TheTVObserver: I am Dumping You!

Written by TheObserver from the blog TheTVObserver on 09 Jul 2009
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Those who are friends with TheTVObsever on Facebook and those following us of Twitter, will know that our slaves at TheTVObserver thought it was a great idea to share this personal story. So, here goes.....

I have not been a saint, and am guilty of dumping people in what would be considered “the least-flattering approach to dumping”. But this time, I wanted to do this right and with the inspiration of TV, I could only think of one break up which haunted me. I did not want to be this bad.

I did not want to become “Carrie’s Berger”, which is by far the worst break-up method ever.

So I thought to myself, I need to get my friends to help me figure out the best way to dump this person. First of all, we have never had the “I love You” type moment nor did we “say”, or “write” “look at each other” like people who are in love. At least I didn’t. We once had a conversation about “does this [our arrangement] have a future?”, that was a bit awkward because I responded “why would it have a future, its not like we are in love or anything”, which I realized later that it was not the best response. But what was I supposed to do, lie?

Before you go off, calm down. We had an arrangement. I hate to call it a relationship because that would imply something we did not have. It worked for our lifestyles and careers, we both “I think” got what we needed, and beyond that, it got intimate within the bounds of our comfort and level of respect for one another other. It was NOT lascivious.

I was determined not to become Carrie’s Berger when dumping this person. If you don’t know who Berger is, this will remind you: “Jack Berger broke up with Carrie on Sex and the City. He left her a note that said "I’m sorry, I can't. Don't hate me", on a Post-It." Ouch!

I had an opportunity at one of our get together with my very close friends, were we meet to catch up on our lives. I said, “Guys I have a problem. I need to dump someone and I don’t want to be an ass, so do you have some advice on how I could do this with the least damage to this persons, ego, confidence and anything else”

First, they all burst out laughing. I mean that sick type of laughter. The crazy kind, that goes on-and-on-and-on…….where you regret even bringing the whole thing up. Then followed closely by insults only your close friends can dish. Mind you this was their chance to have a go at me, after my fair share of insults., in the past.

After their relentless torture, I gave them all the information and they all agreed with one comment from Friend #1 “there is no way you can dump someone in that way, unless you get killed and they mourn you like the perfect saint you want to be” followed by another dose of laughter from the chorus of sarcastic assholes.

At this point, I was getting tired of being a butt of every joke, especially when they turned every sentence of our conversations, into a line I would use to dump this person. I was sick of it and I said. “I am going home” and one bright bulb (Friend#2) said “Are you just going to leave me like this. Did I mean anything at all to you?. I love you, please don’t go” Funny Ha Ha! Asshole! I was pist. I never had this much thought to dumping someone, so I was regretting saying a word to these a-holes. I started feeling sorry for this person and I began to feel screwed up.

On my way home, my berry started vibing, Friend #3, sent me a text which read: “I’ll send you something that helped me, a while back. It may help you. Are you sure you want to do this man? You never gave this sort of thought to the others? Maybe this person is special? Cheers”.

I wanted to respond with something with an F word, but his words responded to my confused state of affairs. I thought to myself what are they up to?, if there is anything I know about this group of mischief’s, is that they enjoy pulling pranks. We live such demanding lives, that we meet a few times and in between, we play pranks on each other. Its sick but lots of fun!. This could have inspired an attack.

The next day, after giving the subject of this blog too many excuses for diner, breakfast, “coming over”, etc – you get picture, my berry rings….LING LING, yikes.......

Sissy, Venetia: "Ling-Ling"?
Venetia: Can somebody answer the phone?
Sissy: Oh dang, that's messed up.
[afterKeecia's Korean mother calls her daughter Ling-Ling in front of her classmates] from the movie The Hot Chick.

The twisted of the bunch, sent an email, he writes:

“Dude, you need to have a drink. You cannot do this somber. You are freaking out already. It may help. We talked about this and we thought this may help you.”

This is trouble, first you get me drunk then a StarSpread of a naked TVO on HUSTLER with “you know who” or worse. I don’t think so evil one. But I excused myself from normal work stuff, and indulged this drivel.

“Think about why you are breaking up with this person.”

I was thinking, here we go, Oprah’s 101 Guide to Screwing with My Head!

“If you are simply upset with this person, you should consider talking about what upset you and focus on resolving it, rather than ending the relationship.”

Okay, is it me or does this sound very weird! Go on Maya…..I'm listening.
“But if this same issue has already been discussed, yet nothing changes and you keep feeling unsatisfied, hurt, or betrayed, than breaking up might be the only way to end the pattern.”

Huh! I have to admit that sounded good. Only if I was hurt or betrayed, it would be so easy.

“Plan out how long you are willing to spend breaking up. The actual conversation in which you break up with this person can last a lot longer than it should, especially if that person is devastated or completely surprised by your decision. It'll be much easier for you to stick to your guns if the conversation doesn't drag out.”

I guess am getting the information from professionals or professional psycho’s, looking for the best way to screw with my head. Already am freaking out, because I don’t want this person to feel as if it’s their fault. I am just done with this and I want a clean break and a new start. I also do not want to explain myself more than necessary.

“You may even want to arrange an appointment with one of us in a neutral location so that you can say - "I'm supposed to meet my “Buddy” at the restaurant in fifteen minutes, so I have to go now."

I thought that part was kinder cruel. If you are going to plan a break up, you should only use a fake appointment if things go bad, not before hand. But I gave their prank, oh sorry, advice a chance. If they are being sincere, it would be a waste for me to pass on good advice, considering how important it is for me to do this right.

“It is easier to break up with someone if you don't have to look the person in the eye, but it can also be interpreted as cruel and cowardly”

I’ve done it a few times only because it’s just easy and less complicated, and I don’t have to deal with all sorts of crap. But this time, I did not want to be an ass, I wanted to be more kind, since I cared for this person.

“Break the news at their home and in private. They'll want to feel safe enough to respond emotionally--no one wants to be broken up with in public or near family and friends, and risk bursting into tears, or be forced to bottle up all those emotions. While you can break up with them at your place, making someone go home after getting news like that will be difficult, and could make them more bitter. If you are at their home, you can leave after you feel you've made your decision clear.”

Oooh this is very tricky. This was beginning to sound good enough to make me consider ignoring this email all together. I felt like I was reading a step by step guide to manipulate another person. I would actually prefer a restaurant with this person or a coffee shop. Lets just say, I would achieve the state of less drama in public due to their personality. But, I will think about it.

“You don't want to blurt out "We need to break up" out of the blue, or worse, when you're in an argument. You need to approach the whole thing calmly and peacefully, with a sense of resolution.”

It sounds like games to me, and I don’t do games. I believe in speaking my mind. Something like “Listen, this is not working for me. I want to brake up with you and there is nothing that I think we can do, to make this work. I am just done”. It sounds bad, but it just gets the point across. With the coffee shop, I could look them in the eye and say it, instead of a post-it or a letter sent by an employee. We can both leave the coffee shop without feeling like your personal space has been desecrated.

“Expect any or all of the following reactions”, the email reads.

“They’ll want to know why, and whether there was anything they could have done to prevent the breakup. Answer the questions as honestly as possible.”

I am confident that although this person may be caught off guard, there might be some questions. I don’t think I can deal with “was it me?”, “is there someone else?”, “was I not good enough?”, “how could you do this to me?”, “how long have you been feeling this way?”, blah blah...blah…blah...hang me now please!

These questions, should be answered if you feel the relationship was very important to you and your level of caring is special. I don’t think am there. I did not make any promise of “love”, “commitment” etc. It was just an arrangement which worked for us and we talked about it a lot to avoid misunderstandings. Yet we cared for each other, I think.

I think that the female persuasion of my readership may be fuming at this juncture. Don’t!
“There might be some tears. You can provide comfort, but don't allow yourself to be manipulated into changing your decision.”

I could not help but think about what could possibly happen during this event to make me change my mind and I drew a BIG BLANK. I asked myself, why am I indulging these pigs, who may be setting me up for some crazy stuff. Also why would I comfort her, since it will imply that there is a chance, which there isn’t.

“They may try to dispute anything you've said during the breakup, including examples you used in your reasons for breaking up. Don't get dragged into a fight, and don't split hairs. Let them know that arguing isn't going to change your decision.”

So I need to be firm about my decision and expect to be played a bit, in an attempt to change my mind. Wonderful!

“They may offer to change, or to do things differently in order to preserve the relationship. If the person didn't change when you discussed your problems in the past, it is too late to expect them to truly change now.”

This does not apply since there is no problem, technically. I am just moving on and am not dating someone else. I want to meet someone I could love, if at all possible. This person is not the one.

“Whether it's as simple as saying "You'll never find anyone as good as me" or as scary as saying "I'll make you regret this", they are usually just trying to feel better. Threats of physical harm, however, are serious and should not be ignored. If you feel that your safety is at risk, stay calm and leave quickly.”

I understand why someone would be angry but this person does not have the right to go that far, then again, they are an individual whose thoughts and actions are totally their own, leaving a door slightly ajar at the possibility of something like this happening. I will get protection, if not for her then against my freaking friends.

Finally …….

“It'll be difficult, but don't call them, don't go places where you know they frequent, and make yourself scarce. Your ex may try to get in touch, don’t if you want them out of your life."

Hope this helps you. Let us know what happens and we promise, we wont laugh.

Yeah Right! This is a chapter that is over for me and I do agree that the time we spent together may constitute some commitment but it was clearly dealt with to avoid misunderstandings. However, I would like to respect this person and their feelings, in order to do this right with little to no damage in any way.

So, just to make sure that I do the right thing, “Do you think am being setup by the evil friends?” and whilst at it, “Do you have any advice in breaking up with someone you care for?”.

By TheTVObserver on TVSA
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09 Jul 2009 08:30

I usually do the restaurant thing coz  somehow, you say what you say, no one cries, coz i cant handle people who cry.  SMS and letter writitng, hmmmmm, as cowardly as it seems its less stressful and less messy.

But TVO, in your case this was just an arrangement, so it cant be that hard, just tell him, contract terminated, im out,lol. 

To answer your q's

Do you think am being setup by the evil friends? No, i think depending on your state of mind and level of caring for htis person, which is basically zero, you hav eto choose amongst your frends advices, they are not setting you up.

” and whilst at it, “Do you have any advice in breaking up with someone you care for?”. - Uhmmmmm, no. it sthe hardest ish ever, coz you care for them. Otherwise go to her place, tell her what you need to tell her, leave.

09 Jul 2009 08:33

Doing it at your place would be the worst thing, coz they start crying, then they want to hug goodbye, then you start wondering if it was teh best decision, actually sms would work better,LOL.

09 Jul 2009 09:23

tsho for the first time i read and finished your article.....
I think I also need advice in that will look out for the replies

09 Jul 2009 09:28

There is no polite or civil way of dumping a person if the feeling isnt mutual ... Yes it is very important to be honest with another person but if she wasnt up for that, then it is bound to hurt them. So just do what you have to do and dont expect them to understand ... this thing "your thing" might have started and agreed to be arrangement with no strings are attached, but often times heart get involved one day or the otherespecial if one part felt some sort of connection and they eventual want more of the arrangement or the arrangement to be permanent.

09 Jul 2009 09:34

you are right BA, no one can ever understand being dumped, jsut dump then let them deal with it, nawe you will deal with it when it happens to you,e ish, the strength of dumping someone hayi guys!!!

09 Jul 2009 09:41

Itis way better Belz if someone has hurt you or betrayed you becomes much better to dump them and the other part also sort of expect it

09 Jul 2009 09:43

Break-ups are more like funerals. Aziqheleki. I dont like being dumped & i dont like to dump some1 but sometimes you have to set the record straight. Its part of the maturity sweetheart....

Good morning good bloggers & bye let me work

09 Jul 2009 10:32

I find it hard to dump, id rather mess up so that i get dumped

09 Jul 2009 10:37

Tjo !Cande mina I hate to be's a bad luck ukwaliwa en I prefer to be ignored than being dumped TJO! ngeke shame

09 Jul 2009 10:42

LOL Cande, some people dont dump you no matter how much you mess up!!! its frustrating. you know the story.

09 Jul 2009 10:54

Tjo Cande and JP... you are bigger guys .. i cant stand to be ignored ..tjo JP, in that case i'd rather be dumped than being ignored... bt nna if things are aint adding up, i'd rather be the one to dump than waiting to be dumped..tjo

09 Jul 2009 11:18

in the past i used to ignore you until you get the message
but with my boyfriend of 5 years i had to let him know (dump) gently
after i was finished he said "my baby waitse the way o ndampang ka teng if ne ke le ngwanyana o nshela ne ke tlo go dumela straight"

but we are in good trms; sometimes he belives that we will be back again but then we have never met and talked(date type) ever.
he got the message

i have never been dumped....and i dont know how i will react....i think ke tlo lla

09 Jul 2009 11:25

I have never been dumped ever in my life, i have dumped few people thou,one seemed like he didnt care(but has been askin me for LV even now,lol) and the other one I dumped him over the phone, i was playing Maria Curry "Cant live without u" when i called him, poor guy thot I was playing the song for him, he was so happy and when i told him i dont love him anymo, he broke down and cried,lol......

Dump the person over the phone and get it over and done with..

09 Jul 2009 11:32

or better yet awelani just send them sms "I get so emotional when you r not around and that emotion is called happiness, and you are the last person whom i can allow to deprive me of that."

09 Jul 2009 11:34

lol BA,, yeah that will also do, mina um a coward, wud have never dumped anybody face to face and risk being bleksemd.

09 Jul 2009 13:15

Hey Guys….I am reading with great concentration.

@BELZ "go to her place, tell her what you need to tell her, leave." I don’t have no problem doing that, I just don’t want to leave scared, walking around holding on to some anger. But Thanks

"contract terminated, im out,lol. " Or this sounds like my old self. Am afraid to repeat it, thou am tempted. I am looking for good KARMA.

Doing it at your place would be the worst "thing" I agree I am not into Shakespeare in those moments.

@Best Achiever. Great advice. I feel less confused. "So just do what you have to do and don’t expect them to understand .." cool. Thanks

"Itis way better Belz if someone has hurt you or betrayed you ". I really wished it was the case with me. It so easy!

Thanks Guys


09 Jul 2009 13:22


@Best Achiever. “they eventual want more of the arrangement or the arrangement to be permanent.” I agree and am afraid this person may have been holding out some hope that it would turn and become “a commitment”, because hints have been thrown about “my mother wants to know who am dating”. You don’t introduce your “arrangement” to your mother. Its not my fault this person’s past mates were assholes, they felt those people were not good enough for “mother to see.” Although I can take it as a compliment, but that is a BIG STEP, in my book! And it should be reserved for “relationships”.

@myname "Its part of the maturity sweetheart...." I know I have been an ass before but I don’t want this person to feel as if I used them or something. I want to be mature about it. Thanks thou.

@Cande. That’s hectic. But I wish this person messed up, it would so easy. I don't want them walking around holding on to some anger over this. Although I cant guarantee that, I could choose my words and approach in such a way that they would understand that "its a break-up", yet am not out to "DUMP" them like garbage.

@Blueroze, could not understand part of your comment. It sounded interesting the part  I understood, anyway. I will get it translated.

@monchooza. "Yeah" - (both hands in the air) You are no longer TheTVObserver virgin, you've gone all the way. LOL. Hahahaha.  Thanks for reading. Yes this was long but am sure you understand why. I hope you can get some advice as well.

Guys thank you. I will be on hand to read more of your comments.

sweetie my baby
09 Jul 2009 13:55

alternatively, you could let her know that you write this blog, encourage her to read your latest entry, informing her that it has to do with you two and your 'arrangement/relationship'. 

then sit back and watch fireworks explode..

ha ha - ok, just kidding...

just tell her you wanna talk, go over to her place, and start talking  -  tell her you have a lot of respect and affection for her, you've enjoyed your time together but at this point,  this isn't where you wanna be right now, blah blah blah....'

answer her questions, she deserves the truth, but don't let it get drawn out.... and keep it moving.

09 Jul 2009 13:56

One fact a dump is a dump no matter how messy or nice or polite fact remains u were dumped so my way of dumping someone is ignoring their cal never returning sms's you'l be amazed how a week of no communication can do to ppl (grow apart)

09 Jul 2009 14:25

Hey guys, If someone can agree to some "arrangement" then I take she/he is well aware what they letting themselves into. I mean an arrangement and a relationship are two different things. Didn't u guys have some rules in place for days like this?

09 Jul 2009 14:32

why dump him- umuntu akalahlwa esaphila you might need him/her one day, 
just ignore him ,he will read through the thin lines.

sorry guys , i had to go, busy day

09 Jul 2009 14:43

I dnt wish wht happened to me yenzeke komunye umuntu,i use to be da 1 dumping bt my Ex dumped me december last year,im skinny (size 28 ) bt i lost weight,i was a walking skeleton,ngiya basaba abafana...

09 Jul 2009 14:49

Just do what Slikour did to Bonang. Dump him on facebook

09 Jul 2009 14:56

hahahahah Stro
 tell me about that, i dumped my hight school bf years back and i was the one to loose weight way more than him, as 28 as i was ...have never been dumped

09 Jul 2009 15:06

LOL Stroh i know , i know trust me i have been there. I was NOT dumped but ignored and it ate me up. I was in CPT when i went for the school holidays in June my mother wanted to take me to the doctor because she believed i was sick.. I was a 24. LOL!!!

09 Jul 2009 15:15

Cande is there such a thing as size 24???? LOL

09 Jul 2009 15:19

09 Jul 2009 15:28

lol Cande,,,shame if only ur mom knew ufrazwa amadoda,,,LOL

09 Jul 2009 15:33

@ sweetie my baby. Cool name by the way. "then sit back and watch fireworks explode.." LOL. That may very well lead to some physical injury.

However your advice was cool. I think that it may just be what I'll do. I think.

@extinct. How in hell are you still alive...LOL (I hope you get it) LOL. Ignoring them may be one of the thing's I considered, but its really cruel if you cared for the person. If they were just a shag, then ignore away. Whatever works for you.

I feel like interviewing you on that "no-communication week" sounds bloody interesting. Are you up for it?. Since we are in relationship-lane, we may as well have some fun! LOL

@ngest911. Yes we had, but like Best-Achiever commented earlier "often times heart get involved one day or the other especial if one part felt some sort of connection and they eventual want more of the arrangement or the arrangement to be permanent." Even thou you could think you agreed, the other party may have some other idea or hope. Bottom line is that this is s@#t, its BAD and its going to hurt. I just want to be responsible. Not an ASSHOLE when doing it.

@maud. Ignoring is cruel especially if you care for the person. If I didn't, this post would have never happened. Period. I do get your point, (I think), that I may need this person later. All the more reason to be honest and careful with their heart, and ensure that should we see each other later on, It would be as friends not as we were before this break-up.

@Strolicious - I am sorry to hear that. This is exactly what I don’t want to see happen to this person.

@ vallie - Dang, that is screwed up.

Guys, reading your comments, I realize that it seems "Doing the right thing is not EASY!" 


09 Jul 2009 16:15

Just tell her that things have changed and you no longer have any interest in her or him. It works for me big time

09 Jul 2009 16:24

Dear TheObsever,

I also replied to your article just like everybody, you gave yourself time to reply to all of them but me. And Um kinda offended,, not actually I am offended coz its as if you are irgnoring me.


09 Jul 2009 16:54

@ odie, hey, before you post a letter as well. LOL., - I think that sounds short and sweet. I guess those pigs (my friends) were right that I should not do this sober.

How many times did you actually use that break-up line? and how many times did it work well without retaliation?.


09 Jul 2009 16:58

Dear Awelani

Sorry hey, that was not intentional, PROMISE! I am not that mean. Do not be offended because am not ignoring you. So here goes.....

@awelani "I dumped him over the phone, i was playing Maria Curry "Cant live without u" when i called him" You are so BAD its not funny. I would call you evil but you are not. I can't imagine how I'd feel if someone dumped me that way. Poor boy, crying! That is Sad! Relationships suck! He cried? Oh Man that's messed up! He should be playing that track not you! LOL

"Dump the person over the phone and get it over and done with.." The problem is that I care for this person, and maybe that is the problem. After reading all the messed up stuff guys do to girls on the love series, I did not want to contribute to that mess, and that does NOT mean I love this person. I don't, I just care for them, but I want to offer them a great deal of respect, as best as possible, although it looks like it will not happen. But you know, calling and saying "Listen, am done with our arrangement" seems horrible. But may just be the way to go if I want to ROYAL ASS.

"wud have never dumped anybody face to face and risk being bleksemd." - LOL (no really this is funny) PROTECTION! PROTECTION! PROTECTION....and am noting talking condoms. LOL


09 Jul 2009 17:32

Halla at me the o

10 Jul 2009 09:24

LMAO!!!! @ Awelani.

10 Jul 2009 10:32

hehehehe, Thank you very much for answering TO, now um happy,lol...and the guy I dumped while playing MC, well i didnt really love him, i hooked up with him to spite his frend whom i broke with 2 months earlier,lol

Belz, yes i do love attention,lol

10 Jul 2009 11:06

Yoh awe...hayi 'In your time' wawu bad!

I have doen a couple of dumping and been dumped too..the 3 that stand out the most are when I was dumped by my first boyfriend..I was 20 then, he had moved to GP and I was in Dbn. I called him (from a public phone nogal) and he said I mustn't call him ever again. I have never called him ever again after that incident...he calls me though.

I cried my lungs out, 6 months down the line brotherman was back to propose I told himto shove it and anyway how am I gonna spend the rest of my lfe with a hubby I cannot call? In September he is marrying the woman he cheated on me with...I smile when I realise that she'll always be 2nd's evil I know but hey.

2. The guy I had to dump over the phone coz his brother saw me kissing someone else...He cried for hours and called my best friend to tell me that he can be 'the other man' if I want...TVO-don't tell me about bad karma dude...

3. The guy who sent me an sms 'we can never be' after I chatted to him at a party, but I clearly remember having broken up with him 6 or 7 months before that sms arrived...

The rest of them dudes to dump me are the guys I had broken up with emotionally..just ignoring them and they call to dump me, I just laugh it off.

I can't help you, I am just waiting for you to update us how you did it and the response you got...and then when you are done come cry on my chest-even if you don't feel like crying come anyway. I promise to make it better hehe.

10 Jul 2009 12:21

The one that stands out for me was one time i was madly inlove with this guy and i went away for a week to visit my sister and one sat mornin i mean around to 3 in the morning i went to the loo as i came to bed i was like let me check the time and my phone was like one massage received and the massage inside was the worst massage i ever received it reads 'i found someone new its over' from then sleep drove away i cried my lungs out and tried calling him phone was off my whole trip was a mess and when i went home saw him at church and he was like i was always the other woman and his first lady is coming back and he is telling me all this at a resturant and i couldn't cry there ... I can't believe it stil hurts damn nxa don't ask whe he is ka life

10 Jul 2009 13:15

TheTVO don't do it like extinct's ex..that sms just makes me wanna find him and strangle him on her behalf.

10 Jul 2009 13:45

The lady thats a cruel way i mean i was sleeping and the fact that i begged him to stay makes me sick

10 Jul 2009 14:27

extinct i knw exactly wht mean.....the fact that i begged him to stay makes me sick...tjo i've never begged umfana the way i begged my baby daddy nw im happy,i've fnd my man....

10 Jul 2009 14:45

Good for you Stroh. I've never begged anyone.....too much pride. I just cry my eyeballs out if i'm still hung up on you and it'll all go away eventually

10 Jul 2009 15:31

Thinkin bout it makes me feel stupid and seeing him now i thank God it didn't work out

10 Jul 2009 15:46

hey dont talk about crying, i guess we have to pass through that stage until you realise its not worth it, 

10 Jul 2009 16:02

you dont have to cry in front of him or beg him, pretend as if everything is okay meanwhile you know that you are dying inside.

10 Jul 2009 16:02

you dont have to cry in front of him or beg him, pretend as if everything is okay meanwhile you know that you are dying inside.

10 Jul 2009 18:26

I'm not one for personal blogs, but this one I LIKE..............I have been dumped a number of times (in fact plenty of times) and in all situations, i've never been given a reason i can be happy about...............and as a results i treat relashipnships like a light bulb.......each bulb has a life span, when it has reached it's life span, you have to throw it away and put a new one - This reasoning has helped me deal with breakups........... sweeti my baby - please answer my question on FB.....I'll be there as well next week (where u r going)

13 Jul 2009 13:43

LOL!!!!! mjj, there is a light bulb that i need to switch off one of these days, at some point the killowatts were 100 but now i think its 2,5. sigh.

13 Jul 2009 16:27

Hi Guys

@awelani - Cool. Am glad I could make you happy. But it sounds like your hookup was complicated, OR NOT.

@ TheLady, excuse me if I laugh out loud at the fact that you and your boy's wires were functioning with eskom's unreliable power grid. They were crossed big time. LOL

As for #2. No comment, "Heart Breaker". And at #3, I just feel like Dexter "the cartoon" for a second there. I need my lab.

About the update, it depends on the outcome...nah I will post anyway.

@ extinct. NIGHT-SMS was wrong and bad as hell. They should teach these church folks relationship manners. Period.

And yes TheLady, I also think this attracts physical harm.

@mjj. Thanks, As for the "Light bulb", Interesting.

@ belz LOL

Yes guys. I will update! 


15 Jul 2009 04:01

Aowa mara the O when wil we get the feed back hle

Blaq princes
15 Jul 2009 07:35

Break ups...eish blve me i knw. If im nt happy(sexualy o adawise) i first try 2 ignore da prob, thn i try altenatives bt if im stl unsatisfied i burry ma head in da sand nd hope it goes away. Lol

16 Jul 2009 01:39

Hey extinct. Relax, I will post the feed back. Am still trying to clear my head. For now my keyboard and berry-pad are zipped. Until the post. Cheers

17 Jul 2009 19:03

TVO!!! SMS her, it worked for my 2.5 KW bulb,i promise, so stress free, no breaking of things in your face.

23 Jul 2009 14:27

HI everyone,

After having read everything i think I can say even though i'm new at this blogging thing.
When it comes to friendship  and arrangesments with the opposite sex feelings are always involved.  Someone is bound to get hurt.  Even you TheObserver as you say "you care about this person", you are also going to miss your arrangement even if it doesn't feel that way right now.

I suggest you tell this person the truth there is no pretty way of doing it.
"Al ge jy n Aap n goue ring, dit bly nogsteeds n Aap."

I hope it all works out for you!!!!

30 Jun 2010 10:58

l miss The Observer and his articles, what happened to him?

30 Jun 2010 11:05

Heh BM asazi.i just think Ohmibod.he is missable impela lol!

30 Jun 2010 11:07

Kwaze kwakhinya kuyipayday today eish!

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