Passions To Be Discontinued!

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Passions Teasers on 04 Sep 2008
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Some bad supernatural news for Passions fans: as from Friday, 12 September 2008 the show's being discontinued on and the final season won't be broadcast.

The show reaches the end of it's second-last season on the 12th and won't continue into it's final season - because of issues with the music rights of the show. Apparently wasn't able to license the final season because the distributor couldn’t clear the music rights for it.

Music rights for shows are bought seperately from the show itself and while we can't get official confirmation on it, word on the street is that the music rights for Passions got too expensive.

As from Monday, 15 September Real TV replaces Passions, resulting in the schedule looking like this:

16h40 Real TV
17h10 The Young And The Restless
18h00 eNews at 18h00


Monday, 1 September 2008
Episode 1031

Tabitha is unhappy to see Julian at her doorstep. Rebecca has followed Julian, thinking he's cheating on her. Julian wants to talk about the baby, but their unborn child attacks Julian by choking him with its serpent tail.

After Syd sings, Whitney is uncomfortable with how she keeps eyeing Chad provocatively and wishes she'd leave. Fox vows to keep Chad and Whitney apart. Ethan and Theresa barely miss seeing each other on the airplane as Ethan heads towards coach.

Luis searches the basement despite the obstacles Beth puts in his way. Mrs. Wallace is certain Sheridan will hear Luis shouting for her, but Sheridan is in a deep sleep, slowly waking and murmuring Luis' name.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Episode 1032

Ethan and Gwen almost run into Theresa at the airport in Los Angeles. Sensing Theresa's proximity, Gwen gets an uneasy feeling. Syd and Chad talk about what a great team they'll make, while Fox subtly makes Whitney feel jealous over the beautiful singer.

Chad is confident Whitney's family will come around once he's a success. Whitney is disappointed she didn't get to spend the afternoon alone with Chad, but he promises to make it up to her.

At home, Tabitha struggles with her labour as a panicked Julian and a reluctant Rebecca help her. All hell literally breaks loose as visitors arrive for the birth. Kay and Miguel bond over their daughter, who is still in NICU.

Eve assures Charity that Miguel loves her. While in Beth's darkened basement, Luis nearly discovers the pit - and Sheridan! Beth ushers him out of the basement and has to think fast when he thinks he hears Sheridan calling for help. A mysterious DVD arrives for Luis.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Episode 1033

Grace and Pilar fear the worst when they hear a code blue in the NICU. As doctors fight to save the baby, Grace and Kay share a close moment. Kay is furious when she learns Miguel left the baby to spend time with Charity.

Julian and Rebecca are horrified by what Tabitha has delivered. The group is transported to a chamber in hell to honour the new demon baby. Theresa continues to explain to her amused friends how fate will bring Ethan back to her. Fox secretly hopes fate will help him get Whitney.

Ready to relax, Ethan and Gwen arrive at the apartment, unaware of who is staying there. In the pit, Sheridan pleads for Luis to find her. Luis watches the DVD of Sheridan and is shocked by what he sees.

Mrs. Wallace is certain Luis has figured out it's a fake. However, Luis accepts that Sheridan is fine when he sees she's in “Paris".

Thursday, 4 September 2008
Episode 1034

Kay attacks Charity for taking Miguel away from their baby and blames her for what's happening to her daughter. Eve is able to stabilize the baby. Kay lashes out at everyone for defending Charity, and then doubles over in pain.

A horrified Julian and Rebecca are trapped in hell with Tabitha and her demon baby. The head demon tells Tabitha he expects great evil from her child. Theresa and Ethan have another near miss right outside the apartment door. Ethan calls 911 after Gwen passes out on the doorstep.

Convinced fate is about to reunite her with Ethan, Theresa is disappointed when she doesn't find him outside the apartment. Despite the footage of Sheridan, Luis can't shake the feeling that she's in trouble. Antonio and Hank try to convince Luis that he's off-base.

Meanwhile, Charlie explains to Mrs. Wallace how she used an editing system to make it look like Sheridan was in Paris. In the pit, Sheridan is nearly ready to give up.

Friday, 5 September 2008
Episode 1035

Gwen is rushed to the hospital after collapsing. Theresa wonders why there's an ambulance at the apartment complex and wants to find out what's going on. She's excited when she spots luggage that looks like Ethan's.

Julian and Rebecca try to convince themselves their experience in hell was just a nightmare. Julian forces Tabitha to have herself admitted and their baby gets checked out at the hospital. Miguel promises to put Kay and the baby first.

Charity fears she's losing her boyfriend. Miguel and Kay get bad news about their baby. Kay hears Tabitha is at the hospital and goes to her for help in saving her baby. Charity runs into a mysterious man.

Luis starts to dote on Beth and wants to fix the fuses in the basement. Beth works quickly to hide the pit so Luis won't see it. A disguised Beth warns Sheridan to be quiet while she supposedly works in the basement. Sheridan agrees so her unborn child will be spared, not knowing it is Luis who will be just above the pit.

Monday, 8 September 2008
Episode 1036

Ethan and a frightened Gwen worry for their unborn baby as the specialist at the hospital works on her. In order to get Theresa's mind off Ethan, Fox begins an impromptu L.A. pool party. Tabitha tells a distraught Kay that she must turn to good in order to save her baby.

Charity has a conversation with Death, who informs her that Miguel's baby will die. When Charity tries to warn Miguel, Kay lashes out at her. Eve tells Kay and Miguel that it's time to contact Father Lonigan about baptizing the baby. Father Lonigan also senses Death when he arrives.

Mrs. Wallace is sure Luis will find Sheridan since he's working in the basement. As Luis works, he continues to miss Sheridan. Sheridan dreams she is Alice in Wonderland.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Episode 1037

At the hospital, Gwen looks forward to being released and enjoying her time away from Theresa. At the pool party, Theresa becomes increasingly uncomfortable with Fox's friend, who makes a move on her. Fox manages to get Whitney in his arms for a dance. Rebecca accuses Tabitha's baby of attacking her and is surprised by Julian's vehemence when he defends the baby.

Despite herself, Tabitha is touched when Julian tenderly holds their daughter. Kay worries about her daughter and lashes out at Grace for her supposed insensitivity. "Death" informs Charity she alone has the power to save Kay and Miguel's baby, but it will cost her Miguel.

Charity is stunned. Luis injures himself while working in Beth's basement. Sheridan calls weakly for Luis when she thinks she hears him above the pit. Beth nervously waits for Luis to leave the basement; while Mrs. Wallace fears Luis will discover Sheridan for sure.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Episode 1038

After arguing with Dr. Abel, a reluctant Gwen agrees to stay overnight at the hospital as a precaution. Ethan reconfirms his commitment to his wife.

Meanwhile, Theresa can't stop thinking about Ethan and insists to her friends that fate will bring him back to her. While enjoying a hot, summer night, TC and Liz become closer. Julian lends Eve a shoulder to cry on as she laments over her troubled marriage and what Liz is doing to her life.

Miguel and Kay's baby dies. Kay tearfully begins to confess all her wrongdoings to Father Lonigan. Tabitha worries she's about to be exposed. Charity is devastated she was too late, but "Death" informs her she can still save the baby. However, "Death" reminds her she must be willing to give up Miguel.

Thursday, 11 September 2008
Episode 1039

Liz attempts to seduce TC with the help of some spiked lemonade. TC begins feeling closer to Liz. Everyone is stunned and overjoyed to learn the baby is alive after all. Kay continues to want to confess everything she's done.

Tabitha fears for her and her daughter's future. Charity laments the cost of saving Miguel's baby. Luis wonders why Sheridan would have left without saying good-bye. Hank tries to help his friend. Sheridan is sure Luis won't give up looking for her, but after Beth shows her the DVD she made, she's not so confident anymore.

Ethan arrives at the Crane Los Angeles apartment, not realizing anyone else is staying there. In the dark bedroom, an unaware and naked Ethan slips into bed next to Theresa, who is dreaming of him.

Friday, 12 September 2008
Episode 1040

Eve confides in Grace how worried she is about her marriage and her fear that Liz is going to seduce TC. Grace is certain TC would never cheat on Eve. Meanwhile, a drunken TC passionately kisses Liz.

In Los Angeles, Whitney worries about her family and Theresa's problems. Chad tries to take her mind off of everyone else. Still dreaming, Theresa and Ethan continue to kiss passionately. Gwen senses something is wrong while tossing and turning in her hospital bed. Hank encourages Luis to stop neglecting Beth.

Luis agrees to focus more on Beth, but does not tell Hank the surprise he is planning. Sheridan goes into labour just as Beth is convinced her plan is working beautifully.


03 Sep 2008 16:16

It's about time they stopped showing it - maybe they can another decent soapie in its place cos I definately will not be watching Real TV

03 Sep 2008 17:41

Though i'm not a fan for this soapie, but how can they sell a show without its music, isn't a package? If not, then play it without or with your own music!

03 Sep 2008 17:59

I confess i do watch Passions (Dont have anything 2 do between 16h40 and 17h30), but i wont slit my wrists coz of the abrupt ending. With Passions, things take decades to happen..eish, its frustrating.

04 Sep 2008 03:23

Good riddance

05 Sep 2008 03:45

Passions was boring but i would like to know how it all ends.

05 Sep 2008 04:41

thank goodness!

05 Sep 2008 04:45

whuuu eqebeleni... I've been wondering about this show actaully... Good! maybe etv should buy Generations and air it in that slot...

05 Sep 2008 04:55

lol C!

05 Sep 2008 05:03

Although most people hated this show you'll find out many people are actually watching it.  Because there's really nothing to watch on TV at that time. It is also appealing to kids and teenagers as well.  But other than that good riddance.  Really this show was very slow and it is only in this year 2008 that Ethan and Theresa finally gets married.  (the episodes they are showing now 2004 or 2005 not sure).

Golden Star
05 Sep 2008 05:06

whuuu eqebeleni... tl tl tl tltl tltl tltl tltl tltl tltl tl carino don't you mean ekugqibeleni (at last)? LOL

maybe etv should buy Generations and air it in that slot... now that's a brilliant idea right there

05 Sep 2008 05:09

Was wondering when this LWABISH would come to an end!!!

05 Sep 2008 05:15

thing is mna Golden Star.. i write my *Xhulu* like i would say it.... ... but thanx... i'll remember next time...

05 Sep 2008 05:20

Not that i was a fan but shoo Good Riddance that soapie was had 2much ubuthakathi ......pollute ppls mind.......Next shud b Generations!

05 Sep 2008 06:00

Hayiye tau

05 Sep 2008 06:05

About time,the soapie was stupid and I never understood it anyway all that crap about evel and witches.
hayike ngoku Carino some of us are still on the taxis and trains coming home by that time,I don't want to miss Generations.

05 Sep 2008 06:00

Hayiye tau

05 Sep 2008 06:05

About time,the soapie was stupid and I never understood it anyway all that crap about evel and witches.
hayike ngoku Carino some of us are still on the taxis and trains coming home by that time,I don't want to miss Generations.

08 Sep 2008 05:33

at last its over what a bore

08 Sep 2008 05:43

Can't eTV play a music that time,I dont really feel like watching Real TV while waiting for the Y&R.

08 Sep 2008 05:53

Oh nkosi unabantu bakho. .........Its been time ndacikeka kudala yilePassions inobuthakathi. Thank you, Obebhala Myname

ayzo neh
08 Sep 2008 06:02

"Its been time ndacikeka kudala yilePassions inobuthakathi. Thank you, Obebhala Myname"  lol......

usekhona upassions? last tym i watched ther was a shorty witch eyandenza ndaboyika abantu abafutshane............................,,,,,,but peeps dey say iyaphela this friday

08 Sep 2008 06:39

when i stated watching passions, i would not let it miss me for a day. 
but when i start missing it , i realise that passions was the borring soapie, but one in a million soapie which came with it own style, 
honestly it was a unique saopie.

but it problem is that it keeps playing one thing over and over again. and their  secret doent come out, i mean , if passions wanted to get high rate i would, if only it become fast

anyway i will miss it, especially chad and whitney. i love those two guys.
to me they were the reason why i kept whatching it. ohh even julian

08 Sep 2008 06:43

i wish etv could replace it with another soapie , the hot soapie. i mean a HOT ,EXCITING, FAST&REAL soapie, like Y&R ,RC

08 Sep 2008 08:39

I think etv didn't have something to replace this soapie with, so maybe they are still looking for a show that is going to fill this slot.  

I will miss Julian myself, he was very hilarious.

09 Sep 2008 03:36

 my heart is broken into pieces,how can this happen people,i really love this soapie.Etv please do something to bring back this soapie.I will miss it very much even though most people says it is boring.

09 Sep 2008 09:05

The show for me too was not boring but its such that it was not realistic.  But I'm not sad either that they have axed it.

09 Sep 2008 09:12

it's about time. I can't believe it took that long for them too realise it.

11 Sep 2008 07:51

people who hate passions will miss it a lot

11 Sep 2008 07:51

people who hate passions will miss it a lot

11 Sep 2008 08:23

about damn time!! what took them so long to make this decision??

11 Sep 2008 10:26

I'm so glad they are cancelling Passions. It is the slowest, most unreal. and the worst of all soapies I have ever watched. The first time you watch it, you're like, OK, its nice. Give it a few weeks and you become so frustrated. The story line is even worse than the acting... I can't stop hating on it, until tomorrow.

11 Sep 2008 10:39

tangeni-o, i like your name. dont know why

12 Sep 2008 03:22

I'll miss seeing Luis, he is hot, cant blame Precious for having a crush on him.

12 Sep 2008 03:54

Hey guyz this reminds about the year 2004, we were in the computer class our lecturer Julien asked, "who's watching that thingy....on"....i raised my hand so high (2 show that i'm a fan, most people did'nt know about it coz it was new on the block) u won'nt believe what he said 2 me....he said that...."u know what that is a stupid programme"...nda-locka, i thought we were gonna have a chat about it...i don'nt want 2 lie i was upset how cud he said that about this lovely soap.......but i did'nt give up...i kept on watching...I watched it over & over again....
Until 2006 when i realised that Julien (my computer lecture )was telling the truth...l got bored...and bored about this programme coz it was so unreal(don't want 2 get into details)...and i stoped watching it....i coud'nt believe that i used 2 love this soap....
When i heard that the soap is coming 2 an end i was so pleased (sorry Passions fans) i thought that people had complained about it & that is why e-tv had decided 2 end it....

13 Sep 2008 13:51

Thank goodness its over, i wish they would play music during that time because really etv doesnt support local music. i ll come back from work and sleep- who wants to watch real tv after a boring day at work?

18 Sep 2008 05:57

i think etv should have replased it with some thing good not REAL TV. well at least i would still watch Y&R

19 Sep 2008 02:00

19 Sep 2008 02:18

Well I actually Loved Passions, it was so dramatic and exciting. We all had our favourite couples but there was always some body trying to rake up a happy home. As for the "Dark side" that was such a twist to it all but had alot of truth to it too, just showing us how people are jelous and out to get us. I really liked watching how manipulative people are and the extremes they'd go to to get what they wanted. The best part is, we all know it was fake but still really enjoyed the characters strutt their stuff. I personally want this show back, Help me ETV. And we don't need Generations in that time slot, no! no! no! no! no! Maybe a lively or funky new show, from the streets of Durban............... you people really don't know about our City, its rocks!!!! esp. the Night Life!

07 Oct 2008 05:10

I would also be happy to have passions back, if possible.  If not, then please give us something like Sunset Beach.  We miss it because when its aired we are at work.

07 Oct 2008 16:30

hggmm! music rights????/....would that have enything to do with why prison break sounds different on sabc 3....a bit unexciting.....there is somthing off there relative to the mnet and the "american versionss..shhhh"..?????
...anywho...when i go home....i know i wont miss i never miss generations.........maybe they can put sunset beach on the passions slot....

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