Green Wing

Genres: Comedy



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Season 2

Green Wing is a one-hour British television comedy series created by Victoria Pile and set in the fictional East Hampton Hospital Trust.

Although set in a hospital there are no medical storylines; the action is produced by a series of soap opera and Commedia dell'arte-style twists and turns in the personal lives of the characters.

The series originally aired in the UK on Channel 4 from 3 September 2004 - 4 January 2007. There are 17 episodes in two seasons, as well as one 90-minute special.

Green Wing premiered in South Africa on DStv's BBC Prime channel on Tuesday 14 August 2007, at 20h30.

Season 2 premieres on Tuesday 29 January 2008, at 20h30. Episodes are aired on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 20h30, with repeats on both nights at 23h30.

Series Synopsis

Green Wing is part surreal soap, part innovative comedy drama. The plot revolves around the lives of the staff of the East Hampton Hospital Trust, an NHS hospital with staff ranging from the slightly unusual to the completely bizarre.

Despite a general lack of medical attention, Green Wing follows new surgical registrar Dr Caroline Todd through her first day at work and beyond, starting out as she means to go on - dishevelled and under-deodorised having spent the night in her car.

Apart from the idiosyncratic Dr. Caroline Todd, there’s a host of other bizarre characters - Dr McCartney, the fop-haired, wise-cracking heartthrob; the lustful love god Guy Secretan; Dr. Alan Statham, a stammering neurotic; the tyrannical, age-obsessed Joanna Clore; and the terrifyingly unpredictable staff liaison officer Sue White.

Season 2 Synopsis

Eight weeks after the incident with the ambulance, Mac is in a coma and Guy has been suspended from his job. Caroline is spending too much time with Mac, in Sue's opinion, and tries to stop her from seeing him.

During his coma, Sue steals some of Mac's semen to make herself pregnant. Mac then comes out of his coma, but is suffering from memory loss and cannot remember his newfound love for Caroline.

Angela soon leaves the hospital in order to take a career in television. With Angela gone, Guy becomes Caroline's new lodger.

Alan and Joanna are still having problems, though Martin and Karen seem to be getting along well. Martin then decides to leave Karen, and Joanna then tries to pull Lyndon again.

However, Lyndon avoids this by saying he is dating Harriet. After a date, Harriet feels uncomfortable with the relationship and leaves him, but soon her husband Ian dumps her for having the affair.

Just when Caroline thinks she has managed to win Mac back, his former girlfriend Holly returns to the hospital, to replace Angela. Things become even worse when it is discovered that she never had the abortion that was the cause of Mac and Holly's breakup years ago, and that Mac has a son.

Caroline distances herself from Mac, and Guy starts to fall in love with her. Caroline however seems to have feelings for Jake Leaf, a complementary therapist.

Guy takes actions into his own hands and throws a Swiss army knife into Jake's head. Sue then discovers that Holly is lying, that Mac is not her son's father after all.

Holly leaves the hospital. Caroline dumps Jake and then tries to impress Mac again.

When Alan becomes unusually happy after winning an internet caption competition, Joanna plans to make him upset again. Using her dwarf cousin, she plans to scare him. The plan backfires when Alan is so scared, he beats Joanna's cousin to death with a stuffed heron.

Alan and Joanna throw the body into the incinerator, but become paranoid that they will be discovered. Alan however learns from Boyce that the death is being viewed as a suicide, so Alan and Joanna go on a rampage, thinking themselves above the law.

After the death of a patient who offers them wise advice, Guy, Mac and Martin all decide to propose to Caroline. She rejects Martin, considers the offer from Guy, and Mac appears to be unable to form a proposal.

Caroline then learns that Mac wants to meet her at the train station, but when she arrives, it is Guy who turns up. Mac is still at the hospital, where he learns that he is going to die. Caroline then accepts Guy's proposal of marriage.

Meanwhile in the HR department, Karen is sitting on a windowsill, due to her fear of clangers. Whilst sitting there, Rachel opens the window behind her, and causes Karen to fall out. However, no one seems to notice.

The police arrive at the hospital. Alan and Joanna believe that they will be arrested, and with Boyce's help escape from the hospital. Alan and Joanna then escape in a camper van, with Alan becoming increasingly unstable.

When it is discovered that Martin is riding in the back, Alan then drives into a field, and nearly drives the camper van over the same cliff that Martin was teetering over at the end of the first season.

Season 2 Cast


Dr. Alan Statham

Dr. Angela Hunter

Dr. Caroline Todd

Dr. Guy Secretan

Dr. Mac McCartney

Dr. Martin Dear

Joanna Clore

Sue White

Harriet Schulenburg

Lyndon Jones


Holly Hawkes

Jake Leaf


Poetry Woman


Voice Coach


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