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How I Met Your Mother: The Beginning

Written by Segololo from the blog How I met your mother on 16 Apr 2008
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I thought it would be an excellent idea to introduce anyone who missed Season 1 to the cast and storyline of the comedy series How I Met Your Mother  (on and of course pose my beeg questions about the kinds of dramas the characters get themselves into.

The story began on a chilly Sunday evening... (That is how I imagined the evening) BUT anyways, the story begins in 2030 when 2 kids are sitting on a couch and their dad, Ted Mosby, says "Kids, I think It's time I told you how I met your mother..."

Then we snapshot to 2005, when the dad was a virile single young man on the streets of New York. (I struggled to find a pic of the kids so I guess they are considered extras, not members of the cast) 

kids 2030
Ted’s Kids in 2030

The father in 2030 is none other than Bob Saget: yes, the famous dad to the Olsen twins on Full House. Do you guys remember that comedy that went on forever and catapulted the skinny Olsen twins to fame...? Well, we never see the face of this father in 2030 but he narrates the story anyways so he deserves a mention. AND he does get paid for it, so yes Bob is doing voiceovers for How I met your mother

Bob - the narrator
Bob Saget (Ted Mosby's voice in 2030)

Ted Mosby (Josh Radner)
This is the main character for the show as he is the virile single young man in the streets of New York. He is an architect in a dodgy firm. He hangs out with his 3 friends; Barney, Lily and Marshall. He is living with his best friend, Marshall, and Marshall’s fiancée, Lily. They occupy a lot of his time as they do almost everything together!

They have a fave hangout spot/bar. When Marshall got engaged to Lily, after a long relationship, Ted finally decided he needs to search for his soul mate/true love. Why is it that when a friend gets married, has a child or gets into a serious relationship we tend to look at ourselves and question what is wrong with us? 

Josh Radner (Ted Mosby)

Marshall Erikson (Jason Segel)
Uncle Marshall (as he is called by dad in 2030) is the geek of the group… the lovable fun and completely idiotic character. Reminds me of that Seinfeld character that lived opposite Seinfeld apartment, if anyone remembers the Seinfeld guy’s name, please remind me. He always made a grand entrance into Seinfeld’s apartment to ask for the silliest things ever. Anyway, back to Marshall;

He has been dating Aunt Lily forever (since he was 19, now he is about 26 so it warrants the forever!) and they recently got engaged. He is a law student and shares the apartment with Ted and Lily. He is sickeningly in love with Lily, and this makes Ted want to find someone that makes him feel the same. 

Jason Segel (Marshall Erikson)

Lily (Alyson Hannigan)
Aunt Lily is a Kindergarten teacher who studied Art in varsity. Yes, we all know someone like her. The person studied some interesting thing at varsity, like Food technology, and is now working as a director to the deputy deputy director in government.

Lily is the listener and the only girl in the group until Ted starts dating all these women in his quest to find “the one”. She is often the reasonable one and makes the men see things from a female perspective. She hates Marshall’s family obsession with Mayonnaise. That family will have Mayo with anything. 

Alyson Hannigan (Lily)

Robin (Cobie Smulders) 
Aunt Robin is the weekend news anchor for the local TV station. She and Ted decided to remain friends after one date. They have feelings for each other but believe they want different things in life. They can’t seem to get together due to the reason that Ted wants something solid and she wants to hang out and have fun.

Ted has decided she is his soul mate and wants to marry her, but she doesn’t want get tied down. Ted told her he was in love with her on their first date – and that spells psycho to her. 

Cobie Smulders (Robin)

Barney Stintson (Neil Patrick Harris)
Uncle Barney is the most entertaining character of the show. He famously overuses the words “Le-gen wait-for-it! da-ry” and “suit up!”. He is a womanizing, materialistic and out-for-anything kinda person. He just wants to have fun, fun, fun!

He is never seen without a suit on and would like everyone to “Suit up!”. Everything he does is “Le-gen wait for it! da-ry!” to him and this ALWAYS means there is an ulterior motive to the request. 

Neil Patrick Harris (Barney Stintson)

No one knows what he does for a living. He is not looking for a serious relationship or true love; he is up for a one-night stand. He considers himself Ted’s best friend and believes Ted thinks so too. Even though he invited himself to have a drink with Ted one evening, and forcefully started hanging around Ted and his friends.

This dude we all remember as the 16 year old highly intelligent doctor of the show Dr Doogie Howser M.D. 

The cast

Hopefully buys the second season of this show and saves us from horrid Wednesday evenings... Damn wrestling every frigging evening of the week!


17 Apr 2008 00:28

Yes please Etv - put us out of our misery and buy the damn 2nd season!!!!!  Honestly!  Wrestling 3 times a week is a bit too much!!!!!!  Besides this show was SO good and hilarious!!!!!!  I miss it sooooooo..........

17 Apr 2008 00:29

I loved this show... looking forward to the 2nd season.

12 May 2008 02:14

i also want the show back, what can we do to get E-tv to buy the second season??? arrested development sucks and i cant stand it anymore, ke kgathetse maan.

TVSA- can you guys do something just alert E-TV that we miss how i met your mother please please please please please

12 May 2008 02:19

Wow, I've seen the first and second season, and i hated both. I just found myself watching coz i had them, so everytime i was bored and had  nothing to watch, i'd just watch HIMYM. Shows how ppl have different tastes ke.

12 May 2008 02:23

Renegade where did you get the second season?????????????????????? please do share???????

30 Jun 2008 19:14

Your request has been granted Segs! On in July.

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