If I'm not writing a book on your life...pls don't tell me abt it!

Written by Toxic from the blog Anything Goes on 03 Aug 2007
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Nothing beats being in the company of good friends in a great place that serves good food and good wine. We all have our own group of friends that have either been with us since childhood, highschool or that we've recently met and just clicked.

The perfect cicle of friends has:

1. The one friend who knows all your secrets. She knows your heartbreaks, has a box of tissue ready for your tears and is the one you call when you're in a tight spot. She's the practical friend that drinks juice or water when you're on a night out and drives your drunk asses home after a girls night out.

2. The one friend that lights up a party..she feeds your goss needs and you go shopping together. She's the one you invite on facebook, tvsa and the one you take on a take-a-friend-with event. She's the friend with whom you talk about your other friends behind their backs. You know she'll probably do that to you but you love her anyway.

3. The b!tch of the group. She reckless with her love life but doesn't care cause "she only lives once". She's a flirt and spends half the evening on the phone and most often has her own "ride" home. You love her because she's the fashion and make-up expert of the group and just makes you all laugh with her morning-after stories.

4. Then there's the I-CAN'T-KEEP-QUIET one that tells you everything about their gynaecological problem, their dandruff, their sex life and just about hijacks conversations so they end up being about her. I'm okay with people telling me details of their relationship but once you've had sex with the guy, the suspense is over. I no longer want to hear about it!! 
Once you have a child with the guy and are starting a family, please don't bore me with details when i ask : How are you? 

Please people, when i ask how are you don't start the tale of how your baby has sprouted three teeth and is the sweetest kid on earth and how your baby daddy is a remote control freak and how your stretch marks are irritating you and how you run around the block three times to deal with the post-pregnancy weight...i don't wanna hear it!!! Please recognise politeness and general inquisitiveness when it smacks you in the face and don't use that as an opportunity to listen to yourself speak.

Surely there's a big difference between an interview and a conversation? If you don't know the difference, please accept my letter of resignation from this friendship. Gawd, how I wish I can get all those hours of my life back!!!!

Okay now that I've ranted, do you guys have such a friend/colleague in your midst? 
How do you tell someone to bloody shut the f** up?
What information is too much info?
Do you have a friend from hell? 

Please share!!


(pic courtesy of Amazingly)


03 Aug 2007 04:44

@ Toxic *smile*

I have 2 or 3 different groups of friends, which meet my different needs. I am good friends with all of my friends. I just feel that if i cant share my ins and outs with you, there is no point i.e. then we are NOT friends.

There are those who want to take over conversations, and i've had fallouts with them (as in stopped talking to them for a year) cause they want to monopoilse the relationship and its all about them and their problems and how theur problems are the bigger than yours... But through the years i've learnt to accept my friends as they are, and be patient with them, and as long as they dont stab me in the back, i still consider them good friends.

In my circle of friends i am the secrete keeper, my friends know that they can trust me 100%.

03 Aug 2007 04:50

hm, you making me laugh, so Tox, what do you want us to say? i'm fine and then you say we think too much of ourselves?????. If we are friends, we have to tell each other all our troubles unless if there is no trust.

I agree with one of the things you said, Once you have a child with the guy and are starting a family, please don't bore me with details when i ask how you are 

nami i prefer it that way, phela once someone is married or cohibiting, you are no longer on common grounds with them, whatever advice you give they'll think you are jealous...........

03 Aug 2007 04:59

Maybe I should put this in context. I go out for lunch with a 5 member group of girls and each time this one opens her mouth...i feel like screaming!!!!!! It doesn't matter what we're discussing (Sbu's weight loss, Heroes, Generations, Spa treatments)..she barges in and starts talking about..wait for it..HERSELF! ARRRRGHHH. It's gotten so bad that every time she walks in a room I walk out cause conversation's always abt her..nothing entertaining there.

03 Aug 2007 04:59

i'm fine and then you say we think too much of ourselves?????. If we are friends, we have to tell each other all our troubles unless if there is no trust. 

heheheheh Babyjoe..of course not!

03 Aug 2007 05:19


Lets just say for argument sake we've been friend since primary school. We have shared everything.we know about each others first kiss, sexual experience, fight with our boyfriends u know, we share everything. then I decide to move in with my boyfriend and get pregnant while u still living your bachelorette life. 

Are u going to stop being my friend because im in a different level in my life than you. Or maybe Im not understanding you kahle???????????

03 Aug 2007 05:25

No're giving me the impression you haven't read my post and have just read the comments.

03 Aug 2007 05:38

i had this friend once who epitomises all of the 4 points there. we were best friends. she used to irritate me thou when she'd start going off about herself and her problems and when i wanted to talk about my issues oh no, no problem could be bigger than hers! i put up with her cos like i said we were best friends and the negatives didn't matter much to me when it came to the bigger picture. i figured le nna ne kemo tlwaeditse to go on about herself since i only talk about myself sometimes and i can c how people can get used to not taking u seriously wehn u hardly ever express yourself. needless to say, she is now my ex best friend. she betrayed me in the worst possible way (not the she slept with my man). i had gone thru a very difficult phase in my life and had to deal with all the ish that had been going thru in my life and she twisted everything and made everything so ugly it made me physically sick. one day her boyfriend called me and asked to speak to me about her and "their" relationship. ofcos she was there and she encouraged this little "talk". so i went ahead with it.  on the day we had to have this talk (it was after work) it was pouring outside and i had no umbrella so me and my collegues were stuck at work. needless to say i was getting late for my "appointment". he then called and i explained the situation.  he came up with a solution: he'd come pick me up. i saw nothing wrong with that as he was gonna come pick me up from my house so we could go have this talk right? right. so he picked me up and he started going on about how he doesn't want in on this relationship with her anymore and how she's so possessive and she snoops blah blah blah. i told him these are the type of things he shud be telling her and not me and he told me she knows what this we were gonna discuss since they've tried working things out but he sees noway forward etc. he then asked me how is it i had been best friends with her for so long? i found this to be such a strange q and told him so. he was like no, the type of person she is and how she talks about people...people like that don't have long lasting friendships (by the way i was the only friend taht lasted so long with her). when  he asked this q i asked him to clarify as he was now confusing me. he then went off about all the bad things she says about me behind my back to just about every1 who'll listen. it wasn't so much all that she had said about me but specifically HOW she had twisted some of the grief i'd been thru in my life. i had been abused  at 4 and seh was going around telling people i was sleeping around since i was 4 and how i was psycotic (was seeing a therapist). she was even telling my potential boyfriend all of this at the time. he told me how she tells every1 how i was so insecure and cudn't find a man of my own that i always wanted every guy she went out with (later found out they told her they liked ME and wouldn't mind a relationship with me....apparently after she pestered them for like forever about their "feelings" for me...who was the insecure one here?) and how i basically wanted HER life as her family was richer and she had graduated and i had decided to halt my studies blah blah blah. i was so shocked i asked him to stop telling me all these things and just leave. i then told my mom about it and she went off about how she ALWAYS told me gore "chomi ele ya gago hae right. azange katla kamo rata ngwanyana ole. akeitse gore ke go bolelle gai kae gore your best friends shud be me and ur sister" sigh. no help there. 

i avoided her for awhile after that. a coupla days later (by this time i had decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and hear her side) she confronted me(abot me aboiding her) and asked me how my talk with her man went. i told her everything. instead of defending herself the bi*** went off about what

03 Aug 2007 05:39

and by the way the part where she said i wanted to be her? i just cudn't get it. i'm tall and fairly attractive (if i do say so myself hi hi hi) and i'm not fat or skinny. yena? she was short and fat and ugly. go figure!

03 Aug 2007 05:41


I read you post

 What are u saying here"Once you have a child with the guy and are starting a family, please don't bore me with details when i ask how you are."

03 Aug 2007 05:43

oh dnt get me started!!!

03 Aug 2007 05:54

Tjo Kele, that friendship should have ended a loong loooong time ago. Seems she was the crazy, psychotic one after all and thanks for sharing your story. I know exactly what you mean about not constantly talking about yourself cause I don't do that either unless someone prompts....

Okay MamaOmpa, i'll explain what I mean by that. You know how when a girl first goes out with a guy and we meet for the goss (how does he kiss, what perfume he wears, what the conversation was about etc etc). In the early stages of a new fling/relationship we want ALL the details RIGHT UP UNTIL they have sex then we want to know how it was, his size, what positions etc. That's natural and it happens.

But if the relationship has now progressed past the fling stage and they have become an established couple, when I ask how she is I no longer want the same details as before because naturally we can see where the relationship is at. At this point I no longer want to know abt his size or his bedroom manners cause it was covered in the first goss-fest, get what I mean.

Of course I won't stop being your friend just cause you walked down the aisle.

This topic is really about the friend that won't stop talking abt herself period.

Nonkes, please get started hehehehehe!

03 Aug 2007 05:56

because she wud spoil a gud think (dinner, party) and start talking about my life, my work, my, my, my.

That's exactly what irritates me beyond measure!!!

03 Aug 2007 06:31

I get the point Toxy but....

03 Aug 2007 06:42

My circle of friends consists of all those typa friends you mentioned here and let me tell you something... I am the LOUD one, when I talk I want erybody to listen, ke rata dinto, my friends understand that. On the flipside, I am sincere and very trustworthy.

03 Aug 2007 06:45

Yho Toxic *not worhty*. Nice one!!!

Kele, I can tell gore you bounced back completely from this madness!

All I can say is that effed up friendships can be just as taxing as effed up relationships.

Most people buy into the friends are forever notion, and don’t realise (or are in denial) when the relationship is unhealthy. If you are not getting as much as you are giving; either redefine your relationship or cut all ties!!

Of course your situations may not be the same (relationshipwise, financially, family), but if you are in a relationship with someone who never asks you how you are doing (and seriously, not in a greeting a stranger kind of way), but you are always going out of your way to do what you can so that they are; then haai noh! You are getting punked!!!

Your problems may be smaller, but they are not less important!!!

03 Aug 2007 06:52

Most people buy into the friends are forever notion, and don’t realise (or are in denial) when the relationship is unhealthy. If you are not getting as much as you are giving; either redefine your relationship or cut all ties!! 

so true. but i don't get y, esp us women, only do this when things have badly detoriated

03 Aug 2007 07:01

People grow up. relationships change... like Jordan says if the relationship becomes toxic(hi hi hi) to you and your health, break loose!!!! There's no point in holding on for the sake of ''but we've come a long way, we grew up together...bla bla bla

03 Aug 2007 07:06

he he he Kele its quite a situation there, neh?

03 Aug 2007 07:08

Bee, ukhona gante? i thought u were saving the world hi hi hi. watup?

03 Aug 2007 07:15

Good one tox,
jeez i havent even read some of the replies, but i know exactly what ure talking about. I have a colleague/friend who is sooo self obsessed and she's not afraid to say it. She always talks about her this, her that, she recently bought a car and oh my gosh u can guess what the topic of discussion has been since then. The last straw was at my dad's funeral,  some months ago. The funeral was packed and i was running up and down ( u know mos thina zidarkie we think ifuneral is a big party where we should be entertained) so I was walkin up and down, tired, it was hot and i felt like I was about to faint.  But nooo she just had to make it abt her, she calls me and demands that i come and greet her, sit with her and make sure she's ok becoz she has travelled to be with me at this time. I think on that day shame i just forgave the poor thing cant help herself.

03 Aug 2007 07:24

Kele girl, tota o kile wa di bona.
I had a friend who was very secretive,I talk a lot but know that there's a time when I also have to listen,but my friend she would never tell me anything.I met her in grade 1(1987 to be precise) and we've known each other ever since.I would tell her deep things about myself,DILO TSE DI DEEEEEP and she'd just keep quiet and smile.I found out two years ago gore kante her parents arent really hers,she was adopted but I never crucified her for that,I loved her still.then I heard her family was going thru a financial crisis and she didnt tell me,I still loved and supported her.Now she has a baby and didnt tell me,I had to hear about it from her sista.I have now decided that she doesn't deserve my friendship and have cut her off from my life.She doens't know yet coz I'm still trying to deal with the whole issue of her sidelining me from her life.

03 Aug 2007 07:27

Toxic this is a very touch ropic 4 me.
am too emotional to talk now,
 hi hi hi

03 Aug 2007 07:29

i meant Touchy

03 Aug 2007 07:33

Iyho Kele,  yo frnd had some serious issues girl, reminds me of some girl who was obssessed with a frnd of mine and eventually chased her, wanting to stab her with a huge knife coz my frnd had met other frnds. Jeez that was hilarious, (well now that its over) and to think it was at varsity nogal and everyone was watching... hi hi hi! She was on some "if i cant have u, no one else will" trip... hi hi hi hi hi!!!

03 Aug 2007 07:55

LMAO MegaB!!!

03 Aug 2007 07:59

Toxic ganti arent u @ the Quiz with every1 else?? nna i cant access it, y?

03 Aug 2007 08:54

I am the LOUD one, when I talk I want erybody to listen, ke rata dinto, my friends understand that. On the flipside, I am sincere and very trustworthy. 

Nothing wrong with that Beyonce as long as you're not talking about you, you, yours ALL THE TIME. I don't mind a friend that dominates conversations if the topic is interesting and everyone can get a word in mara if you are pepezing abt nothing else but Y-O-U then my friend I'll stay very far from you hi hi hi

03 Aug 2007 09:06

There's a friend of mine who just said some Bullshit abt me to someone I realy care about . Another one (Gucci wonnabe) just went behind my back flirting with every guy that is interested in me - this I was told a long time ago but I kept on trusting her. It realy hurts when u think u have a friend that can cover ur back but just goes and kicks u behind ur back. Was so shocked to see this and Men realy talk hey me. Immediately those two were binned and emptied with immediate effect. AmaCherries - BASSOP. DANGER!!!!!!

03 Aug 2007 09:21

The back-stabbers should NOT--under any circumstances- be given a second chance......what is it with women that can't find their own men? Do they think you are a dating agency?

03 Aug 2007 09:31

Clearly....not anymore

03 Aug 2007 09:44

eish Mantombazane ninama-issues neh!!  but that makes you more exciting  and interesting ...and wena Beyonce..your friends know when you have arrived and they better recognize...hi hi hi 

   I think the trick is to realise if the person is poisenous or has a negetive impact in your life if so you should get rid of them a.s.a.p .but to get all gung ho just because they like to talk about themselves is to me a bit childish and has a certain amount of  insecureness  all around it....if somebody talks about themselves, you can either listen, or introduce another topic or enquire about sungthin that they dont have an answer for and YOU can elaborate on it further.  Or better yet...let them least they are not talkin about other people  and are most likely NOT to talk about YOU next time....oh another thing talking about yourself a lot more than necessary is ussualy by someone who needs affirmation acceptance and lacks confidence, and believe by constantly bringing their positive achievements or issues they will be more all they need from friends is tolerance and a sympathic ear.     If you really feel so strongly about such a friend  maybe the truth is you'd rather be the topic most of the timye.(think about it) and admit it...

Otherwise if you've got something you realy want to talk about regarding yourself, just tell the friend inittially..."lalela mngani, you are gonna listen for now while I tell you my story and no interupption neh! a tru friend will laugh about it and actually give you a chance...if not then she's not your friend  ......otherwise...get over it women always talk less or more about anythin including themselves and thats life...LOL  and I mean that in good way

03 Aug 2007 09:57

i feel phoxa'd Sponono and that's a rare feeling mara while it might be true for some it's not always so.

Let me give u some examples and I hope they show how this has nothing to do with feeling insecure or wanting the topic to be about me:

1.I love travelling and stuff and the other day we had discussed the idea of doing the Kilimanjaro trip (minus the blabbler) and I was tasked with collecting info on the climb. That done, we met to go over the info pack and talk over details such as financing and preparations for the trip. She, from the blue sky, just mentioned how she and her partner jog around the block and how she wants to stop drinking acidic drinks to lose weight and how she's going to buy herbex drops or something and put in her water to suppress her appetite and she was the only person talking abt this topic of hers, with the rest of us rolling our eyes.

2. We had a discussion on Heroes and she went on abt how the remote buttons don't work and how when they do work she ends up watching something or other and how her TV snows and how her partner loves scandal and how her baby girl peals with laughter when the show starts..then the topic was her daughter!

We rarely sit and discuss people unless we're talking abt men or our bosses but she just always finds a reason to change the topic so it's about her! I've now resorted to chatting on gmail and generally reading a book or playing solitaire on my phone when she joins us for lunch cause the conversation has become maddeningly predictable and boringly so.

03 Aug 2007 10:31

Toxi...I get your point very clearly  
BUt  I was tryin to put both sides of the coin, that it might have somethin to do with you OR the friends lack of self-esteem and confidence which she's tryin to restore by talkin about her own life in the midst of whatever you guys are discusing, 

I do believe the only reason she (seeemingly) always introduces her own stories is because whatever s goin on at that time she feels will rander her non-existant so she quickly thinks of somethin to say and obviously it will be about herserlf  (that affirmation I was talkin about) unfortunately she doenst know the right way of affirming your existence within a group of friends, and her only way is to say hello did you know this about me

Obviously the coin is showing her to be the one lacking in the self-esteem, confidence and self-belief....but I guess you are justified in saying I sound phoxaring but No i didnt mean it like that..I was tryin to be Objective about the whole thing to see both sides of the coin, phela amantombazane have the habit of Hatin   whereby they hear a lot of the other womans achievements and possessions and suddenly boom uban ban ave thanda know what I mean, but obviously this is the opositte in your case   (sorry Toxi)

And when you explain it like that I would say eish you've got a handful of a friend but maybe you can follow my advice where I said
just tell the friend inittially..."lalela mngani, you are gonna listen for now while I tell you my/our story and no interupption neh! a tru friend will laugh about it and actually give you a chance...

if somebody talks about themselves, you can either listen, or introduce another topic or enquire about sungthin that they dont have an answer for and YOU can elaborate on it further

better yet..if their habit is way too annoying then you really need to evaluate whether you need them in your Jordan says its like in relationships, there are certain habits of one's partner that you can tolerate/try to minimize  and some that make you take a step and evaluate why should you be in a relationship with the person, let alone marry...In case of frienship luckly you dont have to marry the person

(I once heared one girl sayin ..Yoh when I was young I used to looove talkin about myself but know  eish I gues I;'ve grown)  so there's a chance that a person might outgrown certain tendencies (such as talkin about themselves a lot) now you can decide if this will happen while  are part of your life or not.

Brown Shuga
03 Aug 2007 11:40

Wow..Kele, you're one special gal...having gone through all that nonsense and come out this strong? You are my hero gal....

Tox, interesting topic...I think I like talking about myself too so I'm gonna stop that now...ijo...
I read Spopo's reply and also thought he phoxa'd you but in his usual gentlemanly way...kodwa i understand his latter explanation.

Nice one Toxic...nice being gold huh? u write ngayo yonke into under the sun...he he

03 Aug 2007 12:36

Toxic good blog sisi, i dont know why i did nt c this one earlier. Talking about friends,whats that????? i dont even want that, i love the ones that i call my friends which r u guys at TVSA.

I've neva been lucky with friends, i preffer u guys caz yo'll dont know me n i dont know u but we like each other though. The ppl whom i use to call my friends r jealous with everything i have, sumtimes i think they cant even hear themselves. They find time to talk about me behind my back n they all say the samething at once to me (like did u really have to buy that, its so expencive n its not even that nice),n i'll be like  why did they all say that at once?it means one thing bayandihleba.But I still luved them,like one of those abusive relationships that u c the abuse but u dont want to end the relationship.

Im very generous to them,I call them to go out n they wont even want to buy a thing,caz they say they wont waist money they r parents,so I guess i dont have i child !!!! They dont mind spending my money,critising the man i date,my style,my looks. It hurts caz i was there 4 them,but i came to my senses n im all by myself now. N log to tvsa when i want to talk to friends.

I dont understand why some ppl r so wierd, we dont choose the way we look,they way we live our lives,ppl can be jealous 4 useless things. It makes me sick.Now im only friends with ma colleuges n ma cousins its best that way.

N when there r ppl who still tell me how sweet,friendly n caring i am then i know theres nothing wrong with me. Its just that i expect to much from  other ppl. Just becaz im the way  i am  does nt mean e'one is just like me. I've learned that a VERY HARD WAY. I dont think real friends exist.


03 Aug 2007 12:56

We love you Cocky  ((((((((((hug)))))))))

03 Aug 2007 13:13

I LOVE U TO,BEE!!!!!!!! *tears*tears*

03 Aug 2007 13:30

03 Aug 2007 13:38

Bee,u were trying to say..................................................?

Brown Shuga
03 Aug 2007 13:53

<<Bee,u were trying to say..................................................?>> LOL

Uright  ngaphandle kwabo wena Cocky...glad you have a place you can call home :)

03 Aug 2007 14:08


05 Aug 2007 07:36

FLATTERED you liked my logo enough to use it Tox!!!
My best friend is a number 4 :) yeah it annoys me sometimes and it doesnt help that we share a birthday - cause then the attention HAS to be on her. 
good thing i dont like the limelight otherwise she would have had some serious competition. 

06 Aug 2007 01:31

morning peeps. hi hi hi i just now read my little "story" up there. wow! sometimes when u have to let it out you just have to let it out ne. i c it was even cut off cos i remember typing more than that but here's the rest of it (toxic, sorry once again for hijacking). i ended up resigning from the company we worked together in (months after this incident and no, it wasn't because of her...anyone who worked for dimension data/aol will tell u it wasn't easy to finish even 6 months in that place) and soon afterwards started in another one. about a yr later i get this long a** sms about how she still misses me and our friendship and how she was going thru whatever sh** at the time and couldn't really get into the why's of it all. phew! i didn't know whether to laugh or cry (i'm still human and she was my, rather, i was her friend) but felt in a way she had done me a favor. how long would i have stayed in that friendship really if it hadn't been for what she did? 

so ja it all worked out for the best. like sponono said toxic relationships aren't good for ya. 

Happy Cold Day Yall!!!! for those of u who are runiing short of petrol kea e rekisa at 2x the price. hi hi hi hi

13 Aug 2007 04:04

I am so sad I missed this article last week! Great one! Ask Dimags, I am each of those characters! :-)

07 Oct 2007 06:43


Been honest and displaying exactly how you feel will keep , maintain and obtain new friends - Been untruthful , telling lies or reserving your emotions will help you to lose friends .

07 Oct 2007 07:17

He he , i went back to them again,n this time they made sure that i dont eva think of reconciling with them,somethings will neva change, we need to let go n move on with the ppl we have at the moment

29 Aug 2008 04:50

hoe did i miss out on such a good article? very nice topic...I like talking about maself too but i dnt over do it.

29 Aug 2008 04:56

sjura, more than a year ago wena you end up on this page LOL!

29 Aug 2008 05:54

I also missed this one ...

Toxy u take galfriends relationships to heart recently dropped another article on friendship even though the angle was diff...I luv your writing style, though...makes one take a step back and assess the type of a friend she/he is to others..

29 Aug 2008 06:00

kaloku Tox ndiyazifela ngama archives.. and i agree with LM shem Tox ur gals must really be proud of having a friend like you coz mna u give me bull i give u 10 times whetha we have been friends b4 we were even born or from Grade 1..hay andidlaleli kule luving heart of mine..

29 Aug 2008 06:28

LM- yeah friends are important man, they've been to me @ least. I can't imagine a life without them.....

sjura--u shoda nge patience. For me it's a hassle to form nu friendships so i seldom ditch childhood friends just like that. Nu friendships are easy to dispose of mara the 'we were friends b4 we were born' ones sofa silahlane...unless they do something really bad like steal my man or kill my child.

On archives.....nami shem sometimes i dig kodwa i don't comment hi hi hi!

29 Aug 2008 06:40

m kidding Tox..i am very loving person no matter how much a friend  has messed up but i don have my moments when i tell my self that its enaf but i only do that after i have given a friend many other chances..i tend to hold on to friends esp the 1nz i grew up with(primary and high school friends)..

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