Hollywooding With Nonhle Thema

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 10 Feb 2011
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In a very first for South Africa, Nonhle Thema is set to redefine the meaning of reality TV. In the premiere, the show looked rehearsed and what's with Nonhle's accent?

This is a great concept and it will work very well because as TV viewers, we like reading about our TV personalities and what they are up to. We are always told they are hard workers and all. Please excuse me, the word hard worker can, at least according to me, be used by someone who is some sort of a teenager. Everybody is a hard worker so why tell us you are a hard worker.

Nonhle 1

That said, in the first episode, the show takes off from when Nonhle has been offered the Vuzu job and resigns from O Access. She then went onto Vuzu and was happy that for the very first time in 5 years, she has at least spent one year at home. Then suddenly, Vuzu offered her a job to be the channel's international face, which means Nonhle has to leave SA again and go to Los Angeles to bring us red capert news.

For me, the show was really kind of fake as it looked rehearsed. Firstly, Nonhle's manager received a call from Vuzu producers telling her they wanted to see her and Nonhle immediately. Was the whole Nonhle goes to Hollywood thing already finalised? If not, why didn't they write re-enactment? As a viewer, I would understand if they told us it was re-enacted because it might have happened in the past. I just find it to be too good to be true.

Nonhle 4

Well, basically episode one was all about Nonhle and having to make a decision about whether she will take the job, go to LA and leave her life behind, including her boyfriend whom she has been seeing for at least 6 months. She was given 24 hours to make a decision. She also hinted that her previous relationships failed because of all the travelling.

She said she needs someone who will understand the nature of her work and its demands. Because deciding to pack and leave isn't something you just do, she visited her mom Cynthia Shange who plays Thandaza's mom in Muvhango for some counsel.

Once again, the scene with her mom looked rehearsed and I could tell this because of camera angle. We were shown Nonhle entering the house and the camera point of view was from inside the house. Her mom was all dressed up and I am understanding of that as she might have been on her way somewhere since she is an actress. 

Nonhle 2

Another scene that was obviously planned was when Nonhle went to sleep and her manager called and she ignored the call. Nonhle was going to bed, the manager was at some restaurant and probably during the day. This, I didn't get!

I have never watched O Access and have never heard Nonhle speak except for her Dark and Lovely ad. Her accent is polished and I don't know how to classify it. What I like about the accent is that it is not like that of Americans which we can hardly hear a single word. A lot of bloggers have been making big noise about Nonhle's accent but that's really no big deal to me. It's just that the accent needs to be brought back to South Africa only.

In my opinion, the show will do well because we have never had something this great on our local screens and big ups to Nonhle, who is one of the executive producers of the show. The show is produced by Nonhle Thema productions. 

Nonhle 5

Hopefully as time goes on, the whole rehearsed scenes will dissipate as we will see Nonhle on the streets on LA. She told TVplus magazine: "Having cameras on my face 24/7 was something I wasn't used to and I had to learn that there are cameras following me around," she said. Vuzu presenter Lalla Hirayama said after the show: "We love your work Nonhle." I  also love Nonhle and I love her work. Hopefully we will get to see what she really does because as ordinary people, we don't really know the kind of commitment and long hours they put into their work.

This is a great show and I shall refrain from scoring it as it needs to at least be given a window period before we can say various things about it.

Nonhle 3

Everybody is a hard worker. Blogging on TVSA can make me a hard worker so please, drop the hard worker phrase already. On the other hand, never resting on your laurels shows that you are not sitting down and celebrate your yesterday's achievement but are achieving even more things today.

Pictures courtesy of Nonhle's website and various other sources. Makisto doesn't send his love to Nonhle Thema's web content manager because there is only one copy(able) picture on the site. However, all my love to various sites on the net for programming the pictures in a way that I can copy them lol.


10 Feb 2011 09:40

10 Feb 2011 09:43

10 Feb 2011 09:45

10 Feb 2011 09:45

10 Feb 2011 10:06

yesterday's episode was heavily scripted, don't understand y they call it reality when people r obviously acting, like cheesa said people act in front of cameras

to me Nonhle was just trying too hard yesterday, the interview, the interactions with mom, manager, tv execs, hairdresser, make-up artists, she was trying to get her point/acting across by being loud and not givin other people a chance to speak.

great show - i dnt think so.

accent - mara y

10 Feb 2011 10:07

LOL this phone really captured people's attention everyone was talking about it lasy night.
Was it on Twitter? It looked so reak. Usually we put our phones under our pillows when we sleep but hers was left on the bed for cameras to capture and the number was just there. If I was someone, I could have taken the manger's number and called her to say I saw her on TV lol. But then again, it isn't everyone who watches Vuzu as the channel has a specific target audience.

LOL there must have been a camera crew waitng for her to arrive so they can capture her entering the house then 5 4 3 2 1 action!
They shouldn't do this. The scene was even directed I'm telling you. On an ordinary family, you would sit down but no, she confided in her mom while standing. This whole standing thing is an artistic element which doesn't apply to real life. Nna I wanna see real life on a reality show.

They tend to do or say things that you think they would have not said if it weren't for cameras. So icamera iyabhida for everyone. 
True hey, I remember the first time I called on Redi's show way back, I wasn't myself but probably she didn't notice. But now I have mastered that lol.

10 Feb 2011 10:11

NO comment

10 Feb 2011 10:11

yesterday's episode was heavily scripted, don't understand y they call it reality when people r obviously acting, like cheesa said people act in front of cameras
True Maddie and I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.

to me Nonhle was just trying too hard yesterday, the interview, the interactions with mom, manager, tv execs, hairdresser, make-up artists
And the whole bubbly/hyperactive thing, she can do it but it should be minimal. When she was busy in the boardroom with Vuzu execs, that was not the origanal scene and it was just too nje for me. It lacked something = it wasn't the original scene.

great show - i dnt think so.
Yesterday Nice said people have different tastes and I agreed with her.

accent - mara y

10 Feb 2011 10:20

Of course it was scripted, which reality show is not? 

10 Feb 2011 10:22

The show wasn't that bad shem...!! I hear people complaining about the sound quality , Nonhle being fake, curtains...etc.

10 Feb 2011 10:23

which reality show is not? 
Fear Factor, Survivour, well except for the presenters' words.

But Mathaz, you just said reality, which means real. Or doesn't reality mean real?

10 Feb 2011 10:26

LOL this phone really captured people's attention everyone was talking about it lasy night. 

Alice must change her number...kwaaaaaaaa.

10 Feb 2011 10:48

Alright, from what everybody is saying, i think I need to see the MISSION STATEMENT (lol) of this show. Kanti what is Nonhle et al trying to achieve, ne in the first place by going to Hollywood? Is it just about interviewing stars and walking the streets of LA?

Coz nee... the way you guys are explaining the scene of the phone ringing in bed it's starting to sound more like Desmond Dube on those Clientele ads.
action!  you see these people, bless them...You see this paper, it can save your life //kisses the R100notes/// of course its from Clientele.. LOL

10 Feb 2011 10:51

@Pru Luv my sentiments too, watching Kim is a pain, bad acting....I like the mother and others like you said are better...

If it is difficult for Kardashians to be convincing with their million dollars budget and the best producers in the world I think Nonhle has to work twice as hard to crack it ...

I can stand Holy's show, especially that crazy gay guy, Kimora Lee I like,  I love Spin City, those gay guys are crazy, you can see it is rehearsed too in some parts but I suppose gays and drama go hand in hand and make good TV

Guillian and Bill is much better, Bill loves TV and Guillian is a natural...

10 Feb 2011 11:25

Coz nee... the way you guys are explaining the scene of the phone ringing in bed it's starting to sound more like Desmond Dube on those Clientele ads.
action! you see these people, bless them...You see this paper, it can save your life //kisses the R100notes/// of course its from Clientele.. LOL


I need to watch the show to see what people are talking about. My TL was flooded by tweeps complaining about curtains, english convo with her mom, the ringing cellphone, bad sound quality, etc........... Kanti Maki what was wrong with the curtains??

I'll be looking out for the show next week and will decide then if i'll watch again.

10 Feb 2011 11:25

@ Carino tlt lt LOLEST

10 Feb 2011 11:29

Wow, carino! The Clientele ad? Lol! We need 2 accept that ad will never go away! But I guess most ppl will tend 2 act around Tv cameras, I dont blame poor Nonhle. Reality show seemed 2 b the best idea, but delivering 2 the public expectations would be a problem. The public would want 2 know her waking up & obsessing over her imperfections, how addicted on facebook she is (if she is on facebook), her love life, etc... The hollywood thing & interacting with mom would come last, trust me. This is the public we talking abt.

10 Feb 2011 11:31

LOL Cariri hahahaha (I like the way u write...its like we are talking face to face) I think u should do your own reality show.

Firstly i didnt watch this but when ppl talk about reality tv i always think u watch ppl's real drama. Like, sometimes when i got home i throw my shoes far away from me coz sube ngikhathele yi heel or go straight into the fridge and drink i2litres ye stoney ngomlomo. Or if u have a pet, lets say u have a dog and u left it inside your house alone. For sure ur house and your white couches will be messy and u will scream at the poor cat like "Oh nkosi yam kanti lenja inyeleni apha? Voetsek nja ndini, khawuphume endlini yam nx....eish iyanuka nalekaka.... and u'll be shaking your head, trying to tied up and opening the windows etc.....u see. You cannot entertain your dog coz u r hurt.  Thats what normal ppl do and vele you will shout at the poor dog at your own lingo. Like when im really angry i swear ngesiXhosa. You just cant kiss ur dog and say come to me baby NO.

Like mna guys everytime i meet my mom i dont kiss her once. I always say some funny stuff like yhuuuuu mama kutheni umnyama kangaka ntombi shame hayi uyaguga ngoku ndithi ngengcondo zakho zixwebile (I cant speak English when im speaking to her) ...sorry to someone who doesnt understand my lingo, im just trying to emphasise my point.

10 Feb 2011 11:33

at your poor DOG


10 Feb 2011 11:39

"Oh nkosi yam kanti lenja inyeleni apha? Voetsek nja ndini, khawuphume endlini yam nx....eish iyanuka nalekaka...... yhuuuuu mama kutheni umnyama kangaka ntombi shame hayi uyaguga ngoku ndithi ngengcondo zakho zixwebile. ...Kwaa watch your reality show myname. that real wethu you are ryt!

action! you see these people, bless them...You see this paper, it can save your life //kisses the R100notes/// of course its from Clientele.. LOL Carino....*dies*.....
You see this paper...ah money..mca....lolest.

10 Feb 2011 11:43

Nice read Maki

Having seen the first episode and the promo for the whole season at the launch party, I think it was a bit premature to judge the show based on its first episode as this is not a magazine show but rather a show that relies heavily on a set storyline which in this case is her journey. The core of the show is about her going to Hollywood and trying to get opportunities there.

The first episode was a build up to the actual storyline of the entire season hence some of the moments in the episode had to be "re-enacted"  as you put it. Which show isn't? Think when Kendra decided to leave the Playboy Mansion and the episode where she decides to do her own thing, much of it was played up especially with her family who probably already knew that she would have her own reality show. When she and the husband visited his family, the cameras where already there yet Hef's ex acted like she was surprised that they would come see them before they head off to see his family.

Once she gets to Hollywood that's where you see just how the show tries to square off with the international shows like Kardashian and Kendra. Firstly Nonhle is a Z-lister in Hollywood and there are some great and honest moments when she gets turned down by producers.

There will also be an episode where she gets "shot down" (lack of a better word" for not being able to crack the American accent. Then there is some scenes with her trying to get an assistant and one of the guys interviewing says the only thing he knows about SA is from watching The Lion King. There is also a feminine gay guy who is part of Nonhle's posse who provides some rather hilarious moments as well.

I think before we compare the show to Hollywood shows we should wait until she actually gets there and competes on the same platform. From what I saw in the promo for the whole season, the show is definitely not perfect. Some scenes left me think "come-on that is so planned' but again I have had the same sentiments with other reality shows even Survivor.

Have you noticed lately how Jeff on Survivor pushes for drama at tribal council. Plus we all know by now that the events on Survivor do not happen in the same order we see them on the show. All that is done in editing. An incident can happen today and the reaction happen 2 days later but when we see it, it looks like all those things happened in the same day. That's reality TV for you.

All in all I think we should wait until she gets to Hollywood before we can judge the show. 

10 Feb 2011 11:44

myname... Im with u on that.

10 Feb 2011 11:47

10 Feb 2011 11:54

Was it on Twitter? It looked so reak. Usually we put our phones under our pillows when we sleep but hers was left on the bed for cameras to capture and the number was just there. If I was someone, I could have taken the manger's number and called her to say I saw her on TV lol. But then again, it isn't everyone who watches Vuzu as the channel has a specific target audience. of my friends tweeted the manager's number and it kept on being retweeted

10 Feb 2011 11:58

10 Feb 2011 12:11

@ cheesa nami am disappointed with indlu ka mama,

i was expecting a beautiful house even ekasi, outside when she was going to her mom, that wall haikhona.

b4 u all go preachy preachy on me Nonhle portrays herself 2 b this big thing, am expecting the best from her

10 Feb 2011 12:20

Cheesa what was wrong with the curtains??

10 Feb 2011 12:21

Haaibo Phil protecting your friend. The show is crap lol just kidding I know what you mean. If most of the show happens in Hollywood we can't judge it based on scenes in SA. I can't wait for her to get to Hollywood. Maybe then we will seee different charcters. I don't think the show will be all about Nonhle. I mean she will interact with other people mos. Showly some of them will be interesting.

10 Feb 2011 12:27

Nna I am wondering why everybody is shocked that Nonhle spoke english with her mother, most black kids speak english with their mothers, you get it everywhere even in started way back when kids went to model c schools.

guys, think about it, in your families,even pre-school kids now at 2yrs old are heard 'no mom' 'stop it'...really now let's be realistic

10 Feb 2011 12:28

Kanti Maki what was wrong with the curtains??
I didn't see any problem with her curtains, in fact, I love her besdroom sheets.

Nice read Maki
Thanks Blaque. To tell you the truth, when I was writing this article, I said to myself, Blaque always emphasises constructive critisism, so that challenged me be objective about the show.

The first episode was a build up to the actual storyline of the entire season hence some of the moments in the episode had to be "re-enacted" as you put it. Which show isn't?
I now see that as a lot of people are saying the shows are acted. That's what I thought Blaque and I think the LA scenes would be real and great. Not so real like as in real but real like as in it is the original scene.

There will also be an episode where she gets "shot down" (lack of a better word" for not being able to crack the American accent.
We are in for great viewing mos. I getyour points on the whole text Blaque and it great that we have someone from the inside who can give us what's to come.

I think before we compare the show to Hollywood shows we should wait until she actually gets there and competes on the same platform. 
That's true Blaque, hence I said I will refrain from scoring it for now and let's wait for other episodes.

lol @Carino and DD advert . True Myname, we want to see all those little details that they may think are not important.

I laughed out loud during the kitchen scene.
For me the whole kitchen scene they should have said it's re-enactment, then I would understand the already made tea and the camera angle from the inside. But it makes sense as Blaque says all reality shows are being acted. t least you could watch the show Cheesa my friend. of my friends tweeted the manager's number and it kept on being retweeted
Hau people, you know, like I said, the channel has a specific audience and why tweet the number? But again, this would be a lesson for Bonang as we want her to have her own reality show on SABC 1.

We will watch again next week and review it.

I think the main problem about this reality show is that it focuses on 1 person. 
But Pru, nna I am not really interested in her cousin and their matric dance soI would be thrilled if they dedicated signficant screen time to her cousin. I like the fact that they showed us with her cousin as it shows she doesn't live in isolation.

10 Feb 2011 12:31

Nna I am wondering why everybody is shocked that Nonhle spoke english with her mother
Me too, what is wrong with that?

10 Feb 2011 12:40

Ok... most of guys r mentioning the sound quality, house decor, the curtains, too much unnecessary acting, throwing of hands in air while u emotional, the accent, etc, etc. From my side because I cant watch, all I have 2 do is imagine. So my imagination tells me u might be watching sumthing like Nigerian movie & not even realizing it... (chineke...) lol!

10 Feb 2011 12:44

Maybe they should have thought of taking Somizi with… just to spice it up a little.

10 Feb 2011 12:46

ProLuv, what separates NGTH to Cream Cartel is that the show is centred around a personality that is already established as a brand. With CC the show was just about a bunch of ... hmmm what are they again?

So in essence NGTH is the first reality show to be solely based on the journey of one individual "celebrity" hence the media dubbed it as such.

10 Feb 2011 12:46

Eish, Welfate tv mara......mxm

10 Feb 2011 12:54

kwakwest @ myname nenjayakhe....

10 Feb 2011 12:55

"come around.. im by the pool, Alice".... hehehe

10 Feb 2011 13:00

"come around.. im by the pool, Alice".... hehehe
Tjo, don't remind me lol

10 Feb 2011 13:03

"come around.. im by the pool, Alice".... hehehe

I went O_o when I saw that! Cause, the manager was knocking at the door, and she was outside by the pool. But the way she said it, seemed like she was talking to someone who was in the house already

10 Feb 2011 13:09

Thank you for the link The lady.

Watched it and now i can comment about it.

Okay...honestly. I did not think it was bad at all.
The fisrt 10 minutes the audio was bad..very bad. Sounded like they are on the other side of the phone when a phone convesration is being televised. Infact when the vuzu people called to ask for her and the manager to come throough, the woman who was actually on the otherside of the phone, her audion was the one theirs was supposed to be like. SOME ONE IN THE AUDO DEPARTMENE NEEDS TO BE FIRED! kidding, but they should have been aware and done something about this durting editing. But really after 10 minutes the audio was fine.

The Conversation with the bosses, when they told her she needs to as it was, it wasnt so bad either...if i hadnt read that it was from social networkers and bloggers, i would not have thought it was a 100% act. I have seen scenes like that 1000 times in may reality shows and i quite forgive it.

Oryt oryt oryt...the re-enacting when she went to her mom's house, when she was ignoring the phone, when her manager was explaining how frastrated she is that Nonhle isnt picking up the phone (tjo!...that was bad acting Ms Alice Haruvisi)...the music backround when she was breaking the news to her mom, when she was in bed ignoring the phone and agonising about the big news she just recieved..oh so so so soo cony like couldnt they find a better "sad acoustic"... it was just bad. 
Im not agiants the re-anacting coz i see it done in many reality shows, im againts the quality, it was bad, The technical team must refuse their bonuses, that was bad guys. You let Nonhle down.

Technicalities aside. I thought it was good. I had said because im not familiar with her work i wouldnt watch it...but after this clip..i could watch it if there was nothing better than it on tv. And i would watch the whole show. I suspect its gonna get better because the first episode had to explain why and how the "Hollywooding" in HWNT....
I think its aight...
There is something about the aesthetic of the visuals (if i even make sense here) that makes it so much relatable to me as a young woman in SA.. Sungthing there....i gove it a thumbs up.

PSS: i was tempted to ryt the manager's numbers down and just posting them as a comment....couldnt.

Sprry for ze blog maki...

10 Feb 2011 13:13

GA, i'm also not against the re-enactment, I'm against them giving us an impression that it is the real thing. They should just write re-enactment at the top right corner of the screen

10 Feb 2011 13:16

Really...what was wrong with the curtains and her beddeing or bedroom? looked alryt to me.

Her accent?...well...i have an accent apparently and my voice is even squickier than hers...God forbid i judge her.

Speaking to mom in english?...yya, i speak to my mom in english when im delivering serious news, kinda understood her, but my mo wouldnt respond in english. Ordinary conversation, ke ntsha ka ga matontshe ka sepedi, dika, diema etc.

For me, the biggest flaw i noticed was the techical issues, and it they were not so bad that id give the show thumbs down. Its good.

10 Feb 2011 13:17

Okay.... Im watching the thing now, and I think its quite okay, considering the fact that...

Nonhle is not an actress...

And they were tryina gact out what exactly happened, coz obviously they didnt shoot it as it happened.

It's just that umamakhe naye.. haai maan.. ingathi she's about to say.. "Nomthandazo.. uRanthumeng uyakuthanda!"

10 Feb 2011 13:19

"this girl needs to get on the phone, right now! or we both in trouble!" //hhehehe.///

10 Feb 2011 13:20

It's just that umamakhe naye.. haai maan.. ingathi she's about to say.. "Nomthandazo.. uRanthumeng uyakuthanda!"
Buahhahahahahahahahaahaha lolest

And they were tryina gact out what exactly happened, coz obviously they didnt shoot it as it happened.
Thye must write re-enactment and not give us an impression it is the what happened originally

10 Feb 2011 13:20

true makisto...infact...the manager's re-enactment was NOT necessary at all. Because it was in the video commentary part..she should have said..."when i called Nonhle she wasnt picking up her phone..bla bla..did not know what she had decided...bla was frastrating me...bla bla"  NOT actually act it out,. That was the wrongest of the all.....but realy, im kaing comments about tjis and literally focused on this because it was already the subject. If it werent, i would have acknowledged the badness silently and just enjoyed the show coz its enjoyable.... 

10 Feb 2011 13:22

It's just that umamakhe naye.. haai maan.. ingathi she's about to say.. "Nomthandazo.. uRanthumeng uyakuthanda!"....kwaaaa kwaa....true!

10 Feb 2011 13:23

Honest and balanced opinions. Love this. Eish gotta go to work now. Thanks for the LOLs and some good insight on the show.


PS: Maki will I be seeing you next week in PTA? check your FB

10 Feb 2011 13:29

can someone help in explaining how the curtains are like... 

the kind of curtains that go well with iroomdivida and maroon couches not forgetting blompot

10 Feb 2011 13:30

lemme press replay and check the curtains

10 Feb 2011 13:32

lemme press replay and check the curtains
You guys are having a field day on this ne

10 Feb 2011 13:40

You guys are having a field day on this ne

lol maki, i wan do a snapshop and post here.

10 Feb 2011 14:02

LOL@ the mother doing a muvhango scene hahaha.

10 Feb 2011 14:08

@maddie -the kind of curtains that go well with iroomdivida and maroon couches not forgetting blompot , yoo you vae killed me my friend ,(nigerian accent)
as for i blompot iyoo,

10 Feb 2011 14:13

lol @ you guys. You can checkout the curtains here. Big ups to Carino for getting the snap shots for us lol

10 Feb 2011 14:14

The curtains are here:
Carino, you are the Queen of making people lol.

10 Feb 2011 14:19

I have never heard Nonhle speak too..I wonder why Selimathunzi or Seskhona does not sometimes feature or interview her.

10 Feb 2011 14:20

cariri - get a snapshot of the top part of the curtains

10 Feb 2011 14:33

I wonder why Selimathunzi or Seskhona does not sometimes feature or interview her.
Because she is not on SABC lol

10 Feb 2011 14:38

Yazi wena, maki.. ///shy///

I dont rememeber seeing the top part, @maddie. Lemme check again.

The scariest thing I nearly did was put up Alice's number. Angithi they showing the phone ringing and I zoomed in... and its there. I nearly put it up but what if someone decides to stalk her?. I wonder if its the correct one. hehehe.

10 Feb 2011 14:41

There is reality, then there is reality wives and the 'the real housewives of.... are a pain.. didnt see the episode u are talking abt..but i'd luv to see the!

10 Feb 2011 14:53


10 Feb 2011 14:57

Who wants Alice's number??? those curtains were wrong nje.. the whole bedroom nje was 'sooo not Nonhle' .. you know beeg job, beeg lifestyle and all? hayi

10 Feb 2011 15:01

Ok... most of guys r mentioning the sound quality, house decor, the curtains, too much unnecessary acting, throwing of hands in air while u emotional, the accent, etc, etc. From my side because I cant watch, all I have 2 do is imagine. So my imagination tells me u might be watching sumthing like Nigerian movie & not even realizing it... (chineke...) lol!

It really felt like I was watching those Nigerian movies.

10 Feb 2011 15:05

LOL.. you guys..

Like I said on the other article... This title.. Nonhle Thema Goes to Hollywood

reminds me of the first ever Nigerian movie I watched.. it was called Usofia goes to London....and it had that funny Nigerian tata that has killer sarcastic lines.

So maybe that was the inspiration after all.

Cutie Pie
11 Feb 2011 08:56

About Gulliana and Bill  being real - Someone commented on this yesterday but I did not get a chance to reply. I really think that couple has the coldest relationship with no spark nor connection at all...Is it me maybe...they seem very fake and trying very hard to look in love but they really fail shame as a result I stopped watching them...But ke we have different opinions....I think even Rock Wives are even better (in performing)

Kendra and the Kardashians really entertain

11 Feb 2011 09:08

I haven"t contributed in a very long time but i thought i should say something...

The show wasn't so bad but we have to give it a chance...we cant compare it to jerselicious, kendra etc... coz those shows have been there for a while.aa and we dnt know how real they were when they started ...but if you look crefully at jerselicious its also very scripted... those fights between Olivia and that chick mmmmm...

I know I'm gonna have granades thrown at me for this but.... Black people we never celebrate each other's success..there is always some underlying jelousy .... there is always critism somewhere somehow we never celebrate anything that another person has done.... We bring each other Down ..... Look at even voting we dont vote for shows ..all we do is complain...

Cutie Pie
11 Feb 2011 10:46

@ Pinkpoodle - I don't think people are really jelous of Nonhle's show, they are just pointing out how fake she was. Some people even said they will watch it again.....I really think its unfair to say people should not air their views about the show...

On black people never celebrating each other's success - Do you know how many BLACK poeple love Connie Ferguson, Basetsana Khumalo, Redi Direko/Thlabi, Lira etc? A LOT....MOST GENERATION FANS FELT LIKE THEY LOST SOMETHING WHEN CONNIE LEFT GEN...I think your statement is offside.

I'm sure more than 90% of the TVSA members don't know Nonhle personally, so how can you be jelous of someone you don't even know?

When people said they would not watch Nonhle's show, they pointed that they would rather watch "KHANYI/SOMIZI/KULI/JACOB ZUMA"...These are ALL black people...

11 Feb 2011 11:07

OMG you guys are a killer have been laughingMAO reading all your comment especially fater watching that ridiculous acting.

11 Feb 2011 11:26

our tastes differ. If it is not to your liking, give it a berth. i generally find her a bit too fake for my liking (very un South African) and her shows a bit more suited for teenagers. I guess the show will grow on her fans and become a bomb!!

11 Feb 2011 11:45

does nonhle have siblings?i thought that guy wa isidingo(the lawyer wa brother yaga lesedi) is the son to thandaza's mum in real life,kana jang?

11 Feb 2011 11:48

Tell me, how can sum1 not act when cameras r on them? We all want 2 go & check ourselves out & say DAMN I LOOKED GOOD WHEN I DID/SAID THAT. Have u ever noticed even at churches. A church can be a normal church, but if u dare put cameras on their faces - ppl will just be so fake, jumping up & shouting HALLELUYA even where its not necessary. Lol! Ha ha ha! They do that when they c cameras. Guess we r all secretly hoping sum producer, sitting sumwhere will notice & give us gig or sumthing 4 our potential. (Charlise Theron did it like that) And the thing is ANGEKE! So u should just 4get, be urself. Lol... Hawu! In Nonhles case, she just wanna say DAMN I LOOKED GOOD yena, shame...

12 Feb 2011 11:25


Lol I missed the show wednesday so i only got to watch it thursday morning but when I got home thurs night my mum told me Nonhle's curtains are from the street vandors , I was like what??? and I saw it for myself !

12 Feb 2011 11:35

The whole show was FAKE , lets wait and see what happens next !

12 Feb 2011 11:57

Who wants Alice's number??? those curtains were wrong nje.. the whole bedroom nje was 'sooo not Nonhle' .. you know beeg job, beeg lifestyle and all? hayi lol and no headboard sana !

12 Feb 2011 12:17

I went O_o when I saw that! Cause, the manager was knocking at the door, and she was outside by the pool. But the way she said it, seemed like she was talking to someone who was in the house already 

And all of a sudden Alice was drinking juice , Did anyone see her entering the house and getting the glass or even pouring the juice ???

King Kong Raaaa
12 Apr 2011 06:46

King Kong Raaaa
12 Apr 2011 07:14

 All these people are getting upset about this show not being "reality TV" and are shocked that it is staged. (WOW) All I can say other than laugh. Is it's so unbelievable that people today are so naive and expect to truly belive TV.

 The "reality" is if you are upset about this it is you who is not real.
Get a life, film it, then we can judge you! 

 An African woman steps up. Into the "Fake world of Hollywood" and this is how she is treated.


King Kong "RAAAA"

12 Apr 2011 07:25

lol, we had to be honest, if the production was quality and she did address her parent this way: Guys, as you know, I am off to Hollwood. We are happy for Nonhle but that doesn't mean we have to tolerate mediocrity on pay TV, that's just my opinion. And yes, I still say it lol, Nonhle sounds very fake. Fake American accent and all that.

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