BBAfrica 2: Maureen Interview Update

Written by Tashi from the blog BB Africa 2 Interviews on 30 Oct 2007
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maureen 2

Hi everyone! To let you know that I haven't done an interview with Maureen this week. I was dying to chat her to find out how she feels about Code blah blah but the past week's been so hooligan-busy I wasn't able to make catching up with her yesterday morning, she was fully booked the rest of the day and she's leaving for Uganda today.

She'll be back again for the Finale though so I'll quiz her for us then. In the meantime - is there anything in particular you'd like answered? We obviously need to know about Code and find out if she's nuts - but anything else? If you have any questions please jot them down here.

Then a verry important question - I didn't see what happened during Saturdays paramedic fiasco! All I know is what I've heard aka that they all got so trashed out of their minds they needed doctors and that Ofunneka officially managed to chuck her name away with the Richard slut.

I've asked about whether it's going to be re-broadcast at any time but it doesn't seem it's gonna happen so if you watched please fill in the blanks as to what went down for those of us who missed it.  From the bits I've heard some gobsmackingly heeeeectic stuff happened.


29 Oct 2007 23:59

This what happened on Saturday according to the Star newspaper.

Big Brother contestant accused of sex assault
October 30, 2007 Edition 2
Natasha Joseph
Reality television show Big Brother Africa has turned ugly, with viewers claiming Tanzania's Richard Bezuidenhout stripped two of the three female contestants before sexually assaulting one of them.
The alleged incidents occurred on Saturday afternoon after the remaining four housemates went on a drinking binge.
Viewers allege that after stripping them, Bezuidenhout went on to sexually assault Nigeria's Offuneka Malokwu, who had already passed out, before almost having sex with Angola's "Tatiana".
According to the show's website, Tatiana woke up from her drunken stupor unable to remember anything that happened after she started drinking.
The fourth housemate, Uganda's Maureen Namatovu, who was evicted on Sunday night, had to remind her of what happened.
M-Net, which broadcasts Big Brother Africa, has said the contestants were "adults over the age of consent who began physical relations".
It claimed none of the housemates had complained.
But angry viewers believe Bezuidenhout took advantage of Malokwu and that M-Net should have acted to halt the alleged assault.
M-Net did send in paramedics after both Malokwu and Tatiana became physically ill as a result of the booze binge and ordered Bezuidenhout into the diary room to sober up.
A horrified Big Brother Africa fan said the incident occurred around 2pm or 2.30pm on Saturday.
The four contestants had been mixing drinks and "throwing back tot after tot", said the viewer, who preferred not to be named.
"Within about 40 minutes they were motherless," she said.
The man began "shouting and screaming that he was going to f**k all the girls".
He then dragged one onto a couch and tried to pull her jeans down, she said.
Bezuidenhout and Malokwu ended up in a bedroom, where he allegedly sexually assaulted her.
Tatiana woke up at this point and began "coming on to" Bezuidenhout, said the viewer.
Asked why M-Net had edited its discussion forums to remove comments that accused Bezuidenhout of sexual assault, spokesperson Joseph Hundah said: "This is a serious allegation and there is no proof of this."

30 Oct 2007 00:07

Aah Tashi... I was really hoping u were gonna ask her why she didnt tell Ofu of what she and Richard did?? 

Here's what happened on Saturday:

I got an sms from a friend: "Richard is going crazy".. i immediately changed channels...

Richard: Im gonna bump you all, im the only man in the house. I gonna bump you all.

Rich was obviously drunk, Maureen was running like a mouse, she was runnig away from Richard, who was chasing her for a bump. Gosh... I missed the part where Richard & Ofu kissed on the floor, Rich ontop of Ofu.

Then cut to Tatiana: her jeans were halfway her butt. She just collapsed onto their "Double bed" and started screaming. She was about to vomit, so Rich brought the washing basin. She started vomitting some green ish.. which took a while. 

Enter Ofu: she also collapsed on the bed, next to Taty, she also vomitted in the same basin, she slid and fell into the basin full of vomit. I could be mistaken but those 2 prob vomited on each other...

Poor Maureen and her drunk mofoself was trying to be the mother hen, encourating them to vomit  and making them drink water. 

Enter Richard "the animal": He placed himself inbetween the 2 ladies. Tatiana was out like a light. Rich put his hand down...(how do I put this in an unoffensive way??)...he put his hand in Ofu's Veejayjay.. (gaad...) and starts driving her wild. Well Ofu looked and acted like a woman who hadn't got some "attention" for 2 months or maybe more!! She was just going wild, obviously encouraging Rich to pleasure her on. Rich was just laughing... (idiot)...

Maureen walked in, saw was was happening and covered them with a sheet. Biggie called her to the Diary Room. that's when she came back with Paramedics.. who also saw what Rich was doing. Ooh.. Rich kissed Ofu again - just after she vomitted (eeeuuwww)... The paramedics asked Rich to leave so they can check on the ladies...

Next thing we were shown that african map thingie outside... with that loud silence...

Maureen asked that Biggie keep Rich in the Diary Room. So he was locked up there. 

Everyone slept for the rest of the afternoon. Maureen was traumatised, she told herself of what had happened and how she cant believe that Ofu kissed and did all those things to Rich. hehehe..

eish gotta go to a meeting

30 Oct 2007 00:16

Hmmmm...Richard bathong....

Lahvee, where have you been? Welcome back....I see my wish came true see Kele's  "I wish blog"

30 Oct 2007 00:51

tjooo.... bathong Richard!

hayi mani.........i dnt even knw wat to say!!! damn tht guy...!

30 Oct 2007 01:57

...back from meeting..

Hi Dimago..& u blogger...gosh i missed u... im over worked y'all...!!

back to Saturday... 

I kept on checking if they were awake, then I changed channels. Another sms from the same friend came in "They've let the animal out of the cage!!!" by the time I tuned in Richard was in Tatiana's bed. He somehow managed to wake Tatiana up, who was busy asking "what happened last night??" she couldnt even remember it was just that afternoon...

Then she got out of bed and went to Maureen and asked her what happened, coz all she remember is hearing voices of men and that they pricked her finger (to do blood test, prob to check alc level). Maureen went on to explain to Tatiana blow by blow... but she conviently skipped any details about Rifunneka. The camera was focused on Omode (as Taty called her), I was wondering if Rifunneka were getting ol freaky dikky on the other bedroom..

Cut to Rich, running in on the 2 ladies... mostly to stop Maureen if she said anything.. but she didnt. 

When Ofunekka woke up she swore she didnt remember anything...yeah rite.. she was avoiding Tatiana's eyecontact, she got relieved when Maureen was evicted coz I think she knew that Omode knew. 

I remember her (Ofu) saying..."Ahh man, I cant remember, we'll see the video when we get out"... she'll get a heart attack!!! Rich told her this tho' 

Rich: I was gonna bump you man! I was gonna bump you..
Ofu: I know!!! I know!!! 
see? she remembers!!

Richard sigh... was very excited sing his rendition of AzYet's song "last night"... he sang? ".. I saw the moon, the starts, the mountain and the rivers in big brother house..."... he continued singing and laughing..

I didnt see the article on The Star - oh gosh is he accused of sexual harrassment now.. (eish delayed rxn)...

So Tashi... ask Maureen why she felt she had to cover the "scene" with a sheet?? It didnt work anyway coz Ofu "kicked" the sheet off.. tl tl tl tl...

So who's your BBA 2 winner!!??

30 Oct 2007 02:05

hahhahahahah, eish Lahvee I'm chuckling away at your blow-by-blow probs isn't funny, but damn well reads funny!

30 Oct 2007 02:33


30 Oct 2007 02:48

Maureen is fragile, and misunderstood....

30 Oct 2007 02:54

thanx Lavhee.. this is so funny like Toxic say but also shocking...mnx Richard!

30 Oct 2007 05:44

I was at home the whole of Saturday and watched what happened. However I thank the bloggers for the full describtion of what happened. I was so embarrassed and upset that I kept switching the telly on and off. I feel sorry for Offuneka because when she sees a video of what happpenecd or she is told, she will be scared for life. Contrary to some opinion expressed here, she did not know what she was doing. At a stage, the way she was behaving, I was scared her heart might just stop beating.

I would like the opinion of the bloggers concerning some of the points I am raising here.

Shouldn't M-Net the producers of the show have rushed the ladies and Richard to the hospital considering the state of their health? I was scared that they might choke on their vomit especially the ladies and we might have  a tragedy in the house.

I am for reality show and it is right that viewers see what happens in reality when 12 strangers are isolated  from society and placed in a house. However Richard went  totally crazy, shouting all manner of rubbish, saying he was going tuo bump all the 3 ladies, etc.  He was staggering all over the place, chasing Maureen around the house, carried Tatiana into the bedroom, saying he was going to bump her.  He attempted to remove her trousers but left her when she pleaded with him, while in her drunken state. He left Tatiana to go to the sitting-room and I saw him on top of Offuneka. He followed it up with action.  At this point an SMS was scrolling on the screen (channel 198) by a concerned viewer asking the organizers to cage Richard that he has gone totally mad.This time he had not assaulted Offuneka. It took quite a while for the paramedics to arrive. They did not even know where to go. Bigbrother had to call Maureen to asist the paramedics. Doing all the time delay, Richard could have raped the 3 ladies without a condom or one of the housemates could have died by choking on their vomit. Even after all the mayhem, the organizers of the show still left Richard who was on rampage. It took the hysterical cries of Maureen that Richard be locked in the diary room before action was taken. He was not totally sober before he was let out again. He went back to lie between Tatiana and Offuneka. By now Tatiana was reasonably sober but Offuneka was not.  While he was talking to Tatiana and she looked away for a brief period, Richard turned around and was trying to kiss Offuneka but she feebly pushed him away. Although we might say the housemates deserve whatever comes to them since they decided to participate in the show knowing what it entails, should what happened on Saturday be permitted in a decent society? How does what happened on Saturday enhance all the efforts to combat HIV/Aids? How would we have felt (irrrespective of the country we come from) if one of the housemates had collapsed and died?

 On the BBA website, some commentators to the forum have been actively encouraging Richiana and to them, all the bumping that goes on between them is what is called entertainment. It is the parameter to be used to declare the winner. Nobody seems to be bothered that Richard is crude in all ramifications, uncouth, an abuser of women, has little intelligence, etc. Richard cannot make a full sentence without mentioning bumping. He is married and doing all he is doing still wearing the wedding ring. Nobody is bothered that he is wearing his wedding ring while doing all he is doing. What does this say about the sanctity of the institution of marriage?  Although none of the 3 remaining housemates deserves to win, one has to. I sincerely hope that Richard does not win.

As a Nigerian, I hope my home Government bans its citizens from participating in the show. Any Nigerian that wants to participate can do so as a private citizen with no mention of the name of Nigeria.

30 Oct 2007 05:54

An error in my last postings. BBA used to be on Channel 37 but now on channel 189 not 198 as I wrote. Not used to all the number changes yet

30 Oct 2007 06:40

Dorothy 777
As a Nigerian, I hope my home Government bans its citizens from participating in the show. Any Nigerian that wants to participate can do so as a private citizen with no mention of the name of Nigeria.

I disagree with you on the above statement. The question should be: What does the nigerian society that watch BBA2 say about what Richard did to Tatiana and Offuneka?

30 Oct 2007 07:08

Even after all the mayhem, the organizers of the show still left Richard who was on rampage.

While he was talking to Tatiana and she looked away for a brief period, Richard turned around and was trying to kiss Offuneka but she feebly pushed him away.

Dorothy I'm not taking anything away from your post but these two sentences above are jsut so hilarious i can't help but chuckle..ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Meme J
31 Oct 2007 10:06

@Dimago. Weird, girl. Having done my own share of dissing, I'm now missing the Mo girl. I'm so distraught I'm going to get me off to the supermarket and buy a hot-water bottle :) Seriously, she kinda grew on me without me even realising IT!

Meme J
05 Nov 2007 12:22

Tashi, when you get round to interviewing Maureen, please address this one!: .......... I am nominating her because she doesnt eat at all! And that freaks me! (Maureen nominating Meryl a week after Richard had nominated Jeff for eating too much) ............ Tx, J

05 Nov 2007 13:23

Hey J - that's a goodie - defs! Forgot about that ridiculousness.

Meme J
05 Nov 2007 13:35

Tashi, you going to be at the finale! If so, please bring my meerkat along!!!! Will be packing his special basket. My Editor surprised me this morning: she's arranged for me 2 be there. Meryl's still in Zambia. Had SMS from her abt 5 mins ago.

Brown Shuga
05 Nov 2007 13:43

What is that gal still doing in Zambia...

Meme J, check your PM for my number when you get here....

Meme J
05 Nov 2007 15:17

... my question too ... u think she's maybe playing the Ofu to Richiana role with Maxrato?!!!! Ha, ha. Maybe not so ha, ha! OK, so Meryl sort of landed in my lap (not like she landed in Kwaku's lap!), don't know how, or why. So my mission generally is just to be there, make sure she's fine and keep big bad Berthas away :) She's a cool kid. Got the number, Shuga. Tx. And I have this good feeling you and Tashi going to wangle it so y'all can be there.

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