
Genres: Comedy, Reality, Hidden Camera, Prank Show
Broadcast on: MTV Africa, MTV Base



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Broadcaster information
South African channels

MTV Africa : 17 Aug 2015 - 27 Aug 2018
MTV Base : 21 Aug 2015 - 25 Jul 2017

About the Show

#YouGotGot is a South African hidden camera prank show in the tradition of shows like Punk'd in which a crew of pranksters attempt to frighten and fool members of the public and celebrities with a variety of set up scenarios.

Comedian and host Tol A$$ Mo and his posse of Outlawz are heading into town for their most outrageous and hilarious exploits yet: to prank the good, honest, law-abidin' citizens of South Africa.

Inspired by the funniest pranks on the Internet, #YouGotGot is a straight-shootin' prank show with a South African spin, foolin' members of the public and famous faces to do real stupid stuff, or at least scarin' the pants off them – all in the name of good ol' entertainment.

Initially devised as a once-off stunt for April Fools' Day in 2015, #YouGotGot made such a commotion that MTV brought it back as a fully-fledged weekly show.

Each week there is a celebrity prankee, beginning with Bonang Matheba and Bucie in Episode 1 and Da L.E.S in Episode 2.

The gang of pranksters is led by comedian Tol A$$ Mo (identifying feature: he's real tall), who supplies the jokes and voiceovers, while five trusty henchmen and women pull all the pranks and stunts.


The black widow of pranks. What Lindzy gives with one hand, she takes away with of the other. This crafty vixen will use her cunning and sly ways to trick you in the best way.


Mini man, the "Napoleon" of pranks. He likes getting down and dirty (not that it's a long way down or anything). Like a pocket Swiss Army knife, this little guy comes with a big warning label. He can "move like Jagger" and hide in your fridge – but not necessarily at the same time.

Tracy, "Ms Stereotype"

The most colourful, twisted koeksister of karaoke isn't scared of calling a spade a spade. She may have the voice of an angel, but don't be fooled; she ain't afraid to cut-a-bitch, eksê my laanie. She lives by the mantra "WWCD" ("what woulda coloured do?")

Graham, alias "The Grameleon"

With a list of personae as long as a wizard's sleeve, this master of Tom-foolery will have you second-guessing yourself at every turn. Never the same person twice, he'll catch you every time.


The not-so-chic "Sheik of Comedic Skullduggery". He may look like dreamy Aladdin, but in actual fact is more like Sinbad the sailor, with charm to pull the flying carpet right out from under you. Be careful of this pretty boy who isn't afraid to offend.


Host - Himself

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