Are You a Steward?

Written by Cody from the blog Jehova-Nisi: TVSA Home Cell/Bible Study Group on 24 Jun 2009
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By Steward, I’m not asking if you are related to Rod Steward or if you have an anglicised middle name of Stewart. But rather I’m asking that are you a steward in the sense of are you taking personal responsibility and care for another’s person property or financial affairs? You may ask , who is this other person that I should take personal responsibility for? That other is none other than God our creator. What is his property; well if you believe in Genesis 1 then you know the answer already. Stewardship is about realising that everything we own and have, including our bodies, time, gifts, talents, capabilities, health, environment, etc is property of our creator and we should take good care of it and use it to His glory. It is a recognition of God’s ownership, sovereignty and lordship over everything we posses and inhabit. A steward takes Christ as his prime examples and tries to live up to the masters lesson that he showed us whilst he was on earth, implementing them in the life to the benefit of those around him lie Christ did.

It does not just end with recognition, like many things with in life, recognition also goes with responsibilities. In Matthew 25 Jesus Christ tells a parable of 3 servants who are given talents ( in this parable talents refer to money but like all parable they have a deeper meaning than that). The one servant is given the least amount of talents, and he decides to bury it ,instead of investing it. Whilst the other two servants all multiply the talents they are given. When the master comes and asks each of the servants about what they did with their talents, the one whose talent did not bear interest because he had buried it, was scorned upon and his talent handed over to the one who had made greater use of his talents and multiplied it.So God has given us, some great possessions, great jobs, great health ,great countries and each of us need to recognise that what we have is due to God and use what we have in showing God to the world. Whether be at work, play, home or at school? Everyone has been given something, little or big, we all have something we can use in God’s service as stewards. But how is this done? 

For example at work we, like the first servant who quadrupled his talent ,use our time to be productive, since we are aware that being productive shows God’s character to the world. That God is efficient, so we as his disciples and children are therefore need to be efficient. James 1 :27 says “ religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this :to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” So part of our responsibility as good stewards is to lend a helping hand. If one has the means to help the poor, one should do that, what better way to show that God is love than by providing food to those who are hungry, clothing those who are naked, visiting those who lonely in prison. Was not Christ ,our great role model who did this, God has blessed most of us with Jobs, food and clothing ,whom have we blessed with our own blessings that we have received. One does not need to go to Zimbabwe to be a good Samaritan most of the time it starts at home ,in your street and so forth.

Another element of stewardship is the idea of money and our bodies belonging to God. By recogninizing that God is even God of our wealth, a good steward would always give tithe, so that they may be food in God’s storehouse. Most churches use tithe for church maintenance and welfare programmes. The idea of giving tithe, which means tenth,is a biblical idea that stretches as far as the time of Abraham. It is a sign showing that we acknowledge God’s Lordship over us even our wallet but above all it’s a sign that says we love God more than our money. That we recognise that,even if we need the 10% of our salary, we give it to the Lord because we trust that God will provide, for he is our God our provider. Hebrews 13: 5 says “ keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said never will I leave you; never will I forsake you”. So as stewards whenever we use up our tithe money it shows that we do not trust God to live up to his word. Nor do we believe in the church being God’s storehouse.

We are also stewards of our bodies cause God through the love of Christ has ownership to of our bodies twice. First as our creator; the creator of our physical body and the universe . Secondly through Christ death on the cross. For by his death we were bought from sin. By his blood we were made sons and daughters of the Most High,so we need to take care of our bodies for they are now the temple of the Lord in which He resides. So we do not do harmful things to it or take narcotics because that is harmful to it. We exercise and show diligence in what we eat ,because like the Hebrew boys and king Nebuchadnezzar’s palace,we are aware of the damage of appetite to the body and soul.

In essesnce a true steward is like the woman in Luke 21 who gives her last two copper coins , which were nothing compared to the rich man who gave lots of money,but Christ counted the woman gift the best because it showed that her heart was in the right place. If our heart beats for Christ, we will enjoy emulating Christ example in every way. We shall not be trapped by our riches, our work nor our properties but instead we will use all these to glorify God. We will,like Christ clothe the naked, feed the hungry,be diligent in what comes into our hands, be faithful in returning what belongs to God and find joy in doing good to others because we are very aware of the great and wonderful good that God bestows on us every day.We will strife to be the best at whatever we lay our hands on cause God wants us to heads and not tails.A god steward will reflect his Masters character to all the world and through our lifestyle people may see the God in you; so what type of steward are you? If you feel like you are coming short remember that, greater is he who is with you than the world and he knocks at your door ,it is just for you to open the door and let him come in and He will do everything through you, if we only surrender our will to Him.

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24 Jun 2009 11:02

ke nako ya merapelo bomme le bo ntate. tl tl tl! i will be back! Thanks Tha-bang! sweet!

24 Jun 2009 11:08

I try to be one but sometimes is hard because the spirit is willing to live according to God's will but the flesh is too weak.  I guess being a steward needs constant prayer and meditation on the word and also being aware that for you to live is Christ. 

24 Jun 2009 11:18

It is really challenging but I always say that I need Grace to receive Grace to Do God's will. God's is faithful he will complete the work that HE started in me and all of us believers. 
There's a battle a times for instance using company's resources to post on TVSA...*sigh* there's no justification and I know I'm hitting a nerve, including mine, but God, But God ...Thank  U Father for the Blood of JESUS!

24 Jun 2009 11:29

For example at work we, like the first servant who quadrupled his talent ,use our time to be productive, since we are aware that being productive shows God’s character to the world. That God is efficient, so we as his disciples and children are therefore need to be efficient

Ohhhhkay! lemme get back to work! eish!

the tithing is still my weak point, i will just have to pray about it hle! i need jesus a.s.a.p!

24 Jun 2009 11:33

I echo your sentiments Mathaz.

Thanks Tha-bang - This message is so relevant in this day and age.  We tend to live like there is no judgement day.  We find ourselves being entertained by the wordly pleasures.  

Where are the Daniels of today who will stand up and say "I will serve no foreign gods - or any other pleasures?

What I want to do I do not do, but what I hate,  I do.  I find myself doing the things that I do not want to do.  When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.  For the desire to do what is good is with me, but there is no ability to do it.” We know what is right; we want to do what is right; but yet we fail at doing what is right.

Let us pray for each other guys.

24 Jun 2009 13:12

Thank you Tha bang

le Mathaz...i also echo your sentiments bafe2.......
At some point i even felt(still feel) guilty/bad for asking God to help me with the same thing over and over again...( asking for His "Grace to receive Grace to Do God's wil"l...)....
I feel like I have failed Him too much when it comes to stewardship......

Where are the Daniels of today who will stand up and say "I will serve no foreign gods - or any other pleasures?.....ya ne!
And what kills me...what makes me so ashamed is that God is not some Dictator who tells us to do thinsg so He can get a kick out of it.....its ALWAYS in our best interest...because His way is the only WAY to TRULY LIVE (being alive holistically)

BTW @ Cody....i also stopped and went back to work when i read that....Talk about being convicted...the joys of fellowship...

So I managed to read everything but not all at once...and i will read again later when I have done some honest work... 

Stealing your words agan FK..: Let us pray for each other guys.

24 Jun 2009 13:21

I can relate to what you are saying Greeny...Jah neh it's true His goodness will shame you shem!

24 Jun 2009 14:12

Tjo about being kicked when you are already down

The article is great bt it is not something i wanted to hear/read... i feel so so down not because of the article but because of what i have done.

I have this  account that contains the tithing money (it is debited from my salary account ne) the reason why i did that was..i use my tithing for different purposed like  giving to my church back home, church here and certain people.

What happened ke is:  This account had money neh, and i had said in my heart that, the money was for certain people, to be used for their well being ... God being the faithful God, i got the grant for those people, so they are now getting money from government, so i said to myself, there is no need for me to continue giving them money becase now, they dont sleep hungry/go to school hungry and they have full school needs and clothing ... . The only thing that is left is for them to get the proper shelter. at the end of May i i went to them to check if they will have enough blankets for winter and i find that they have bought two blankets, warm enough, so therewas no need to buy them blankets. i left i didnt give them any money, just few things that i have already bought, they had food, since they still get food parcels. So the money was still in my account.

I kept the money in my account, didnt give it either to church ... so somewhere near the end of May i had crisis in one of the properties im renting out(i dont mean to brag), the tenant had to leave the place and relocate to another province with immidiate there was not gonna be any rental for that place (the greater portion of that rental money, pays the bond) .... i had another critical things not just one thing 3 major things that all needed more money   than me at home, so i went to my crisis account, transfered cash to home and the cash that was left there wasnt gonna be equal to the rental income that i always get on the other apartment .... i dont have credit card and dont want it, i dont use overdraft facility ... the next money that i could get needed me to put in notice and it is not a short notice  .... i cant not afford to miss bond repayment i went to that Tithing account, took what wasnt mine and paid the bond.

i now had two options, either to put forward that notice and pay back tithing account or wait for next month payment and pay it back, i thought i'd wait for next month payment and replace it, come month End May, i already have something i needed to attend on the second week of June, so i wasnt gonna be able to pay back the tithing money.... so attended to my things and put tithing accound on hold(the 10% for may went thru because i use debit) but i still owed the money that i took ... and now end of June i need to pay that money, but on Friday i need to go attend to something that need loads of money and i wont be able to pay back the money i took again

i feel so terrible, i went to the bank today to check how much they can charge to penalize me if i take that money without notice... and that person told me the large sum and i need to write the reasons why i need to take the money without notice so i decided i wont take it...hhayi shame im such a bad steward, so ashamed

24 Jun 2009 14:13

sorry for the long response

Ms. Jay
24 Jun 2009 15:03

Nice article Tha-bang, I was just lost somewhere but you picked me up again........

The issue of stewardship can never be overemphasised....its as important as praise and worship....very relevant,


Mam'fundisi......your intentions were noble but off the mark. Mal 3:8 clearly states: will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. but you say, "How have we robbed you"

In verse 10 he says to bring the FULL tithe into the storehouse.....its not your place to decided how to spend the tithe or apportion it...thats for the priests in Gods storehouse.....He can not rebuke the devourer for your sake if you are going to decide how to use it, even if you set it apart and say in your heart its the tithe but I will do this for so and so and such and such.....its no wonder you are in the mess you are in, the devourer has not been rebuked and he is spoiling your fruits.

10% is HIS to do with whatever He tells the Pastors do with, if they abuse it they will answer to God - you are safe, you PAID your 10% finish and klar, that 10% is not a can then help the widows, orphans, donate to churches etc....with your 90% not His 10%. [How come we can successfully pay taxes without saying to SARS "I thought it a good idea I do this and that first with the dough" you pay to avoid mathatas y not the same fear with God]

I don wanna to offend you, we are sisters in Christ and I love you - but mam'fundisi don mislead yourself when it comes to the 10%, once you pay your 10% to the church were you eat week in week out or day by day all these other mathatas will get sorted out and not come again, the tithe goes to where you fellowship.......sorry Cody, my mam'fundisi needed some guidance

24 Jun 2009 15:31

Askies BA.  

The bible says "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
And in Isaiah, He says that "He will blot out our sins and for His own sake, he will remember them no more."

Talk to Him, He understands.

24 Jun 2009 15:35

Ms Jay

have you ever read Det 14:29

Thanks FK

24 Jun 2009 15:39

In verse 10 he says to bring the FULL tithe into the storehouse.....its not your place to decided how to spend the tithe or apportion it...thats for the priests in Gods storehouse......i've been looking for some clarity on this one too...because my sister believes that her tithe is in the money taxed from her salary...I ddnt know what to say when she said this but i wasnt quite convinced...she expalined it in terms of thye ancient idea about tax etc etc....

10% is HIS to do with whatever He tells the Pastors do with, if they abuse it they will answer to God - you are safe, you PAID your 10% finish and klar, that 10% is not a donation.....interesting....but i can feel my heart is still a little hard though (as it is about tounges)...

I wanted to aks a question, but an answer just sprung out of me:

The question was:...what do we say then when u are faithfull with one factor of stewardship and not in, caring for people and yet not tithing:
And it just Hit me that, God wa angry at one of the churches (revelations)...because they were neither Hot nor Cold for Him, but they were luke warm, and He spoke about how he spits out "luke warm"......
So as i am about to end my day.....again i realise that God has given me free will, To either choose life or death, To either heed His word or not all starts with me....the onus is on me.....
And so not only will i keep praying that God may give me the Grace to receive Grace to Do God's will (hi Positivity1).......but I am going to take practical measures to see that I do what I really desire..
Which is to SERVE all ways that it means to TRULY serve Hm....

24 Jun 2009 15:39

lemme finish what im doing here Ms Jay..will respond to you properly now

24 Jun 2009 15:41 the way...i needed to hear that FK.....i really did as i head out to go be better....
God Bless y'all 's hearts.......

Ms. Jay
24 Jun 2009 15:42

yes I have why?

Ms. Jay
24 Jun 2009 15:47

BA am one way home can we pick up 2mrw????? I have a NO TVSA/Internet rule @ home.......GA we will meet here 2mrw, and take it further...good night my wonderful friends.......God keep you tonight and may His hand of protection be upon you and your households as you sleep..much love

Ms. Jay

24 Jun 2009 15:50

@BA - you must also remember that we rob Him in Tithes and OFFERINGS.  Tithes are His.  No question about it.  And this is the amount before any deductions.  Before SARS.  

Offerings - it is up to an individual however, Luke 6:38 should be the motivator.
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

24 Jun 2009 15:55

Ms Jay, who is mamf'undisi now? LOL!

you know what Ms Jay, im not perfect, and God understands that, he knows my weaknesses and my understanding is this, when you have a weakness that you need to overcome, pray about it and God will help you through that weakness, and i know, as with all other things  i overcame, i will overcome this as well and God knows that as well, he knows i am not doing it on purpose and eventually i will overcome it.

24 Jun 2009 15:57

And this is the amount before any deductions. Before SARS.....(whistle whistle whistle)....yo nna mma wee....
I need knowledge...and i need to repent...and my sister will have a heart attack before she repents.....

I'll continue this at home....the no tvsa/internet rule sounds very interesting....bbbut.....

24 Jun 2009 16:06

Creflo Dollar explains tithing so well that if you skip it would be your own doing and not circumstances around you.  He says that we should trust God with our "not enough".  He qouted from 1 Kings 17:13-18, about the widow and Elisha.  The first thing that Elisha said to the widow after she expalined to him that she does not have bread but has oil and some flour was "fear not".  He then said that she should prepare the food for him first and then she and her son will have after they have dished for him.  Please note that there was famine so food was scare.

So Creflo said that we should give to God the little that we have and he would see us through.

Back in the day before i had too many commitments it used to be so easy to tithe coz i always had money but now i find that the true meaning of tithing is when your budget does not add up but still end up tithing.  I sometimes skip but i am not too judgemetal coz i ask the Lord for forgiveness and i'm honest about what i did with it.  Do you guys tithe your net or gross?

24 Jun 2009 16:12

Yes Mathaz the commitments are a problem yazi! eish! i need to fix myself a.s.a.p

24 Jun 2009 16:26

Sorry BA God doesn't condemn He convicts so the way you feel now its the devil condemning you but our God is a gracious God who forgives our sins as soon as we confess and forgets them as far as east is from the west,may God give you strength to forgive yourself and not allow the accuser to accuse you.

24 Jun 2009 16:30

Ms Jay.

i know what the bible says regarding the tithe, that it is for the Lord and i know that i have to pay them where im fellowshiping, but i cant help it, that church back at home groomed me and people fellowshiping there has low source of income and others dont have any source of income, so it is difficult to expect that the storehose will be taken good care of without/with low in come. I know that that's not my place to worry about but i cant help it, hence i wont stop sending my tithe there.

about the needy ... mina my heart cant find peace if i just look at them and then think how i would like to help them but my budget it against that, so that's why i sometimes use the money from tithing to do that, it is not justifiable but i do it anyway.

thanks for the gudance ...

Do you guys tithe your net or gross?
i do it on gross

24 Jun 2009 16:32

thanks Lela ... you have no idea how bad i have been and still feeling and Miss Jay had to rub salt in my already bleeding wound about tough love

24 Jun 2009 17:32

@ Mathaz - Do you guys tithe your net or gross? 

It is supposed to be GROSS - 

I know this is difficult for most people.  Look at it this way.  SARS calculations is based on your gross, so why do we want to give back after SARS has taken his portion.  If we put God first in everything we do, this will not even be open for discussion.

When you budget, put Tithing there on top, the very first thing you do.  I once met a lady who told me that she will tithe first before touching her income.  She does not draw money for other things or pay her accounts.  When the income hits her bank account, she prays and thanks God for the blessings and then tithe.  After tithing has been taken care of, then she can worry about other things.  

This requires STEWARDSHIP.

24 Jun 2009 18:54

this a wonderful article, thanks t-bang.....and thanks to you guys for uplifting replies. i need to pray before replying to this i know that i fail to do some of the thing mentioned above on stewardship....i.e. tithes

24 Jun 2009 21:13

Tithing used to be easy when i was paying it out of my parents monthy income......while i was still in tertiary...eyi.....ho ba thata hona jwale *sigh*. well, ive just read Milachi 3:6-10(thank you Ms Jay), 10 specificaly says, "I am the LORD All-Powerful, and I challenge you to put me to the test. Bring the ten percent into the storehouse, so there will be food in My House. THEN I will open the windows of heaven and flood you with Blessing after Blessing."......and ive been wondering why things are not going well....and in the verses before 10 it says that we are disobeying God(in giving Him tithes in this case) so in that way we are cursed. Positivity, we need prayer on this one seriously, i agree with you! I would like to challenge us(those who are not giving the ten percent) to test God on this one and come to this blog afterwards, either to confess that you still couldnt or show/tell us how you have repented..........

24 Jun 2009 21:34

..........kaloku Malachi 3:16-18 says, "All those who trully respecte the LORD and honored His name started discussing these things, and when God saw what was happening, He had their names written as a reminder in His book. THEN the LORD All-Powerful said: You people are precious to me, and when I come to bring justice, I will protect you, just as parents protect an obedient child. Then everyone will once again see the difference between those who obey me by doing right and those who reject me by doing wrong". if we repent and do what is right we are not only going to get blessings after blessings but we are going to get a reward of our names being written in the Lord's book. Bathong withholding God's tithes from the HOUSE OF GOD brings nothing but curses, let us return to the source. This article is making me understand powerful things.....thanks tha-bang once again.

Ms. Jay
25 Jun 2009 08:58

Hi my wonderful bloggers:)

- mam'fundisi is my BA LOL, the issue of tithes is one of the weakest in most Christian lives - we must endeavour to be good stewards and give back to God wat is, eveything is the Lords and wen we give Him we acknowledge that, a little meat - right now there is the spirit yaMamoth at force, that Mamoth spirit goes against the order of God - when I studied it at Ministry school I realised gore how important Tithing is, I did an in-depth study of tithing as well as the spirit of Mamon and we would have to do a series on it coz its reallllly long....but they are so related its no wonder money is spoken about so much in the NT!

BA - God said ALL not half, am sorry to be tough on you but He said it not me so ask Him when you get to heaven LOL.......did it ever occur to you that maybe you have a calling to go into Compassion Ministry working together with storehouses not on your own? I noticed that the thing that pains us the most is usually the area we are called to minister full time? and I don mean leaving work either? we can be work place believer still doing our ministry full time?

25 Jun 2009 09:08

did it ever occur to you that maybe you have a calling to go into Compassion Ministry working together with storehouses not on your own? I noticed that the thing that pains us the most is usually the area we are called to minister full time?

Ms Jay ...No No No ...please dont go there

25 Jun 2009 09:10

Cody ...Ms Jay said she will find me a mfundisi so im mam'fundisi in waiting

Ms. Jay
25 Jun 2009 09:15

BA u have the heart after it - just be careful girl when it comes to can run but you can't hide..........when u get to Jesus He will ask about it [look whose talking - I am just as afraid to step into mine full time]

25 Jun 2009 09:17

Ms Jay, hear you big time.  

did it ever occur to you that maybe you have a calling to go into Compassion Ministry working together with storehouses not on your own? I noticed that the thing that pains us the most is usually the area we are called to minister full time? and I don mean leaving work either? we can be work place believer still doing our ministry full time?

We have only been talking about tithing and there other facets of stewardship as well.  Yes, tithing is one of them.  There is TIme, taking care of our Bodies, talents and lifestyle.

Clearly BA has a talent and based on the above I see her as a caretaker - giver.  Now, you need to use this talent so that the name of our God be praised. However, it does not override the other facets of stewardship. While you are busy using your talent, you need to tithe, take care of your body and your lifestyle should reflect that of someone who is eagerly waiting for His second coming.

25 Jun 2009 09:21

i wish Ms Jay can one day write an article about all kinds of Tithing ie The Lord's Tithing, Festival Tithing and Tithing for the poor. i have loads and loads of questions about those Tithings.

Ms. Jay
25 Jun 2009 09:31

BA that would be a whole series - you have to break down it in such a way that every possible question would be answered, I was looking for my teaching but I think it deleted it from here, I have hard copies only and to re-do it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I must......

Thats so true FK, I am just as guilty as the next person when it comes to using my talent, I have a desire to sing for the Lord but I believe I don have natural talent and He keeps telling me to just open my mouth and He will do the rest.......

I do have the calling of teaching and prophecy - i believe I am in the season of preparation and seperation but I feel I am not using my time of waiting wisely.........I am stuck with a log in my mouth so to speak....FK any advice?

25 Jun 2009 09:50

I have a desire to sing for the Lord but I believe I don have natural talent and He keeps telling me to just open my mouth and He will do the rest....... 

Ms J - accept it, you are vocally wounded. LOL.

Teaching is a talent.  Not all of us are able to grasp things easily and share them with others.  So work on this.  And by the way, you are doing a good job teaching here on this forum. Give bible studies.  

Prophecy mhhhhhh - Do you see visions?  Are you something like Daniel or John?  Or is it just the matter of understaning prophecy from the bible?

i believe I am in the season of preparation and seperation but I feel I am not using my time of waiting wisely

No one is perfect and no one is sinless.  Do your best at all times.  While we wait, we have a mission which is Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

I also talk a lot about the 3 angels message found in Revelation as it touches the end times.

The first angel's message is a prophecy that states that the gospel will be preached to every nation on earth

The second angel's message is a call to repentance. Broadly taken, it is a call to everyone everywhere to leave their sins ("Babylon") behind them and give them up.

The third angel's message is a warning to the people of the earth, not to worship the beast or his image. (The "beast" and his "image" were introduced in chapter 13 of Revelation.) Those previous verses are the source of the famous mark of the beast.

Ms. Jay
25 Jun 2009 10:13

Ms J - accept it, you are vocally wounded. LOL. Hahahahahah I agree!!!

Teaching is a talent. Not all of us are able to grasp things easily and share them with others. So work on this. And by the way, you are doing a good job teaching here on this forum. Give bible studies. hahahhaah thanks for the exhortation - I will work with Cody on this one

Prophecy mhhhhhh - Do you see visions? Are you something like Daniel or John? Or is it just the matter of understaning prophecy from the bible, yes i do and normally sense when they are coming to pass, I also grasp scripture and their prophetic meaning fast, it scared me at first but now I understand and appreciate the gift from God,

The first angel's message is a prophecy that states that the gospel will be preached to every nation on earth - it has slowly come to pass, almost every nation has heard the gospel of Christ one way or another

The second angel's message is a call to repentance. Broadly taken, it is a call to everyone everywhere to leave their sins ("Babylon") behind them and give them up. - coming to pass right now but God is warning that time is almost up......

The third angel's message is a warning to the people of the earth, not to worship the beast or his image. (The "beast" and his "image" were introduced in chapter 13 of Revelation.) Those previous verses are the source of the famous mark of the beast. - the bone of contention in many Christain circles, some believe that we will be part of it [as in believers] others say we would have been raptured........I believe we would have been rapatured...FK I will PM you this one teaching on it before the end of the week - I am working on some deadlines and I don have any more of my teachings on this machine.....

guys I must go for now........will be back later on! ciao

25 Jun 2009 11:08

Cody ...Ms Jay said she will find me a mfundisi so im mam'fundisi in waiting

LMAO Ms Jay!!!!!

Eish guys!! i am learning a lot from ALL of you, when Tha-bang e-mailed this, eish i knew that it was going to do something to my system. 

you guys made me realise that i dont have a talent!!!!! or rather I dont know what my talent is hleng bathong! so how do i go about finding out what my God given talent is? I dont want to be like that person who did not use their talents....come on guys, teach me, Mam'fundisi and Mrs Mfundisi to the rescue please!!!!  Eish i still have a very very long way in the christianity journey, but does it ever end? i feel like I can never know everything. but i must say, having this fellowship on TVSA has made my spiritual growth grow in a rapid rate!! thank you God!!!!!!

Oh Ms.Jay! i will PM you now now!

26 Jun 2009 13:36

eish...where was I
neway kea lebogo lona lotlhe
it was worth every minute(now let me go and do a seriuos soul searching; prayer for forgiveness and execute so that my Dad can be glorified)

Ms. Jay
29 Jun 2009 11:10

Cody - your talent and ministry will be revealed to you just keep praying..even when it seems ,like you are not getting an answer from God - trust me He will reveal to you what it is, when you should move and how you should move @ the right time......

29 Jun 2009 11:18

OMW!!! I need to pray, i cant remember the last time i read or even commented on these cells, yho shem, usathane uyangisebenzaisa.

29 Jun 2009 11:20

ah guyz why ddnt you inform me of our meeting

Ms. Jay
29 Jun 2009 11:29

Guys, your input is needed as well :) yesterday the service was amazing - FK I am called to the office of Teacher and Prophet - just imagine what went thru my mind when I heard that

29 Jun 2009 11:30

The service, you guys go to services as well , sinc ewhen?? Cody BA, update me please.

29 Jun 2009 11:34

Askies Belz and Zozoe -

I need to share something with you.  At my church this past weekend we had a stewardship workshop.  And I must say, this home cell prepared me so I had a little background before this workshop - thanks to the Saints.

What I would like to share with you is regarding TITHING.  Mathaz asked a question "Do you guys tithe your net or gross? And my answer to that was "It is supposed to be GROSS -"

Well, I have know learned something else from this workshop.  Tithing is actually calculated not from NET, not from GROSS but from TCTC.  Yes, Total Cost to Company amount.

We also need to take into consideration the benefits i.e. cellphone allowance, petrol allowance, Companie's contribution to medical aid, pension fund and provident fund.  

Now, GROSS does not include these benefits.  

What is your take on this?

29 Jun 2009 11:37

Ms Jay, good - the thing about talents - others also see the talent youl.  You can hide your talent form yourself, but you can't hide it from others.  God is good.

Belz - we go to different services - we have not abonded our respective churches.  YET :-)

29 Jun 2009 11:38

My Gross FK is the dividend i got from my TCTC/12 months, which is inclussive of my benefits.

29 Jun 2009 11:41

Thanks Ms Jay!

ah guyz why ddnt you inform me of our meeting

Shem Zozie! askies dear! The list of members has changed drastically! so informing people becomes impossible as i dont have all your emails, i just have a few. TVSA Private messages makes it impossible for me to send announcements because i have to pm you guys 1 by 1, so it is really draining. 

sticking to one day a week (which was wednesday's) becomes impossible sometimes because of work commitments. but i will do my best to stick to the day. However if i upload an article earlier than wednesday I will announce at the end of each blog that im uploading an article on a certain day.

29 Jun 2009 11:42

BA - does it also include company's contribution?  Or is it just your basic X 12?

29 Jun 2009 11:43

The idea of giving tithe, which means tenth,is a biblical idea that stretches as far as the time of Abraham. It is a sign showing that we acknowledge God’s Lordship over us even our wallet but above all it’s a sign that says we love God more than our money. That we recognise that,even if we need the 10% of our salary, we give it to the Lord because we trust that God will provide, for he is our God our provide.....................Amen God Help us

29 Jun 2009 11:46

BA - I will try to break this down using a dummy payslip (I want to believe that most payslips are similar)

    Basic Salary                        10

Ms. Jay
29 Jun 2009 11:47

Belz - we go to different services - we have not abonded our respective churches. YET :-)

sorry if I made it sound like we actually have our own service now.........thats tru FK and hi BA!! Hope you guys enjoyed the weekend.........I sure did!

WOW I know the feeling about this blog - our Pastor touched on the issue of stewardship in brief and then the HS took control we left for home around 5 instead of 2!!!!

29 Jun 2009 11:47

That is not my fault.  Sathani suka endleleni, awuboni siyathandaza.

29 Jun 2009 11:50

FK ... im not financial inclined so you'll have to excuse me but my payslip ne
i comes with this numerous zero figure and it details all the  contributions by the company and then near the bottom, it give me a not so attractive figure that for the money that goes to my figure

i mean if i  look at that top figure im all smiles by the ime i reach the bottom i already have frown in my forehead

29 Jun 2009 11:50

My Gross FK is the dividend i got from my TCTC/12 months, which is inclussive of my benefits

True BA

So gross it is! guys what if Tithe on my net income, then If I receive a tax return, tithe on that too.

29 Jun 2009 11:51

we need to take care of our bodies for they are now the temple of the Lord in which He resides,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i love this oh my God , you see they i understand it it says God Resides in Me its like i am pregnant with his spirit and anyone of has been pregnant before will know that if you are pregnant you dont just eat anything , or drink anything , or walk anywhere or do anything i mean you dont want to harm the baby inside so it is like that with the holy spirit inside of us we need to protect Him

29 Jun 2009 11:51

lol FK, him Ms Jay

29 Jun 2009 11:56

The Bible always says where your treasures are thats where your heart is so Sisters and Brothers in Christ lets bring our tithe and offerings to the Lord and as our treasures are to God so will our hearts will be

29 Jun 2009 11:59

TCTC, Tottally lost!!!!!

29 Jun 2009 12:01

TCTC, Tottally lost!!!!!  ---- Package Belz Package

29 Jun 2009 12:01

Earnings Basic
Salary                10000
Car Allowance 1000 
Total Earnings 11000

PAYE 100 
UIF 5 
Medical Aid 300
Pension Fund 240
Vitality 12
Total Deductions 657 

Nett Pay 10343 = (Total Earnings - Total Deductions)

Employer Contributions
Medical Aid 250
Pension Fund 120
Provident Fund 60
Total Contributions 430 

TOTAL COST TO COMPANY = Total Earnings + Total Contributions (11000 + 43)

Hope it makes sense.

29 Jun 2009 12:10

guys please ngcela nibehonest, vele niyayikhipha iR2000 every month nitither???????

29 Jun 2009 12:16

Eish guys this is getting confusing for me, nna i am comfortable with the gross, that i am getting from my pay slip neh, it is between me and God anyway, it does not mean that tithing is the only thing that God wants from us, or if you are tithing wrongly God will not bless you.  i cant promise to give to God and always say "what if" and "maybe" 

The Apostle Paul said:
"Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of NECESSITY: for GOD LOVETH A CHEERFUL GIVER." (II Cor.. 9:7).

29 Jun 2009 12:20

guys please ngcela nibehonest, vele niyayikhipha iR2000 every month nitither???????
I do Belz everymonth and it is more that R2k but i dont pay tithes on my other income....

29 Jun 2009 12:51

I get you FK but i must really pray harder to be able to tithe from my total package.

29 Jun 2009 13:10

@ Cody :The Apostle Paul said:
"Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of NECESSITY: for GOD LOVETH A CHEERFUL GIVER." (II Cor.. 9:7).
He was referring to offerings not tithing.

And you are right, we need to be faithful in other things as well.  This should be our prayer to ask Him to give us strength and faith as big as a mustard seed.  This can only happen if we trust and have faith in Him.

29 Jun 2009 13:15

Guys in the new Testament..all the mentioning of Tithing goes with offering what is laid in your heart, there is no 10% there .... and 10% in the Old Testament referred to everything that people had.

29 Jun 2009 13:24

Okay FK maybe you are right, still, even when it comes to tithing i do not want to tithe then always moan & complain about, id rather do what i feel comfortable with, & at the moment, it is 10% of the Gross on my payslip.

29 Jun 2009 13:34

kunzima Cody -  I know exactly what you mean.  This is not EASY, at all.  Considering recession and all the other things we need to take care of - hayi, one wonders if we will ever get it right.

One of the things they mentioned was that

1. Joe Blogs gives you R1000 on a monthly to manage. JB wants 10% of that money back on a monthly basis. Whose money is it? Yours or Joe Blogs?
Answer : Joe Blogs

It will be much much easier if we acknowledge and remember that it is NOT our money in the first place.  We are just managers.  So when we work on our budget, try to budget on the 90% not on 100%.


29 Jun 2009 13:41

Prayer is needed in this regard hence we must really pray about this.

29 Jun 2009 13:45

i cannot believe that Tha-bang hasn't responded to his own contribution. he he he!!!

29 Jun 2009 13:59

So when we work on our budget, try to budget on the 90% not on 100%.
A very good way of looking at it. As long as we can truly accept that the money is not ours.

Hey i've always wanted to ask, say I've got chickens (for e.g), and every month i give 10% of those chickens to the church. In these days & times will it still work for the church? I know maybe for God, but what about the church?

29 Jun 2009 14:04

Sammis - I don't know how other churches do this, but my mom has an avocado tree.  So she takes them to church (please don't ask me how she calculates 10% of that), then the church sells them to the congregation.

29 Jun 2009 14:04

I pray for the day I will be able to tithe 10%, even 2% is difficult to tithe.

29 Jun 2009 15:12

FK- ya well it makes sense like that. here's an idea to give to your mother though: She must cut some little brunch of the Avo tree and plant it at the church. Now the church has a lifetime supply of avos to sell!

29 Jun 2009 15:22

lol Sammis -

29 Jun 2009 15:34

LOL, thats a gud thought Sammis, beats 10% thats 200%.

29 Jun 2009 15:50

I pray for the day I will be able to tithe 10%, even 2% is difficult to tithe.
ndinamahloni shame mna, that is why i neva reply to this article.........

29 Jun 2009 15:56

myname - yena akana mahloni.  We are all human beings, with differents sins.  BTW - a sin is a sin.  Whether small or big - it is still a sin.  No one is sinless in His eyes.  So please Myname - we need your contributions.

Guys, these articles are not here to make us feel bad or make us think that we are worse than the others but they are here to encourage each other.  We are ALL NOT PERFECT.

29 Jun 2009 15:59

Well said sister FK

29 Jun 2009 16:00

lol myname,ndiyakuva sana.

Ms. Jay
29 Jun 2009 16:10

ndinamahloni shame mna, that is why i neva reply to this article.........myname - its about growth, correction, exhortation, encouragment, teaching & learning, we have ALL fallen short of the glory of GOD in one way or another not just in tithes and offerings, we are not here to condemn and make each other feel bad, thats the hand of satan bringing must stand firm and partcipate then can you grow and apply some things you learn here.....God can use your talents and time to reach others through forums such as these....please by all means share something:)

Ms. Jay
29 Jun 2009 16:13

sorry I hadn seen FK's response.....I had gone off the net for a while but kept the pge openedn myname's comment was the last on my screen - but none the less same spirit is moving amongst us....nicely put mfundisi FK -

29 Jun 2009 16:14

Amen Sister Ms. Jay. (I never call people with their names at church)

I need a very good church in Pretoria. It's about time ke swabisa satan jwale.

29 Jun 2009 17:13

correction Ms Jay - Mamfundisi lol

29 Jun 2009 19:13

Wow guys....i am close to tears. 
As i was reading sometimes i was confused, sometimes i felt bad.....but right know i feel Hope-Full....
Every question that i have or should have was just answered....

29 Jun 2009 19:20

@ GA - you don't know what this home cell is dose to me.  Everytime I feel down, needing company, unsure about things, questioning the Almighty, I open any Home cell article and feel blessed after reading the article and the responses as well.

God works in mysterious ways.  Praise His name.

29 Jun 2009 19:28

Did I write that - maybe was trying to do it in tounges - eish.  Talking about inspiration.  lol

Meant - You don't know what these home cell articles do to me.

29 Jun 2009 19:30

O opile kgomo lenaka FK,......thats exactly what i do....and about the topic at hand, i know i have a lot of doing to do, so as you pray please include me..
I have failed God financially, and as we speak i ma in some financial difficulty, for which i know i am responsible....
I have failed Him in terms of serving...mostly because i let fear get in my way...selling the people i ma supposed to serve short..and myself because i dont have peace (i am actually depressed because of that...)...
Its funny because i am currently seeing a shrink...and we just talk and talk......meanwhile i know i why i WAS depressed.

So i have a lot of "doing" to do......and the starting is not easy....but i really want to abundance as Jesus wanted for us, and i know i am the one who stood in the way of that.

29 Jun 2009 19:32

Did I write that - maybe was trying to do it in tounges - eish. ......LOL FK...
Dont worry, i got such a typo freak, i leant how to decode my typos, and therefore other people's..

29 Jun 2009 19:44

@ GA - you are not the only one.  I have also failed God - robbed Him big time.  Hence I said last week, let's pray for one another.  I have not been a faithful steward.  Struggling to use my talent and a whole lot of things.

You are right when you say starting is not easy.  We know what we need to do, but we are just afraid to take the first step.  When we commit ourselves to the first step, He will walk the mile for us.  TRUST issues.  This is my daily prayer.  I need to cast all - leave it there, and wait for HIM to reveal His plans.  His yoke is easy.

GA - This too shall pass - and it will.  In HIS own time.  So hang in there and keep the faith.

Teri 101
29 Jun 2009 19:46

Eish guys let me confess after reading this blog about tithing that I have defrauded  the good lord by first paying less than 10% as required and then by not paying anything now I'm in deep financial crisis.

29 Jun 2009 19:57

I am sad i to say join the club Teri 101....and i took one of FK's responses that comforted me...and also encouraged me that i can do better, and i hope it will help

The bible says "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
And in Isaiah, He says that
"He will blot out our sins and for His own sake, he will remember them no more."

Talk to Him, He understands. 

......thank you again....When we commit ourselves to the first step, He will walk the mile for us.....indeed...

29 Jun 2009 20:07

Please sing along if you know this hymn

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!” 

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more! 

Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to trust His cleansing blood;
And in simple faith to plunge me
’Neath the healing, cleansing flood! 

Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just from sin and self to cease;
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace. 

I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,
Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
And I know that Thou art with me,
Wilt be with me to the end.

Teri 101
29 Jun 2009 20:35

Sometimes it's easy for us to confess our sins but its really bad when we confess knowing that the good lord is going to forgive us. just hope that it wont be about cpnfession at the end of the day, but resisting the temptation.

30 Jun 2009 08:53

You guys are the best!
I’m with you Teri on that one…like the scripture says in Hebrews 10: 26-27 <<< For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and THE FURY OF A FIRE WHICH WILL CONSUME THE ADVERSARIES. >>> ……I would like us to talk bout this verse some time please good people.
Cos as Christians we all know that we were saved to serve others and we were called to work on our spiritual gifts and talents and we are aught to pay tithes but yet we fail(don’t this is the right word but I’ll use it for now) to do all those things and according to Hebrews 10:26-27 there will be no sacrifice for us who sin while we have the knowledge of the truth……ok, I’ll leave this one to abomam’fundisi bala ekhaya to elaborate more on it and make me understand it more.

30 Jun 2009 09:00

Nna I don’t get a whole lot of zeros on my pay slip like ooBA so(lol)……but I have to say this articles challenged my spiritual being so much that I found myself putting tithes as the first thing to do on my budget list this month(someone here mentioned something like this – I think its FK…thank you) and I fulfilled it(Praise GOD!)…but now I’m gonna need to pray really hard so that I make this a habit.

Thanks you guys!!!

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