
The Blondes Get Barbecued

Written by Cloud9 from the blog Race Ramblings on 16 Jul 2008
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The good news is that for the first time ever, there is an all-girl team in the final three of The Amazing Race?

The bad news? Just read on…

The last episode saw the BQs avoid elimination but they started the episode in a precarious position – marked for elimination. I’ve really liked this new twist until now. I think it’s terribly harsh at this point in the game that a team could get screwed out of the final three because of that thirty minute penalty.

Mind you, I would probably be all for it if it were the Lyns burdened with a thirty minute penalty in this leg, so I’m not exactly an objective observer here.

The other teams, although disappointed with the BQs’ bacon-saving, were as obsessed with them as ever. They were hoping, praying and wishing that the thirty minute penalty would kill them off once and for all.

Yes, for the other teams, the BQs were just like all horror movie villains ever and simply refused to die. Metaphorically, of course, although I wouldn’t be surprised to see Karlyn going after them with a shotgun eventually.

So, as the teams set off for Casablanca, the spectre of the BQs lingered at the backs of their minds. Would the BQs use their sinister powers to somehow come up from behind and pass all the teams without being seen?

They would indeed. The Zoolanders were the first to arrive at the Roadblock but they were closely followed by those devilish BQs, who had used their succubus-like charms to seduce a local into coming with them as a guide.

The Roadblock was yet another eating challenge. The Roadblockers had to get their Jamie Oliver on – nudity optional – and prepare some camel meat for the eating. Camel meat? Gah. It’s better than fish eyeballs or cow lips garnished with teeth, but I can only think of those racing camels back in Kuwait. What would they think of their Moroccan brothers ending up as braaivleis?

Coming up on Special Assignment: an in-depth look into McDonalds' kitchen practices

James, who was revealed back in Madagascar to be a meat-eating machine, took on the task for his team while Kandice chose to do it for her team on account of her giant gnashers being more efficient for chewing.

Camel meat: good for the Munchies

Camel kebabs are fine dining compared to cow lips so the two of them finished relatively quickly. “Awesome possum,” Dustin exclaimed as the cooking-demonstration-you-will-not-be-seeing-on-Nigella-Lawson-any-time-soon was underway. Hush, Dustin, don’t give the producers ideas. The last thing I want to see next season is a roadkill eating challenge with a bunch of possum heads grinning at me.

A possum. Not to be confused with Kimberly on one of her shoutier episodes

The BQs were just leaving as the other two teams arrived, leading them to wonder how the Blondes had passed them. They totally CHEATED, guys! They bribed Phil to show them a tunnel through the Atlas mountains. They’re staying alive! Just like the Bee Gees! Only they’re the Bee Queues!

Rob gave a primal roar of frustration which led to Kimberly state, “Rob has a little bit of an anger management problem”. You don’t say, Kim. Perhaps you can also share with us the colour of the sky or the religion of the Pope. Despite her previous difficulties in eating cow lips, Kimberly chose to do the eating Roadblock, perhaps hoping she’d get to chew on some delicious horse.

Oh come ON, Kimberly! This one doesn't even come with teeth!

Lyn took on the Roadblock for her team and Karlyn took this as an opportunity to nag her incessantly, like some sort of even-more-annoying Peter clone. Her supportive comments went along the lines of “Eat faster” and “I can’t believe how much you suck at this”. Strangely, Lyn did not get the encouragement she needed from this and told Karlyn to shut her mouth. Twelve episodes too late but I’ll take it. Karlyn did not take the wise advice of her friend and kept bitching. Somehow she did not end up with a kebab skewer through her mouth.

The BQs were celebrating their surge ahead. “We’re totally in this game,” they said happily. Er, not so much, considering the next clue was in Barcelona and airports are Bunching Central.

Still, leave it to the BQs to squeeze out any advantage they can. At the airport, they asked the Zoolanders whether they would allow them the courtesy of stepping first onto the mat should they both be in a footrace for first place.

The Zoolanders had to use all their acting skills not to laugh in their faces at this ridiculous request. Come on, did the BQs really expect the Zoolanders to promise they’d step aside for the BQs? About as much chance of that happening as the Lyns putting the BQs on their Christmas card list.

All four teams ended up on the same flight to Barcelona so you can chalk that Roadblock up as a complete waste. Poor camel died in vain. As if this wasn’t enough bunching, there was an hours-of-operation sign outside the first Barcelonan Route Marker.

The teams were all forced to wait until the morning for the maze in which their next clue was located to open. The Blondes got the bright idea of calling a cab to wait for them outside, telling a bystander it was “way necessita” to get a cab and to have it pick up the “Rubias” only. I suppose it’s better than “Please-o hail-o el taxi for las blondinas” but El Espanol BQ still cracks me up.

Into the maze the teams all went and learned all about their upcoming Detour. The first task involved putting on giant costumes and wandering through the streets in them until they found a fellow giantess with their clue. The second, and even more amusing task, saw the teams searching through a pile of tomatoes for one with a clue inside, all the while being pummeled by tomato-slingers.

To my delight, Rob/Kimberly and the Lyns both chose to do the tomato option while the Zoolanders and BQs chose the more physical giant big head option. Rob and Kim were the first to get to the tomato-pelting and the Barcelonans immediately set to pelting them with old tomatoes, glee written all over their faces.

Happy happy joy joy!!

I like to fool myself into thinking I have a witty and sophisticated sense of humour but all it takes is a bunch of people throwing tomatoes at irritating people like Rob and Kimberly and I’m rolling on the floor. Kimberly freaked out and threatened to quit. I laughed even more. Rob and Kimberly threw tomatoes at the crowd in between searching for the Clue Tomato. I LOL-ed, ROFL-ed and acronymed away.

This couldn't be more enjoyable if a broken ox was involved!

In the end, Rob managed to convince Kimberly not to quit and they somehow found the Clue Tomato fairly quickly. But the fun was not over because as soon as Rob and Kimberly left, the Lyns arrived for their pummeling.

Hey, TAR producers? If you ever want to do something like this next season and need a few good arms, give me a call, OK? I have very good vegetable-throwing skills.

Surprisingly, the luck Detour option turned out to be the faster one for both teams. Both Tomato-Terrorised Teams were finished and on the way to the Pit Stop before the Zoolanders and the BQs had managed to find their giantess. You’d think an eight foot tall woman made of wood would be easy to spot.

Eep, it's like a porn film directed by Salvador Dali

The Zoolanders may have been distracted by being able to see up their giants’ skirts but what’s the BQ’s excuse? They should be able to walk easily with heavy things balanced on their heads. That’s Pageant 101, isn’t it? Both teams found the giantess with the clue at the same time and a Thrilling Race to the Finish took place.

Alright, not so much with the thrilling. See, Rob and Kimberly had already claimed first place so the BQs were assured that thirty minute penalty. Barring a miracle in which the Lyns accidentally drove into a fountain or the Zoolanders were trampled by a Pamplonan bull run which had gotten horribly lost, it was pretty obvious that the BQs were not going to be arriving thirty minutes before anyone.

And they didn’t. The thirty minute penalty turned out not to come into play because the BQs were the last to arrive at the Pit Stop. This time, Phil eliminated them for real. No horror movie resurrection for them? Damn.

In their final interview, they hoped that they had managed to break a few stereotypes about pageant girls. Not the ones about pageant girls being hyper-competitive bitches, if the other teams have anything to say about it, but certainly the ones about pageant girls being too concerned with their hair and makeup to do anything challenging.

So ends the tale of the BQs, the most kickass female team ever to run the race. I’m happy to see a female team make the finals, even if it is the Lyns. I would have been ever happier to see two female teams make the finals and happiest to see the BQs cross the finish line first, but sometimes you get the tiara and sometimes the tiara gets you.

Next week: According to Phil, the fiercest race to the finish line we have ever seen. Sigh. I am afraid that without the BQs, the fierceness factor will be significantly lowered. Maybe they can bring Tyra Banks in to substitute for Phil.


tha - bang
16 Jul 2008 01:45

i missed out yesterday nhe

16 Jul 2008 02:00

I didn't really like the blondes but would have liked for them to stay, they have such energy. And *bleep!* loyalty those Bama sisters are just damn lazy, they don't run, they don't hustle, they expect everything to fall on their laps, they should have been eliminated....

16 Jul 2008 02:09

oh i loved the tomato challenj! as soon as i saw that huge mountain of what seemed like salad tomatoes i figured R+K or Bama were screwed espesh with the huge tamaties hitting them. damn! i love the lyns but i enjoyed seeing them being hit.

16 Jul 2008 02:13

eish-eish!after all that hard work those blondes put in and the slobbish useless need a complete makeover Lyns get to be in the top 3, life aint fair fosho.

16 Jul 2008 02:19

but sometimes you get the tiara and sometimes the tiara gets you. - LOL

I missed the show last night, and I will make sure  I catch the repeat, coz it sure seems like it was one hell of a show, thanks Cloud. 

16 Jul 2008 02:20

Um so happy the blonds are out, they were starting to irritate me, Wanda who's gonna win. Yiipppeeeee!!!!

And I was really surprised with Rob crying when they came 1st, I thot the guy didnt have feelings coz of the way he screams @ Kim wheneva she wanted 2 cry.

16 Jul 2008 02:21

P.S. According to the poll on the right on this site, More ppl would like to see Rob and Kimberly win? Why, or why?

16 Jul 2008 02:21

Nice one Claudia; Argh man, I am so devasted about the blondes, yazi I really wanted them to win.

16 Jul 2008 02:27

According to the poll on the right on this site, More ppl would like to see Rob and Kimberly win? Why, or why? Um asking mysef the same Q.  Y Y Y??

16 Jul 2008 02:33

Um so happy the blonds are out, they were starting to irritate me, Wanda who's gonna win. Yiipppeeeee!!!! that is so cruel those girls brought energy & life to that show.

I am sure the poll was after the blondes lost just to vote for the next best thing coz who else would we go for not the Lyns fosho and the Zoolanders never did it for me, except for their naked bodies that i dont mind seeing .

16 Jul 2008 02:36

I voted the Lyns on the poll.

Anyway, as much as i find Karyln unbelievably irritating and childish (that comment about Lyn not running her mouth and all her whatevers and eye-rolling really got to me last night), i feel an unbelievable sense of loyalty to Lyn. For some odd reason, i was endeared to her last night. i want them to win cause Lyn can use the money to get a make-over and maybe a personal trainer so she can finally KICK Karyln to the curb!

I seriously dont have a fav team right now so the BQs leaving had zilch effect on me.

while Kandice chose to do it for her team on account of her giant gnashers being more efficient for chewing. 

The Zoolanders had to use all their acting skills not to laugh in their faces at this ridiculous request. Come on, did the BQs really expect the Zoolanders to promise they’d step aside for the BQs? About as much chance of that happening as the Lyns putting the BQs on their Christmas card list.

like to fool myself into thinking I have a witty and sophisticated sense of humour but all it takes is a bunch of people throwing tomatoes at irritating people like Rob and Kimberly and I’m rolling on the floor. Kimberly freaked out and threatened to quit. I laughed even more. Rob and Kimberly threw tomatoes at the crowd in between searching for the Clue Tomato. I LOL-ed, ROFL-ed and acronymed away.

Maybe they can bring Tyra Banks in to substitute for Phil. 


16 Jul 2008 02:36

In the end, Rob managed to convince Kimberly not to quit and they somehow found the Clue Tomato fairly quickly.  I couldn't understand the sudden recovery of the clue, it looked somehow staged.

16 Jul 2008 02:44

i want them to win cause Lyn can use the money to get a make-over and maybe a personal trainer, LOL! only a hollywood typa makeover is gonna work. She is just beyond letting it all hang & not give a damn, needs to start with the walk no woman walks like that.

16 Jul 2008 06:39

I'm also wondering why Rob & Kimberly of all people are leading the poll. I'd have expected them to be last. Honestly, none of the three choices are particularly appealing as winners.

The Zoolanders are the least annoying team left but also the most boring. And who wants to see a pair of generically handsome alpha makes win again?

The Lyns would be more interesting because they'd be the first female team to take the prize but, ya know, they're also the Lyns.

Rob and Kimberly are just another bickering couple we've seen a thousand times before and not particularly entertaining. I guess they're winning because they're less irritating than the Lyns and not as boring as the Zoolanders?

Good news for BQ-lovers, also reported in the episode thread. They'll be back to compete on All Stars next season so they still have a shot at becoming the first female team to win it (assuming the Lyns don't win it first).

16 Jul 2008 06:44

Rob and Kimberly are just another bickering couple we've seen a thousand times before and not particularly entertaining. I guess they're winning because they're less irritating than the Lyns and not as boring as the Zoolanders? 

Or maybe Rob's tear-shedding last night endeared him to most people? Or maybe after all the bad luck with the cars, he deserves a break? Eish i can't figure it out actually. 

i dont want the Zoolanders to win cause they've won so many prizes already!

16 Jul 2008 06:46

Good news for BQ-lovers, also reported in the episode thread. They'll be back to compete on All Stars next season so they still have a shot at becoming the first female team to win it (assuming the Lyns don't win it first).

Do u know who else will be in the All Stars season?

16 Jul 2008 07:40

>>Do u know who else will be in the All Stars season?<<

When the cast was first announced, there was a thread discussing it here, albeit with the names of the S9 and S10 teams ommited since we were only on S8 at the time. They are:

Kevin and Drew (the bald frat brothers from S1)

Bill and Joe (the moustache-twirling gay guys from S1)

Danny and Oswald (the fabulous Chas from S2)

Teri and Ian (the bickering old couple from S3)

Jill and John Vito (the kickass tiny blonde and really tall guy from S3)

Charla and Mirna (the dwarf and the moaner from S4)

Uchenna and Joyce (the winners from S7)

Rob and Amber (evil personified from S7)

Eric and Danielle (the dark-haired frat from and one of the lame blondes from S9. Yes, it's a team made of two people. Laaaammmeee)

David and Mary (the loveable coalminers from S10)

Dustin and Kandice (the awesome badasses/cheating bitches from S10)

16 Jul 2008 07:50

Eric and Danielle (the dark-haired frat from and one of the lame blondes from S9. Yes, it's a team made of two people. Laaaammmeee) - Hmmm, I'm having a dumb moment, please explain that.

16 Jul 2008 07:50

@Cloud: Eric and Danielle (the dark-haired frat from and one of the lame blondes from S9. Yes, it's a team made of two people. Laaaammmeee) - Hmmm, I'm having a dumb moment, please explain that.

16 Jul 2008 07:53

yho i think i will send a reply next week! coz thats wen i wud be done reading this....Its toooooo long! yho.PLIZ Lord come down now!

16 Jul 2008 08:11

Renegade, Eric was partnered with Jeremy and Danielle was partnered with Dani respectively in their seasons. Eric and Jeremy were the two guys from S9 who were always flirting with girls and making gay jokes about themselves. They were runners-up to the Hippies.

Dani and Danielle were a pair of interchangeable blondes who always wore pink and were eliminated quite early on.

Instead of bringing back an actual team from S9, the producers have put Eric and Danielle into a single team instead of with their old partners.

Er...unless you mean where I said "a team made of two people", which is a dumb typo. I meant to say a team made of people from two different teams. :-p My fingers are faster than my brain.

16 Jul 2008 08:25

something about your links Cloud that aint working......

Kevin and Drew (the bald frat brothers from S1) 
Bill and Joe (the moustache-twirling gay guys from S1)
Charla and Mirna (the dwarf and the moaner from S4) 

cant say i remember them....

Danny and Oswald (the fabulous Chas from S2)
Teri and Ian (the bickering old couple from S3)
Jill and John Vito (the kickass tiny blonde and really tall guy from S3)
Uchenna and Joyce (the winners from S7)
Rob and Amber (evil personified from S7)
Eric and Danielle (the dark-haired frat from and one of the lame blondes from S9. Yes, it's a team made of two people. Laaaammmeee)
David and Mary (the loveable coalminers from S10)
Dustin and Kandice (the awesome badasses/cheating bitches from S10)

Most looking 4ward to Rob and Amber. If Rob's a big fan, he must have learnt new strategies and i'm sure he wont mind stealing 'pre-booked' taxis if he has to. i remember Danielle as being part of "team Dani" and always in pink.

16 Jul 2008 08:40

>>something about your links Cloud that aint working......<<

Dammit. Try now. Hopefully, I've defeated the Gremlins.

There's a link to a pic of the cast at the thread, with the more recent teams' faces blurred.

16 Jul 2008 08:41

Dammit, the link's still not working. Just copy and paste this link into your address bar if you want to check it out:

16 Jul 2008 08:42

Those Gremlins have "Lyns" staying power..... can u paste the link as it is? pretty please.

16 Jul 2008 08:44

ignore previous comment :)

16 Jul 2008 09:00

Ok thanks Cloud9, now I understand. I must say though, I don't remember most of those people by name, with a few exceptions, but i've see all the seasons, (except the family one), so I should recongnise them when I see them. 

And does anyone know if Rob and Amber are still married?

16 Jul 2008 12:34

They are, as far as I know.  Seem like a pretty happy couple.

For those of you moaning about the poll, NOW Rob and Kim are last in the poll, although only trailing the models by about 2%.  The Lyns have a commanding lead of over 40%.

17 Jul 2008 18:28

Clouds - a headsup re-the links - if youre using Mozilla it's giving that error on the links when you add them - you need to add them as per and re-add in the source and they'll be sorted. Also use Mozilla so know all about it.

Was verrry disappointed to say goodbye to the BQ''s - they were so unbelievably positive, vibey and un-stereotypical I really wanted them to win for it  - super-pleased they're gonna be in the All-Stars though.

As far as the Lyns go - they've gone through the craziest revelation don't you think? I found it Amazing (:0) that they first needed to break free from the brothers and do what they thought wasn't the right or 'good' thing before they could get ahead and realise their own power.

In the episode it happened in I was absolutely fuming with the brothers 'cos it highlighted just how much they'd been manipulating the Lyns - making them feel they couldn't race without them, forcing them to be obligated with waiting for them etc.

Utimately I thought they were extremely sexist and judgemental generally - like they made assumptions about them being chicks and the fact that they aren't super-fit types and then used them to make themselves come across a certain way.

Even waiting for them was using them - it gave them the perfect ammo to say "Well we're just such good people - we lost for someone else," Through the episode I suspected they'd bring it up if it happened and they did - despite the fact that they didn't lose because of waiting for them at all!

Sorry to be harping back on the episode but had so much to say at the time and didn't!

18 Jul 2008 09:12

Ah, thanks, Tashi.

Da Rebel 1
18 Jul 2008 09:24

When something good happens, we drink to celebrate...

When something bad happens, we drink to forget!

When nothing happens.......we drink........ so that something does happen.

We can't go on like this people.....Can we meet for drinks later so we can talk about this? 


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