Rachel Reilly

Gender: Female


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Rachel Reilly is an American event hostess from Westwood, California who was a contestant on the reality television competition The Amazing Race 20, in 2012.

Her team partner was her fiance Brendon Villegas. She was 27 during filming of the Race.

Amazing Race Q&A

Describe what you do
Just got off Big Brother.

How will these skills help you win The Race?
We're very competitive. Brendon and I work very well together: fast, strong, smart. If we can survive Big Brother, we can do anything.

Three words to describe you
Fun, bubbly and effervescent.

Favorite hobbies
Working out, making clothes with glitter and hiking with my dog.

What famous person reminds you of yourself?
Lucy from I Love Lucy.

What famous person reminds you of your teammate?
Ricki from I Love Lucy. He's a fiery Hispanic and I'm the ditsy, flighty redhead.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
My B.S. Chem degree. I worked really hard. My magazine cover with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. Winning Big Brother.

What scares you most about traveling?
I love it.

What excites you most about traveling?
Meeting new people, experiencing new cultures and seeing the world.

Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together?
Brendon is impatient.

Pet peeve about your teammate
Impatience. He's always rushing me.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why?

Africa on a Safari. I'd love to go to Egypt and Kenya.

What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)?
Traveling around the world, bonding, falling deeper in love and working together as a couple.

Television Roles



Contestant - Herself


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