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Rih was Amazing in Cape Town!

Written by Cheesa from the blog Cheesa Chat on 18 Oct 2013
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Well on Wednesday I got an opportunity to see Rihanna perform her ‘Diamonds World Tour’ concert at Cape Town Stadium. The stadium was packed. I saw a lot of Rihanna inspired outfits yoh! Some were shocking and funny! And some did not suit the people very well, yhu hayi! 

Anyway, when Rih got on stage! she said, ‘There are a lot of people in this sheeet!” and that was followed by the crowd’s scream, it was amazing yeva! I was in the general standing area behind the golden circle. I was not going to be able to see Rihanna had it not been for my makwayi-kwayi, I couldn’t see anything when I was wearing my flats even the screen! I felt sorry for the girls who were next to me. They couldn’t see anything shem. They only heard Rihanna sing, that’s all! 

I must say though that Rih kept us waiting - to my understanding she was supposed to be on stage at 20h30 and she got there at 20h45 - the impatient me was already getting annoyed plus the heels were killing me! Anyway, when she got in I forgot all about that and everyone was screaming Rihanna’s name. It was really awesome. 

Rih performed many songs and most of them were popular tracks - I loved that. Even some of us who are not what they call ‘stans’ and don’t have *coughs* all Rihanna’s CDs were able to sing along. Well, me shem I was one of those who couldn’t wait for the chorus in order to sing along for I am not the one to know all the lyrics of songs shem. I don’t bother myself by Googling lyrics now-  those music book days are so over for me. I just sing what is catchy to me. 

I liked how she sang the popular tracks in between the not-so-popular because during the not-so-popular tracks the crowd would not sing along, dance and all but when she sang a popular track we would all scream, sing along and dance. 

She did not do an outfit change in Cape Town as well. I know people who attended the Jo'burg show were obsessing about this. I didn’t hear anyone complaining about this. Maybe it was because we already knew that she didn't change outfits in Joburg or we were too busy having fun to care about that. But her dancers changed outfits a couple of times. 

The dancers were great and Rih also danced. She was doing what she can do. She was twerking and dunusing quite a lot, phela we should stop expecting Rihanna to dance like Beyoncé. I know she has a lot of dance tracks that make one imagine how Bey would dance to those if they were hers but really guys Rihanna is Rihanna and Beyoncé is Beyoncé. 

She sang another love song that is not so popular. She asked the crowd to join her and she said, “This song is about love, you know how complicated that sheeet can be right!” We all screamed and I thought about this thing yakhe no Chris Brown. 

I loved when she performed All of the Lights, I luv that song! The show rocked towards the end. She wanted to leave us begging for more. Before she sang ‘Stay’ she said, “Thank you Cape Town” and left the stage and the lights went off. Some people thought she was done. They started shouting ‘Diamonds’, ‘We want more’. After a few minutes she came back to sing ‘Stay’ - one of my favourite tracks. 

She closed it with ‘Diamonds’. It’s the ‘Diamonds World Tour’ after all. She thanked Cape Town and said we were great. She loves us ;-) and all. When she was leaving the stage she had our flag rapped around her shoulders - that was such a proud moment for us people! We screamed until she disappeared. 

Rihanna was phenomenal, I totally loved it. The crowd loved her. I think she gave Cape Town the best show!

TVSA would like to thank M-Net for the tix! Do it again hehehe…. ;-)


18 Oct 2013 11:47

Hi Cheesa, great to see you writing again. I will read in the afternoon and comment then

18 Oct 2013 14:17

lol maki, it funny how i had forgotten how things work around this house. i was nervous when posting the article coz i know it can disappear and have to start over everything. *phew*

Magical Baby
18 Oct 2013 14:39

Welocome back honey!!!!!

18 Oct 2013 15:15

WB Cheesa! Looks like oyu had hell of fun! Nice one...did you wear any Rihanna inspired outfit?

It looks like she changed outfits, Joburgers were complaining about the lack....

18 Oct 2013 17:51

Thanks MB and Taz, it was hella fun indeed Taz, no she didn't change outfits actually. She only took off the jacket and wore it again later.

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