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The Queen Teasers - June 2020

Written by TVSA Team from the blog The Queen Teasers on 18 May 2020
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Coming up on The Queen this June 2020:

Monday 1 June 2020
Episode 221

Save the Date

Kagiso feels the pressure as Harriet does whatever it takes to protect her grandchild. Siyanda keeps even more secrets from Kagiso as she tries to hold on to her happily ever after. Georgina’s web of lies puts her best friend in danger.

Tuesday 2 June 2020
Episode 222

Siwelele in a Week

Siyanda’s leash tightens around Kagiso’s neck. Patronella gives Georgina surprising advice on how to deal with the thorn in her side.

Wednesday 3 June 2020 
Episode 223

Window Period

Siyanda thinks of a plan to get rid of Goodness permanently. Georgina finds herself being slowly charmed by the least likely person.

Thursday 4 June 2020
Episode 224

Looking Out For Number One

Schumacher worries when the Khoza’s riches and status start to go to Siyanda’s head. Georgina’s double life creates chaos at work.

Friday 5 June 2020
Episode 225

Reality Check

Siyanda contemplates crossing the ultimate line, in order to hold on to Kagiso. Georgina’s heart betrays her, leading her to unfamiliar territory.

Monday 8 June 2020
Episode 226

Trying Again

Goodness tries very hard to save herself, but Siyanda is a step ahead of her. 

Tuesday 9 June 2020
Episode 227

Turning Over a New Leaf

Schumacher helps Siyanda come up with a plan to cover up the lies she’s been feeding Kagiso and the Khozas. Mjekejeke is furious when he finds out what Georgina has been up to.

Wednesday 10 June 2020 
Episode 228

Love and Other Drugs

Siyanda’s plan to trap Kagiso takes an interesting turn as the wrong man falls victim to her potions. 

Thursday 11 June 2020
Episode 229

Just One Drop

Kagiso’s cold feet make Siyanda take some dangerous steps to get what she wants. Georgina is about to lose it all at work and in her personal life.

Friday 12 June 2020
Episode 230

Can't Believe My Eyes

Kagiso and Siyanda’s secrets attack at the worst moment possible. 

Monday 15 June 2020
Episode 231

Paul Crilley

Kagiso can't remember what happened to Siyanda. Who will be the one to tell him? Jerry and Vuyiswa have their suspicions about what the Khozas have been up to. Will they disobey orders and investigate?

Tuesday 16 June 2020
Episode 232

Ghosts from the Past

Kagiso and Dingane are horrified when a ghost from their past makes a reappearance. Thato is conflicted about whether or not to give into a new love interest that could complicate his life.

Wednesday 17 June 2020 
Episode 233

Waking Up The Dead

A spooked Kagiso is determined to find out who’s behind his loss of memory and strange pranks. Thato agrees to some things he might regret after Mildred confronts him for standing her up. 

Thursday 18 June 2020
Episode 234

The Resurrection 

Shaka’s death rears its head again forcing Kagiso and Dingane to make some ugly choices. Mjekejeke and Patronella disagree on what to do about Goodness' disappearance. Jerry gets in the way of Mildred’s plans for Thato.

Friday 19 June 2020
Episode 235

Walking on Eggshells

Dingane and Kagiso are in hell as they wait to find out how will they pay for their crimes. Thato’s confidence is shaken he hears Mildred’s review of his performance.

Monday 22 June 2020
Episode 236

Do Us All a Favour

Thato’s plans with Mildred are interrupted by a beautiful stranger. Brutus has heard enough of Kagiso’s excuses and unleashes his wrath on him.

Tuesday 23 June 2020
Episode 237

Take It Like a Man

Dingane and Kagiso are in trouble as the Khozas turn on them. Schumacher becomes a threat to Thato’s recent winning streak with women.

Wednesday 24 June 2020
Episode 238
Shadowy Figures

The tables turn for Kagiso and Dingane as they find themselves at the mercy of an old enemy. Thato’s gamble backfires when his date with Warona (played by Rosemary Zimu) doesn’t go as planned.

Flash fact: Warona is Mildred's daughter.

Thursday 25 June 2020
Episode 239

Guessing Games

Harriet and Brutus face off over which of their children should get to live. Things get more complicated as Thato falls more deeply for Warona.

Friday 26 June 2020
Episode 240

Too Little, Too Late

Thato is shocked when he finds himself in an unlikely love triangle. Kagiso and Dingane continue to struggle against the threat that’s followed them into the Khoza mansion.

Monday 29 June 2020
Episode 241

Two Birds, One Stone

Kagiso’s disappearance causes an uproar in the Khoza mansion. Thato tries to kill two birds with one stone. Brutus has reached the end of his rope with Dingane.

Tuesday 30 June 2020
Episode 242

It Ends in Tears

Brutus decides to rescue Dingane at the last minute but is he already too late. Mildred proves to Schumacher and Thato that she’s the one running the show.

Premiere episodes of The Queen air on Mzansi Magic from Mondays to Fridays at 21h00.


Actors in this post: Kuli Roberts

Shows in this post: The Queen

Channels in this post: Mzansi Magic


18 May 2020 16:45

It seems like things will start to get interesting in 16 June upwards, from now till then there's nothing interesting

18 May 2020 21:17

Rosemary Zimu is literally everywhere!! Soo happy for her (Generations, Scandal and now The Queen), the girl is FOCUSED!!

11 Jun 2020 10:59

So looking forward to Shaka's comeback to the queen

13 Jun 2020 12:57

So Siyanda is dead?!

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