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CPT Auditions: Step Up or Step Out

Written by Cheesa from the blog Cheesa Chat on 12 Apr 2011
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So on Saturday, 09 April 2011 I had an opportunity to watch the Cape Town auditions of Step Up or Step Out. I was really looking forward to it since I love watching these dance groups doing their thing. I must say I had high expectations and I was disappointed.

The auditions started at 10 am and we got there at about 12h15. I thought since we were going to arrive at that time we would find the venue filled with crews practicing and getting ready to audition. But instead when we got there, we saw a couple of people outside and we thought: okay where are people who are going to audition?

The venue was the Theatre of the District and I didn’t know where it was. I wondered why they decided to hold auditions at a place that isn't obvious for many people to know or see that there are auditions taking place there. For instance, if they held them at Good Hope centre or Arts Cape, just somewhere obvious, you know. I felt like the venue did no good for the auditions. 

Anyway we went inside to watch the auditions and to find the judges and camera crew. I thought there would be audience but none. Maybe they will have them as times goes on.

The judges are Penny Thloloe, Emile Jansen and Arthur Mafokate. The crews went in one-by-one and showed the judges what they can do. I noticed that Arthur is the toughest judge of the three. He gives good comments and tells the groups straight-up if they didn’t do well - which is right.

Penny is the girl. She is not hardcore as Arthur. She always likes everyone, like Arthur said when she was commenting on another crew. Arthur was like: “You know what guys, she likes everyone”. Emile is great too. He gives great comments and also advises the crews on what to work on and stuff.

After all the crews were done, everyone had lunch. They were kind enough to invite us to have lunch with them. So after lunch at 14h00, there were no crews to audition - we saw less than 10 crews that auditioned when we got there. I don’t know how many arrived before.

After seeing that there was no-one coming they decided to wrap it up and I asked to have a few minutes with the judges to ask them about the competition. So here’s what they said:


Cheesa: Hi Penny I’m from TVSA. I’m just going to ask you a few questions about Step Up or Step Out. So tell me how did you become one of the judges for Step Up or Step Out?

I think through my work. I have been in the dance industry for over 18 years, (not trying to reveal my age) and I have my company. I have worked in the Hip Hop sector, contemporary and ballerina. 

I started of with Ballerina and I also do some theatre work. I have section 21 in Alexandra that promotes dance so I have competitions for street dancers and I guess I’m in touch with Alexandra and other townships like Thembisa and Soweto sometimes, you know.

Cheesa: How was the turn out in Johannessburg?

The turn out was really good in Joburg. We had about 50 crews and remember a crew is made of like 3 to 5 or something members. So we had good numbers. With something this new we had support. I enjoyed the energy. 

They were really good. There were some crews who didn’t look like they were really hungry to get in and there were some crews who were really desperate for the prize, to get themselves out there to be seen. So it was nice to see those dynamics.

Cheesa: What are the winners going to do after the show, are they going to disappear or we will see them somewhere doing shows?

You know sadly I don’t know the details but I know they are going to assist them with workshops for the finalists. Where they learn a lot about how to make themselves marketable further beyond the competition. I think you just have to watch the show. (Laughs)

Cheesa: What do you think of the other judges you’re working with?

I think we get that question a lot. Uhmm Arthur…we seem to be oil and water for some odd reason. Uhmm... but Emile is great (laughs) I don’t know with Arthur there’s something he does which rubs me the wrong way (laughs). I think I’ll need some water to calm me down (laughs).

Cheesa: What do you think of a competition like Step Up or Step Out?

I think having been in the dance industry for too long it was great for me to know that dance is getting the recognition it deserves because there’s a lot of talent in South Africa and anything that promotes dance as a whole is always great for me and my industry in getting the marketing on TV and radio.

Cheesa: Thanks Penny for your time.

Thank you 

Cheesa: Can you tell me how did you become a judge for Step Up or Step Out? 

I think I know someone that is part of the deciding team and organizing team who knows me from like being involved with Hip Hop a long time. So they gave them my name as someone they should contact and they called me and couple of other people that auditioned and did interviews to see if I was able to do the job.

Cheesa: So they liked you.

I don’t know for some reason yeah (laughs)

Cheesa: How was Joburg for you?

Joburg was interesting. There were a lot of crews and the bigger variety of dance obviously with the Kwasa, Pantsula and other type of dance. Whereas here so far in Cape Town it has been Hip Hop and freestyle. There were many people in the first day in Joburg.

Cheesa: How are you guys going to choose the crews that are going to compete until the finals?

We are going choose people and shortlist them and choose who we like and obviously everything is recorded. So we will have another chance to look at everyone around the country again and choose 8 best groups that will be contacted telephonically that they are in the final 8. 

And then those groups will go to something like a boot camp and spend time in Joburg and learn a couple of different dance routines to add to their flavour.

Cheesa: What do you think of the other two judges you’re working with?

I sort of feel like I’m the guy in the middle that is keeping them away from each other, so they don’t kill each other (laughs). But its okay I don’t mind being that at all.

Cheesa: How is it like working with them?

Emile: It’s entertaining I think people will be extremely entertained because they always disagree with each other. 

Cheesa: Okay thank you for your time

Thank you

I must say I was very nervous when I had to chat with Arthur. After seeing him judging those dance crews especially when he pulled that serious face. He made me even more afraid of him. 

I was close to living there without talking to him but when Melissa arrived with him. He made us laugh. I figured he saw that I was nervous so he decided to cheer me up. He is a great guy. He was fun.

Arthur: How are you?

Cheesa: I’m fine, how are you?


Cheesa: I’m just going to ask you a few questions about the competition?


Cheesa: So how did you become part of this competition?

I don’t know, I was given a call and they said they are trying to get a judge for the competition and I was that person they were looking for. And I said oh wow me why me. They said it’s because of my work and contribution to the industry and what I have done for the country.

Cheesa: How do you feel about being part of Step Up or Step Out?

I’m proud because it’s the first of its kind. It’s the first competition of this nature that focuses on dance groups.

Cheesa How has it been so far?

It’s been fun, it is just that there are a lot of talented groups out there that just don’t know about the competition but we are looking for the top 8. I think we will do well in getting the best of those groups that will represent the country well.

Cheesa: How was it like in Johannesburg?

Better than Cape Town for sure (laughs). It was fun. There was just a variety. There were a lot of different styles.

Cheesa: What were you expecting when you came to Cape Town?

I was expecting fireworks because I know Cape Town is very good in dance but unfortunately most of the people didn’t know about the competition but at least they weren’t as bad.

Cheesa: So what did you think of the crews that auditioned today?

Arthur: They were good but there was one that was very outstanding, the group is called CIA. I think for me they did very well.

Cheesa: Did they come in earlier?

They were wearing purple outfits. I think they represented Cape Town very well.

Cheesa: What do you think of the other judges that you’re working with? 

They’re cool judges. They have to do their job and I have to do mine. I don’t know what they think of me. At the end of the day we’re three judges.

Cheesa: It seems you’re the toughest judge amongst the other judges.

I’m not the toughest judge. I’m not tough. They make all the decisions blah blah, me I’m just straight to the point.

Cheesa: What do you think of a competition such as Step Up or Step Out?

I think it’s a brilliant idea that it focuses on groups. People like seeing uniform you know, were there are nice outfits, and were the styles are going together. It’s just putting South Africa on a different level of dance instead of just doing solo dance.

Cheesa: Your next auditions are in Durban.

We’re coming here tomorrow (Sunday), and then the next week we’re in Durban for sure.

Cheesa: So what are you expecting in Durban?

I’m expecting a lot of Zulu dance (laughs). No honestly speaking I’m expecting excitement and fun all the way because this is also an experience for us as judges.

Cheesa: What can you advice the crews that are going to come for auditions in Durban?

They must work hard. Pick up the standard and practice, wear nice outfits and try to fuse their dance routines with their culture.

Cheesa: What can you advice the group that is going to win the competition?

Arthur: To take it as a stepping stone to their great future ahead I also started as a dancer and look where I am today. So it can happen to anyone.

Cheesa: Since its groups performing here and you also like dance and you have dancers in your company. Would you maybe consider taking some of the guys that you’ve seen in this competition?

I’ve been looking, I’ve been looking honestly speaking there are some that I think I can utilize. You know with me I never spot talent and never really do something about it. One way or the other something will happen.

Cheesa: So what can you say to people that are going to be watching the show.

They must enjoy themselves. Look forward to great excitement, fun filled show with raw talent, streetwise combination between the judges, the dancers, the producers, and the channel. 

Its something new they must just look forward to. They must realize that South Africa’s got talent and that talent needs to be exposed and we’ll do our best as judges to do proper judging, 

Cheesa: So can we expect to see Owami showing them how it’s done? (Laughs)

In Gauteng in fact she did a demonstration for the cameras so I don’t know if they are going to use it but I hope not because this is no under 18s show. So I’m not expecting her to be shown.

Cheesa: But we would love to see her… (Laughs)

I would love to see her too as a parent (laughs)

Cheesa: Thanks Arthur for your time.

Thank you


I think the show will be great to watch. Even though they didn't have many numbers in Cape Town on Saturday, dunno about Sunday. Johannesburg auditions look interesting and I hope Durban will go out in numbers to audition and show us what they are made of. 

Durban Auditions: Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th April

Durban Natural Science Museum
Research Centre
151 KE Masinga Road (cnr. Of Wyatt Road)

You can find out more about the show by visiting the official website:

Step Up or Step Out premieres on on Sunday 8 May at 18h05 and will be followed by Step Up or Step Out: Flipside on Tuesday 10 May, at 20h30.


12 Apr 2011 11:08

12 Apr 2011 16:18

Oh well...Thanks Cheesa for the update. I always thought Arthur was COOL but after this, I dont know!

13 Apr 2011 11:59

Awoa! Skura he IS cool. What made you this otherwise now?

13 Apr 2011 14:28

I must say I had high expectations and I was disappointed.

Hawu! And here I thought the competition would be tough in the mothercity? You know mos.. the capital of break dancing.

Or has tik really destroyed our children that much?? ///sad

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