The forbidden kiss

Written by Lahvee from the blog Horizon Deep Bus on 21 Aug 2007
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So much is happening in that small town, so let me get straight into it. This is the recap for the week 13-17 August 2007. 

The build up

The theme that was highlighted throughout the omnibus was: The parents always know better. You must always listen to the elders, they always know better. Lettie’s parents told her Georgie was using her to gain more supporters. The news that Lettie supports PapaG and not her mom was all over the place. Lettie had to put the record straight by doing an interview on ON! 

The Day of the elections

The 2 candidates have been campaigning and it was time for the people to vote. Ma’Agnes led his family in prayer, as soon as she said “Amen”, Slu lead PapaG’s pack. He was on the phone talking loudly so everyone can hear “Tell them the bus will pick them up and bring them to the hall in horizon deep hall! Georgie cares for his people.”

While the people were voting, Zeb was doing damage control over the “Lettie supports Papa G” story. The Matabanes were tense, Lolly instructed the cameraman to zoom into them. Georgie didn’t like the fact that his opponent was getting too much camera time. He told Slu to do something…

Slu started a song: Ayangena ayaphuma ayadidizela, ayesab’amagwala!! Georgie was doing a Madiba dance. When Zeb told them to keep quiet, Georgie told him that he can’t get people arrested for singing. .....ayadidizela, ayesab’amagwala!!

The voting was done and the results came in a day later… Ma’Agnes 10082 votes…. Georgie…10482 votes. Georgie was announced the new councilor of Horizon Deep. He gave a speech that he already done enough fighting in the struggle and now he’s the father, the father, the father of Horizon deep. 

The Aftermath

Ma’Agnes accepted defeat and told Lolly that he can only hope that Georgie has the people’s interest at heart. Then stories started coming out. Apparently the people in the Georgie bus were given free chicken and a roll (how lame).

It then turned out that the number of ballots didn’t match the number of registered voters. Since the numbers didn’t balance, the officials were called for a recount. There were extra ballot papers with the same serial number and voting for Georgie. When the fake ballot papers started coming out, Georgie was speechless and Slu demanded that the cameras be off so he can give his response.

The recount made Eggie the new councilor of Horizon Deep. She recited her 5 commandments to which the people recited back to her. Shame they really like her..

The truth always comes out…

Troy (Nikki’s dad) came to visit Natasha. He came with some agenda telling Tash the Nikki implied that Frank has been abusing/molesting her (well he said Nikki hadn’t been comfortable around Frank. So I guess he planted that idea into Nikki’s head hoping that she’ll say Frank is abusing her, but Nikki targeted Calvin instead). What is this man up to??? Luckily Tash doesn’t believe everything her ex druggie hubby said and asked her daughter if her dad is telling the truth (bout her not feeling comfy around Frank). Nicky told her mom she didn’t tell her dad anything, “So your dad is lying!” she asked...

Nikki’s first instinct was to protect her father; by not actually saying his dad is a liar. Her mom kept on interrogating her and eventually the truth came out. I thought this Calvin came on to me story will take forever, but clearly Isidee don’t waste time. Nikki told her mom that she thought if she knew that Calvin was after her sexually that she’ll chase them out then it’ll be the two of them.

Tash was so angry at her daughter she told Frank that Calvin was telling the truth. Frank was relieved that his son was telling the truth. Nicky was told to apologize to Calvin, when she did. Calvin was not convinced that she meant it...

Troy came to visit again and demanded to see his daughter. He’s moving to Sydney and wants to take Nikki with. Huuwiiee good gaad she must just go!! She already agreed to going to Sidney, Australia. Tash obviously didn’t want her to go. Nikki ran away with her dad and left her mom a letter telling her (Tash) that she’s moving to Australia with her dad, since she asked her to grow up. So she’s gone and I hope it’s for good. I hope for her sake that her dad is really clean, that way we don’t see her again.

The forbidden Kiss...

It’s the fundraising event at the Duncan and people were looking stunning. Lee had on a beautiful red dress. Stella was in a totally sequined colourful dress. When Vusi arrived with Lettie, Siyanda greeted Vusi with a (baby) kiss. Lettie was shocked. I must say even though I was waiting for it to happen, but that kiss also took me by surprise. The kiss wasn’t discussed, Lettie just brushed it off, Vusi… well he just pretended that nothing happened. Eish asiyekeleni amadoda wabantu (leave another woman’s man alone). 

Farrow is back…

She surprised Len by creeping up on him and gave him a kiss. Apparently Durban was boring for her so she came back. Yah it’s so nice seeing someone you haven’t seen them for a while (a looong while...sigh...) 

Farrow is staying at the Bullers and was shocked when Paul left without putting his plate in the sink. She was more shocked that Maggie allowed it. Farrow has turned into Mrs. Muscle (all she needs is that orange suit); she spring cleaned the house and prepared a candlelit dinner. Told the housemates to sit in a girl guy order and demanded that everyone sit around the table. Paul hated the fact that he was given cold soup, and when he wanted to eat in front of the TV, Farrow told him NO…he took his plate and watched TV. I would also hate if someone came into my space and started mothering me…

Alec is off to Chad!!

Alec was still moping because he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he goes he looses Lee, if he doesn’t he lets his best friend down. So he confided in Q about his loose -loose situation. Q told Lee that Alec needs to go save his friend’s daughter. Q was convincing (as usual – those 2 are getting closer), Lee told Alec he can go save his friend’s family. Alec was happy and promised this was the last time.

Next thing I know Alec is in a prison cell and some guard is hitting Chippa (he’s known as Sibu) and the General is Dr. Mandla Sithole. This (politics) got a bit complicated for me but in a nutshell: Alec helped someone escape, but that same man Alec saved took $23 million, so the General thinks Alec has the money. He’s not releasing them until he has the money. I hope this becomes clearer as time goes.

Back at home, Lee is stressing because Alec hasn’t called in 3 days. He has one of those phones that catches signal wherever it is and he can be reached anytime. The General has his phone so Lee can’t get hold of him. 

This looks like its the main story for this week (20-24 Aug).. but if you miss it, i'll bring it to u next week. 

********************** RECAP ENDS*****************************

So here's what I want to know:

What kind of partner are you?? 
**Are you the kind that's clingy (track your partner's movement)?
** What lengths do you go to to keep your (wo)man by your side??
What would you have done have you been in Lettie's situation (another women kisses your man)??

...and ladies, dont you just hate it when a man tells you that he's not happy in his relationship. Then get out ngiga.. what are you stayin in an unhappy relationship for??

So lets tok ladies and gents...

with all the (wo)men drama.... Keep the Lahv alive!!


21 Aug 2007 01:23

Hey Lahv, i missed isidee this week, but boy am i glad we got you to fill us in. so that little wh**e was caught, serves you right you little brat!!!! she must go and be a junkie with daddy dearest and they must all perish in a rehab somewhere. i hope natasha apologised to Frank, really after all the sh!t he went through. God's servant MaAgnes won, halllelllloooooijah!!! go MaAgnes, go!!! What in the freaking hell is Farrow back for?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

21 Aug 2007 01:28

Hey thanks for the update,i havent watched isidingo in a while .Dont you just hate people it when people come into your live and suddenly  the want to take control.....if i was paul i will do the same.

21 Aug 2007 01:51

What in the freaking hell is Farrow back for????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Belz I second that big time that Farrow should go. SHe bores me to death.

21 Aug 2007 01:55

I am the CLINGY type!!!!

21 Aug 2007 02:00

Chisa MaAgnes Modimo o Maatla otlhe

21 Aug 2007 02:07

Gr8t Malavhing as always.... I'm the patner that just let you be cos in all honesty I love my independence I wont want someone who becomes too clingy on me...... I don't want to force you to be on ma side you should be there cos that's wath you want too...... as for Lettie it's a good thing she didn't say anything to cos a sin but she must talk to Siya about her behavior in private.


21 Aug 2007 02:11

21 Aug 2007 02:25

its okay Kele

21 Aug 2007 02:29

i ddnt see that kiss but im sure it wasn't a baby kiss, nna i would have slapped the living marbles out of Siyanda if i was Letti, that's disrespectful maan, if somebody is with their partner, just shake their hand or hug not kiss!!!

21 Aug 2007 02:31

I think Leoni and Q are going to make a cute couple personally I dont like mr matthews he is as boring as hell. 

U can imagine poor Stella being jelous because Lee snached her man rite under her nose, gaad that kid (stella) she's got a drinking problem. the classic was when she arrived at the hotel and she takes two drinks I honestly thought she had company no those two were for her and guess who was dying of thirst? Stella!

Someone please tell me why oh why did farrow come back I sense Aanton is coming back too. Gaad please cant let that happen now, please isidingo riters aanton's saga was enough!

Lettie must just shag Rajesh period.

21 Aug 2007 02:33

<<<Lee told Alec he can go save his friend’s family>>> Bathong, do they have to show us Alec in action ko Chad? So much for getting a break from his boring a$$. Huu, sa fa ngo Alec le storyline sage se se borang!!! Yhu! When was the last time someone died ko Isidingo? I have a perfect candidate!!!

Xhosa Chick
21 Aug 2007 02:34

If another woman started kissing my man infront of me? Heee heee! Ok, Im not the "Im about to take my earrings off, give me some Vaseline" type of girl. I cant fight, in other words, and dont like violence.

 Id probably, look at them in disbelief, ask WTF is going on, as lady-like as possible. Then Id take the man aside, and HE'd be the one who'd get the full screaming & shouting at home, not in public. And it'll be over btwn us.

Xhosa Chick
21 Aug 2007 02:39

Reaoleboha Ntate, TIZOZ is back. Haleluuuuuiaaaa.

21 Aug 2007 02:43

gud to see I was missed! how are you my friend

21 Aug 2007 02:52

I can't believe Siyanda!!!  If i were Lettie I would've maybe dropped my jaw in disbelief and maybe say nothing cos normally I don't immediately react the way I'd like to, then later I'd explode, but YEY! hay maan, phambi kwam!!??

21 Aug 2007 03:01

Hi guys

Mina I would keep my cool but demand an explanation.  I would approach the other lady and my man to explain what the hell is going on. 

21 Aug 2007 03:16

You lady's here r real ladies, It's gud th@ none of ya'll would start a fist fight, gosh fighting is so low & trashy! It makes a girl appear as though she's from the gutter, if u know what i mean?

21 Aug 2007 03:22

<<I am the CLINGY type!!!!>> eheeheh.. really Bee.. but then again, I would also cling on to JayZ...

Eish we have a peaceful bunch neh.. honestly nami I would keep quiet but my mood would've changed. I'm a bad pretender, so the man would see that im really angry...

eish im in a meeting... chat later...!! before i get fired hi hih ihi

21 Aug 2007 03:29

Mina i would just stand there and leave her to make a fool of herself, then take my man and walk around with a big cheese smile to show her he is mine and thats all she will ever be, A desperate bitch.

21 Aug 2007 03:39

nna i wud ask my man, in pvt, wtf it is i just saw. some girls do that for some attention and it's not a good idea to give it to them...

is it just me or does alec have a funny face? he looks like he's about to burst out laughing...hi hi hi i laugh everytime i c him

21 Aug 2007 07:22

lahvee I still say, wether ke baby kiss or adult kiss, no women has the right to kiss my husband (in front of me nogal) unless she is a close relative or whatever.

21 Aug 2007 07:23

I guess uLettie was woman enough to let it go!!!

21 Aug 2007 07:27

Xhosa chick ungikhumbuza ingoma ka  Gill Scott "Sister honey girl I've been a lady till now, I dont how much I can take, cause u ar getin in the way of what i'm feeling"
This is dedicated to uSiyand

21 Aug 2007 07:34

You can do what you want with your lips, but don’t think they will be all up on mine when you are done!!! That’s what I would tell my partner, immediately after the kiss...

21 Aug 2007 07:39

i would just keep quite and pretend like nothing happen and bed time, then the man will know how did i feel after all and he can then kiss me goodbye.

21 Aug 2007 07:55

isidingo is really pickin up again hey?

21 Aug 2007 07:59

Miss Mazibuko didn’t only just plant a wet one on Vusi’s lips but she also fixed his tie. Damn the girl is forward. Lettie just stood there and for Vusi to actually let Siyanda do that in front of his wife was disrespectful. Doesn’t Siyanda and Vusi spend 99.9% percent of the day in the Mine Manager’s Office that there would have been a chance that they actually saw each other in the morning and greeted.

I doubt I would have been that calm if I was Lettie. I would kindly remind my friendly husband who his wife was. Siyanda needs to be put in her place and soon.

What is up with the latest soapies mixed race kids? First Generations is trying to pass off Grace as Mashaba’s long lost niece and now Isidingo is trying to pass Lerato from Generations as Barker’s love child.

Do local soapies have accent coaches because I cannot stomach Mandla’s Chad dictator’s accent. One scene he has it and the next it’s gone.

ada florence
21 Aug 2007 10:17

Haven't watched it but from what I read on Isidingo site, it could be a "harmless kiss".

21 Aug 2007 13:27

Lately it's looks like everyone is movin 2 this soapie,  guess I should make my way 2 the auditions too neeeh? coz I'm kinda have the actin skills..hi hi hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Sia kai One
21 Aug 2007 17:29

Hi Lahvee sisi thanx for the nice recap, haven't been watching isidee (as you put it) and this week im not watching again, not bcoz i don't want to but that its kinda impossible to make time for it now. anywhu im looking forward to yo luvly recap next week, hehe ayisamfaneli u Mandla la role yoba yi rebel. and what is it with isidee recruiting these well (dead and burried) known actors? first it was M andla, then Chippa and that prostitute-turned-advertising-exec wase generations?

22 Aug 2007 06:11

Dankie u Nikki is gone eeehuuuu.

ada florence
22 Aug 2007 08:10

Guys, talking about the "gift of kiss" Siyanda "parcelled" to Vusi, I noticed that  lots of dust are being raised about it, 

Now, my question is, when a chicken is eating 'your' corn and you are not pleased with it, who do you ask to leave the other alone, the 'corn' to leave the 'chicken' or the 'chicken' to leave the 'corn'  I need an answer please.


22 Aug 2007 08:34

@ada florence What an analogoy! hehehe, anyway I get yor point, in a funny way though.

Brown Shuga
22 Aug 2007 12:15

Thanks Lahvee, Isi is boring me these days so I am just interested in your "Weekly Chat" 

What kind of partner are you?? Let's see if I remember...
**Are you the kind that's clingy (track your partner's movement)? 
I used to be the clingy type...even forgave a guy after discovering iblumas ebhedini yakhe...eish, amadoda make us do stupid things.
** What lengths do you go to to keep your (wo)man by your side?? 
This changes as you grow older. If you had asked me this2 years ago, I would describe a lotta crazy things but right now I know that if he wants to go, there's nothing you can do to keep him. Just accept it and move on.
** What would you have done have you been in Lettie's situation (another women kisses your man)??
If I'm there? I don't know....would probably burst into tears.
...and ladies, dont you just hate it when a man tells you that he's not happy in his relationship. 
Especially married men!! Gaaaddd.

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