Casting Calls

New SABC3 reality show seeks couples who want to marry in a blitz

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Casting Calls on 06 Sep 2017
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South African TV's obsession with filming weddings has been ramped up yet again and this time it's on the channel that first introduced the phenomenon.
Flashback to SABC3's The Wedding Show in 2003.

The channel's latest instalment is called Married in a Flash and the search is on for couples who want to do just that.
The series is looking for couples who are either engaged or in a committed relationship who want to tie the knot in three days.
The bonus: the show's going to pay for it.
Each couple will get R75,000 to spend on a wedding of their choice BUT it all has to happen in 72 hours.
Cameras are going to follow the chosen couples from the day of receiving the money. They have to plan the wedding, decide on the guest list, organise etc. and everything will be filmed, including the wedding.
If this appeals to you, you can apply to be on the show by e-mailing the production at: or by calling them on (010) 594 5127.

The show will premiere on the channel in a flash too - in October.

Actors in this post: Nolu Malope

Shows in this post: Married in A Flash

Channels in this post: SABC3


07 Sep 2017 07:52

I just applied but did not include my contact details in the email. will this be a problem?

09 Sep 2017 14:55

Hi i sent my email on thursday night just wanted to know by when will those selected by notified?

12 Sep 2017 11:41

We've asked the production and this is what you can expect from the process: once you've mailed them, they'll send you a form and a video questionnaire to fill in. Have you receieved these?

Once you've sent these back to them, the production will consider your application and will be in touch if you're selected to be on the show. They won't be in touch by e-mail though... they're going to surprise those who've been chosen by telling them in the flesh so you'll know you're on the show if they suddenly pitch up on your doorstep.

17 Sep 2017 09:22

Really sounds so interesting. Can't wait for the show to be broadcasted.

06 Oct 2017 11:29

Casting newsflash: ONE Gospel talk show presenter and Sis Ribs' daughter Nolu Malope will be hosting the show. It starts on 11 October at 19h30.

06 Oct 2017 14:04

TVSA Team edited on
10/6/2017 2:06 PM

And the first to get married are...

... Mark and Sheila.

They met on a dating app - probably Tinder - and Mark wanted to get married in court but Sheila wanted a dream wedding so she entered the show and voila!


01 Nov 2017 11:52

hehehehe i just sent them an email i hope im not late......
i would love to do this

02 Nov 2017 10:17

Diz gyz r just lyin 2 us, thy hav long selcted all de cuples for de Shw. We cn wryt all we want dey wnt get back 2 u or myslf... ystedayz episode provd dat. All of u in dis forum 4gt abt ur drem wedding ??????

09 Nov 2017 14:17

Hi there, I am very much interested, and the minute I heard about the show I called in October and was told by the lady who answered the phone that everyone has gone shooting and that she could not assist me. I took the email address and emailed twice but never got any response :-( 

24 Nov 2017 15:44

Juniour Researcher wnt respnd LDee. thy r only putting their own ppl, ppl tht really needs this wont get tht 75k.

05 Dec 2017 16:26

Mnxim 70% of all these wedding took place in the east rand. You are judged by how you look not by your story. Your applying like a it's a vacant position that needs to be filled.

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