
This Blog Is Dedicated To The Memory of Ashley Callie

TVSA's No. 1 Thread Turns 1,500 Posts and 61 Pages in Two Months!

Written by charmed_dude from the blog Charmed_Dudes TV on 08 May 2007
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TVSA's No. 1 Thread Turns 1,500 Posts and 60 Pages in Less than Two Months!

DOOLA Members: 1,000 Post Gift
DOOLA Group Promo Framed for all members to remember DOOLA. Photo taken at DOOLA's 1st Photoshoot in March.

Once again DOOLAs in the news and its not about a flaming feud burning there, or the alcohol or glasses missing, or the fact that the members have lost it. No, DOOLA once again passes it’s record breaking 500 Posts in a few weeks to passing the Big One Thousand Post mark two weeks ago. 

You might even accuse DOOLA Members or SORASing (Soap Opera Rapid Age Syndorme)-ing DOOLA, however we kid you not, within a month we've gone from 500 Posts to 1,500 Posts and within two months of being up and running, we've created 1,500 Post!

Just to give all readers a proper perspective, this article was supposed to be written as a "DOOLA Turns 1,000 Post" article just like the DOOLA Turns 500 Post Article I wrote a motnh ago for CDtv, however I've been very busy and falling behind with my articles. 

Currently at the time of this article, DOOLA boasts 1,503 Posts 5,013 Views and 61 pages worth of post- making DOOLA: Days of our Lives Anon, TVSA’s #1 Thread. A Title DOOLAs had since it’s inception on 02 February 2007 at 01:45am. 

Due to Brown Shuga being innactive for a brief period of time (just before we turned 1,000 Posts) we decided to wait with the events until she returned. By the time Shuga returned it was the long weekend (27th April - 02 May) and that just thew  me off. The DOOLie Awards which were designed to celebrate DOOLA reching 1,00 Posts were held over the weekend. I was too busy to type up an article that week (infact I am still behind on most of my articles) so DOOLA had to wait for after the weekend.

When I started typing this article over the weekend, the headline read "TVSA's no. 1 Thread turns 1,200 Posts and 48 Pages" the other night. However since I started typing this DOOLA has experianced a massive bust in terms of posts and since May 04th (Friday) 399 posts have been posted and now DOOLA is celebrating it's 1,500th Post and grew 14 pages over the weekend to 60 Pages!

I also blame DOOLA for being a distraction for this article coming out late, both Cloud9 who was working on an Amazing Race 9 Article and Brown Shuga working on a Blogiwood Article commented that DOOLA in itself is an addiction and is creativly bad. I can back up thier theory since its because of DOOLA the publishing of this article is almost originally 2 weeks late! You might have noticed our new group name, "DOOLA: No Work's Ever Done Around These Parts".

Founding member, Charmed_Dude who organised the group, with the intention of it being a support group for confessed Days addicts issued this statement, “I had no idea when creating this Support Group, that it would turn out to be such a social phenomenon where Days Addicts come and have the best cyber time ever.” 

Co-Founder Cloud9, thinks the best thing about DOOLA is, "the easy availibility of Nikki K's Morning Blues and Grandma Alice's crack doughnuts" and the biggest surprise and unexpeted thing is, "that there are people driven mad enough by Days to post 60 pages of rubbish about it". The other co-founder, Brown Shuga was unavaliable to comment at the time.

Our first 500 Posts were filled with parties and alcohol, and DOOLA was known as once big party, and "That drunken lot from DOOLA" a comment made by another DOOLA Member who has yet to return since to DOOLA since being confronted with this. For thier own safety, thier identity wil remain Anon. 

Since DOOLA's 500th Post, DOOLA has become alot more personal and social. Members got to know each other on new levels and disclosed personal information,  I don't feel at liberty posting in this article, but browse our thread to catch the latest news. Whether it be a members sex addiction and booking themselves into a Sex Rehab for two weeks from announced pregnancies to ADD problems to personal feuds, hook ups and conflicts. DOOLAs had it all. 

The best thing about DOOLA was when the TVSA Gods smiled down and all the DOOLA Founders recieved a bump in status on the site. Charmed_Dude became Calendar Moderator, Brown Shuga a Moderator (after it was through DOOLA she aquianted herself with the Forums and learnt how to Quote) and Cloud9 got bumped up Admin status on the site. Prob a gift from the TV God Creators thanking us for creating the No. 1 TVSA Thread, however you should never give DOOLA members power, mixed with alcohol there might be a whole lot of corruption and Evil DiMera happenings going on around the site. (A Serial Thread Stalker has already been planned... Mwuahahaha).

Keeping the history to a bare minimum (the 500th Post Article exclusively deals with DOOLAs Inception History). However since DOOLA celebrated its’ 500th Post, the storyline, unlike on Days of our Lives- has managed to change, and again, unlike Days of our Lives- remained interesting always filled with drama, fun and intrigue.

For the record, DOOLA Turned 1,000 Posts on 23rd April 2007, 04:06am with a post made by Charmed_Dude. And to celebrate the biggest event in TVSA Forum History and Daytime drama, DOOLA Members Cloud9 and Maxivannili conceptualised ‘The DOOLie Awards’ which were a TVSA DOOLA Version of the Daytime Emmys specifically focused on Days of our Lives and DOOLA.

Prior to turning 500 Post, DOOLA was known for ‘The Party Freaks’ partying at every milestone, whether it be 10 Pages, or 200 Posts, (infact at ever 100th Post or 20/25/30/35 etc Page, DOOLA would party) and we were known for throwing the most elaborate and extravagant parties, not to mention wild and ‘randy’ parties in all of the Online TVSA Community- hell we are the only Anon Group, before those Losas resurrected their own mini Support Group to deal with the fact that they themselves are even lost in it’s recent storylines.-- Damn how did LOSAs make their way to this article!

Considerably since our 500th Post Party, DOOLA has settled down with the Post Parties, some members have even gone as far as to describe the social setting and life at DOOLA to be ‘dry and taking a downhill’ something along those lines at least. The quieting down also may be have been a result from a member or former member (since this member hasn’t attended sessions since…) calling “The Lot at DOOLA Drunks”. Of course allowing the other DOOLA Members to rage with fury, while that possibly was more truthful than the fact that Days of our Lives is going through a creative slump!

(To View the Pics and Goss Form the Pre-Party, Awards Show and The Winners, Please visit the Forums Here.)

On the April 26th just after 10:05pm CAT, The DOOLie Awards Premiered and the Awards were spectuacular and star stricken as ever. The entire event was organised by Event Manager Cloud9, many thanks to her for such a brilliant event! (The actual event, pics and goss can be viewed here.)

The event was hosted by the host of hosts and “Mr. Seen Everywhere” Ryan Seacrest who broke DOOLAs 1,000 Post Achievement like of sE!acrest news along with Guiliande de Salemnite. 

Johnny Fairplay
Jonny: "Who? Me? Days fan? The BIGGEST. That island storyline rocked! Reminded me of Survivor"

SABC 2 News Reader
Riaan: "Days is my big escape from the real world filled with crime of rage, where as the only crime on Days is the bad continuity and that its so damn slow!"

Controversial "The Apprentice" contestant
Omarosa: "Where do you think I learnt to be such a conniving two face bitch? Sami Brady- that gal is my inspiration!"

Kirk Cameron; Respected Religious Leader
Kirk: "Wait, the missionaries said we were here to celebrate 7th Heaven's 1,000th Season! Wait there must be some mistake!"

Sasko's Mara
Mara: "Ah Days has always been my inspiration to cook- all those Alice Hortan doughnuts, they made from Sasko you know. I really don't know why they don't call the show "Sasko's of our Lives""

The A-List celebrities which graced the carpet, up and until the Free Drinks section came up and things got slow when the Nikki K’ Morning Blue’s Cocktails were dished out to the A-Listers. Survivor’s loveable Jonny Fairplay attended along with SABC 2 newsreader, who we have no real reason why he attended; Riaan Cruywagen. He later confessed to be a Days addict, since the shows ridiculousness helps him forget the tragedy of the rising Petrol Price and Crime amongst the A-Listers in terms of the horrible fashion sense.
Controversial “The Apprentice” contestant, who claims to be Sami Brady’s biggest fan event attended Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth. It was later revealed she wanted to get up close and personal with DOOLA’s Brown Shuga who she hoped would do a feature in Blogiwood. Lord knows why Respected religious leader Kirk Cameron attended, probally to talk to DOOLA Members out of their addiction to the show seeing as it’s probably the 11th Commandment of Television.

The biggest controversial appearance was Mara Louw, Sasko’s Spokesperson who’s causing up a storm amoung TVSA Members in outrage from her now ended TV Stint, “Mara and Friends.” She has already approached DOOLA to do a segment with DOOLA Members. It was later revealed that the Red Carpet moments was sponsored by Sasko, so Mara’s appearance was stipulated in the event and the sponsors are forcing us to say, “Sasko is the best. Buy Sasko. Sasko is fulfilling. Sasko is better than the rest.” We are under contract, unfortunately so that was mandatory.

And that line up doesn’t even feature the special guests who were the Days cast themselves. To read the goss and see who was wearing what and should the Salem P.D. be there for Fashion Police, check it out here on the Thread. 

Sami From AfricaMarlena The African Animal
The special guests included a host of Days characters, Sami and Marlena came dressed to kill Africa in leopard type outfits, Host Ryan’s inner ‘Metrosexuality’ (We say this because we know Cloud9 has a crush on him and would devastate her is he was a homosexual) came out giving his judgement on everyone’s outfit. Ryan deemed Marlena and Sami a fashion blunder and character disaster! 

Melaswen's RexHope Brady
Brown Shuga’s toy boy and fav character, Rex came sexed to kill in his Hawaain type outfit, obviously inspired by Melawen. Hope Brady came looking like she hadn’t eaten the entire week just to fit in her Prison Break coloured orange themed outfit. When asked by sE!acrest News, she simply informed viewers and Hope fans that she regulary skips meals at weeks at end to fit into dresses. Hope got offended when Ryan gave her the number for AA- Anorexics Anonymous. 

Cassie Mauled By The TigerGaydy and Nicole
Everyone at DOOLA’s favourite Cassie decided to mix Class and ‘Horton the Tiger’s Revenge’ together with an outfit which looked like it was mauled by a Tiger. The outfit was a big hit for Maxi who followed Cassie around the entire night. Gaydy (Brady Evans) attended Gayful and Dateless so Nicole decided to walk down the carpet with him, once there he dropped her like Kate drops on her knees when a $50 comes her way. Ryan reports Gaydy allegedly ran into the bathroom screaming "girl cooties!" 

Jack and Jen
And would you look at it, Jen and Jack even made the special event, After several months of hanging off cliffs in the same sweaty clothes, un-bathed, unshaved and pregnant, they were thrilled for an opportunity to dress up. 

The Awards

Voting polls were opened not only to DOOLA Members, but to all of TVSA. See who went away with what awards. 

And now its time for the actual awards ceremony. Awards were handed out by long time Irish Whiskey brewer Caroline Brady as she presented the Awards voted by the people of TVSA.

Caroline Brady giving out the DOOLie Awards
Above: Caroline was snubbed from the Awards yet she handed it out, smiing knowing this was the most amount of screentime or exposure she'd get from DOOLA, until the Day Cloud9 annouced her recast was Caroline Brady.

For a Full Listing, Images, Commentary and Other Info on the Winners, please visit the Forum... 

Fav Days Character:
This was a close category. All of the votes went to women showing that in Salem, women do indeed rule. Nicole and her mini Martini self made an appearance. Jen and Carrie represented the good girls. Jan was the subject of many DOOLA's avatars a while back but only managed to garner one vote. Despite the loud cheers heard throughout TVSA when Cassie came back for about two minutes a few days back, she didn't make the cut. The winner is...
Fav Days Character: Sami Brady
Sami Brady.
Yep, even when she's whining and generally acting like a toddler, DOOLAs recognise the awesomeness of Samantha Gene Brady. Well, except for the one who voted her character who most needs to be shot. On that note... 

Character who needs to be Shot Dead:
This category was comprised entirely of members of the Evans/Black clan. The only one of them not to get a vote was John. But despite Marlena getting a few votes, the winner was clearly...
Character who needs to be shot dead: Belle Black (Kirsten Storms)Character who needs to be shot dead: Belle Black (Charity Ran-her-down)
Belle Black.
Was this any surprise? TVSA's most hated character became even worse with a truly dreadful recast. The only surprise is that it wasn't unanimous.

Character who desperately needs fashion advice:
The men of Melaswen were lambasted for their tropical shirts. Mimi was lambasted for never wearing any clothes. But anyone who's ever seen the winner in action knows that this category would easily go to... 
Bonnie Lockhart
Bonnie Lockhart .
She once inspired a popular fashion called Slutty & Western but it's clear that Bon Bon's lack of style is exposed more often than her humps. 

Best dressed character:
DOOLA members would never fit into a PETA convention, that's for sure. How else do you explain the love for Days' greatest fur-lovers, Kate, Nicole and Celeste? Jan's taste for the costumey got her a vote but the woman was deemed the fashion queen was... 
Best Dressed Character: Celeste Perrault
Celeste Perrault.
Never fear. That's not Horton that she's wearing. Celeste's cleavage-revealing dresses (especially great for funerals) and large variety of wigs catapaulted her to victory. But she already knew that was going to happen. 

Best catfight:
Besides booze and crack doughnuts, there's nothing DOOLAs enjoy more than a good bit of violence. John vs Crystal got a vote possibly because of the lassoing, and Kate vs Sami also made an appearance. The sparring twosome who won were... 
Best Catfight: Bonnie vs. JulieBest catfight: Bonnie vs. Julie
Bonnie vs Julie.
For a couple of older broads, these two can still get down and dirty. Julie is highly protective of Uncle Mickey because she knows he could fall down dead face forward into Bonnie's boobs. 

DOOLA member you'd like to meet:
This was a tough category to vote in because DOOLA members had to risk offending their fellows. Piss off Charmed and it's bye-bye to the booze. Piss off Shuga and she could slander you on the radio. But the one person whose ego you really have to pump is... 
DOOLA Member you'd like to meet the most: Cloud9
Cloud9 said; "Mine of course. Lucky you picked me because I was planning on pulling an Eddie Murphy and walking out in disgust if I wasn't picked. " in her acceptance speech.

DOOLA Member who needs help the most:
Surely it would be easier to honour a DOOLA member who doesn't need help. Because let's face it, we all need help. Charmed, Shuga and Maxi all got a vote but the winner of this category, by a hair, was... 
DOOLA Member who needs to the most help: Cloud9
Cloud9 .
Cloud9 said in her acceptance speech, after misdiagnosing the group as being medically ill because we're blind; "You chose me? MEEE! I would so shut you down except I know I'd wither and die without this thread. So pass me a Nikki K's, please. "

Sexiest male:
Shuga was particularly interested in this category. Wonder why? The male DOOLAs were hesitant to vote in this category afraid perhaps that it would cast doubt upon their sexualities. Maxi even went so far as to vote for Horton. Because being into tigers is better than admitting another guy is attractive. Tsk tsk, we're more open-minded than that, guys. Lucas also got a vote but this category was won by none other than...
Sexiest Male: Rex DiMera-Brady
Rex Brady.
As promised, the winner of this award must come and collect it shirtless. There were a suspicious number of votes for Rex all with the same writing so we suspect someone may have stuffed the ballots.

Sexiest female:
The votes were split. Bonnie got a vote (no prizes for guessing who voted for her). Thankfully, it was only one so we are once again spared the sight of her Bon Bons. Among the actual cute chicks, a consensus couldn't be reached - Cassie and Nicole both got votes. Jan missed out for some unknown reason. But the surprise winner was...
Sexiest Female: Kate Roberts-Brady
Kate Roberts.
She just managed to scrape through and win this. I'm not entirely sure how it happened. The flaring nostrils and seething hatred I have for her make it difficult for me to see this but each to their own. Look, I even managed to find a pic where the nostrils aren't apparent and she does look hot. So...enjoy. 
(Well what do yo expect, when you gotta turn tricks and be a two bit hooker to bring in the bread- you have to look attractive!)

Best performance by a non-human:
Kewpie was overlooked completely in this category with the votes going towards animals. The only non-humans that got votes were Max the dog and Horton the tiger. The winner of this match-up was...

Best performance by a non-human:Best performance by a non-human: Max and Horton
Tie: Max and Horton
I couldn't find a picture of either of them (any generic tiger would do, I suppose, but Horton's too unique for that) so you get these pictures of Rex and Cassie in their space bikinis instead. Max shows broader range than most of the Salemites and Horton was the star of the circus for a reason.

Worst actor:
Everyone voted for different actors which is a hint at just how bad most of them are. Therefore the "winners" are...
Worst Actor: (1) Philip KiriakisWorst Actor: (2) Patrick LockhartWorst Actor: (3) Shawn Duh-Brady
Tie: Philip, Patrick, Shawn
Congratulations. You guys are considered the worst in a cast that includes FrankenRoman, John's Eyebrow and Brady's Shimmering Man-boobs.

Worst Actress:
I'll make this short and sweet since you already know who's getting this. The only unanimous vote in the entire award show went to...
Worst Actress: Belle Black (Charity Ran-her-down)
Belle Blech
She sucks. We've talked ad nauseum about how much she sucks. Have hope. She'll be gone soon.

Most shirtless:
Since there are so many men shirtless, this was another hard category. Lucas seems to constantly be coming out of the shower whenever Sami comes over. Patrick must have spent more than half his entire screentime sans shirt. And let's not even get into Brady's gleaming chest which he must buff and polish every day with car wax to get looking so shiny. But the slightly surprising winner in this category is...
Most shirtless: Shawn-D Brady
Shawn Brady
Thanks to Jan, the guy's been stuck in a cage wearing nothing but baseball shorts for weeks. At least the other guys occasionally put a shirt on.

Worst Storyline

Soooo many to choose from. Patrick's pirate coin made an appearance. Heavily pregnant Jen breaking the record for marathon cliff-hanging made an appearance. But for some reason, most people thought this category was open to all storylines ever instead of just recently. Thus the winner was...
Worst Storyline: Garden of Eden
Virtual Eden
You get a picture of Austin catching flies because all trace of pictures of this storyline seem to have been expunged from the web. Clearly the writers got Patrick to do his neat delete-y thing on it. Basic storyline had Austin and Greta falling into a virtual reality Eden and fulfilling various tests while clad only in leaves. It was worse than it sounds, hard as that may be to believe.

Best Storyline:
Once again, most people went Old School for this mostly because this show is incredibly bad right now. The only person who bothered to vote for recent events voted for Jack and Jen's flashbacks. Kristen and her many faces also garnered a vote. The winner was...
Best Storyline: The Desecrator aka Mardevil
The Desecrator aka Mardevil
The surprising thing about this result is that Marlena's possession was penned by the same head writer who's fed us this Salem Stalker storyline. Guess he was better the first time around. The basic storyline saw Marlena get possessed by Satan and get up to all sorts of malicious mischief. 

Best Scream:
This category was pretty comprehensively won. Julie got a vote for her cries of horror when she walked in on Bonnie and Mickey having sex. Can we blame her? But the Queen of Scream was determined to be...
Best Scream: Kate Roberts-Brady
Kate Roberts
That's right, DOOLAs don't just find her sexy (and in looking for the picture, I came across a Lauren Koslow fan thread on another board that's more than 800 pages long so others do too ) but they think she has a great pair of lungs. Most votes went towards her scream when she found Roman's body at their wedding while a single vote went to her scream when she found out Sami and Lucas slept together.

Best Actress:
We love to rag on the (many, many) bad actors but what about the good ones? The anti-Belles so to speak? Quite a few woman made an appearance in this category. Celeste was hailed for her gasps, predictions and general hammy fun. Jan was praised for her portrayal of a Belle-hating madwoman. Alice's doughnut- and advice-dispensing skills earned her a vote. The winner was...
Best Actress: Sami Brady
Sami Brady
Yes, Sami goes home with the best two awards of the night - best character and best actress. And really, if she can remain people's favourite character despite being written as a screaching toddler for the past few months, she deserves the acting award.

Best Actor:
This category didn't get as many votes as the Best Actress one. Stefano got one vote no doubt because the person who voted for him was scared of his wrath beyond the grave. The only other guy to get votes was...
Best Actor: Jack Deveraux
Jack Deveraux

It takes a special kind of man to pull off an Indiana Jones hat and not look stupid. Jack...doesn't quite manage it. But that's only because he has quite possibly the stupidest storyline of them all right now. But the fact that his character was went from a rapist to one of the best and most sympathetic characters is a testament to how good he is. 

The After Party Special

Once the DOOLies were done, winners and non-winners alike were full of excitement and liquor. They continued to celebrate and our cameras were there to capture the best of the afterparty.

Dog Show- Belle, Some Dog Fans and Mimi
Earlier in the day Old Belle and Mimi went to a dog show and made friends with a girl and her puppy. The girl was left crying when her dog later disappeared.

Rex and Mimi
While a DOOLA fan argues Rex's homosexuality (his wearing a pink band), Mimi decided to steal the spotlight emerging in the dog now as a jacket.

Cassie and Belle show it off
To gain popularity amougst DOOLA Members, Belle thought hanging around Cassie would be a great idea for her image, she even went as far as dressing just like Cassie. No doubt a total 360 from her on screen character, Belle went all out, or low cut which wasn't pleasing for fans.

Marlena and Rex
Shuga, obviously MIA because here we Rex hugging onto Granny 285 Year Old, Marlena Evans. We suspect Shuga was bashed and killed in the kitchen by the former pyscho serial killer, but turns out Shuga was hitting it up with love interest Maxi at the bar despite her hump!

Nicole attending with a dog
Nicole attended the afterparty alone with a dog, and without Brady. Although the stuffed animal is prob a better date, one can't help but wonder where exactly Brady is...

Gaydy, Spongebob and Shawn Duh at the beach
There he is! Brady decided to rather go to the beach and swim half naked with his other male cast members. Figures. And they ask us why we call him Gaydy!

The Old and the Breastful
Jen's smiles fakely as she worries why exactly Marlena has stuck her hand down her blouse. She resolves to ask Uncle Mickey about sexual harassment laws in the morning. 

Marlena and Alice Hortan
From molesting Jen, Marlena moves to the senile. The poor old women is stricken with fear in her eyes when she realises this is the same murderess who stuffed her throat with doughnuts- what a waste!

Gays of our Lives- Rex and Philip
Shuga refuses to believe Rex is gay, despite him attending the after party with Philip who he hates on screen the two evidently are really close off screen. 

Shawn Recieving 'Worst Actor Award'
Publicity is publicity right? Well that's Shawn-Duh's mental thought as he was thrilled to be recognised and to recieved an award, despite it being "Worst Actor" for being in a relationship with Belle for all these years. Award Organisers nearly presented the worst sported hairstyle award to Mimi right there and then aswell!

Cassie and Belle
Cassie got so irritated at how Belle kept sticking to her the entire night that she tied a whole bunch of balloons to Belle's shirt in the hope that she'd float away.

Carrie and Austin 
Who the hell invited these idiots? Some how Austin and Carrie attended despite being snubbed for the Awards, except for Austin's "Garden Of Eden" Storyline stealing the "Worst Storyline Award". Carrie seems to be sporting a hump, resident Dr. Clexie9 diagnosed Carrie with Obesity, Brown Shuga's natural instinct told her it's pregnancy!

Patrick and Nicole
Patrick's just as confused as you are as to why he's posing with Nicole seeing as how they've never shared a scene in any Days of  their life. 

A few helpful DOOLA members volunteered to work at the bar but proved to be more interested in drinking the booze than serving it. Abe was forced to take over after the members collapsed in a pool of Nikki K's and Irish whiskey

Strange ThingsStrangerStrangest
All that booze led the male cast members to doing some of the strangest things...

Tony and Horto
Despite being enemies, Tony still decided to pose next to Horton: The Tiger, not a good idea!

The Cutting of the Cake
The highlight of the night was the cutting of the 1000th post celebration cake, made by Alice Horton. Unfortunately, she got a little overzealous with the baking and added an extra zero. Give her a break, she's ninety years old, okay?

Final note of Thanks for Cloud9 for Organising The DOOLie Event and Cloud9 and Maxivannili for creating the event to Celebrate DOOLA Turning 1,000 Posts! Cloud9 worked hard behind the scenes bringing everything to life, from running commentary, to the images. Of course this wouldn't have been done without the help of her DOOLA Gemini Twins Brown Shuga and Charmed_Dude, and inspired by Maxi!

In the Media

After passing the 1,000 Posts Mark on 23 April 2007, Magazines everywhere started splashing DOOLA and Days characters across thier covers. Infact we're pretty sure if TVSA had a Magazine, DOOLA Members would be gracing the covers regularly!

Forbes: Stefano DiMera

The Advocate: Gaydy

Fine Cooking: Alice Horton's Doughnuts

Time Magazine: DOOLA

Playgirl: Gaydy

Playboy: Bonnie Lockhart

Mad Magazine: Belle and DOOLA

Source: Magazines by Cloud9
DOOLA Statistics:

DOOLA Thread No. 1:

Created: Charmed_Dude (02 February 2007, 01:45am)
Posts: Over 232 (+-) Posts
Views: Info n/a
Pages: Over 10 pages
Demise: 09 March 2007, TVSA Serial Thread Killer)

DOOLA Thread No. 2:

Created: Brown Shuga (10 March 2007, 21:14)
Posts: 1,504
Views: 5,013
Pages: 61 Pages

Invidual Posts Count:
charmed_dude 755
Cloud9 329
Brown Shuga 245
Maxivannilli 154
Shirmell 16
GudJuju 3
Alex 2
Fingolfin 1 

Biggests Growth Period: Between 04 May and the 07 May, DOOLA grew 14 Pages over the weekend and 399 Posts. 

Arguablly the first 500 Posts where also DOOLA's rise and boom period with reaching 500 Posts in record time.

If you haven't come over to DOOLA to see what it's all about, do come over now, we promise, we will not bit, kidnap you or hold you in a love cage for weeks on end. Come over and have a cyber cookie/doughnut and some cyber drinks with us.

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Coming Up

Under The Dome 2 - 
Tues 8 July, 8:30pm M-Net 

Believe 1 - 
Thur 24 July, 8:00pm M-Net Series Showcase

Cougar Town 5 - 
Wed 9 July, 7:30pm M-Net Series Showcase

Thola 1 - 
Tuesdays, 9:30pm SABC 2

The Wild 2 - 
Sundays 6:00pm Mzanzi Wethu

isiDayso RHC

The next episode of isiDays-o will be out soon.

Catch Up with the Blogisodes:

Episode 1: Trial and Retribution [View]
Episode2 : A Write Days Journey Into Wrong [View]
Special: All About IsiDays-o [View]

Support Group For Addicts:

Be sure to check out TVSA's Hit Support Group for Days Addicts, DOOLA: Days of our Lives Anon. Started up by TVSA Celeb, Brown Shuga and Soapie Sluts, Charmed_Dude and Cloud9.

DOOLA is going into it's second season (year) boasting over 3,000 Posts and 21,000 hits. It also boasts being TVSA's biggest thread as well as having more parties that Tinseltown!

My Other Blogs

Be sure not to miss my other blogs and read them too:

Charmed Recaps and Reviews) >> Back Online with the Latest Magical Happenings! Catch up on all the latest Charmed news and episodes with Episode Reviews and Previews.

7de Laan with Dane >> Read the 7de Laan Updates, News and Some Recaps on what happened in the Laan.

Tribal Talk Party >> View the pics and goss about what went down at the M-Net Survivor SA Tribal Talk Party in Durban at 80s featuring Gareth, Lezel and Brigitte.

US TV Ratings >> Read about how your fav shows are faring overseas, what number of viewers or demographic are they pulling in, close cancellation or close to a renewel?


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