M-Net reinvents Idols for Season 5

Written by TVSA Team from the blog News on 06 Nov 2008
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M-Net has announced a fifth season of South African Idols to premiere early next year - on Sunday, 1 February 2009, with a summer vibe and new rules.

Instead of the search happening in autumn/winter as with previous seasons, the auditions will begin in mid-December and run through the holiday season.

They'll begin in Cape Town's holiday hub on 17 December and continue in Durban early in the New Year. After surfing the coastal sound waves, the show will then move inland to Johannesburg; but not Bloem -  once more proving that the place is the twilight zone.

In addition to upping the heat of the selection process the show's also doing away with the strict ‘a capella’ rule. Even though auditionees will still be judged on their vocal abilities, wannabe Idols will be able to take musical instruments -  guitars, drums and accordions etc - into the auditions, which suggests we might get to see some original performances.

Says Idols director Gavin Wratten: “As the auditions will not take place during June/July, as in the past, there will definitely be a new dimension to Idols 5 - no winter coats and no winter sniffles obscuring good voices. Having instruments could also give some contestants more confidence at this crucial stage.”

All South African citizens who fall between the ages of 16 and 30 as of 17 December 2008 can enter the show. Proof of age, such as an ID document or a birth certificate will have to be provided at the first audition, and as has been the case in the past, there will be no entry form.

Auditions are scheduled for the following dates:

• Cape Town: 17- 19 December, 2008
• Durban: 5 - 7 January, 2009
• Johannesburg: 10 - 12 January, 2009

The exact venues will be announced closer to the auditions - we'll keep you posted.

Shows in this post: Idols

Channels in this post: M-Net


06 Nov 2008 21:48

I've never tried Idols, its time 2 make my dream come true

Brown Shuga
06 Nov 2008 22:39

Heeeh!!! Gud luck Sobza......hope you'll be the next Mzo...

06 Nov 2008 22:54

nam i'm entering the competition.....BS i need a ridiculous ugly outfit that will make me stand out, can you please hook me up with Iko Mesh... Sobza you have no competition. They are only doing 3 cities? Isn't that unfair?

06 Nov 2008 23:17

Ha ha, somethin 2 blog about! But it's gona overlap with american idol!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:30

Ayeye Yanong Mara Louw uzobe asi Rocka ngama  Nasty comments can't wait phela that one i think she is a Blogger Madala side!!!!

06 Nov 2008 21:48

I've never tried Idols, its time 2 make my dream come true

Brown Shuga
06 Nov 2008 22:39

Heeeh!!! Gud luck Sobza......hope you'll be the next Mzo...

06 Nov 2008 22:54

nam i'm entering the competition.....BS i need a ridiculous ugly outfit that will make me stand out, can you please hook me up with Iko Mesh... Sobza you have no competition. They are only doing 3 cities? Isn't that unfair?

06 Nov 2008 23:17

Ha ha, somethin 2 blog about! But it's gona overlap with american idol!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
07 Nov 2008 07:30

Ayeye Yanong Mara Louw uzobe asi Rocka ngama  Nasty comments can't wait phela that one i think she is a Blogger Madala side!!!!

07 Nov 2008 09:22

<<BS i need a ridiculous ugly outfit that will make me stand out, can you please hook me up with Iko Mesh>> Haybo mjj yini ngo Iko nala English yakhe LOL

07 Nov 2008 09:31

Idols winners always become nothings in the end. Even the last winner Karin looked so promising, but ke nada, they canish in2 thin air.

07 Nov 2008 09:31

Idols winners always become nothings in the end. Even the last winner Karin looked so promising, but ke nada, they vanish in2 thin air.

07 Nov 2008 10:42

i hope season 5 will be better than the last season....

07 Nov 2008 10:56

I am going to audition too. I sing like an angel.

07 Nov 2008 11:27

watch this space....tvsa bloggers will be voting for me....


07 Nov 2008 11:32

Yippe.....i am going to enter the competition...and if i make it to the top 3 or even 5 will pull out.......and you wanna know why, because i CAN LOL!  I am so excited...i cant wait....thank God i am far from 30.....hehehehehe!!!!!!!

07 Nov 2008 12:39

TSHIBUABUA should enter this. Her guitar will come in handy.

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 12:49

From David
U can say that again Nonny, I wonder why!!!

Shuga babe
07 Nov 2008 12:50

U can say that again Nonny, I wonder why!!!

From David, Salome to Mara. watch this space!

07 Nov 2008 12:51

From David, Salome to Mara. watch this space!


07 Nov 2008 13:07

Ayeye byanong.. Ayeye Mam'Mara!

07 Nov 2008 13:38

Eish guys u r lucky. Yhazi there is one thing i just cant do; is singing. I sound terrible man & the first judge who neva lied 2 me is my Mum. So to the bloggers who are going to enter the competition Good singing guys!

07 Nov 2008 13:47

Eish Myname maybe wena its just singing mina its singing & dancing..the closest i can get to those two is to watch their reality TV shows & eliminate people

07 Nov 2008 13:57

the closest i can get to those two is to watch their reality TV shows & eliminate people @ Cande im also good at that LOL

07 Nov 2008 16:54

Well I could not dance, maybe I can sing...I'll try my luck

08 Nov 2008 11:07

Yo i love the first stages when they still have the one's that sing absolute rubbish,the nasty comments from the judges traumatise me.

09 Nov 2008 14:39

guys please give some ideas on what to do when the judges start getting nasty with me......phela i want these auditions to be never forgotten....i am talking history in the making.

09 Nov 2008 19:38

10 Nov 2008 02:17

LOL TKSM - give 'em back as good as they give!

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