Namlish widow Jesica

Written by Segololo from the blog Biggie Motherland on 21 Jun 2012
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 Jesica is a bubbly and has a slightly higher pitched voice than most, but a woman looking for independence. She briefly has a chat with me about her reasons for being on big brother, her need for independence, the future and her sleeping tendencies whilst in the big brother house. 

Segs: So, Jesica, how do you spell your name? (Tashi’s Question) 

Jesica: (laughs) my name was misspelt by home affairs when my mother registered my birth. When my mom went back to fetch the birth certificate, she noticed the mistake but she decided to leave it. So my name is supposed to have to s’s like J-E-S-S-I-C-A. so on my birth certificate it is J-E-S-I-C-A. 

Segs: Thank you for putting that debate to bed… 

Jes: (laughs) Ok 

Segs: Why did you go on the show? What appealed to you about the big brother show? 

Jes: To be really honest with you, I never really watched big brother. The only big brother I kind-a watched like had glimpse, glimpse, glimpse of it, is the one where Stefan Ludick was in. That was the only big brother I watched. The thing is, this year, I just felt like, on the first of January when I was making my new year’s resolution, I told myself that “I am going to big brother Africa”. I was very enthusiastic to go there and the thing is if I am determined to go get something, I go get it. That’s why I did it this year. 

Segs: But, why did you wanna do it? What appealed…? 

Jes: uhm. Maybe I think, the fame. You get fame out of it. And at the end of the day, I am a student still but it opens up a lot of doors for you. People know you and you can start doing things. You can start making money (laughs

Segs: What are you studying? 

Jes: I am studying human resources. 

Segs: Do you still wanna pursue human resources even after the “big brother fame”? 

Jes: Hai!(sigh) I wanna go finish cause it’s my last year. Yah. I just wanna go finish then I might go into media. But my thing is, if our market back home in Namibia was big in fashion and magazines, that’s what I would have done. Because I love fashion. I love magazines, I love entertainment more. 

Jes pic

Segs: Who chose who, between you and Junia, to enter big brother? 

Jes: We met after my grandmother’s funeral and she sent me a sms, I knew, at the back of my mind that she wanted to ask me about big brother. Cause I would have come with another partner, both of us, but then they told us that both of us that we need a different partner. At phase 1, we fell out but we came back in phase 2, and became successful. I couldn’t backstab the other girl I was supposed to be here with, but when we were unsuccessful, I came with Junia. 

Segs: How long have you guys been friends? 

Jes: 5 years, yah 

Segs: What attracted you to Lu… 

Jes: (laughs

Segs: …Luke? Do you think you have any future with him? (Nonwe’s Question)
Jes: (laughs) Nonwe, I think… (laughs) Ok, what attracted me to Luke is Luke himself. The first 3 days, I did not notice or see him, I was just there.. I did not come into the house with “if I go into the house, I want to get a boyfriend”…No, I did not go in with that. I did not want a boyfriend or anything, I I just wanted to be there. 

So the day of the soap task in the Jacuzzi, that’s when Luke and I started talking then I was like “Hot guy! Where have you been?” He spoke to me and I just listened, later on I told him that I was listening and heard what he said, he was surprised that I had listened to him. He was surprised cause he was feeling bad that he had told me all those things. After that… well… (laughs

Segs: He approached you? You did not approach him? 

Jes: No, I did not even notice him until he spoke to me in the Jaccuzzi. (laughs)
Segs: Are you seeing each other soon? 

Jes: yah, we are definitely gonna be visiting each other’s countries. I think I will be the first to run to Liberia. (laughs

Segs: Liberian girls, watch out, booty babes is coming… (laughs

Jes: (laughs

jes full pic
Bootyliscious Jesica

: You and Junia were forever sleeping? Forever horizontal… what did you offer to the game? 

Jes: Seriously? But don’t you guys know the reason we were sleeping? 

Segs: Nope. All I saw was the two of you sleeping… ALL the time.. the 5 weeks you were in there, you slept? 

Jes: (laughs) really? 

Segs: yep, only in your last week, you started moving around, dancing, cringing but the first 5 weeks you were sleeping. 

Jes: We were sleeping cause most of the time, at night we were awake. 

Segs: yah, we know you were – when Luke was there. (raise eyebrow

Jes: (giggles) After Luke left, I only slept during the day casuse at night I was awake with everybody. With Lee, Keegan, Junia and I don’t know, Tamara, a few people. We were the last to sleep. Especially me, I used to be awake until after everyone slept. Even Lee’s mom called yesterday and asked why we went to bed so late, she said that most nights we went to sleep at 3 a.m or around 5:30. 

Segs: Ok, take us through your emotions at being on the loafers list 

Jes: loafers list…? 

Segs: The list that the other housemates wrote naming all the people that were forever sleeping and did not contribute to chores. You and Junia were quite ferocious about not doing anything back home. 

Jes: yoh, yoh, yoh! (giggles) Ok. I stay alone but my brother joined me this year cause he is starting college. Junia stays alone as well. So now, we really don’t do anything. When you come back from college, you get take-aways, eat, watch your series or sleep, or do something. Honestly, we really don’t do anything back home, we really don’t do nothing. If I go home, then I will help out if I feel like helping out. Other than that, I am very good at not doing anything. 

Segs: But you never did anything about being on the list, Mildred lost it and cleared her name, you and Junia were like “yah, we are on the list. We are just gonna go back to bed and sleep”. 

Jes: No, you guys got us wrong. We did our allocated duties, but we did not do voluntary work. If we have to clean the bathroom, we did it. We only had voluntary work twice in that house. Me and Junia were basically cleaning the garden with the other guys. I think they wanted to see us in the kitchen, cooking… 

Segs: It would have been nice seeing you around the house. 

Jes: Neh, I don’t know, maybe I really slept a lot (raises eyebrow and giggles

Segs: When Ola left, you wept! 

Jes: The reason we cried when Ola left, like if people got to know Ola on a personal level, we called him gentle giant. Ola is the sweetest, hugest human being you can ever meet in this life. The thing with Ola is if you have a problem and you wanna go speak to him, Ola won’t judge you upon what you tell him, he will give advice, he was real. We clicked with Ola. 

Segs: Eve? 

Jes: I felt that Eve was trying to be Kim Kardashian, she wasn’t really herself. We did not really click that well, I liked Edith cause I felt she was being real. She was being herself. 

Segs: Who did you find as the most irritating? 

Jes: Nobody really, it’s only just sometimes when Eve would come and say “oh you guys, how are you?” and I would be feeling like “Kim Kardashian, please move away from me. I’ll pull out all my hair. Please just move. Oh my word” (puts up a talk to the hand stance and giggles) I just wanna pull out my hair, personally I never had a problem with her, she would be all up in the mirror (giggles) She just irritated me in certain aspects, like she really wanted to be Kim Kardashian. That’s it. I did not see the real Eve. 

Segs: Esperanca and Seydou? 

Jes: Yoh! The thing is in that house, you can actually never really take sides, because you don’t know the real reason behind the reasons you are being given. I felt for Seydou, but I felt for Esperanca. Esperanca told us about her fiancée and her son. One day I told her that her fiancee will take her son and just go away. I felt for Seydou because he wanted to stay in the game, but I also felt for Esperanca. 

Segs: Was Esperanca selfish? Was Seydou understanding of what Esperanca was going through? 

Jes: No. They both did not really care. They were just concerned about themselves. Seydou was like “oh my word, I am on big brother. I have my Talia here. I am just gonna leave Esperanca”. I don’t think he was serious about Talia, but anyway, Esperanca was like “my life, my son, my husband, my everything back home is a mess”. I think both of them were selfish, in some way. 

Segs: Talia and Seydou? 

Jes: Oh my… To be quite honest, me and Tamara spoke the other night, I don’t know. To me, Seydou was a man-child, (laughs) he is still not serious about life. I feel he is not serious in any way. For her sake and what it’s worth, I hope he is because that girl would be in pieces if he is not. Talia is a wonderful person but yohhhhh… hai… (shaking head) I hope he is serious about her. Tamara says she will kill him with her 2 fingers (laughs) .. like 2 fingers… yoh 

Segs: Tamara is scary with her witchcraft… 

Jes: I used to love it. I used to enjoy listening to this witchcraft stories and things because it’s new to my ears. Yoh! I used to be like asking questions and wanting to know if it exists. That was entertaining for me. 

Segs: Who is the most entertaining? 

Jes: Keegan, we were cool with him in the first weeks. I am not sure what happened… 

Segs: The Afrikaans fight 

Jes: ohhhhhhhhhh… yah! Yah that’s what happened! So everything got sour. 

Segs: What did Junia say to start that fight? 

Jes: Junia called me to say that “Jes, come listen to this. Keegan says he can’t speak Afrikaans”. I walked into the kitchen and said “Keegan, why are you lying? We grew up with colored people and all of them speak Afrikaans, why are you trying to be English?” It was fun, all of us were laughing. All 3 of us were laughing until we got outside and then Keegan was now pissed. 

Segs: Why did he attack Junia if you were the one that said you know all colored’s speak Afrikaans? 

Jes: I don’t know. I noticed that he constantly attacked Junia. He did not really like attacking me but he loved picking on Junia. I don’t know why he did not pick on me. Back home, we are really cultured and we don’t swear at anyone’s mother so it pissed me off when Keegan swore at Junia and said “efff your mom”. Even if someone is trying to kill you, you don’t do that. 

Segs: You guys swore a lot. 

Jes: Even my mom and dad are waiting for me (laughs). I don’t think I was one of the people that swore a lot cause I was sleeping all the time (raised eyebrow and laughs

Jes Shoes

Segs: Who would you nominate and why? 

Jes: Kyle and Janetta. First of all Kyle sleeps more than me. He is just there. He talks about his TV show and is just boring. And then Janetta.. haaaaaa … all up in people’s faces and space when she is drunk. I love Janetta as a human being when she is not drunk. When she is drunk she does the most stupidest of things ever. 

There was an evening she got drunk and she was walking around in her black bra and red G-string. (laughs) She then took a pillow to cover her ass and walked downstairs from the bedroom. She wanted to seduce some of the guys, but that’s what she mostly did in the house. I don’t for what reasons but she had her own. 

Segs: What do you think of the Br-otto machine? 

Jes: I think it is fair cause some of us would not have known who to nominate. We would have struggled with nominating the person and then leave the diary room to smile at them whilst at the back of your mind you know what you did. 

Segs: They still also nominated you… 

Jes: yah, but still… the thing is you feel guilty….. But I love the Br-otto machine, is that what it’s called? I love it and it chooses. It is a fair game. 

Segs: What was the best task, forget the soap task? 

Jen: No no no (giggles) it wasn’t the soap task. It was the photography and photocopy story task. People were convinced that my story was true but it was not true. It was memorable because I did not know that I could make up a story that people would believe. It was just fiction. I came up with the story. It was not true. 

Segs: What do you think about Upville?
Jes: Uhhm… I know that Upville was boring. I think it was very boring. Apart from the guy, what it is he called? Roki. I think he is weird but very entertaining at the same time. Lady may has her thing. Maneta I know is a fun girl. 

Segs: What was your impression of Upville whilst in the house? 

Jes: High society, having everything all the time, cause that is what they told us. I am not even sad I did not go to upville. I am happy that I am out here. Now I can do something with this opportunity. Yah, cause I am relying on my parents 100%. 

Segs: So this gives you a feeling of independence? 

Jes: Yah, exactly… exactly… 

Segs: thank you for the interview and goodluck, Jesica. See you in Namibia 

Jes: Definitely (giggles) you are welcome 

Hopefully this beautiful bootyliscious lady found  and achieved, her new year's resolution, the independence, love and fame she hoped Big-e would bring to her life.


21 Jun 2012 12:57

yena she is bubbly shame. go find your love Luke

21 Jun 2012 12:57

yena she is bubbly shame. go find your love Luke

21 Jun 2012 15:48

*Relief* Thanks so much for asking about the spelling Segs! It feels like a huge weight's been lifted - very good to have an explanation.

I'm not impresed that she likes the Br-otto so much, hmmmphf. I totally disagree that it's fair - in the context of the game it's very unfair 'cos it doesn't matter how appealing you are as a housemate, you get nominated.

I really like that she was so honest about who she'd have nominated though.

21 Jun 2012 18:50

yho Jesicca was big in the house, she looks slimmer her. great interview

21 Jun 2012 19:50

Lol @taz. Thanks segs for asking my question and wow.....she's already buddy-buddy with lee's mum

22 Jun 2012 07:12

yep, Cande... she is slimmer.. I also noticed and told her..

22 Jun 2012 07:12

yep, Cande... she is slimmer.. I also noticed and told her..

01 Jul 2012 07:50

I loved Jes,I think she was sweet. Lol at Eve,aka Kim K wanna be. I liked her but she pissed me off when she said she won't vote for SA coz she had no relationship with Barbz, like WTF? Luckily Botswana were loyal supportes of SA n we did not need her pathetic vote. I love Edith,sooo true to herself

01 Jul 2012 07:50

I loved Jes,I think she was sweet. Lol at Eve,aka Kim K wanna be. I liked her but she pissed me off when she said she won't vote for SA coz she had no relationship with Barbz, like WTF? Luckily Botswana were loyal supportes of SA n we did not need her pathetic vote. I love Edith,sooo true to herself

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