Episode 1: TC Transcript

Written by morticia from the blog Survivor SA: Tribal Council on 04 Sep 2006
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Donald was not feeling well on day three and sat around the camp, while the rest of the tribe worked, as well as bringing him food and water. Most of the tribe had already decided to vote of Danielle and even told her of their decision. After Don not helping on the day of the Tribal Council, half of the tribe decided to get rid of him instead. If Don had pushed his way through on that day, he certainly would not have been the first person to be voted off Survivor South Africa.

Rana faced the first Tribal Council of Survivor South Africa, after losing the immunity challenge.

Mark:  Please take a torch, light it to a flame and return it to it's position.

All tribe members light their torches and take a seat.

Mark:  In this game fire represnts life, the torches you've just lit symbolises your time on the island. Once you're torches have been extinguished, your lives on the island is over. Let me tell you a little bit about where you are. This is an ancient Mayan sacrificial temple and just like the Mayan's of old, tonight you will sacrifice one of your tribe members. Welcome Rana to Tribal Council.

Three days ago I met  you on the air strip, I told you a little about the symbology behind the name Rana. That the creature was one that had cunning, intelligence and could adapt well to it's environment. 

Zayn, how do you think the tribe has lived up to that?

Zayn:  I think the tribe has adapted as well as they could, we pulled together and we've got a great spirit here. We might not have come on top in our challenges, but we've really pulled together at camp and put together a structure we're proud of. I know we're down at the moment, but a good frog always springs back, doesn't he?

Mark:  Danielle, I want to know a little about the food situation at camp. Are you guys meeting your basic needs?

Danielle:  Look we could at this stage be having more food (rest of the tribe laughs)  We eating a lot of fruit, it sounds like we at a health farm. We have paw paw in the mornings, coconut at lunch and banana's in the afternoon. We just, we pick when are hungry on what we have and it's sustaining us and we actually finding that we are a lot stronger then we thought we were.

Mark:  So sitting here tonight, what is going through your head?

Danielle:  That, I'd really like to stay.

Mark:  Don, despite your defeat in the island race your tribed seemed pretty upbeat before the immunity challenge. How are you feeling about that?

Don:  I must be honest that I felt that in this particular challenge we were a little under strength as far as physical strength goes. I think one of the mistakes we did make in that challenge is that we put a woman on the front and I think we should have had a man on the front with more strength in his hands, because I felt that we actually fell down in the final couple of minutes untying the knot and maybe if we had Gareth or myself there we may have just beat them at the post. 

Mark: Jacinda, positioning yourself at the front of the log, were you happy with that decision in retrospect?

Jacinda:  Yes, no definitely I was happy with that decision. We reached that decision together as a team. Everyone felt I'm fast, I've got nimbly hands, I was in charge of pulling the rope tight and shouting at the guys at the back to pull the rope through. So yes I was happy with the decision.

Mark: Jacinda, do you base your decision tonight on this stage of the geam or are you already looking ahead to merge?

Jacinda:  I'm definitely basing my decision on this stage of the game because team work on this stage of the game is very very important. I'm basing my decision on basically who is not pulling their weight in the tribe.

Mark: And you have somebody in mind?

Jacinda: Yes

Mark:  On that note, it is time to vote. The process is very simple. One at a time you will go up to the sacrificial altar, you'll take a piece of paper and write down the name of the person that you are voting off the tribe. Fold it half and put the slip in the urn. Once the process is complete, I'll count the votes. The person who is voted off will bring me their torch and will be voted out of the tribe and off the island. 

Don, please go head.

Don votes.
Zayn votes.
Ncumisa votes for Danielle.
Ncumisa:  I'm not convinced that you are committed to this team.
Danielle votes.
Lezel votes.
Gareth votes for Don.
Gareth:  I'm really sorry but we needed you today and you weren't there for us.
Jacinda votes.

Mark:  I'll go fetch the urn.

I'll now read the votes. The person who is voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately 
First vote  Danielle.
Second vote Donald.
That's one vote Danielle, one vote Donald.
That's two votes Danielle, one vote Donald. 
That's two votes Danielle, two votes Donald. 
That's three votes Danielle, two votes Donald.
That's three votes Danielle, three votes Donald. 
The first person to be voted off Survivor South Afica is Don.
You need to bring me your torch please. Donald the tribe has spoken. 
Mark extinguishes Don's torch as Don leaves the Tribal Council area without saying a word or looking back at his tribe.
Please take your torches and head back to camp. 

After Tribal Council:
Donald:  I actually saw it coming, I wasn't surprised at all. The last two days have been a tremendous power play going on in the camp. Considering I've only had about 6 hours sleep in the last 3 days, I was physically not able to last and form alliances.


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