Mzansi Magic strikes a deal for Dragons' Den SA!

Written by TVSA Team from the blog News on 30 Jun 2014
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We asked for it and it's happened. Dragons' Den is coming to South Africa!

TVSA asked for a South African version of either Shark Tank or Dragons' Den to be on SONY or BBC Entertainment but it's going to be on Mzansi Magic instead. We don't mind. We're happy with it being anywhere.

In case you aren't familiar with it, it's a life-changing entrepreneurial reality show. This is the official synopsis:

Each week Dragons' Den allows several entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their varying business ideas to a panel of five wealthy investors, the "Dragons" of the show's title, and pitch for financial investment offering a stake of the company in return.

The thrilling part of it is the real life impact. The entrepreneurs always get something positive out of the experience and for viewers, there's the added entertainment of seeing the businesses grow in real life. Once the first season has aired we'll start seeing businesses from the series in the real world, growing with the input of the Dragons' fire.

There's no word yet on who the Dragon's will be. These were our suggestions previously: Patrice Motsepe, Kenny Kunene, Pam Golding, Sol Kerzner, Mark Shuttleworth and Cyril Ramaphosa. Who else would be ideal?

If you have a business and want to the enter the show, keep your memo handy. Entry details coming up soon.

It premieres with a spring in it's step in September.


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