Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff

Gender: Female



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Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff is an American retired US Army soldier best known as a contestant on the 21st season of the reality competition Survivor (Survivor: Nicaragua), in 2010.

Survivor Bio

DeSmidt-Kohlhoff was born in 1962 in is currently residing in Fromberg, Montana.

She worked as a Lieutenant Colonel rank in the Army, but currently mans their family ranch in Fromberg (while her husband, who still serves in the military is currently deployed in Afghanistan).

She considers her mother, Dorine Gay DeSmidt as her inspiration. Sadly, her mother perished in a car crash in Denver, Colorado.

Her hobbies include singing, dancing, fishing, hunting, and activities that has anything to do with animals.

Her reason to compete in Survivor is for her to pay off their ranch.

Survivor Q&A

Personal Claim to Fame: Reaching the Lieutenant Colonel rank in the Army.

Inspiration in Life: My mother because she made me who I am today.

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, fishing, hunting, and anything to do with animals.

Pet Peeves: Stuck-up, rude, self-centered, dishonest, know-it-all people.

3 Words to Describe You: Honest, talkative and competitive.

Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: No one, especially NOT the other female military contestant, Shambo. We just have different personalities.

Reason for being on Survivor: To prove that I can do this. I would also love to pay off our ranch in Montana.

Why you think you will be the sole Survivor: Because if you put your heart and mind into the game anyone can be the final Survivor. You need skill, strategy, physical/mental abilities and a little luck. I’m Irish, so hopefully I’ll have the luck of the Irish with me.

Television Roles



Contestant - Herself


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