Muvhango Actors Unplugged Scene 1

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 03 Feb 2011
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I visit the set of Muvhango and chat about Facebook and more, with Muvhango stars. In conversation is Neo Modimogale (Nomusa), Nthabiseng Mphahlele (Meiki), Mahumela Mahuwa (Susan), Rapulana Seiphemo (Pheko) and Millicent Makhado (Agnes). I have since learnt that Millicent will be marrying her sweetheart in a white wedding and traditional ceremony on 5 and 6 February 2011. The venues are Atteridgeville (Bride’s home) and Polokwane (Groom’s home) respectively and if my class on Saturday comes out early, I may just attend.

Muvhango girls
I just had to crop this picture so I shouldn't get in trouble with powers people that be.

I just have to thank Phathu for making my set visit an enjoyable moment though this story isn't the main I visited the set. I got this story by default so all thanks to Phathu!

Execitive Summary: A Facebook-er tells Nthabi he wants to be more than just friends. Neo is asked for a morning glory, Millicent has no Facebook comment as she is only on Facebook Mzansi Style and Rapulana tells us how he deals with women who inbox him funny messages (and pictures perhaps). Nthabi makes it clear who the star of the chat is while Millicent is reserved (maybe thinking about her upcoming wedding, who knows!) 

Clementine and Nthabi
Clementine Mosimane-Zitha and Nthabiseng Mphahlele. Nthabi has a Facebook stalker who told her she is a waste of skin.

I introduce myself and tell them that for the purpose of this interview, my name is Makisto and make it very clear that every word will be printed and nothing will be edited and the actors are only happy to agree to my terms. Nthabi started off the chat…

Nthabi: There is this guy who inboxed me on Facebook and said he sent a friend request. The thing is if I don’t know you. I don’t accept. He wrote that he wants to be friends and I explained I don’t befriend anyone and he said I’m gonna inbox you every day until you accept me and get to know me. He updated me daily about what was happening in his life starting from his shopping to his medical appointments. He was just sending me random information and... 

Makisto: How does that make you feel? Where you scared or... 

Nthabi: No I wasn’t scared. Actually I thought the poor guys was just lonely and needed someone to talk to. I never replied to his messages because you know your Facebook profile is just public if you don’t privatise it. 

Makisto: You need to privatise it mos, Nthabi. I have privatised mine because people’s personal information gets stolen on Facebook.
Nthabi: I didn’t even know how to do that. 

Neo and Makisto: You go to settings on your page. 

Neo Modimogale plays Adv Nomusa. Neo often gets steamy inboxes of Facebook

Nathibi: Everyday for about two months he sent me a message daily updating me about how his taxi fare was... 

Makisto: Did you reply though? 

Nthabi: I never replied. He would tell me about how a lady in a taxi got robbed of her change and how she caused a scene and about how she wants her money. I was like oh, ok. Then suddenly he sent a message asking why I’m not replying to his messages. (Nthabi and I burst out laughing as she knows how to dramatise. You guys should have heard her voice). I was called all names under the sun from a whore, Satan’s first born (I just went tjo) and he said I was a waste of skin. I was insulted and he said I don’t deserve to live. He said who the hell do I think I am. People on TV think they can treat people whichever way they choose. 

Makisto: Did you give him an impression that you can treat him whichever way you choose? 

Neo and Millicent: A-a-a-a-a-a!!!!!!! Makisto, you are a real journalist. How can you ask that? 

Makisto: I just want to confirm and maybe probe a bit. 

Nthabi: Makisto, I never replied to his messages and I never said anything thing to him. The only thing I ever did was ignore his messages and friend requests. He is the first person I knew how to block.I didn’t know you can block a person on Facebook so I reported him to Facebook. 

Millicent and costar
Millicent Makhado is getting married on Saturday and Sunday. She has no Facebook comment.

Makisto: What did Facebook say?
Nthabi: They said I should send them the messages and after that, they said they would remove him. 

Makisto: Did they remove his profile? 

Nthabi: Yes they removed his profile.
Makisto: Do you still have the messages? 

Nthabi: No I no longer have his messages. They were very insulting and very graphic. You are a proper journalist. What do you want the messages for? 

Makisto: (Laughs) But I am just asking you know, because people may want to see them messages. 

Nthabi: Mahumela has a fan page where she can interact with fans. So her fans turn to bombard my page. I then said to Mahumela that I am going to remove you as a friend because everybody who is your friend think my page is also open. My Facebook page is private so I can chat with people I choose to chat to. Also, Gabriel’s friends (Gabriel is Chief Azwindini) do the same thing. I sometimes get 100 requests and I’m like I don’t know these 100 people. 

Mahumela likes talking with her Facebook friends and showing them how her nails look like

Makisto: How many friends do you have on Facebook Nthabi? 

Nathibi: I think I have about 82 (I checked during the time of our interview and it was indeed 82). I only befriend people I went to school with and my friends. I’m very private (I then thought of Blaqueboi’s take on stars wanting privacy) 

Makisto: (Turning to Neo) How many friends do you have Neo? 

Neo: Mine is public. 

Makisto: Is it a public page or your personal page? 

Neo: People have been inboxing me saying why don’t you respond bluh bluh bluh... So I started accepting everyone and I started updating my status saying I’m at work doing this or that. They also ask questions and when I do have enough time, I respond. There is this woman who has been hounding me. 

Makisto: What does she say? 

Neo: She says I love me and why don’t I reply to her messages. Say hi to Thandaza. Please send me your phone numbers. 

Makisto: Did you send them to her? 

Neo: Nooooo! 

Makisto: Why? 

Neo: A a a a (expressing shock lol). Because I cannot just give away my cell number just like that. 

Nthabi: A! Makisto 

Makisto: Phela this is a story and this is a question I would ask myself if I was reading a story of this nature. 

Neo: People need to understand that we are not bad people if we don’t reply to their messages. Everyday they go to work, they talk to people they want to talk to and when they leave work they leave work, at work! With us, people want to call us at any time including odd hours. If I’m on Facebook at midnight, people wanna chat. 

Rapulana says now that Muvhango is kissing, he decided to come back so he could kiss all the ladies from the Mukwevho Holdings receptionist to the CEO. (Scene 3) 

(Rapulana Seiphemo approaches us as our conversations seems appealing to him.) 

Neo: When I can respond I do respond but sometimes I just want to check my updates and go to sleep. 

Makisto: Ok, how many friends did you say you have? 

Neo: I don’t know anymore. (After the interview she sent me an invite and I accepted. I then went through her profile and realised she has just over 800 friends.) 

Makisto: Do you keep track of what they do and comment on their status(es).
Neo: No I don’t. 

Makisto: Mahumela, how many friends do you have on Facebook. 

Nthabi and Neo: She has over 4 000.
Mahumela: Tjo, Facebookers! If you don’t reply they will go like: You are undermining us. Who do you think you are. (lols) 

Makisto: You kidding! You are my friend on Facebook but I hardly comment on your status updates because I will suddenly receive over 100 updates on my gmail because people comment on your status. This other day you posted a pictures of your nails. What was that all about? 

Makisto and Phathu
Makisto and Phathu. Phathu made sure Makisto felt at home.

Mahumela: I was saying to these other guys that I want to learn how to play a guitar and I said I wanna cut my nails. They said I don’t even have nails and they said, post them, let’s see. 

(Rapulana comes closer.)

Makisto: And wena Rapulana. You have over 5 000 friends. Don’t you? 

Rapulana: No no! But now I want to create a fan page. 

Makisto: When are you creating it? 

Rapulana: I will create it tonight (But the page still hasn’t been created when I posted this article which is about two weeks later). 

Makisto: I sent you a friend request but you didn’t accept. She (Pointing at Nthabi) and she (Mahumela) accepted. 

Deleted Scene: Ndivhuo Mutsila (Albert) and Gabriel's scene was deleted during the final cut.

I accept everybody. 

Makitso: I will then have to go check my list of friends (I just checked and Raps isn’t my friend of Facebook) 

Mahumela: There is one thing that I would like Facebook to do for us. We should have something that says (it is called a menu item lol) accept all or ignore all. Sometimes I get over 500 friends requests per day. 

Rapulana: Look at you. You are all beautiful and you can’t blame these poor guys who wanna be your Facebook friends. And even girls can be swept over their feet by you guys. 

Coming up next in Scene 2: Women hitting on Rapulana on Facebook and how he deals with them. Mahumela's song in the Lejade and the Favoured ensemble makes it on Top 5 in Capricon FM. Neo on SABC News versus ENews and why she would rather follow tweets than 800 people's updates on Facebook.


Scene 3: Muvhango stars in the nude with Makisto while talking about Sondeza and why Rapulana would kiss all Muvhango ladies. Plus, Mahumela’s take on South African and Western porn. Phila (Spha) dazzles me with his own Muvhango version.

Pictures through Makisto's lens and SABC 2


03 Feb 2011 11:57

03 Feb 2011 11:59

Lol @Carino and blank comments.

03 Feb 2011 12:01

My friend, so you actually went to see Nthabiseng at work?... heheheh.. Talk about pulling all stops. Phela I know she tickles the skin behind your knees. :-)

Lemme read the conversation..

03 Feb 2011 12:24

facebook is being closed forever on the 15th next month so i dont see why anyone has to worry about accepting anyone and stuff like that,its over people

03 Feb 2011 12:26

Kwakwest @ M2G believe a hoax and stating it in in such confidence. google to check your facts, sesi... google..

03 Feb 2011 12:36


03 Feb 2011 12:43

Tltltltltltltl, I think I heard that hoax back in 2009 lol. Wena Cariri you want Nthabiseng not to be friendly with me coz she tickles the skin behind my knees lol.

03 Feb 2011 12:48

hoax or not fact remains that a lot of us were exposed to it and we dont have to be lashed at coz we dont follow any piece and bit written about facebook

03 Feb 2011 12:51

Shame sorry M2D my love. We didn't mean to lash at you. Here is a hug for you and patting at the shoulder too.

03 Feb 2011 13:00

hmm great staff makisto..great staff..
Re: Nthabi's FB stalker. 
1. Very careless of her and many many facebookers not to pritasie their imfo on FB..everytime (95%) when FB makes have to check that their changes doesnt require you to re-privatise..bla bla...
2. I had a lil stalker...a young boy 20 or so, who wanted to be my BF..i started being nice, explaining like a big sister why that will NEVER happen with me and why I think its wrong. Thought he got a message...jiki jiki he returned and started again, i ignored him, and the "why are you igniring me" msges came through..."you are not a nice person"..."cant believe you call yourslef a Christian"...bla bla bla....I BLOCKED HIM. Its as simple as that. Block him everytime he comes even with a diffrenet name. But for hackers (an issue which is also controllable once u are targeted) FB is yours to control, as to who and what does to your profile.

....Reading on....

03 Feb 2011 13:11

t'hihihi..M2D...le wena ka nnete o beile ka confidence, ive never seen the hoax..was about to go google...but haaai...

Mh! time ill be your pet fly when you go interview the isidingo crew so i can drool at the gorgousness that is Lehasa Moloi (Khaya)...hmmmmm....bless him.

03 Feb 2011 13:20

Thanks GA. After the Muvhango episode is complete, I intend to "turn up the heat" on Debora Patta lol.

I still haven't written scene 3. It's just sitting on my cell phone and laptop. Listening and typing is one helluva lot of work. I only did scene 1 and 2 last night because there was no electricity.

03 Feb 2011 14:27

Glad this includes Rapulana and not the arrogance that is Ranthumeng. Oh lawwd...that guy irritates me, period! on set off set, go a tshwana.

03 Feb 2011 14:30

@Rapulana: Look at you. You are all beautiful and you can’t blame these poor guys who wanna be your Facebook friends. And even girls can be swept over their feet by you guys.

And I can almost hear his voice saying those words.
Eish.... lemme sing a song or something. ///shy///

03 Feb 2011 14:47

Ndimasiyari Bloggers,

No wonder i don’t have FB nor Twitter.... all along you deal with psychic....NEVER!

Congra to Agnes, btw is she marrying the guy on the photo or someone else?

Ndi a nifuna ngammanda uGabriel, it's a pity he has someone. 

I love all the photos esp the first one.


03 Feb 2011 16:33

lol Myname. She is marrying a different guy. That was her costar on the show. Lol @Carino and Ranthumeng. Maybe you just don't like the fact that Ranthumeng is now dating your crush's onscreen ex-girlfriend lol

03 Feb 2011 17:04

@Rapulana: Look at you. You are all beautiful and you can’t blame these poor guys who wanna be your Facebook friends. And even girls can be swept over their feet by you guys

This really caught my eye Muhvango girls beautiful lmao .........

La Dolce Vita
03 Feb 2011 22:00

Kwaaaaaaaa @ zam.ngcobo, I think Thandaza, Pearl and Meme are beautiful kula show qha.

04 Feb 2011 08:06

Great interview & Maki, I enjoyed reading it, nice pics too.

Milly is beautiful shem & conrats to her.

I love Nthabi to bits, she's also a beauty. Lmao @ satan's first born.

*patiently waiting for scene 2*

Kwakwest @ M2G believe a hoax and stating it in in such confidence. google to check your facts, sesi... google.. Lol loller lollest!!!

Oohhhhh Phathu, thanks for everything you did for Maki.

ownah m p
04 Feb 2011 08:24

am lazzy to read you comments bt who is milli's bubby to be??????

04 Feb 2011 08:40

Thanks Spineli. Phathu is a real star! He is always willing to help and his door is always open for me when I do my work outside of TVSA.

@Ownah, I don't know. I didn't ask coz I only heard when I left the set.

04 Feb 2011 09:29

Makisto I noticed that in most of your pictures you are in football Friday must be in love with it even if Phillip has long left the country.

Who is Millicent marrying?Where in Polokwane??I might invade their wedding on the sixth...

ownah m p
04 Feb 2011 09:47

ooohhh makisto but why ashhh i cant wait to but the way do things i trust you and i know you will crack it out for us.

04 Feb 2011 10:01

Great interview. I like the angle you took for this interview, instead of the conventional route. 

Thanks PruLuv, I just had to break from the done and dusted thing of how did you get your role, what do you do when not on set? I'm not saying those are nad questions in fact, I ask those questions when I write my other stories but I just think we have to find new and interesting approach to stories.

I guess it's a person's choice whether they want their profile to be public or private

Yes PruLuv, I had to remove my phone numbers from Facebook because Facebook friends were starting to call and I had to change that.

04 Feb 2011 10:05

you are in football Friday must be in love with it even if Phillip has long left the country. 

Lejazz, those picturs with me in my Bafafa Bafana T-Shirt are taken on Fridays. When I visited Muvhango, it was on a Friday so I had it on. It is just a coincidence nje. Myabe it's true that I like Phillip hey.

Where in Polokwane??I might invade their wedding on the sixth...
But if I give away that info I will be in trouble with SABC 2's publicity unit lol.

04 Feb 2011 14:27

What makes me laugh about tv personalities who say they cant respond to each and every comments on their wall , once the fans become mean and swear at them, they suddenly reply back (especailly on twitter) so much that most fans prefer to diss them to be noticed. Few celebs care able to interact with theri fans ppl like Simphiwe dana  and Ntsiki mazwai they make sure eacn and evry one is being replied to, even if it's thanks! i prefer the private route f u cnt handle your fans  jsut privatise evrything and u will have peace!

04 Feb 2011 14:28

True there Pele, Connie Furgeson also replies to all the tweets and retweets.

04 Feb 2011 14:37

Makisto i ahve heard even Mariah Carey too, jlo tehy amke time for tehri fans mean or not, maybe theri business strategy is wiser then.

04 Feb 2011 15:03

Ahhh Nokuwhat what Ndlovu won't mind that...but anywhere it's fine.

OOooh now I understand...but we are now rallying behind the Proteas so you should don your cricket jersey.

04 Feb 2011 15:35

Lejazz, I was just writing a story on that and I'm gonna wear mine from net wek lol.

Lejazz, you also know Nonkuwhatwhat? That lady...That's all I'm saying lol

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