullest. Please promote them and cause them to Excel above expectations. Help them to shine in darkest places and Love where it is impossible to LOVE.

@cleve, u r such a darlig LOl, *with tears in my eyes* you are the best!!!

07 Oct 2008 08:17

Nonny im sure ul b chillin ngaphansi komthunzi welanga le zozo in ur camp chair puffin ur DH & bloggin ..than being there & pretending...kodwa thina ondlovu iyangena wil b there...cybercally rather than physically

Hahaha i can actually see all those fake smiles & hugs..not 4getin pety compliments  ..*brrr*...or mayb not amablockers omalala avuke!

07 Oct 2008 08:20

@Mathata...........You go girl, now thats what i call thinking for the future and helping yourself. You think all girls that are dating rich guys anly go on a shopping spree and do their nails, hair and spend the money unwisely but noooooooo there ladies who are good at what they do like you Mathata, Because of people like you i'm proud to be called a woman.

07 Oct 2008 08:24

ok i dont understand MAthata..
How can you be making more money if you are a stay-at-home mom??

but i like your advice about investing and not running for CLOTHES, cars & all the non-important stuff...
You may look very poor now, but you will reap what you sow in the near future..

07 Oct 2008 08:25

@kick-s, abanye eCanada, hi math!!!

what aka mathata
07 Oct 2008 08:50

last time i told BROwN SHUGA my baby wear PEP,i only buy shoes n sneakers for her this cheap i dont want ppl to say hello friend or relative i want to be me,

talking about nails,myne are stomp,i dont do those things this side ,i have 1 day helper sometimes i dont call her,i save money,

@cande,im this side,n i have a country where is home,i make some business,some times ngithata a machanse,i dont push to be rich,i just want my child to be proud of,

@cande if you gave 2 000,n be patient,you can be MOTSEPE,this things they start small when times goes  on,you see wallaaa...........

aslong you have nice shoes life goes on,but make sure you know what you want ,sometimes you go shopping with friends,they push you to buy something for their taste not yours,go for sale.

i said before,im want to open KFC or MCDONALD,im going to do it with my money not my husband,he will get angry if he saw thismhe want me to say,OUR

guess what?i want to buy a house for himat PEKON WOOD HARTEBEES ,sometimes he say i say stupid things,

i look him behind the ears.

07 Oct 2008 08:56

Hahaha i can actually see all those fake smiles & hugs..not 4getin pety compliments ..*brrr*...or mayb not amablockers omalala avuke!
AHAHHAHAHAH as I said angiyi,  and I'm sure whatever I miss out on, there'll be a blog about here ar TVSA, with pics and all...LOL

OMW!!! i love this blog, as Pooky would say (the real one, not the pink one), "ishushu le bisto!!!" Triple LOL!!!

09 Oct 2008 19:12

i will dig for those Numbers n call him,who want do die poor anyway,i will make sure i behave myself,

when i met him,i will call him MR i dont care how many times,in this world you dont have to be shy,anytime things can change,

im still saying who want to die poor?
You know what, I love you Mathata, mara who want to die poor, I'm playing LOTTO more often these days, kibatlana li tshelete.

09 Oct 2008 19:18

@ ShugaBabes, if you mean everyword you saying, please don't fall for a Hummer man, I am not sure if its true or it's all made up. 

They say, there is a man driving a Hummer, he's got all the money, he dates you for weeks and book a hotel, take you there, shag you, he's got worms in his Private parts, infects you, give you money to buy liver to feed the worms after that you die.

Maybe he's the one who's dropping bank statements.
BEWARE he's on the loose

Shuga babe
10 Oct 2008 04:45

@Floh, I heard that the Hummer man is based in Phoenix and Waterloo. Gal I am so safe I don't even know the directions to these places. but I don't believe it, How come is he still alive????????

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