The Observer: Satan on Motswako!

Written by TheObserver from the blog TheTVObserver on 21 Oct 2008
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Motswako has always been one of those shows that can continue to be on air for a very long time. Carol’s passion for great television has allowed her to turn this program from a big production problem, when it first aired to a strong contributor on our line-up. From those days when the set would be so brightly lit that it felt as if someone was trying to give them and us viewers a serious tan; the days when the show had multiple presenters; and the days of that boardroom table type setup; all in a move to find their own format which won’t be Oprah or The View.

Although the show appeals to the working women it is clear that a lot of unemployed “SHIFT” type ladies look to Motswako to find their next fix. Lets face it Top Billing rules them out from “Good Evening, Welcome to Top Billing”. My favorite shows on Motswako include:
  • When Carol interviewed FLORENCE Masebe about her terrible “attempted assassination”
  • The interview with Umoja cast members after their troubles in Canada

Anyway, I was channel hoping when I caught an interview of mother who lost her child to Satanism. The topic for the show was very interesting but nothing knew. For crying out loud “Shift” did one episode on this topic and although I could not understand most of what they were saying, I had a very good interpreter. It was, however, interesting to see their version, even thou I strongly believe they should have given viewers more to go with than a standard chat. Don’t get me wrong the mothers story was horrible and very heartfelt but it left the viewer feeling sorry for her than actually knowing what this “Satanism” is about in order to protect their kids and family members.


The mother explained to us that her daughter hanged her self after the satanic church asked her to kill her mother and bring her blood to their next meeting.






Now after watching this and sympathizing with this woman, immediately I shifted to the producers at Motswako. After this women’s plea to get parents to pay attention, I felt that the producers should have had someone spend a little time researching this whole Satanism religion in order to give viewers something of value to help them avoid what this women has gone through. In as liitle as an hour this is what I could dig up of this topic alone. (Please this contained everything you are about to read until the last paragraph)

There are four Satanic denominations which are:
  • LaVeyan Satanism, the movement founded by Anton LaVey
  • Theistic Satanism, the worship of Satan as a deity
  • Setianism, the movement founded by Michael Aquino
  • Luciferianism

And there are six Satanic organizations which are as follows:
  • Church of Satan
  • Temple of Set
  • First Satanic Church
  • Sinagogue of Satan
  • Order of Nine Angles
  • ordo Praedictum Luciferius

The Temple of Set is the largest Satanic organization. As we look at the fact that you now have organizations and denominations. This is a very big problem and it has grown substantially. When we talk of Satanism we should now look at the different organizations and denominations thereof. It gives you the complexity of the whole mess.

What does that mean to South Africa and all its religions, believes and traditions. My opinion on that matter is that there exists a world unknown to most but a few are part of and we may live our lives not even aware of what happens within this world but at some point it touches you or someone in your family without you being aware. It’s my opinion that this world is dark and just as it exists there exists a counter to it which is pure and good. It is very much like your mother teaching you to wash your hands and when you begin to study medicine and discover how many bacteria’s are on a single hand and the hand spread such bacteria all over your body. You appreciate having listened to her all your life. And she was not even a medical expert, just a mother!

I think that if black South Africans or any South African for that matter can believe that there are certain activities in our existence maybe some available on African soil and as complicated to understand and bone chilling as they are to even think about. They exist and why can’t we prepare our kids against Satanism as much as we protect them against those other beliefs systems.

The Afrikaans newspaper Rapport scrapped writer Deon Maas's column after his piece on Satanism It was reported that this article Maas wrote that Satanism was "just a different philosophy". That "Satan does not necessarily represent evil, it is just a different philosophy. You still pray, but only to another god”. He went on to explain that "If Muslims think they are having a hard time, they should look at Satanism. They really have a bad deal." He said the Constitution gave people the freedom to practice the religion of their choice. It becomes very interesting to me to learn that this columnist could write such words which obviously trying to make the public think this is not a bad thing.

We should remember that before the Bible was written, people where taught how to connect with the creator (God), through purity and living a righteous life without scarifies. Unfortunately at the time there were lots of groups which believed in ritual scarifies. Hence their lives were enshrined in faith and living faithfully. Not having on Sundays only! Even when Moses went up to talk to God and receive the commandments, they created themselves a golden calf to worship and give offering to. It is easy to deduct that those teachings where aimed at making sure that each person has the tools to fight against any possible attack which may be a result of this dark force which gains control of many of the populations across the world. Unfortunately we are now in a world where we listen to our pastors than seeking to connect or understand God ourselves. Forgetting completely that we hold the power of our own will and choice and although we respect and honor of our ministers, we ultimately bare the responsibility to connect and answer directly to God. Yes, the guidance of our pastors and elders is important because it keeps us focused, we however still need to always remember to wash our hands.

A satanic website reveals that:
  • “We know Satan/Lucifer as a real being”
  • “We know Satan to be the True Father and Creator God of humanity”
  • “We know "Yaweh/Jehova" of the bible to be a fictitious entity, and the people behind coercing this lie, to be the true deceivers of humanity and the masters of lies.”
However, what is most interesting closer to home (South Africa) is that, Magus-Thor'rauna is according to reports a former “High Priest of Satan in South Africa”. For the record I don’t think you go through something like that and get saved and it’s gone. No, it’s like those people who become sangomas or inyaga’s as they call them and they claim that they left all that behind. They are changed and changed for life, even if you change of choices and life, you still have that barcode in you from all those initiations and all sorts.

Coming back to my point, this Magus-Thor'rauna is reported to have written a book on the subject of Satanism and it is dubbed “the most riveting extraordinary and miraculous biography of the only Satanic High Priest in history to escape, receive Christ and boldly preach out against Satanism.” Motswako should have secured an interview with this guy, perhaps that could have provided better insights into that women’s traumatic ordeal.

It noted that “For the first time since modern Satanism was found in 1735, twenty-eight of the perilous soul destroying Doctrines of Devils are published and exposed.” In this guys book. It goes to explain how “impossible it is for John Edward to hear from the dead and discover who impersonates those departed souls and why.”

Without getting off the mark, people don’t understand that demonic spirits or ghosts are in a different level plain in spirituality and can invoke certain circumstances in your life which they spend timeless efforts perfecting due to the results they enjoy by having control, influence and dominion over you. They can mimic your dead father mother, they can give you powers to heal, and they can give you certain abilities which are near supernatural as long as you continue appeasing them.

You spend your whole life being taught how to pray but you are not taught how to know the difference between a bad or good presence (spiritual or faith based), and how to deal with it after. Although a lot of people find consulting mediums and conjuring spirits as a way to cope with their own inadequacies, they are all not aware that as soon as you do that you open a Pandora’s box for yourself and your children. The reason why Satanism exists is because, people strongly believe that they don’t have the power to fix their own problems, that someone or thing can inflict harm, problems and ruin your life or better even can fix. That is like leaving the door open to your house and being shocked when people go in and steal. YOU LEFT THE DOOR OPEN!

The book of Magus-Thor'rauna a former “High Priest of Satan in South Africa” reveals the limitations of the enemy when one is Spirit filled. It is reported that in his book he gives testimony of how after seventeen years of fear, wickedness and cruelty he is set gloriously free. Again this could very well be a big marketing exercise to get a former “who is not actually a former” High Priest to attract a new clientele for the Satanic movement. All I know for sure is that you only have your own self to rely on in order to keep safe. This is what people who bought the book thought:

I have never been scared of death or darkness or nothing christians used to tell me, but this book kept me glued to my car seat for three hours in the rain. The easy to understand connection this writer has opened my eyes and for the first time I see how simple Jesus Christ's message is. I cried and thought long and hard about my wasted life. My nephew, his two children and my husband have bought copies. I'm still so shocked that this man went through so much? Powerful book and a must read for all parents.

Hard to believe this chap's story at first glance but hell, I do now. Never dreamt Satan worshippers are so gross and wicked. I'm waiting for the magus web site to connect me and hope the author will answer my questions. very direct and honest writer...

I think the show could have done more to keep viewers well informed so that they do what is necessary to protect their kids in a world where cell phones, internet, MXIT, face book and all sorts of things make it easy for really bad things to happen. This inspector on Motswako talk of a car in Soweto which drives to high schools and distributors books on Satanism, which literally breeds from people hunger to be riches, wealthier and have more. That’s why most of the traditional things, they will tell their initiates, if you do this you will have money you will be very powerful.

I thought the show would at-least attempt to give much more information on how families especially women, can do immediately to seek help for those in their lives they even suspect to be affect by this.  A little effort on the part of producers and researchers of the show, we would have an even better show which gives us information we need to know. If I can do this in a matter of an hour, what about a week..... C'mon guys..

I leave with an extract from this former high priest website:
This biography houses the startling true life story of a normal child called Phil Botha. He was raised in Benoni (an average small town outside of Johannesburg in S. Africa) but two events in his life changed and stole the career he had dreams of accomplishing. Firstly and most crucial to this story, his only role model and junior school teacher instructs him how to make contact with his dearly beloved grandmother who has recently passed away. And much later a month before his eighteenth birthday his parents order him to attend a two week crash-course bible study before being confirmed in a traditional and non-evangelical church.

After Phil and ten other teenagers recite (parrot fashion) a creed, the *Dominee guarantees all the candidates full membership into that congregation. This ‘membership’ includes automatic adoption as children of God with their names instantly written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. This wasn’t a super natural ceremony of any kind oh no, it was only because their Dominee said they have all just inherited eternal life that very morning! *(Dominee is used by Afrikaans speaking S. Africans when addressing a minister of the gospel).

A week after Phil’s confirmation he accepts an invitation to the Sanctuary of the Great Light. But only after his eighteenth birthday is he allowed to be initiated into the priesthood of Satan of S. Africa. This heart wrenching biography shows Phil’s inner turmoil, loneliness and constant struggle of those seventeen long years within the Movement and his quest to escape and find faith, freedom and a future outside Satanism.

From the teleporting of his entire body, soul and spirit from Johannesburg to L.A. (USA) under three minutes and achieving his title Magus, to being pronounced physically dead by trained nurses as his spirit is transported into Heaven. He gives a detailed account of Heaven and receives his calling from his new Savior and Master Jesus Christ.

The Observers Reviews
SAD and painful but helpless
The program could have done BETTER!
We need a MIX of solutions!

By The Observer

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The information provided here is not journalistic but simply observations and the opinions expressed by The Observer, and guests are strictly their own. The Observer claims no credit for some of the images featured on this blog. All visual content is copyright to it’s respectful owners. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on this blog, please and they will be promptly removed.


21 Oct 2008 01:41

Don't bite my head off-what kind of a church is the Universal Church?

21 Oct 2008 01:41

Don't bite my head off-what kind of a church is the Universal Church?

21 Oct 2008 02:40

great article the Observer. i watched the program but was wondering why ddnt the lady help her daughter because she mentioned that the daughter used to tell them things that they did - like drinking blood instead of water. 

21 Oct 2008 02:44

For the 1st time i can't finish reading your article.....too hectic!

21 Oct 2008 03:09

Don't bite my head off-what kind of a church is the Universal Church? why not go there and find out for yourself..

21 Oct 2008 03:14

Its so confusing. I read it until the end but still i dont get what u wanted to say here Observer. Maybe i should re-read it.....ya let me do that....

21 Oct 2008 03:16

Don't bite my head off-what kind of a church is the Universal Church? why not go there and find out for yourself.. 


21 Oct 2008 03:18

For the 1st time i can't finish reading your article

Me too

21 Oct 2008 03:21

I heard that there are strange things going on at the Universal Church.  Also my sister once said she used to hear strange noises there in PMB Selgro Centre when she passed by in the evenings. Scarry stuff!!!.

Shuga babe
21 Oct 2008 03:21

I coudn't sleep last night, I was so touched by that parent's story tjo ukuphepha akukho in this earth!!!!!!!!!! sooooooo sad.

21 Oct 2008 03:22

TheLady, Universal Church is not a Satanist church--i think it's evangelical.

Shuga babe
21 Oct 2008 03:28

Is that Bishop on etv , who does Workers Prayer everymorning  from Universal Church????????  if so, strange!!!!!! coz  he always play inserts of people thanking the church for every good things  it has done for them and they invite viewers to visit the church.

Shuga babe
21 Oct 2008 03:32

Thanks TOXIC, yoooo TheLady,  you gave me a heart attack.

21 Oct 2008 03:38

The Lady: i had the same mentality about Universal Church after a coupla school kids in Umtata where I come from got is not a Satanist Church! they hev a different way of doing things just like any church i.e. ZCC & uShembe. You might find it werid but it is genuine.
They do speak in tongues;
They 'claim' to heal people from sicknesses and emons;
they use oils & water for healing
They pray;
They read the bible;
they ask for tithes....actually make u feel bad if u dont pay them
and the list goes on, but UC is a genuine church.

21 Oct 2008 03:41

I watched this show and it got me scared. I slept with the lights on and the bible next to me....

21 Oct 2008 03:42

I watched this show and it got me scared. I slept with the lights on and the bible next to me....

21 Oct 2008 03:56

i read the whole article and it makes a lot of sense Observer. there's no point in feeling sorry for the woman when you can't offer a solution to those affected.

the producers could have done more, what they did was to scare people, that's all.

I have one question, we as Africans we speak to ancestors, by slaughtering goats and doing all these rituals, is that demonic?

21 Oct 2008 04:00

Thanks Tox--->Relay, you should learn to shut the f&*k up if you can't help.

21 Oct 2008 04:03

Funkyziemz thanx,my man used to go to the church...he gets all serious and praises the church when I talk about it. I've given up already.

21 Oct 2008 04:07

@ Maddie: I have always thought the same thing too? Are our African rituals another form of opening ourselves to the world of the dark?  Surely it's not in line with praising God because you are talking to the dead?

21 Oct 2008 04:09

Maddie-I don't think that slaughtering goats and whatever for ancestors is evil at all. This was our way of life way before Jan Van Reebieck  and his croonies came and told us, their ways are better than us.

Anyway I heard some comedian say " if heave was such a lovely place-do you  think a white man would tell a black man about it?"

21 Oct 2008 04:15

Observer am waiting for answers. what did the former priest say in his book about these rituals zethu, i mean if he said something about John Edward he must have said something about our rituals.

21 Oct 2008 04:16

@Relay Don't bite my head off-what kind of a church is the Universal Church? why not go there and find out for yourself.. Some Ppl are too cruel,who knows she/he is a member of this Satan Church?U better be ashamed of yr self,the Dude was not fighting,but to get more info about these Satan churchers....Sorry if u belong to these church.

21 Oct 2008 04:17

this article is scaryyy !!!!!!! I cant continuee

21 Oct 2008 04:28

After TshaTsha last night.... something juts prompted me to switch my TV off... I was tempted to switch back on at 9:30 to watch Motswako, but again something just said i shouldn't..... Now I know that little voice was the Holy Spirit....

21 Oct 2008 04:31

Great article, i missed the show but i know that the devil has been defeated and no weapon formed against me and my family shall prosper.

21 Oct 2008 04:36

we as Africans we speak to ancestors, by slaughtering goats and doing all these rituals, is that demonic?

What i know is that Jesus said that the dead should speak to the dead and that the ancestors do not communicate to Jesus Chirst on our behalf.

21 Oct 2008 04:37

I didnt see the show last night but i heard about it. Observer, that was something scary but i think i need to hear more from the book. We should just keep on praying so that we wont be driven from our belief to our Mighty God.

21 Oct 2008 05:22

I watched the show as well and I think the programme helped to expose the evil other world that is with us but many of us are ignorant or spiritualy blind to discern.What touched me most was when the mother said that her daughter revealed that they were the ones causing accidents so that they can suck the blood of pipol dying from such accident.Thanks God that in Jesus such demons have no power. The devil and his angles are smallest nothings.

21 Oct 2008 05:23

Are our African rituals another form of opening ourselves to the world of the dark? Surely it's not in line with praising God because you are talking to the dead?
i believe in this statement that's why i dont practice i-african rituals... and when we're invited by our other  families  to attend 'umsebenzi' i neva go

.........Greater is He that is in me then he that is in the world......

Sana Lwam
21 Oct 2008 05:37

Reply from: TheLady 10/21/2008 10:00:02 AM
Thanks Tox--->Relay, you should learn to shut the f&*k up if you can't help. 

TheLady are you now possesed by this whole satan talk

21 Oct 2008 05:52

Gees, you even went to a Satanic website? is this Demonic or what?

21 Oct 2008 05:54

I did'nt watch the questions are....
How do you recognize someone whos going to these satanic organizations/churchs?......i have never heard of any churches like these ones.....
Do they do these in the public communities (public eye).....or 
Do they go to their church at nite(so that they cannot be seen).....
One friday nite(round about nine) we saw the church members singing and clapping with their heads bowed down....going around a yard of a newly opened Bar...they were mumbling we could'nt exactly hear their song,,,that was very strange...we were scared wondering what kind of chuch was  that...they were wearing their own we couldnt figure out which church was that....
@The Observer....Do you think that this church is one of those satanic....coz in our community...its becoming a regular thing to find a deceased  with missing private parts.

21 Oct 2008 06:14

it is not a Satanist Church! they hev a different way of doing things just like any church i.e. ZCC & uShembe. You might find it werid but it is genuine: I attended this church in 2001,  it's just a normal abazalwani church even though they've got a couple of rituals they do on diff days of the week...for the unemployed, the sick, family problems and so forth...

They do speak in tongues;
They 'claim' to heal people from sicknesses and emons;
they use oils & water for healing
They pray;
They read the bible;
they ask for tithes....actually make u feel bad if u dont pay them
Yes, they do all this...and yes they luuvvv money... I enjoyed the music played/sung most....

21 Oct 2008 06:21

Odie: I watched the program but was wondering why ddnt the lady help her daughter because she mentioned that the daughter used to tell them things that they did - like drinking blood instead of water 
I asked myself the same thing too, there were so many signs and its not like the girl was not saying anything, she was so open about it, telling her that at somepoint they were gonna ask her to sacrifice her and her siblings, the bruises she woke up with, the accidents. I think the mother failed to act on time

21 Oct 2008 06:27

Hey The Lady >i m still shocked about wt i saw in Universal church , how can they build a pulpit sp }with a sign of Dragon i dont think its clean there is something happening there

21 Oct 2008 06:37

I asked myself the same thing too, there were so many signs and its not like the girl was not saying anything,BLOS theier parents can not notice anything they create two bodies the one that will be buisy at home and be useless ,and one that will be buisy working for them doing all the wrong things killing ppl and drinking their blood they only notice when its time to bring ur family members blood sure its not easy to go and kill ur mother for nothing

21 Oct 2008 06:38

Hey The Lady >i m still shocked about wt i saw in Universal church , how can they build a pulpit sp }with a sign of Dragon i dont think its clean there is something happening there


21 Oct 2008 06:43

Zangendiphinde ndiye Pooky i mark it bad since then ,cabanga i holy oil ihlala phantsi kwala DRAGON pulpit yhoo ezinye icawa nc nc nc

21 Oct 2008 06:47

And they r buisy telling u to close ur eyes when its time to pray ,i close my eyes b coz i was scared,i mean its not a big deal to open ur eyes when a pastor is praying u want to look at some ppl

21 Oct 2008 06:56

If this is true about the Dragon thingie, kanti what does it represent? Nway, I ve never seen this... Suzzy82...stop speculating sisi and spreading this unfounded half truths....there will always be people speculating and saying negative things about churches that don't conform to their beliefs and way of doing things..e.g ZCC, IPCC, Universal, Sabath, Shembe......

21 Oct 2008 07:04

LM >i m talking about wt i saw, ITS NOT A HEAR SAY  a dragon and a church i dont think those two relate

21 Oct 2008 07:06

If ANY church does not glorify JESUS CHRIST and Him ALONE....I would stay away from it.
Many of the churches in the townships tell you to priase Jesus BUT also Shembe, the "dragon", "the ntate".......The BIBLE, the book that glorifies Jesus Christ says..Do not add anything to your faith.....JESUS and JESUS ALONE IS the ONLY way to God....he said it Himself ( Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ).

21 Oct 2008 07:06

If ANY church does not glorify JESUS CHRIST and Him ALONE....I would stay away from it.
Many of the churches in the townships tell you to priase Jesus BUT also Shembe, the "dragon", "the ntate".......The BIBLE, the book that glorifies Jesus Christ says..Do not add anything to your faith.....JESUS and JESUS ALONE IS the ONLY way to God....he said it Himself ( Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ).

21 Oct 2008 07:11

LM >i m talking about wt i saw, ITS NOT A HEAR SAY  a dragon and a church i dont think those two relate i think u saw what you wanted to see, why didn't you run??

21 Oct 2008 07:12

Thanks Tox--->Relay, you should learn to shut the f&*k up if you can't help. this is a pubic thingy i'm entitled to my own opinion don't you think??

21 Oct 2008 07:12

Also, as for the article. I think in as much as the observer does not her/himself give points to help the reader, there is some valuable information in there that i would suggest everyone takes a look at, like this Magus person.
There's a saying that goes around, saying, the greatest trick the devil ever played on the human race was to convince them that he does not exist.
I am telling you, for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and the Lord alone. I do not need any ancestor to give me anything or forgive me, MY GOD suppliess ALL my needs according to His riches in glory. And ANYONE who tells me to look to anything else or additionally for my salvation and worship....can go hang! 
I just pity that this lady did not have the spiritual insight and conviction to "see" her daughter and save her life....she should have been praying and fasting for her deliverance....but ke, we will only hope that the Lord has mercy on this girl's soul...only in eternity will we know for sure! Jesus loves US ALL!

21 Oct 2008 07:13

Reply from: TheLady 10/21/2008 10:00:02 AM
Thanks Tox--->Relay, you should learn to shut the f&*k up if you can't help.

TheLady are you now possesed by this whole satan talk .
I hope not its got disastrous effects on people you know careful Lady..

21 Oct 2008 07:14

suzzy- UC is a church like any other church ,if there was a dragon sign on d day u went there u should have find out what was the theme for that day.My  belive is that if they did  put that  sign cos their theme was related in crushing devil.

i'm not a  universal member but i understand most of the things they do cos i'm christian ,what they teach more is how to have faith in the LORD and they sometimes use water,oil ,salt and they don't mix them with anything  only pray for them.
i sometimes use Candles at my church when in youth revivals and i just only pray  for those candles and ask the Holy Spirit  to be in those candles ,u'll be amazed how the HOLY SPIRIT  workd. I assure UC is GOD'S church  nothing more .Its  just that satan use people to critisize the church cos he can see he's time is over and he'll be defeted.
i learn how to cast the demons out from the pastors of UC. And now i belive in GOD morethan b4.

21 Oct 2008 07:21

What do you guys think of IPC?? Modise?

21 Oct 2008 07:24

@relay>i think u saw what you wanted to see, why didn't you run??andilogeza njoba uligeza nje wena elisuke libaleki relay
@youngtodie >its a wooden decoration it will be there for many yrs not just a picture

21 Oct 2008 07:24

Zangendiphinde ndiye Pooky i mark it bad since then ,cabanga i holy oil ihlala phantsi kwala DRAGON pulpit yhoo ezinye icawa nc nc nc

haibo uthini na ngoku gal...tyini thiza ngumhlola ke lo undixelela wona...uwooow km km km

21 Oct 2008 07:47

Nowhere does the bible tell believers in Christ to use water, oil or salt...even candles bethuna....pray in the name of Jesus qha! nothing more...why make church so complicated?

Shuga babe
21 Oct 2008 07:49

This is what i've found when i was seaching a Universal Church in the net

God and Satan, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God on one side and Satanism on the other

In the actual story, it was reported that the Zambian government had suspended the church’s operations in Zambia after a riot in Lusaka that was caused by rumours that this Christian church actually practiced Satanism and human sacrifice

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God was banned last month after a series of riots. Several church buildings, including a new cathedral, were damaged in riots after word went round that the church had detained two men against their will for alleged - 23k

21 Oct 2008 07:51

I may be accused of being too colonised, but there r some things that we do as Africans that don't make sense. the worse part of all these, is that u're not allowed to question things, u just do them. i believe that faith  or whatever u believe in as a person should be questioned, therefore tested to see if it's real.

i mean even the bible says we should not take whatever teaching that comes along but are allowed to question it, u're not being blasphemous when u do that, you want clarity.

when my grandmother asked me to slaughter a cow and speak to some great great grand mother i don't even though the least she could do is to explain to me why i must do that and if the explanation does not make sense to me I have a right to say no, and she should not threaten me about some curses that will befall me. God never said that when u question things u'll be cursed.

when my mom passed, i wanted some closure, some message from her, something i can live by and after the funeral i had a dream about her, and in that dream i was so excited to see her, that finally i'll get the message/closure i was looking for, and she looked at me and told me to leave her alone, and that she's tired and wanted to rest. i knew then, that i don't have to do anything, she's resting and I'm not about to do some rituals that are of no importance to her. whatever i needed, message-wise she taught me that when she was still alive and i'll always carry that with me, the good values she taught, and how to be a better person. i don't need a ghost disguised as my mom to tell me that.

21 Oct 2008 07:53

@Carino:my helper usd to go there, she told me that they call Modise....ntate go figure!

21 Oct 2008 07:59

@maddie....THANK YOU! 
Personally I am earnestly looking forward to a time when the Lord Jesus decrees an exposure to this greatest lie to ever be told on africans...that passed on relatives have special powers and can hear and talk back....I am looking forward to that time when teh Holy Spirit is going to expose this and convict and convince people in their hearts that this has been a lifelong deception.....a time where sangoma's and the nyanga's are going to know the truth and not even be able to utter a word of defiance against what the Lord will do at that time.....i am personally sick and tired of this NONSENSE!

21 Oct 2008 08:03


Da Rebel
21 Oct 2008 08:16

Maddie-I don't think that slaughtering goats and whatever for ancestors is evil at all. This was our way of life way before Jan Van Reebieck and his croonies came and told us, their ways are better than us.

Anyway I heard some comedian say " if heave was such a lovely place-do you think a white man would tell a black man about it?"

hahahaaa that's sooo true THE LADY

21 Oct 2008 08:30

Nowhere does the bible tell believers in Christ to use water, oil or salt...even candles bethuna....pray in the name of Jesus qha! nothing more...why make church so complicated:@Inhisshadow: surely you didn't read the whole bible. Jesus christ used oil and water for many things, amongst them healing!

Da Rebel
21 Oct 2008 08:32

This is what i've found when i was seaching a Universal Church in the net

God and Satan, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God on one side and Satanism on the other

In the actual story, it was reported that the Zambian government had suspended the church’s operations in Zambia after a riot in Lusaka that was caused by rumours that this Christian church actually practiced Satanism and human sacrifice 

Thanks Suga Babe, i've always suspected something fishy nale cawa, quite honestly why do they target black communities? coz ni rata dilo too much! hay'khona man!

21 Oct 2008 08:36

@Carino:my helper usd to go there, she told me that they call Modise....ntate go figure! They call him ntate, just like the romans call their priest father! Not everyone calls him ntate modimo and those who do didn't get an instruction from modise forcing them to call him modimo and actually worship/pray him! people stop exaggerating and stirring up controversy where there is none, yerrrr!

21 Oct 2008 08:45

LM... tell me more...

21 Oct 2008 08:59

@LM -> Let's hear it? What is there to exaggerate about? it's what they do!

21 Oct 2008 09:01

He probably knows they call him modimo...why does he not point them to teh real modimo......Jesus Christ?

21 Oct 2008 09:05

Why do they sing songs about him?.....I used to go to a catholic church, and ahem! never has anyone ever made a mistake of calling the priest Modimo, because the priest fulfills his duty of pointing people to Christ and not himself. You never hear catholics singing songs praising the priest do you?

22 Oct 2008 04:36

For the 1st time i can't finish reading your article

I cant continue reading because I have heard this before and I cannot understand what people who are affected do when they realise that something's wrong. What do they say? It also bothers me that some say they cannot talk about it because they will get killed, while others talk openly about it.
There are so many unanswered questions and so many things that dont add up. I say stick to your faith and acknowledge that there is a higher being out there.

22 Oct 2008 06:04

That's for this Observer actually I would lyk to get this book (s) you're reading and these satanic website.

I was also watching Motswako, I think Motswako must now find at least some of these people or churches and found what's their aim and the people inside are they really understanding whom are they serving or they go there for wealth.

They call it wealth but at the end of the day they need to sacrifice with their family member!

04 Feb 2009 14:39

<<<..... Now I know that little voice was the Holy Spirit.... >>>LOL Carino

PY I think you can notice these people by the signs that were mentioned-like they not drinking water...eish but you need to be prayerful

Ms. Jay
04 Feb 2009 14:53

looks interesting like me read then I will be back

Ms. Jay
04 Feb 2009 15:33

Ok after checking the date i see that this article is old - still relevant in many ways. Thanks Obsever.

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