Passions Teasers - June 2008

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Passions Teasers on 04 Jun 2008
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On Passions in June, 2008:

Monday, 2 June 2008
Episode 966

Fox is enchanted by Whitney as he watches her sing. Eve is horrified to see her daughter singing and freaks out over her performing in public. Liz taunts Eve about Whitney following in her mother's sordid footsteps. A hysterical Eve rushes onto the stage and blasts Whitney for degrading herself. A bewildered and embarrassed Whitney asks her mother why she's freaking out.

Hank and Antonio search desperately for Sheridan. Luis worries about Sheridan and vows to kill anyone who hurts her. Mrs. Wallace warns Beth that if Charlie kills Sheridan, Luis will learn the truth about everything. Beth is sure she can control her new friend. At the wharf, a menacing Charlie confronts Sheridan and prepares to kill her.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Episode 967

Gwen and Ethan feel their baby kick for the first time. Theresa worries about losing her son. Pilar helps care for little Ethan and worries about her children. Whitney lashes out at Eve and proclaims her independence. Eve tries to get through to her daughter, as Chad stands up for Whitney. Julian tries to help the feuding family. Looking to cause trouble for Eve, Liz tricks TC into coming to the Blue Note.

A smitten Fox tries to comfort Whitney. At the wharf, Antonio, Luis, and Hank set out to find the person who is trying to kill Sheridan. Luis and Hank realise the woman who frightened Sheridan is the same crazy woman, Hank encountered earlier. Beth and Charlie hide while Beth tries to think of a way out. Luis and Hank close in on Beth.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Episode 968

Gwen spots Ethan and Theresa together and jumps to the wrong conclusion. Theresa begs Ethan to help her keep custody of little Ethan and he promises he will. Gwen lashes out at them. Chad and TC fight about Whitney being at the Blue Note, and TC accuses him of taking advantage of his daughter. Fox stands up for his new friends. Liz wonders where Eve went.

In an alley outside the club, a pained Eve asks Julian why he would make this club look like the Blue Note in Boston where they first met. Julian admits he wanted to be reminded of that wonderful time in his life. Eve is touched, and the two share a close moment. Julian is thrilled when Eve admits she did love him.

At the wharf, Luis finds Beth who quickly talks herself out of her predicament. Mrs. Wallace tries to give Luis a clue. Sheridan is unaware her life is in danger when she ends up alone with Beth and a murderous Charlie (who remains hidden in the shadows).

Thursday, 5 June 2008
Episode 969

Chad comforts a distraught Whitney and encourages her to come with him to L.A. to pursue singing. Liz helps TC search the club for Eve; Liz secretly hopes they will find her sister and Julian together.

Meanwhile, Fox catches Eve and Julian in a compromising situation. TC soon stumbles onto the scene, but Julian manages to hide in the dark alley before being spotted. Fox covers for Eve and Julian. Antonio vows to protect Sheridan from the woman who's out to get her and promises he'll never let anyone come between them.

Hank encourages Sheridan to put herself first and not worry about how people will react to the truth coming out. Antonio senses his wife isn't telling him something. Meanwhile, Beth drops a major bomb on Luis, who vows not to abandon her. Beth is sure her scheme will work.

Friday, 6 June 2008
Episode 970

Theresa sees a change in Fox and accuses him of being in love. Fox tries to hide his feelings for Whitney and fills Theresa in on what happened at the Blue Note. Theresa runs to Whitney's side. Whitney lashes out at her mother for trying to control her life. Eve refuses to listen. Liz warns Eve that she may lose her daughter if she keeps this up. Whit turns to Chad for comfort.

Julian demands answers from his father about his and Eve's baby. Alistair avoids his questions and later orders Fox to sell the Blue Note Club. Fox realises something is going on with Eve and Julian.

Sheridan is shocked to learn Beth is pregnant. Antonio offers congratulations and is thrilled that he and Luis will both be fathers now. Luis tries to let Sheridan know that he only just found out, as Beth does her best to act upset about the situation.

Monday, 9 June 2008
Episode 971

Julian tries to reason with Eve and show her that a music career isn't such a terrible thing for her daughter. Eve worries about Whitney making the same mistakes she made. Julian stands up for Chad. Julian and Eve bond further, as he fills her in on new information about their son, whom he wants to find.

Chad tries again to get Whitney to come to L.A. with him. Whitney feels like her world is falling apart. Fox tricks Theresa into going with him to the recording studio as a way to see Whitney.

Beth believes her fake pregnancy will snag Luis forever. Luis struggles with his emotions and feelings for Sheridan. Sheridan becomes ill from the news of Beth's pregnancy. Antonio congratulates a privately distraught Luis.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Episode 972

Kay complains to Tabitha about Miguel and Charity being back together. Tabitha tries to convince herself and Kay that the happy couple will fall apart by without any interference. Miguel and Charity share their good news with an elated Grace. Grace assures them that Kay and the baby will be taken care of. Kay is infuriated by her mother's words.

Beth and Mrs. Wallace are shocked by all the stuff Precious has ordered when it's delivered to their home. Beth shows her mother the sugar sack she designed to help her look pregnant. An angry Charlie bursts into Beth's house and demands to know why Beth left her unconscious at the wharf.

Luis goes to his mother for advice. Pilar encourages Luis not to run from his responsibilities. She believes evil is looming over their family and prays for Martin's return.

Meanwhile, Sheridan shocks Gwen with the news that Beth is pregnant. Gwen voices her suspicions about Beth. Sheridan makes a decision about what she's going to tell Luis.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Episode 973

Sam orders Ivy to move out, while Grace insists David go through with the annulment. Ivy stops David in his tracks.

Meanwhile, Kay begs Tabitha to help her break up Sam and Grace. Tabitha lets Kay in on a secret. Beth tells a sympathetic Antonio about her problems with her mother. Mrs. Wallace fills in a furious Charlie about Beth's plans to marry Luis. Charlie attacks Beth for betraying her.

Meanwhile, Sheridan pushes a stunned Luis away. Luis fights for their relationship and reminds her of all they've been through. At the last minute, an emotional Sheridan can't go through with her plan.

Thursday, 12 June 2008
Episode 974

Julian searches for the truth regarding his and Eve's baby. Fox walks in on his father making calls about his son. He questions Julian about what he was doing with Eve Russell in the alley. Julian angrily warns his son to back off causing Fox to become even more suspicious. Chad continues to press Whitney to come to L.A. with him.

Later Fox pays a visit to a troubled Whitney. Eve tells a concerned Luis that if Sheridan doesn't reduce her stress level, she and the baby could die. Sheridan thinks Luis should marry Beth but Luis doesn't want to give up on them.

Tabitha watches proudly as Kay tries to guilt her mother into not letting David sign the annulment papers. Kay lashes out at Grace for being a hypocrite. Later Tabitha pushes Grace in the "right" direction. Sam tries to comfort Grace who wonders if their daughter is right.

In private, Kay stuns Ivy and David when she yells at them for not helping her break up her parents. David is appalled by Kay's true colours. Ivy agrees they need to take fast action.

Friday, 13 June 2008
Episode 975

Julian goes to Eve with news about their son. Eve and Julian bond as they discuss their long-lost son and what probably happened to him. Liz sees the two together and schemes to get TC home to walk in on them.

A worried Theresa jumps to the wrong conclusion when she finds a note about Julian's son, thinking it's about little Ethan. Fox alleviates Theresa's fears when he admits he thinks his father is digging up info on him. Fox does his best to put a wedge between Whitney and Chad. He tries to convince Whitney that Chad wouldn't want to get married right now.

Meanwhile, Chad considers buying a ring. Sam and Grace's marriage disintegrates as Grace refuses to let David sign the annulment papers. Sam feels Grace has chosen David over him and walks out. Grace is heartbroken. Kay feels guilty about what she's done. Ivy pushes David to make a move.

After TC encourages Sam not to give up, he tries once more to get through to Grace. Tabitha worries her plan might fail after all.

Monday, 16 June 2008
Episode 976

Beth reveals to Mrs. Wallace how she plans to kidnap Sheridan and then take her baby after killing her rival. Mrs. Wallace points out a problem with Beth's plan.

Meanwhile, Sheridan continues having nightmares about being kidnapped and having her baby taken. Luis tries to calm her and promises never to leave. Liz tries to get Eve and Julian caught in a compromising position.

However, Julian manages to hide before TC finds him in the living room. Eve puts Liz on alert that she'll fight to save her family. Whitney decides not to push Chad about marriage since Fox advised her against it. Fox does his best to talk Chad out of proposing to Whitney. Whit wants to find Chad's parents.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Episode 977

Luis and Sheridan spend some quality time together and talk about the baby they may have. Luis is able to make Sheridan forget her worries. Theresa and Fox bond together. Theresa thinks Fox is being a wonderful friend to Chad and Whitney, unaware of his true intentions. Fox is surprised to hear Theresa still believes she's going to get Ethan.

Meanwhile, Ethan tells Gwen he has a surprise for her, but she worries about what the surprise may be. However, Gwen is thrilled by what her husband does for her. Ethan is perplexed when Gwen happily blurts out that he won't leave her after all.

Whitney and Chad spend time with Julian after running into him at the wharf. Julian and Chad realise they have some things in common. Whitney tells Julian about wanting to find Chad's parents, and he encourages her not to give up.

Meanwhile, a malicious Liz tries to expose her sister's secrets by saying Eve should tell TC about her son. Eve is horrified, while TC is stunned. He feels badly for his wife when he assumes she's sad because she didn't give him a son.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Episode 978

Gwen and Sheridan freak out when they believe they've seen an ominous sign of things to come. Gwen can't help but worry about what Theresa may do next. Sheridan tells Gwen that she wants Luis to move on with Beth and be happy. Gwen thinks Sheridan is too trusting and finds Beth's pregnancy suspicious.

Theresa pushes Fox to let her in on who he's in love with. Fox denies his feelings. Julian encourages Chad to search for his family. Theresa lashes out at Julian, thinking he's plotting to take her son. Chad tries to convince Julian to let Theresa have little Ethan and reveals some painful information about his father. Julian thinks of the child he had with Eve.

Meanwhile, Eve tells TC about the son she lost. TC stands by his wife. Liz is frustrated but doesn't think it will last once he learns the baby's father was Julian.

Thursday, 19 June 2008
Episode 979

Ivy pushes David to go after Grace now that Sam has moved out. David struggles with his conscience as he's tempted by the thought of sharing a life with Grace. Ivy insists to her cohort that Grace is in love with him. John overhears Ivy and tells his father he also believes Mom loves him.

Meanwhile Grace tries to get Sam back. Whitney ruins her surprise by accidentally revealing to Chad her plans to search for his parents. Chad is touched and they decide to investigate together. Whitney, Chad, Fox and Theresa discuss who Chad's parents might be. Theresa touches a nerve with Whitney when she comments how Chad could be related to anyone.

Julian comforts an upset Eve who ran off after admitting to TC that she had a son. Eve fears her life is falling apart and worries about telling TC the rest of the truth. Meanwhile a baffled TC searches for his wife wondering what she meant about having a son. Liz leads TC right to Julian and Eve. An irate TC demands to know why he keeps finding Julian and Eve together.

Affected by her previous nightmares, Sheridan freaks out over a picture of clowns. Beth stops Mrs. Wallace's attempt to tell the truth. Gwen grows more and more suspicious of Beth and her supposed pregnancy.

Friday, 20 June 2008
Episode 980

Grace begs Sam to come home but he rebuffs her and tells her to go back to her husband. Later, David reaches out to Grace. Ivy recalls her past with Sam. Gwen confronts Beth about her strange behaviour and announces she doesn't think she's pregnant. Everyone is stunned.

Beth makes up a sob story to win sympathy. Gwen doesn't buy it and tries another approach to prove she's right. Whitney fears something is going to come between her and Chad. Theresa tries to reassure her.

Meanwhile, Eve painfully recounts how she lost a son before she had Whitney and Simone. Whitney arrives and is startled to hear this piece of news. She and TC comfort Eve. Liz can't wait for her sister to admit Julian was the father of the baby. TC asks Eve how Liz knew about her secret.

Monday, 23 June 2008
Episode 981

Sheridan, Antonio, Gwen, and Ethan attend their first childbirth class. Gwen insists to a doubting Sheridan that Beth is faking her pregnancy to hold onto Luis. Gwen warns her friend to watch her back and hopes they'll have some answers once Luis and Beth get back from the doctor's appointment.

Meanwhile, Beth nervously tries to get out of her appointment while Luis searches for the doctor. Theresa tries to reassure a distraught Whitney, who fears Chad could be her mother's lost son, thereby making them half-siblings. Chad shares the same concern with Fox. Fox tries to hide his glee about the possibility of having Chad out of the picture.

Eve breaks down as she tries to explain the whole truth to TC. Julian lashes out at Liz for the pleasure she is taking in her sister's pain.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Episode 982

Fox tries to convince Theresa that Chad is probably Whitney's half-brother. Whitney pushes Chad away and lashes out at her mother for keeping such a potentially devastating secret. Chad tries to convince Whit that they are not related. Julian helps a hysterical Eve. Liz accidentally gives TC a hint that the baby wasn't his.

Sheridan is horrified when she sees another picture of a clown. Ethan, Gwen and Antonio reassure her all will be fine. Gwen is certain Beth's not pregnant. Meanwhile Beth gets help from Charlie who impersonates a doctor.

In private, Charlie accuses Beth of wanting Luis but Beth sweet talks her into sticking with the plan. Luis gets bad news about Beth's "pregnancy".

Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Episode 983

Antonio tries to get Luis to marry Beth. Luis promises Sheridan their love will find a way. A hurt and angry Beth watches the couple and vows to make Luis hers. Charlie makes a special place for Sheridan in Beth's basement. Ivy loves David's idea of how to win Grace. Grace informs an upset Sam of her plans to go away with David to relive their romantic past. She hopes to prove once and for all she doesn't have feelings for her "husband".

TC mistakenly assumes Eve had a miscarriage. Whitney and Chad are relieved to learn they're not siblings after all. Liz taunts Eve. TC and Whitney question Eve as to why she would keep her miscarriage a secret and Eve prepares to tell her family the truth.

Thursday, 26 June 2008
Episode 984

Charlie continues to dig a hole in Beth's basement while Mrs. Wallace wonders what exactly Beth is planning. Edna wishes she could protect Sheridan.

Meanwhile, Antonio tries to help get Beth and Luis married. Beth is overjoyed while Luis and Sheridan scramble for excuses. A frustrated Luis explains he can't marry Beth because of Sheridan. Antonio is taken aback as Beth seethes with anger. Sheridan collapses from the stress.

Kay and Tabitha look into the magic bowl and watch as David and Sam physically fight over Grace. Livid over Grace's decision to go away with David, Sam blames Grace for the destruction of their marriage. Charity has a curious vision about Kay. Jessica believes her sister is behind her parents' problems.

Meanwhile, Kay feels guilty and wants to tell the truth, much to Tabitha's concern. Kay panics when she thinks Charity has figured everything out.

Friday, 27 June 2008
Episode 985

Kay and Tabitha fear Charity's vision may have told her everything. Jessica thinks Kay is responsible for all the trouble in their family. To Kay's relief, Charity blames herself for all that's gone wrong. Miguel tries to convince her she's not to blame. Charity shocks everyone when she announces her plans to leave Harmony.

TC tries to reason with a fed-up Sam. Eve begins to tell her friends about Ivy's scheme, but she can't go through with it. David and Sam get into another brawl, and John jumps in to stand up for his father.

Ivy encourages David to keep going after what he wants. John tells his father to fight for Grace. Sam believes his marriage is over as TC tries to console him. In private, Eve stuns Grace when she admits she kissed Julian.

Meanwhile, Julian laments over the past and wishes he'd chosen a different path. Sheridan's health takes a hit due to all her stress. Antonio and Luis fuss over her, and Luis decides Sheridan won't be able to handle the pressure of telling his brother the truth.

Gwen remains suspicious of Beth, especially when she won't let her touch her stomach.

Monday, 30 June 2008
Episode 986

Kay wants to do the right thing and tell everyone the truth. Tabitha tries to talk her out of it, but Kay thinks of her unborn child and feels guilty about everything she's said and done. Tabitha asks Kay if she can live without Miguel.

TC tries to talk Sam into not giving up on his marriage. Eve presses Grace to admit that a part of her wants to be with David. Grace insists she doesn't, but Eve doesn't buy it. Feeling like a lousy friend, Eve tries to come clean with Grace about what Ivy is really up to.

Meanwhile, Ivy insists to David they will get exactly what they want. Beth manipulates Antonio to her advantage. Sheridan tells Luis they aren't meant to be. Luis tries to stop her from giving up, but she's done trying. Beth readies her plan to kidnap Sheridan.



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