If it's long overdue it's not a surprise!!

Written by Toxic from the blog Anything Goes on 19 Sep 2007
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He he  he, eish something really funny (cause it's beyond frustrating) happened that inspired this article.
This person has owed me money for months now and I've settled on sending him once-a-month quite obvious (since subtlety went out the door a long time ago) reminders to pay me back. 
Anyway, I spoke to this person yesterday to listen to his latest story and he said,"Ahhhh, I wanted to suprise you, you'll get your money 2moro". Hhe? WTF? What do you mean surprise me????? I was gobsmacked but then again, maybe I need to look at things from his perspective....eish I'm failing. Anyway, I told him that it's not a surprise since it's sooooooo overdue.
Oh by the way, he still hasn't paid me back and it's not money I'm willing to part with; he's also a cutie-but that's unrelated to this article.

Moving right along.....I then thought of all the other things we pass of as SURPRISES when they really aren't:

1. A couple that's been dating/vat-n-sitting for years/decades-announcing their engagement or imminent marriage.

"Yay, what a surprise,"----YEAH RIGHT! Who's surprised? The woman in the relationship who's been secretly or openly hoping and willing this to happen? The relatives who have been hinting and asking endless "Aah oa nyala gotsa o ja fela" questions? The man who can't figure out how he allowed the situation to happen cause he's been secretly pining for his girlfriend's best friend? I'm failing to figure out who the surprised person would be except maybe the mistress who's been declaring to her friends, "They'll get married over my dead body!!"

2. Erratic condom use + frequent sex= pregnancy

OMG OMG OMG!! The odds have been defied! Who in their right mind falls pregnant from having unprotected sex? Huh???!! The gods truly must be crazy.

Get real people. If you don't want a baby, please use protection ALL THE TIME you have sex. I don't wanna hear another ,"It was a surprise!" when the pregnancy test comes in positive. Even good 'ol Mary didn't exclaim till kingdom come when she discovered she was with baby. She might have been puzzled but surprised?? Hmm, i doubt it!

The only thing that's a surprise is the baby shower-and sometimes THAT isn't even a surprise  *sigh*

3. The red /summons /lawyers/final demand LETTER

Eish i don't know which of them is more serious than the other but WHY are these letters a shock to your system or even a remote surprise? I'm referring to the one letter that spells out CLEARLY that if ignored, in 7 days, your arse is in court! The one letter you want to tear into pieces (like all those polite reminders) with a loud NXXX but hold yourself back just in time cause you recognise SERIOUS when it lands in your mailbox. 

That look of surprise, which is almost always followed by an unconvincing, "they're mad, I'm not paying them a cent!" should go. It's not rocket science to figure out that unpaid bills don't disappear into nothingness if you don't pay them. Tearing them up into bits and pieces just cause you don't want potential fraudsters using your details doesn't mean a thing to your creditors!!

4. Investments that pay you off

What's so surprising about this yhe? Hayi I was gonna write something to support my feelings mara I'm not going to cause it irritates me each time someone jumps for joy and/or screams with surprise when they receive that letter or that phone call informing them of money coming their way. 

Maybe it's just me but if I had put money away for so long, you DAMN believe I'll be crossing off the days till maturity on my calendat. In fact, the only surprise would be getting paid a day later than expected.

A surprise on the other hand is one of the following:

i) I'm browsing magazines or books at any bookshop and the woman next to me just falls over and DIES....OMG!!! Ok that's shock with a pinch of surprise.

ii) I'm at the till getting ready to pay for my purchase and am told i don't have to pay cause of some in-store promotion/competition...SURPRISE!

iii) OLD women in shopping malls that walk FAST, don't peer over the biscuits; don't fish for coupons in their handbags; don't exchange items at the last minute and my oh my, pay using a credit card!

iv) Cooking mogodu and not seeing a single fly in the house..W-O-W!

v) A first date that's not akward

vi)Unemployed, down and out people that do not manage to scrape together enough money to buy alcohol--where you @?

vii) Black people that don't like ho stocka vela i.e any form of stokvels or buying one product and getting one free even if they don't PARTICULARLY like the product in question.

viii) Drunk people speaking at a normal tone of shouting??...what's that??

ix)Traffic fines getting lost in the mail----now THAT would be a surprise!

x) A blog that's not longer than 4 sentences...eish I tried to shorten this and blv me I have made too many cuts and this is as short as it gets.... :)



19 Sep 2007 03:00

That look of surprise, which is almost always followed by an unconvincing, "they're mad, I'm not paying them a cent!" should go. It's not rocket science to figure out that unpaid bills don't disappear into nothingness if you don't pay them. Tearing them up into bits and pieces just cause you don't want potential fraudsters using your details doesn't mean a thing to your creditors!! 

hihihi! LMFAO > am so guilty!

19 Sep 2007 03:00

That look of surprise, which is almost always followed by an unconvincing, "they're mad, I'm not paying them a cent!" should go. It's not rocket science to figure out that unpaid bills don't disappear into nothingness if you don't pay them. Tearing them up into bits and pieces just cause you don't want potential fraudsters using your details doesn't mean a thing to your creditors!! 

hihihi! LMFAO > am so guilty!

19 Sep 2007 03:17

hello there Take a Wild guess(TWG) i must say your username surprised me.
back to topic.
. A couple that's been dating/vat-n-sitting for years/decades-announcing their engagement or imminent marriage. - i always say finally to those invitation - coem think of it - i am going to such a wedding this weekend-it kills the excitement 
2. Erratic condom use + frequent sex= pregnancy
i once read somewhere that couples in a long time relationship who are not planning on having a baby are likely to not use the condom a few times-and then they come to u and say "i am preggies but it took me by surprise"" 
HELLO - what were u thinking when u did not lpay it safe-duh?!?
3. The red /summons /lawyers/final demand LETTER
ya - and u find people switching thier cellphones once it hits month - saying batho ba ba lapisa-give them thier damn money and they wont bother u
4. Investments that pay you off
they do tell u when you invest gore they pay at a particular time -so why o ba surprised
am i the first to reply?

19 Sep 2007 05:22

HAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHA!!!! huu tl tl tl!!!

<<<This person has owed me money for months now and I've settled on sending him once-a-month quite obvious (since subtlety went out the door a long time ago) reminders to pay me back. >>> LEGALWISE lurves these kind of cases! And they won’t be distracted by the fact that he is a cutie!!!

<<< The man who can't figure out how he allowed the situation to happen cause he's been secretly pining for his girlfriend's best friend?>>> Kwa kwa kwa!!!

<<< OMG OMG OMG!! The odds have been defied! Who in their right mind falls pregnant from having unprotected sex? Huh???!! The gods truly must be crazy.>>> These are the most annoying!!! Eish. I have a pregnant friend who when I was doing the OMG OMG OMG when I found out, calmly said to me: “this is what happens when you sleep with boys” Enough said!!!

<<< It's not rocket science to figure out that unpaid bills don't disappear into nothingness if you don't pay them>>> That’s doesn’t mean we can’t hope...

<<< vi)Unemployed, down and out people that do not manage to scrape together enough money to buy alcohol--where you @?>>> this is not a surprise, it’s called reaching your goals!!!

<<< iv) Cooking mogodu and not seeing a single fly in the house..W-O-W!>>> Now this would be a surprise LOL

Thanks for making me CTFU! Happy Thursday to you too!!!

19 Sep 2007 05:24

<<< am i the first to reply?>>>
@ Libra SURPRISE!!! You are not!!! LOL

19 Sep 2007 05:31

hihihi! LMFAO > am so guilty!

azHot, you're not the only one BELIEVE me!

A couple that's been dating/vat-n-sitting for years/decades-announcing their engagement or imminent marriage. - i always say finally to those invitation - coem think of it - i am going to such a wedding this weekend-it kills the excitement 

Libra, you're so right!!!!! And why do they insist on doing the whole shebang (white dress, hooting cars, masquerading on the street) like they've just met? Eish I also fail to get excited by these loong overdue weddings AND what do you buy as gifts? These people have been shacking up for so long they've accumulated just about everythhing you think of buying as a gift

19 Sep 2007 05:34

LEGALWISE lurves these kind of cases! And they won’t be distracted by the fact that he is a cutie!!! 

Eish Jordan, you will not believe how many other options i've gone through in my head......

<<< vi)Unemployed, down and out people that do not manage to scrape together enough money to buy alcohol--where you @?>>> this is not a surprise, it’s called reaching your goals!!! 


19 Sep 2007 05:40

3. The red /summons /lawyers/final demand LETTER
ya - and u find people switching thier cellphones once it hits month...

they find you on yo new cell no anyway blv me.... i knw 

19 Sep 2007 05:52

nice one Tox

19 Sep 2007 06:00

they find you on yo new cell no anyway blv me.... i knw 

@Nonkez. That's so true. U'd be amazed at the means they devise to locate you, ANYWHERE you are in South Africa. Maybe the police should use the services of the credit locaters to find those missing kids......

thanks Monchooo:)

Foxy gal
19 Sep 2007 06:17


Foxy gal
19 Sep 2007 06:23

.<< A couple that's been dating/vat-n-sitting for years/decades-announcing their engagement or imminent marriage. >> I'm lyk FINALLY & wonder how she tortured him until he gave in... jto!!!!!

<<I'm browsing magazines or books at any bookshop and the woman next to me just falls over and DIES....OMG!!! Ok that's shock with a pinch of surprise. >> I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING TOX MY STOMACH ACHES !!!!!

Nice one Darkie Boer!!!!! lol

19 Sep 2007 07:12

Eish Foxy gal..this was supposed to go out tomorrow..don't know how i messed that up!

<< A couple that's been dating/vat-n-sitting for years/decades-announcing their engagement or imminent marriage. >> I'm lyk FINALLY & wonder how she tortured him until he gave in... jto!!!!!

Yes Foxy..that's exactly what I ask myself too.......

19 Sep 2007 07:44

surprise surprise ur check is in the mail Tox don't worry....ha haha

nice one! nna i did have unprotected sex, yes. but i wasn't surprised/shocked when i found out....i think i knew from the time the deed was done what the result was....back when i could've done something about it if i wanted to...

vat en sit nhe...that's y that is something i will neva (neva say neva!) do

@Jordy...are you coming allright???

19 Sep 2007 09:28

nice Blog....
@Kele... this vat en sit sometimes happens so gradually that it catches u by suprise!!!!!!!!! LOL....

im doing the vat n sit thing... im gonna go home and interogate him abt ever even thinking abt one of my friends....!!!!!!!!!! 
@Take a wild guess.......u just ruined my relationship!

19 Sep 2007 09:39

LMAO @ Package!!!

<<<this vat en sit sometimes happens so gradually that it catches u by suprise!!!!!!!!! LOL....>>>

19 Sep 2007 09:47

Good one...........but I've got nothing else to say so I'm sure that took u all by suprise....LOL!!!

19 Sep 2007 09:50

My first year at Varsity....

There was something on campus, bo mang mang where there to perform! Now if you know me, you know I lurve my kwaito! So I was very excited!!! We made a stop at the vodka party (R1.00 per tot). to warm up before the bash. I had a glass and a half of vodka – Straight up! No rocks... no lime... Nothing!!!

I was SURPRISED when I woke the following morning having missed the whole performance due to a black out! I don’t know how it happened *sigh*

19 Sep 2007 10:27

@Kele... this vat en sit sometimes happens so gradually that it catches u by suprise!!!!!!!!! LOL....

LMAO Package!!

I was SURPRISED when I woke the following morning having missed the whole performance due to a black out! I don’t know how it happened *sigh*

LOLOLOLOL!! I doubt this is a surprise.......str8 up, no rocks, no lime surely gives you some clue of what's gonna happen in the end?

20 Sep 2007 01:48

2. Erratic condom use + frequent sex= pregnancy ,  guilty as charged but if teh preggies test comes up positive I will be soooooooooooo suprised, kannete, i mean I have doen it so many times before and i have been lucky, so what will change now.

20 Sep 2007 01:57


What are you saying?! My goodness- this is the only instance where it would be a surprise kodwa you're playing with FAYA galfriend!

20 Sep 2007 02:11

<I was SURPRISED when I woke the following morning having missed the whole performance due to a black out! I don’t know how it happened *sigh* >
LMAO!!!!!! Hawu andi01???????????????????

20 Sep 2007 02:20

 "Erratic condom use + frequent sex= pregnancy"  I'm with u on this one Andi01, it will also be a suprise if I had to fall preggies becoz I don't know why but we humans get a thrill from taking risks & being "lucky" and when the luck fades u tend to be "suprised".

20 Sep 2007 02:41

Annonymous and Andi01

Mantombazane, I am pleading with you-PLEASE STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR LIVES!!!!!

I can just imagine the distress you'll be in when that surprise happens, for your sakes it had better happen with a good man!

20 Sep 2007 03:40

ba jwetse wena Tox...but it's funny because we all do it!!! me and my ex didn't know each others' status(es) when we did it without protection. but for some reason i wasn't worried. i wasn't worried when i found out i was pregnant. i wasn't worried when i had to do the test. i wasn't worried when the results came. i got worried when the doctor started going on about treatment etc before he told me my result/status. lol at that time i didn't know they have to counsel u before they give u ur results whether or not ur positive/negative. i have never, befor and since that day, breathed such a sigh of relief!!! hi hi hi

haai Jordan yours is a clear case of bo maumau. hahahahahaha but speaking of alcohol, there's this "shooter"...i think it's called libido or something. it's expensive and has a very bright colour. i have neva in my life drunk such delicious tasting alcohol. dayum! and it has almost 50% (!!!!) alcohol. i had so much of that one time (because of the delicious taste) and didn't realise i was getting drunk quicker than i was drinking!!! luckily i didn't do nothing silly like jordan. hi hi hi

20 Sep 2007 03:47

@toxic what ia good man?, Ok I am not really playing with mu life, I am turning 23 next month, habve a stable job, so i think I can take care of my child if that happens, but still i wil be suprised.

20 Sep 2007 04:05

me and my ex didn't know each others' status(es) when we did it without protection. but for some reason i wasn't worried. i wasn't worried when i found out i was pregnant. i wasn't worried when i had to do the test. i wasn't worried when the results came.

Put like that, we've all played with our lives at some point cause I can totally relate to this!

i got worried when the doctor started going on about treatment etc before he told me my result/status. lol at that time i didn't know they have to counsel u before they give u ur results whether or not ur positive/negative. i have never, befor and since that day, breathed such a sigh of relief!!! hi hi hi 


@toxic what ia good man?, Ok I am not really playing with mu life, I am turning 23 next month, habve a stable job, so i think I can take care of my child if that happens, but still i wil be suprised.

I suppose I was referring to the slight chance you might get infected with HIV because you might come across one who's infected.....and as things go become infected AND pregnant.....
you wrote:
i mean I have doen it so many times before and i have been lucky, so what will change now. 

20 Sep 2007 04:18

@ Toxic what I meants was I have done it so many times before, with the same person, we have been tested 2 times already and we both negative that is why I am mostly concerned by being preggies than anything.

20 Sep 2007 04:24

oh!!!!! I was so worried Andi ngawe..thought u were doing it with different people, forgive me for misinterpreting what u meant!

I KNOW that it is easy to "forget" protection with a regular:)

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