Taken back in time

Written by Best-Achiever from the blog Only the Best is Achieved Here on 04 May 2010
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Dear Mama

I’m taken back to my childhood years as Sunday approaches and remember most of the things especial the hard times I gave you like it happened yesterday. Growing up as the hyper active child couldn’t have been easier on you, I remember all the days when I got back from school, you would have already prepared meal for us, when we get home you’d tell us to take our uniform off and come eat, you will sit there in the kitchen with us, check up on us if we are finishing our meal while asking us about our day at school, then you will tell us to do dishes and go do our homework. I remember that every day when we said we were done with our homework you’d ask our uncle ‘babomncane’ to check if we real did it. You had so much love and paid attention to everything we did, as much as we couldn’t recognize then what a wonderful mother you are but you never gave up on that, on being the best mother. 

I can still remember that day when you and my sister walked out of the kitchen and left me there so I can do dishes, hehehe I remember taking dished as dirty as they were, packed them in that bucket like we did with the clean dishes and sneaked out of the kitchen like a pro, went climbed the fence, got hurt while at it(remember that scar in my thigh, im reminded of this every time I looked at it) and went to play with my friends, oh mah the beating I got that day, tjo I thought you were not my biological mother, especial after the beating you washed my already hurt body with savlon (do they still sell this in, the pain I felt that day especial in my wound made me doubt that you loved me, tjo. 


I still remember how you’d punish us(had to do dished for the whole week alone) if we can’t remember the Sunday school verse or the scripture that was read at church that day, hhayi cha mah you were just something else. I still remember that you used to say ’I don’t repeat something twice’ when you were telling us to do something and oh boy you meant just that… because if you find us not doing what you just said you’ll just give us the beating to remember … I still remember how you’d insist that we carry our clinic card to schools when we told you we can’t go to school because we have ‘headache’… lol I never understood why only us were not allowed to miss school, I even remember the day when we told you, they said we mustn’t go to school the following day and you thought we made that up and sent us to school and we were the only one’s there nc nc . 


Growing up, I never thought or saw you crying until the day when I got sick and passed-out. I can still see the tears running down your face, and for the first time I saw how preciously you hold me in your heart when you were sitting next to my bed, how much you wanted to take my pain away.
I still remember the pride you had in your face when we bought that paper, told you we passed matric, the pride you had when I graduated, it was priceless and you know today I know that our joy and success is your pride, you eyes just says it all. 

If I could write a book about you, it surely would be the biggest book ever, you are truly my life, if there is anything I could ask for from God is to at least make me half-woman that you are, because I don’t think I can ever come close to what you are. Have a wonderful day mah, I’ll always celebrate you and be thankful that God didn’t give me a choice to select a mother and chose you for me. 


To all the other mothers out there… Happy Mother’s Day, i hope you raise your children to feel the same way i feel for my mama.


04 May 2010 12:31

Let's all celebrate our mothers while we still can

Savanah Dry
04 May 2010 12:46

o I thought you were not my biological mother, especial after the beating

used to think that about my Moms too!!!!!

here goes !!!

This is the 2nd year that i celebrated mothers' day so far from you ..
I miss you Amai , wish you were here so i could shower you wit love and spend the day just you and me...

You are my hero , thank you for all your teachings even though at the time they seemed pointless ...

I am glad when at times i do something and i think gosh i sound like my mother i smile secretly thinking how great a woman you are...

You taught me independance and now i can stand alone in this lonely world and say i am a strong woman of virtue

Thank you Amai may God forever bless you !!!!!

04 May 2010 12:55

ooh BA that is so sweet, hope yo mom gets to read this and feel and know that she is so important to you and you love her more than anything.

ooh if i had to start writting how amazing my mom is, i will neva finish that women rock my world and i truely love her more than anything in this world and would be nothing without her. Love you Majobe

Da Diva
04 May 2010 13:15

Nice one BA... Why dnt u print this and give ur mom................ Tough one 4 mi it will b my first year celebrating Mother's day since my mom passed away... Plz do whatever u can 2 show ur mom that u appreciate her.

04 May 2010 13:33

wow best.......GREAT JOB!!!!! Its true u shuld give this to yo mum.... WOW!!!!

I dont have a sister or a brother, Im the only kid, but my mum also used to beat me nge wet towel, en i used to think i was adpted, lol..... But i later understood y she did it

Happy mothers day to all the mums apha kwa TVSA!!!!!!!!!!

04 May 2010 13:37

This is so nice.

Very sweet. My mother never made us miss school too, no matter what. She sometimes personally took us there to make sure we make it to school.

Yoh. I remember once she gave me money to go to the doctor and I was afraid of injections and I didnt go. When she came back she asked what the doctor said I told her I didnt go.

I got the warmest kaffir klap ever and I remember feeling like I flew across the room to the other end. She told me to go there immediately and I must pray to God that the doctor was still open.

I ran as fast as I could with tears streaming down my face to teh doctor only to find he had closed for the day. I cried at the gates screaming at the thought of going home to tell my mom that the doctor was closed. I didnt want to.

04 May 2010 14:14

used to think that about my Moms too!!!!!

@SD... i think that thought crossed many children

hope yo mom gets to read this and feel and know that she is so important to you and you love her more than anything. 

Its true u shuld give this to yo mum.... WOW!!!!

@cuz-cuz, Lhozalisto ... my mum can not read english, so i'll have to translate it back to Zulu... lol anyway i always, always try my best that i tell her everyday howmuch i appriciate her love and the sacrifieces she made for us ... and do hope that she sees it through my actions too. Your mums are special too

@DD... im sorry dear but at least you do have her memory that you can celebrate.

@GML.. welcome back from the HM, your mum sounds like mine re doctor part

04 May 2010 14:17

remembering the love I always get 4rm my mom brings tears to my face cause she has always been the wonderful woman who fears God & raised 5 children by herself I mean my 2 older brother & older sisters , I remember while I was 13yrs she stayed at work in Northcliff & use to come back on weekends (remember that time ya doctor martin) she bought it 4 me no matter how little she earned I use to have everything every little gal my age had at that time, I dissapointed  her in 1999 when I was pregnant with my 1st child but still she stood by me I went back to school to finish my grade 12 had all the support I needed 4rm her, I focused & she began to trust me again until I got my 1st job in 2003, she is my rock my hero & the God I can see with my own 2 eyes, now I`m a grown woman/wife & mother to 2 beautiful gals , all thanx to my beautiful mother this sunday I do something for her to show my appretiation.thanx mom

04 May 2010 14:34

This past weeken, i was listening to Celine Dion's Goodbye is the saddest word song and was so overcome by emotion.  I don't know what i would do if my mom were to leave this earth, she is such a pillar of strength and comfoter.  I know that i can depend on her for anything that i want and she is too judgemental but i know that she will always give me her honest opinion about my life and things that matter to me.  I can't even describe the love that i feel for her, she is such a phenomenal woman and jah she is in her late 50s and just recently joined the gym.  She is such an inspiration.  Love you Mma

04 May 2010 14:54

if there is anything I could ask for from God is to at least make me half-woman that you are....this is a prayer that occasions my heart in those crazy ours of the morning when i think about mamma....:-)
This very lovely BA...:-)

In my neighbourhood,we were the only kids who had a 5pm curfew even in summer (december). And she'd yell at us to come home just as the games were starting to get hot and all those cool interesting guys were coming to join sister hated this so much coz she wanted to hang out with this particular boy who lived ko alexadra.....he hee...
And we also had to come home for launch evryday or we'd get the beating of a lifetime. We'd have to explain where we ate lunch if not at home. And its those rules that instilled a deep sense of discipline in our lives to date.Am every thankfull as well.

On some occasion i had an incident like yours BA. I Went to play against her will. And i got cut on my leg by those broken plates that we used to play house (mantlwane). I was scared to go home because i ran away in the first play house when she did not like it at all coz we cooked in tins and ate in those broken dirty im hurt by those very broken plates she warned me about.
So i waited and went home when i saw my granddad arriving with the cows (he always saved my behind)....i took a blanket and wrapped myself so i can cover the cut/wound. i succeeded. At night however it started hurting like crazy...i was hissing in pain and she heard me my irritating cries....she took methylated spirit....that purple one and applied it on the cut...boy was it painfull, all the while shouting at me, it was so painfull, i still have the 2 cm scar on my leg. And sadly there were many such events and she was tenacious, never grew tired of running arround after us and blocking us in an effort to keep us on the straight and narrow....we are better for all her efforts shem. 
I do wanna be like her as a mom...i probably will...i already have her habbits and ways with kids sometimes i laugh at me self.

04 May 2010 15:00

This past weeken, i was listening to Celine Dion's Goodbye is the saddest word song and was so overcome by emotion....huuuh!...i do not like singing that song at all Mathaz, i do think its abeautiful song though'....funny when i hear it i always say outloud, "ill sing you many many years from now" and i say this prayerfully.,.."my mom is here to stay i would say with passion at the poor song"...i pray that God keeps her so she can see the fruits of her laighbour in us. She is only 48 and i plan the mother of all 50th b-day party for her...

04 May 2010 15:05

And its those rules that instilled a deep sense of discipline in our lives to date.Am every thankfull as well

us Too GA.... you know we always says with my sisters we would be happy if our children can be just lst us...well for mine, minus mychildhoos years because i dont know if i'd havethe patience mama had...

@Mathaz ... i dont even want to think about my life with her, scary thing to think about

Da Diva
04 May 2010 15:25

@Best Achiever........... Yes girl i do remember her, and i think i showed her how much i appreciate her presence, she was a quite and strong woman, she was a single parent bt she neva fail 2 educate me and my elder sister, put food on the table, cloth us etc.... But atleast i have a son hope he'll call/send an sms, lol... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Shy Girl
04 May 2010 15:34

Eish, i wish I could say the same about my mom... still alive but we just don't connect. I  have tried to be the best child that she wants me to be, But I guess I'm just not good enough kuye.
I love her to bits and try by all means to shower her with gifts and love on Mother's day and her birthday, but my sister will always be the one she will be talking 
 about. <my girl did ths my did that>I have just given up but I still send the gifts... even if Ido not  feel her love...

04 May 2010 15:41

Wow, Best-Achiever, this is awesome. Happy Mother's Day to all the women around the globe.

04 May 2010 16:11

Oh beautiful BA. I can relate to too many of the tales told here, the sneaking, beating and pride. That's what moms do

I thank God everyday that he has provided me with such a loving mom, yes she loves me more than your mothers love you all :-)

It will make that trip to Green cross shoe shops extra special, and understand that as she ages she needs to be super comfortable.

I love her, even when she gets sick, I am always grateful that she is alive. 

04 May 2010 16:29

Beautiful letter to your mother...I'm almost certain she is proud to have you as a daughter too and how you turned out because our mother's pride and joy is when they realise all the hard work bringing us up paid off...Happy mother's day to all the mothers, God knows what this world would have become without them...I don't even want to know

05 May 2010 10:25

@BA....... Im sure she's proud of you

05 May 2010 10:30

Eish BA, this touching piece

Mathaz, you should listen to Celine Dion's "Beautiful Boy". Its an awesome mother to child song <3

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