Passions Teasers - January 2008

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Passions Teasers on 20 Dec 2007
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On Passions in January, 2008:

Tuesday, 1 January
Episode 857

Antonio makes a shocking accusation about Eve. TC defends his wife. In private, Liz and Eve have a tense face-off. Sheridan congratulates Ethan on choosing to marry Theresa, but expresses concern for Gwen. She and Ethan lament over their love lives.

Sheridan doesn't know what to do and fears her relationship with Luis will be ruined either way. Beth tries to change Luis' mind about telling Antonio the truth, but he won't be deterred. Pilar prays for her sons. Theresa tries to comfort her mother. Ethan tells an elated Theresa and Pilar that he and Theresa will have a very important talk as soon as he breaks the news to Gwen.

Meanwhile, Gwen tries to be strong as she makes plans to move away from Harmony. Rebecca urges her daughter to fight for Ethan. Gwen puts up a brave front and hides her sickness when Ethan comes to see her.

Wednesday, 2 January
Episode 858

TC comforts Liz and promises to help her any way he can. Rebecca lashes out at Ethan, while Eve examines an ill Gwen. Gwen makes her intention of leaving for New York known. She and Ethan say a heartfelt goodbye. Rebecca turns to Ivy for help. Unaware that Julian is taking a bath, Mrs. Wallace sneaks into his bathroom looking for something to steal. The two scream in terror when they come face-to-face.

Later, Rebecca laments to Julian about the situation with Theresa, and he gets an idea of how to take advantage of the situation. Theresa and Antonio have a heart to heart. She informs her brother that Ethan is going to propose to her after he breaks up with Gwen. Beth stops Sheridan and Luis from telling Antonio the truth.

Antonio demands to know what's going on; Beth covers. Sheridan is wracked with guilt. Luis comes up with a way to help Antonio understand the truth. He leaves and comes back with a mysterious package.

Thursday, 3 January
Episode 859

Kay advises Simone on what she should do now that she knows Whitney has stolen Chad. Meanwhile, Whitney and Chad share a romantic evening together. Whitney tries to leave to get some rest for her tennis tournament, but Chad won't let her.

Rebecca and Julian celebrate Theresa signing the divorce papers. Rebecca wants to set a wedding date, much to Julian's dismay. Ivy tries desperately to talk Ethan out of marrying Theresa. Theresa eavesdrops and is elated as Ethan sticks up for her and stands his ground with his mother.

Ethan goes to make sure Gwen is okay. Gwen gets some startling news. Theresa and Ivy have a fierce face-off over the young woman's impending engagement to Ethan. Luis shows Antonio a photo album full of Luis and Sheridan's happy moments together. However, Antonio loses his sight before he sees the truth. Sheridan fears that Antonio is near death.

Friday, 4 January
Episode 860

Sam and Grace's reconciliation is short-lived when she once again resists being intimate with him. Sam wants Grace to get a divorce from David, but she refuses, stating that they'll still be married in the eyes of the Church. David informs Grace that John is ill and is asking for her. Sam lashes out at David for his interruption. He tells Grace their family is falling apart. Theresa taunts Ivy, who vows to stop Ethan from marrying her. Meanwhile, Ethan is rocked by the news of Gwen's pregnancy.

Gwen insists on moving to New York with her baby. She assures Ethan he will be able to visit their child, but he isn't satisfied. Eve informs Antonio and everyone else that he could die at any moment. Sheridan is devastated as Antonio puts up a brave front. Mrs. Wallace taunts Beth about Luis and Sheridan reuniting as soon as Antonio kicks the bucket. Sheridan is horrified that Luis still wants to tell Antonio the truth. Liz recalls her past with Eve and continues to plot her revenge.

Monday, 7 January
Episode 861

Tabitha doesn't feel well and turns in for the evening, only to experience disturbing nightmares about babies. Cecil and Cracked Connie get hot and heavy with each other. The dancing babies make another appearance. Grace tends to her ailing son, who is thrilled to have his mother around. David, Grace, and John bond. Sam goes off to clear his head after fighting with Grace and runs into a conflicted Ethan.

Ethan turns to his father for advice. Sam is shocked to learn his son was going to propose to Theresa but is having seconds thoughts now that Gwen is pregnant. Meanwhile, Theresa happily taunts and teases Ivy and Rebecca about her impending marriage to Ethan. Luis insists upon telling Antonio about his relationship with Sheridan. Liz stops Luis and questions his motives in telling his brother the truth.

Tuesday, 8 January
Episode 862

Liz lets Eve know how much she hates her. Sheridan tries to stop Luis from telling Antonio the truth. Luis prepares to drop the bomb. Antonio has a special request for his brother. He calls Luis on his feelings about Sheridan. Sam gives Ethan some heartfelt advice about love. David and Grace overhear Sam admit he would have married Ivy had he known she was pregnant. David supports a devastated Grace. After Ethan leaves, Grace confronts Sam and lashes out at him. Gwen has a strange experience.

Ivy and Rebecca taunt Theresa now that the tables have turned. Theresa is horrified as they gleefully inform her that Gwen is having Ethan's baby. She angrily confronts her rival and accuses Gwen of lying. Ethan arrives to settle the messy situation with the two women.

Wednesday, 9 January
Episode 863

David informs Ivy about Sam and Grace's latest argument. Grace calls Sam on his recent behaviour, and stalks off with David. The supposed husband and wife tend to John, who is happy they are all together. Sam is taken aback when Ivy arrives to comfort him. Eve encourages Liz to open up to Antonio about her feelings. Liz realises what Eve's real motives are and slaps her. Antonio shocks everyone when he offers Sheridan her freedom.

Pilar and Antonio have an emotional discussion. Sheridan doesn't see how she can accept Antonio's offer to leave him. Luis tries to convince her to take Antonio up on his offer. Gwen stuns everyone with her decision. Theresa is hopeful things will still go her way.

Thursday, 10 January
Episode 864

At the recording studio, Chad and Whitney spend a romantic evening together and dream of when their love can be out in the open. Meanwhile, Kay and Simone plot to keep the couple apart. However, Simone is reluctant to sabotage her sister's tennis career. When TC calls home to check on his daughters, Kay pushes Simone to get Whitney in trouble by revealing she's still out. Simone is torn.

Eve tries to make peace with Liz. Liz lets her know nothing will repair the damage she's caused. Beth informs her mother she has a plan to make sure she gets Luis no matter what happens. Sheridan's decision shocks everyone, but leaves Antonio overjoyed. Gwen and Ethan celebrate their engagement. Theresa begs and pleads with Ethan to get him to change his mind. Ethan tries to comfort a devastated Theresa, but stands by his decision.

Friday, 11 January
Episode 865

Eve confronts Liz about when she plans to reveal her past. Eve is amazed at how much Liz has changed, how full of hate and anger she is now. After making love to Chad, Whitney freaks out when she notices the time. Meanwhile, an angry TC wonders why Whitney would be out so late the night before a big tournament. Simone feels guilty about getting her sister in trouble, but Kay pushes her to stick with the plan. TC comes down hard on Whitney when she finally arrives home.

Kay takes the plot to destroy Whitney one step further. Pilar tries to comfort an upset Luis, who was forced to promise Antonio he would stay with him and Sheridan overnight at the cottage. Luis lashes out at Sheridan for staying with Antonio. Sheridan pleads her case.

Julian and Ivy celebrate his divorce from Theresa. Meanwhile, Theresa is devastated by Ethan's choice. Gwen and Rebecca verbally attack her while Ethan stands up for his ex. Julian orders Theresa out of the mansion. Ethan is stunned when he realises Theresa gave up the Crane fortune to be with him.

Monday, 14 January
Episode 866

Unaware that Kay slipped her a sleeping pill the night before, Whitney struggles as she warms up for her tennis game. Simone feels guilty, but Kay reminds her they need to get TC on Whitney's case so she won't have time to see Chad. Eve is unnerved when Liz shows up to the game. Whitney blows the match. TC explodes with anger and scolds his daughter. Kay wonders what's going on between Jessica and Reese.

Beth has a wild dream of marrying Luis. Meanwhile, Luis has a nightmare about Sheridan and Antonio. Later, he pushes Sheridan away. Pilar gets a call from her old friend, Maria Celeste Arraras, who wants to do an expos? on the Cranes. Pilar invites Maria Celeste over for Thanksgiving.

Determined to win Ethan back, Theresa vows to spend as much time with him as possible before he marries Gwen. Ethan and Gwen discuss baby names. Gwen wants to move away from the mansion, and she questions Ethan's reasons for staying.

Rebecca hints to Julian and Ivy that she may know something about Theresa that will bring about her downfall. Julian continues to stew over Theresa tearing up the divorce papers and swallowing them. Theresa's Thanksgiving plans further upset Julian.

Tuesday, 15 January
Episode 867

Tabitha gets an invitation to spend Thanksgiving with the Bennetts. Clamoring for a holiday feast, Cecil and Cracked Connie coerce Tabby into taking them with her. Sam is hurt when he sees David has helped Grace get ready for Thanksgiving dinner. Grace lets Sam know she doesn't think she can count on him. David reports the tension back to Ivy.

Kay is irritated when Grace fusses over John. Reese and Jessica share a close moment, but back off when a suspicious Kay questions them. Pilar's reporter friend, Maria Celeste, continues to flirt with an oblivious Julian to get the dirt on him and his family. Theresa grows nervous as Ivy tries to convince Ethan and Gwen to move out of the mansion.

Ethan is impressed with Theresa when she retells how she stopped Julian from divorcing her. Antonio overhears Luis tell Sheridan he loves her. Beth's quick thinking keeps Antonio in the dark. Luis wishes the truth had come out. Beth privately vows not to let that happen.

Wednesday, 16 January
Episode 868

Everyone congratulates Miguel and Charity on their official engagement. Tabitha tells Cecil and Cracked Connie the three of them will be destroyed should the marriage occur. Cecil and Cracked Connie scamper off to cause trouble. Kay lashes out in anger at Grace. When David sticks up for Grace, Kay makes veiled threats against him. A stunned David realises the scheming teen knows about him and Ivy.

The Russells and Liz arrive to spend Thanksgiving with the Bennetts. TC continues letting Whitney have it for losing the tennis match. Whitney silently suffers as Simone fawns all over Chad. Father Lonigan nearly tells Antonio the truth. Beth covers and manages to keep the secret hidden.

Father Lonigan tells Sheridan he can't marry her and Antonio if she is really in love with Luis. Sheridan lies to keep Antonio in the dark and hurts Luis deeply in the process.

Thursday, 17 January
Episode 869

The Bennett Thanksgiving dinner turns into a disaster when the meal is tampered with. Grace blames herself for ruining the dinner. Cracked Connie and Cecil snicker as their handiwork causes Grace to snap. Sam comforts Grace and the two reconnect. Sam assures his wife she means everything to him. Kay lets her feelings about Charity and John be known. Charity's choice in a wedding dress upsets Kay. TC lays down the law with Whitney. Liz and Whitney bond.

An unsettled Eve warns Liz to stay away from her daughters. Rebecca continues working on her plan to destroy Theresa. Theresa's conversation with Father Lonigan puts a sudden halt to Ethan and Gwen's wedding plans. Concerned that Ethan is marrying Gwen out of obligation, Father Lonigan asks Ethan who he really loves: Gwen or Theresa. Theresa is certain he will choose her.

Friday, 18 January
Episode 870

Theresa and Luis lament their lost loves and encourage each other to move on. Whitney learns Ethan proposed to Gwen and comforts her devastated friend. Antonio pushes for a double wedding. Feeling Sheridan has chosen his brother over him, Luis agrees to it. Beth is delighted. An angry Sheridan pulls Luis aside to confront him. Grace, Jessica, and Simone help Charity plan her wedding while Kay quietly sulks. Recalling her premonition, Charity worries that her marriage to Miguel will cause others pain. Kay is hurt when Grace gives Charity her wedding gown. Kay disavows Grace as her mother.

Monday, 21 January
Episode 871

Jessica helps Charity with her wedding gown. She warns Kay not to cause any trouble. Later, Kay tries to talk Miguel out of marrying Charity, but he reiterates his love for her cousin. Kay accuses Miguel of using her. Ethan fills Chad in on Gwen's pregnancy. Meanwhile, Theresa declares to Whitney that it's not over between her and Ethan. Theresa tries to convince her friend that they can have it all, but Whitney fears she will end up with nothing.

Antonio worries about Sheridan's future and asks her for a promise. Antonio imagines who Sheridan could end up with after he dies. Beth is thrilled when Luis accepts her marriage proposal. Luis attempts to be straight with Beth by gently informing her he would be marrying Sheridan instead if she were free. Beth hides her hurt and in turn, asks Luis if he will end up leaving her for Sheridan once Antonio dies.

Tuesday, 22 January
Episode 872

Charity overhears Kay and Miguel arguing. A delighted Kay thinks Charity has learned she slept with Miguel. However, Charity assumes Kay is upset over another secret; she shocks everyone by announcing Reese and Jessica have been secretly dating! Eve confirms Gwen is indeed expecting. Ethan feels inadequate when Gwen has to handle financial matters. Meanwhile, Theresa stands up to Alistair. Alistair commends her on her determination. Theresa vows to get what she wants.

Beth excitedly tells Mrs. Wallace about her wedding plans. Mrs. Wallace is horrified to realise she may be forced to live in a nursing home. Elsewhere, Liz and Antonio discuss her sister. A misguided Antonio thinks Liz and Eve could be friends. Meanwhile, Sheridan begs Luis to reconsider and not end their relationship. Luis gives Sheridan a difficult choice.

Wednesday, 23 January
Episode 873

Charity and Miguel happily plan for their wedding. Kay tries to push John towards Charity and put doubts in his mind about Miguel's love for her cousin. Chad thanks Liz for all her help. TC asks Liz to bond with the girls. Eve is upset by TC's request. TC thinks something is going on with Whitney.

Gwen shares her concerns with Eve. Theresa resorts to blackmail as she sets her plan in motion to get Ethan back. Ethan is disappointed when the headhunter claims he can't find any jobs for him. Whitney is shocked by Theresa's behaviour.

Thursday, 24 January
Episode 874

Gwen is troubled when Ethan informs her that the only job offer he has is in Alaska. Ethan wants to take the job so he can support his family. Meanwhile, everyone is surprised by Theresa's reaction upon learning Ethan and Gwen's wedding reception will be held at the mansion. Rebecca is convinced Theresa is up to something. Pilar fears what trouble her daughter's plan will cause.

Determined to walk again, Ivy intensifies her physical therapy. Eve is disgusted when she learns Ivy's motivation is to be able to dance with Sam at Ethan's wedding. Thinking of Liz, Eve goes off on a rant about people ruining loving marriages. Ivy smiles as she realises someone is after Eve's husband.

Miguel is stunned to discover that Kay, not Father Lonigan, is on the other side of the confessional. Kay lashes out at him and accuses Miguel of using her for sex. John overhears the truth. He ushers Charity and David out of the area, but a suspicious Grace heads for the confessional.

Friday, 25 January
Episode 875

Grace orders Kay to accept Miguel and Charity's wedding. Kay accuses her mother of carrying on with David while ignoring Sam. Charity is stunned to see Kay in a new light. Theresa plots to make sure Ethan doesn't get the job in Alaska. Pilar is outraged with her daughter, but Theresa won't give up on her plan.

Gwen is suspicious about Theresa's reasons for including her and Ethan as guests of honor at the engagement party she's throwing for her brothers. Gwen tries to comfort Sheridan, who is distraught that Luis is marrying Beth. Gwen voices her suspicions about Luis' new fiance.

Meanwhile, Beth gloats to her mother about getting married. Mrs. Wallace vows not to let it happen. Beth has a disturbing memory about her childhood. Luis, Antonio, Miguel, and Ethan pick out their tuxes. Ethan hopes they can all be friends even though he's marrying Gwen. The guys assure him they understand. Ethan tries to convince Luis not to marry Beth. Luis stands firm in his resolve to move on.

Monday, 28 January
Episode 876

Gwen makes plans for her move to Alaska. Rebecca and Ivy worry about what Theresa may be up to. Since the Alaska position mysteriously fell through, Ethan accepts Theresa's job offer at Crane Industries. He worries about Gwen's reaction, but Theresa presses him to stick with his decision. The young schemer looks forward to spending time with Ethan. Mrs. Wallace ruins the fabric for Beth's wedding dress.

Sheridan begs Luis to change his mind about marrying Beth, but he won't be deterred. Antonio, Sheridan, Luis and Beth rehearse for the double wedding. Father Lonigan questions Sheridan's feelings and asks her if she's being true to herself.

Tuesday, 29 January
Episode 877

Believing the end is near for her and her dolls, Tabitha shops for a casket. Theresa throws an engagement party at the Seascape for Antonio and Sheridan, Luis and Beth, Miguel and Charity, and Ethan and Gwen. Charity worries about evil coming between her and Miguel. In private, Miguel coldly warns Kay he'll never speak to her again if she tries anything to stop his wedding to Charity.

Liz tells TC her sister is at the party. Eve is horrified. Ivy thinks she knows who is out to get Eve. Despite Sam's best efforts to make inroads with Grace, she pushes him away. Whitney is appalled that Theresa plans to have Ethan's employment papers accidentally delivered to him at the party.

Theresa anticipates an explosive reaction once Gwen finds out Ethan will be working for her. Meanwhile Gwen assures Ethan she doesn't mind moving to Alaska especially since they'll be far away from Theresa. Ethan can't bring himself to tell his fiance about his new job.

Wednesday, 30 January
Episode 878

While playing a high-stakes game of poker, a mysterious and cocky young man reveals he has a link to Harmony. As the engagement party continues, Charity has a premonition about several people trying to tear couples apart. Theresa plots to end Gwen and Ethan's engagement, while Ivy and Rebecca celebrate their children's future together. Kay comes close to revealing David and Ivy's scheme to her parents. Liz starts to tell TC everything. The party is interrupted when Antonio collapses and stops breathing.

Eve revives him, but she admits he probably doesn't have long to live. Mrs. Wallace taunts Beth as a weak Antonio is taken back to the cottage to rest. Sheridan has an important question for Luis regarding their future should Antonio die before the wedding. Back at the party, David reports to Ivy that Kay knows the truth. Ivy and Kay face off.

Whitney tries to talk Theresa out of her plan, but Theresa insists she'll be saving Ethan from a lifetime of unhappiness. Theresa realises she needs to find a sneakier way of getting Gwen to see the employment papers so Ethan won't blame her.

Thursday, 31 January
Episode 879

Mrs. Wallace predicts Antonio will die before his wedding day, and Luis will dump Beth for Sheridan. Beth duct tapes her mother to a chair so she won't have to bring her to Ethan and Gwen's wedding. Antonio hides his painful headaches from Sheridan. Sheridan presses Luis to tell her if he plans to come back to her or still marry Beth if Antonio dies before the wedding. Theresa's gracious behaviour has Ivy and Rebecca on edge.

Once she's alone, Theresa orders her secretary to have Ethan's employment papers delivered to the church so Gwen can receive them by mistake. Sam and Ethan bond as Ethan gets ready for his wedding. Sam and Grace share a passionate kiss much to David's dismay.

John admits to Kay he thinks his mother is better off with his father. Kay taunts David. Grace and Kay continue to fight. Charity fears all the weddings in Harmony will be ruined. Ethan and Gwen's wedding ceremony begins.



Dolly Nko
11 Jan 2008 03:42


14 Jan 2008 07:15


16 Jan 2008 01:02

whoever is writing the script needs help.this runaround between sheridan and luis is boring......then there's david scheming.rebecca's role should be ended as in NOW.i'm glad it's coming to an end

09 Jul 2008 22:08

i've been watching passions for more than   6 years now, and it started out great, but now the plot  is just impossible!!! it's like the writers have dredged out d last bit of  sensibility in d story. its time for it to end already! geez!

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