John Edward: Fake And Fortune

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 07 Jan 2003
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crossing overWhew - just watched that John Edwards show called Crossing Over which was on SABC 3 Monday night. If you don't know who he is please watch the show and come back and read this article then. It's on again Tuesday after 10 and Wednesday night too. 10:30 to be exact.

Yesterday a forum topic started the debate: Is this John Edwards for real?
Does he really communicate with the dead or is he full of *bleep!*? Well, after watching the show properly for the first time last night I'll admit my brain is fried and if I were to share everything I'm thinking, this article will be way too long…so I'll share a couple of thoughts if you'll bear in mind there are more.

For starters dear readers I'll tell you that I really, really want to believe in him and other pyschic mediums. I've read a couple of his books and they made me feel good. The reason? My father died very suddenly and me and him had lots of unresolved stuff and what John Edwards was offering was a way of resolving all that. Just reading what he had to say filled me with a sense of peace and I was quite determined to go for a reading myself and fix my broken heart. I just never did.

Why? Well, I kind of did it all myself. How? By talking to myself. Weird, weird I know - but that's what I did. I simply cast myself into my father's shoes and spoke to myself as if I were him; now; somewhere else; and we spoke like that. Not quite insane and there's nothing supernatural about it at all - it's just me thinking and communicating with my memories, thoughts and so on. I feel the same about ghosts too. Perhaps they are created by the person or people seeing them?

That being said … whew … back to John. If I'm doubting there are ghosts or such very literal spirits then I have to doubt John Edwards too and that's bloody hard to do. He's really impressive, plus he gives people hope. Have you noticed how he never says: "Your loved one's burning in a pit of fire and is crying out in pain". His message is always: "Everything is okay. Stop blaming yourself". He makes people feel good and if they feel good more people will come so that they can feel the same and, of course, the moolah mounts.

I absolutely hate feeling this dear readers. Doubting him - but I do. I felt the same way when I stopped believing in Father Christmas. I was really conned. My mother did a perfect job of making me believe and on the day that a friend told me the truth I was totally distraught. Look at David Copperfield - a masterly magician. Imagine if he didn't sell himself as a magician but told us he could really do the things he did. How would we respond? Look how hectic watching him is now. Imagine if we had been told it wasn't magic at all but rather 'something else'?

Humfph - not feeling happy peeps. I really want to believe that our loved ones are out there looking over us. But … on the other hand they could be much closer than we think. Perhaps they're in a thought which is part of you?

How does John Edwards do it then you'll say? Well, how does David Copperfield do what he does? Doesn't he perform 'miracles' too? Very few people know how he does what he does, but we all know that behind the magic there is a logical explanation to explain everything and thus it's not 'supernatural'. I have done some readings by the John Whatsit sceptics out there and thought I'd share one with you. Click here to take a peek.

They chat about some of the possible tricks he could pull. Check it out and see what you think. The thing of it is - keep watching the show and keep your peepers peeled, because if the guy isn't legit he's a Magician of Note.

Now, I have decided to go for a reading myself and find out what it's like. If anyone wants to have a conversation with 'someone' - it is me. I really want to believe but now that I am sceptical could it ever 'work'? When I go I shall definitely try not say a word. Not a yes nor no. Why should I have to? If they know they know don't you think? Plus I'll try to be open-minded and not close the possibility off. And when I've been I'll give you the spin on exactly, honestly what it was like for me. Of course, now I face a challenge - where do I find a pyschic medium? If you know of one or are one please contact me.

And, of course, to end: What do you think?


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