A Story To Tell

Written by Best-Achiever from the blog Only the Best is Achieved Here on 27 Nov 2009
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Each year, many children don't even get a Christmas feeling, that Xmas vibe that we all looking forward to. As they travel back to school, they hear their schoolmates talking about their exciting Christmas holiday as they realize they have no story to tell. They don’t know how Christmas day is different from all other days simple because in their lives there is no difference.... They still go without new clothes, new toys, picnic, or even meal different or not, holiday to them only means they don’t go to school so they have more time to struggle for the next meal. 


From me to you:
Do you have a little extra cash this year? Are there toys that you bought for your child that you might be able to pass on to a little girl or boy in need? Old dresses or extra food in your closets? 

Bloggers i’m begging you, just this year make this Christmas be a story to tell for at least one Child, be it a new clothes, new toys or your time and meal, for a boy or girl or both ... Just one child, revive their cute smile, Give them a story to tell. 


Identify at least one child in your neighborhood; Invite at least one Child in your neighborhood; Spend with or on at least one Child in your neighborhood. Just for this month refuse yourself a chance to go eat out Just once and Put a Smile and Give a story to tell in one child’s entire life... 

You can get clothes for less that R100.00 in some shop and Make one child’s Christmas a story to tell.


27 Nov 2009 11:55

Sorry about spelling mistakes and Gramma .... im a bit tied-up.

27 Nov 2009 12:08

will do, BA.Eish and with all this jobs lost this year, imagine how many kids wont have gifts this year. Thnx for the reminder. Xmas cheers everybody!!!!

27 Nov 2009 12:16

Will def do that.

lady gaga
27 Nov 2009 12:22

this is so thoughtful of u BA, will definately try to make an effort!!

27 Nov 2009 12:42

A very inspiring and thoughtful article, BA..........

I am trying but feel like I got myself in way too much trouble as I am running out of time.

At the beginning of the year, the Young Adults (YA) of our church requested the congregation to bring clothes that they are not using to church so we can help those that are less fortunate than us. Initially we aimed for clothes and food but we only received clothes and we though we will accumulate until we have enough. People were so generous they gave heaps and piles of clothes, even though some were real rags, but we cant judge them as that is all they had.

We eventually collected the clothes from church, to sort and wash, and this would have been a great group effort but only two guys showed up to help with sorting and washing clothes. We are scheduled to iron them tomorrow, but I doubt that any one will show up so I have decided I will use the YA's funds to get 2 people at the gate to help with ironing, and that will be taken care of.

My biggest worry of all is that we have set the distribution date, and I dont know how we are going to go about it. The people that we plan to give these clothes to come in different years and sizes, and we cant decide beforehand who to give what. If we lay them out for them to choose, how do we control the situation to make sure that they dont quarrel. 

I personally think it will be best to let them choose, as whatever they take it will be something they are likely to wear so it will almost be like going to the shop and picking out clothes, but how do we avoid conflict.

I was so hoping that we could put food parcels together, but that is unlikely to happen as we do not have any sponsors and money is tight right now, so clothes will do.

27 Nov 2009 12:47

There are these kids at our cmplex. They are always dirty and they have both parent. The father drives a BMW>

Do they qualify BA> I really want to take them and scrub them with soapy water and put moisturiser on them.

haai those kids- there is not soil but paving there mara they way bafail ngakhona? Ngathi bahlala elokishini

27 Nov 2009 12:52

Yho GML, mara some parents can neglect their kids ne!

27 Nov 2009 12:59

This in thoughtful BA
Thanks for reminding us to do good to others this Christmas

But with those children who have parents(abazali bakhona abakhoni ukubenzela konke) how do you give to them without having a feeling of "I wonder how will the parents take this one" ?

nice ...are you in Jozi?

27 Nov 2009 13:01

Will definately give something to some one. GML: that sad, udayisa ofishi lobaba

27 Nov 2009 13:02

@ Phikza yep, I live in the South though

27 Nov 2009 13:12

xoxo BA.....will definately do...:-) u go to His People Johannesburg.

27 Nov 2009 13:12

where is their mother GML?

27 Nov 2009 13:17

Would have come to help  nice but I'm in CPT

GA ...I go to His People Cape Town :-)

27 Nov 2009 13:33

@Nice .... 

all i can tell you is .. iron those clother,  wrap/pack them according to age group ... dont let kids just choose .. Give it to them ... if you let them choose, 5 of them might like one thing because they have a choice and what are you gonna do ... If you just give them, they all gonna appreciate it ...

27 Nov 2009 14:10

thts cool Phikza....i go to the Jhb one and i first learnt about the young adult activities/ministry/concept there,totally love it.

27 Nov 2009 14:13

Nice, where is this happening and what time ... i can come help you out and lets save YA budget ... It will have to be between 5am to 12 noon .... i'm  hosting friend, later on the day, akere you said Tomorrow?

One and Only
27 Nov 2009 14:29

Ngathi bahlala elokishini

So this is how people living at townships are seen, dirty? 

27 Nov 2009 14:34

haai 1 and only

I meant that we have tar road and pavin, No soil what so ever. But they look like they were playing

Skop di ballo  or scotch or amatin on soil like we used to do .

We used to get filthy.

Sana Lwam
27 Nov 2009 14:35

@nice - where about in the South?

27 Nov 2009 14:37

Had to take a break and go eat, ...............I wonder how did ugamalakhe survive the lunch hour as she forgot her lunch

GA, I am Catholic and I attend church in Thokoza. 

BA, It will be in the South and like I said it is many many clothes, and I need all the help I can get. I will PM you the address to my place. Ever heard of Albertsdal?

One and Only
27 Nov 2009 14:42

Ok I was getting worried for a second. From where I'm coming from I'm taught that if you wanna do a good deed you shouldn't broadcast it but make an intention alone and pledge whatever you wanna pledge.

What is the main purpose of telling everybody who cares to listen that I'm gonna donate R1m or clothes to a charity organisation? Isn't that like bragging? Don't you want to make people think that you have a good heart?  

27 Nov 2009 14:49

Who on this blog is bragging one and only?

27 Nov 2009 14:50

Yena yedwa, you like being that thing they call "the devil's advocate" in English and I am not going to entertain you.

27 Nov 2009 14:52

i dont know the place Nice ... but i believe i will find it ... PM me, then we will have to start as early a possible .... tell me if there is anything that you'd like me to bring ie iron

27 Nov 2009 14:59

i can relate. i dont celebrate christmas and as a result never had a story to tell. its different though if you're just a child who has no food,clothes etc. and dont understand why. i cant help over christmas but i do at any other time. one and only? what are you on about?

27 Nov 2009 15:04

Tjo BA u r da sweetest blogger i've ever cyber seen, especially where kids are involved. May God bless you sisi.

27 Nov 2009 15:17

Guys May God bless you abundantly

One and Only
27 Nov 2009 15:18

Who asked to be entertained? Blogging doesn't mean that we all have to agree on one thing.

All I'm saying is that if you wanna give, do so in private it should be between you and God alone otherwise you defeat the purpose of giving.

Stop taking tips on Zola 7.

27 Nov 2009 15:25

Akuve uyidliwa  kodwa wena  one and only kaze kwakhala nyonini la kuwe?

27 Nov 2009 15:28


27 Nov 2009 15:32

eish some people are missing the point here but let me shut up, i do want any cyber cat fights.

BA thanks for remiding us to give a little. may be i should encouga my family at the xmas family to start somethings like this.  giving should not only be ka xmas, just give where there is a need always, even when you know that cousin's child has less clothes be thoughtful and share, it does not matter who the person is just help where you can. 

One and Only
27 Nov 2009 15:35

Ngyacabanga kwakhala igwababa noma uthekwane yikho nginje bathi charity begins at home and uzothi mawuthatha ukubheka sengingasho ukhathide labantu abathi bona isandla bayasilula kubantu abampofu utho ukuthi uhluleka ukusilula kuqala endlini kwabo.

Uhluleka ukuthengela izingane zikamfowenu/zikadadewenu/zikamalume nezikamamncane izinto bese usuke uyasiqinela la uzenze isqeda uzenze iskhokho sqinela ibhodwe.ukuthi

27 Nov 2009 15:47

My One .i love you,LMAO.

with love n respect............guys are you aware some poor ppl they have some attitude,i still remember one time i bought clothes ko ackermans tjo this ppl they curse,i mean they gave me words.

i love kids i will do anything for them.

PS: i want to start something in SA were business women or everyone  will give back to kids every month.

27 Nov 2009 15:58

1 & O i dont like it when i cant read your comments. Can you write in English please

27 Nov 2009 16:04

@cande ,are charity bigins at home,are o thole motho a batla go thusa batho ba kontle maara apalla ke mmae le ntatae,leditlogolo le ditlogolwana.

27 Nov 2009 16:09

i dont think his insulting, he talks some fact,

27 Nov 2009 16:48

Nice where do u go 2 church?myb we cn talk iv gt stuff 2 gv away bt ws gna take thm 2 rhema,

29 Nov 2009 23:40

Gotta luv 1nOnly,dnt care what they say bt u do make a lot of sense most times bt in ur own kinda way n yes what u said is 100% true n biblical.

30 Nov 2009 08:41

ok, i did not read te blog (sue me-lol)
but his is what i have done- i bought a child a dress for graduation at creche(and it is not my child)
i am going to buy another one christmas clothes (still not mine)
and i have just realised i dont buy mine christmas clothes 

but i buy at least one child clothes. the one i bought for last year will not get because she is sorted

30 Nov 2009 09:35

will do that BA 
I will be going to Lesotho for christmas and i will take everything and will give to kids and teens ko hae

really this touch me 
God bless you BA for the heart that you have

30 Nov 2009 09:55

Will definately give BA.

30 Nov 2009 10:00

Came here to thank my angel. She really went out of her way to come and help, and she was such a sweety the whole time. Did not complain, and not fussy about what she eats. She said something about what goes in your mouth is unlikely to kill you, yeah cant remeber it well but it was along those lines.

Thank you very much BA, and may God continue to bless you abundantly. I cant thank you enough for what you did and for reminding us why we are doing this.

04 Dec 2009 14:51

Nice ... thanks dear ... im sorry im only coming here now .. things are a bit hectic at work.

04 Dec 2009 15:00

Reply from: Cande 11/27/2009 9:58:35 PM

1 & O i dont like it when i cant read your comments. Can you write in English please

He is simple saying that charity begins at home, people will make sure that they help the people they don't know whilst they can't help their own brothers, sisters, or relatives. They will make themselves look like izikhokho whilst their relatives houses have holes on the roof and fail to fix them or to help with a loaf of bread.

Please feel free to correct me if l am wrong One.

04 Dec 2009 15:37

this is such a wide awakening, for atleast 3years we've been lookin for my mamncanes child who got lost. my ncane died so we found the baby boy...eish guyz he had blisters all over his body, at work they give us vouchers for our kids christmas gifts. so i thought maybe i should take him in. im so heart sore....and yes charity does begin at home............thanks BA

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