A new direction for One Direction

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 04 Apr 2015
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I don't care what happens to boybands - I never have - but I'm finding myself wondering about what One Direction should do next.

I followed their creation on X Factor - followed it closely so I've always had a relationship with them and I feel for them with this Zayn thing because he's been appalling. It's unforgivable that he ruined their tour and the group's future all to launch his solo career. Such betrayal!

He let everyone down except himself and didn't care about the impact on anyone else. He didn't care about everyone who bought tickets for the One Direction tour nor his fans who paid to see him specifically. It's such a slap in the face I don't know why any previous fan would stay one.

He also let the group down so completely that I want to see them continue their success as revenge against him. I believe the most important thing they need to do is to replace him as soon as possible.

The world forgets scandals very quickly. But they'll never forget if there are only four members in the group instead of five. Everyone will forget Zayn pronto if he's replaced by someone who's similar to him but has something different to him too.

Simon Cowell and the group need to find a replacement, introduce him to the world and use him to give the group new zest. They also need to do a reality show about it: finding the new 5th member. I'm convinced it would work. I'm also convinced that they need to do something because I don't see their popularity lasting if they don't.

Another crucial thing they need is to get rid of all the merchandise everywhere that has all five of them in it. Most of it does - there are some items that have them separately but so much of it includes all of them. Imagine how much money everyone must have lost because of it - another reason for revenge against Zayn! They need to get rid of it quickly.

Such a terrible job. How do you possibly start to organise? Very pleased it's not up to me.

Shows in this post: The X Factor (UK)

1 Comment

04 Apr 2015 10:11

That Cunt

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